Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: subwoofer12 on January 13, 2016, 06:33:51 PM

Title: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on January 13, 2016, 06:33:51 PM
Taking a poll of BitcoinTalk because I'm curious who the forum's favorite candidate is (If you aren't American still feel free to take part)

In 2012 I voted for Gary Johnson, I'll also be voting for him again this year Might be voting for Cruz instead (  :D

OnTheIssues links:

Gary Johnson (
Rand Paul (
Ted Cruz (
Donald Trump (
Hillary Clinton (
Bernie Sanders (
Marco Rubio (
John Kasich (

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: ACAB on January 13, 2016, 11:23:11 PM
For Republicans of course it's Donald Trump. If you go with him in the elections everybody %100 sure about Hillary Clinton win the elections. Just support Trump for his Republican presidency candidate run and see the effect.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: vero on January 14, 2016, 03:17:01 AM
Most of the top candidates have been bought and paid for by Corporate money and Koch money. Americans know this and want someone who is not beholden to wealthy interests. They know that once these beholden politicians get in office, they work for the benefit of the top 1%, So for now they have turned to Bernie Sanders and Trump.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: bryant.coleman on January 14, 2016, 06:10:13 AM
As the United States is having a two party system, there are only two real choices - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Hillary would be the worst person for the job, not only for the Americans but for the citizens of the other countries as well. So I would prefer Donald Trump winning the race, although I don't agree 100% with his policies.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: xht on January 14, 2016, 01:54:32 PM
The Bush name must still have considerable pull among organizers because Jeb Bush should be not be on the upcoming prime time debate, He belongs at the kiddie table or better still out of race.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: QuestionAuthority on January 14, 2016, 03:43:46 PM
I'm voting for Donald Duck Trump. I'm not aligned with either of the two fascist parties but will vote for him. I can't stand what the US has become over the last 50 years or so and he seems to have the best ability to carry on the destruction of the USA.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: BADecker on January 14, 2016, 04:13:45 PM
Until we get a candidate that supports the things listed at, voting isn't worth the time it takes to register.


Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Lituation on January 14, 2016, 09:10:06 PM
I don't believe any of the candidates, I think we'll globally see a chaos for next 4 years. We'll surely miss President Obama. Republican or Democrat we are going back to the Bush, Reagan era and that's not good for anybody.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on January 15, 2016, 04:58:39 AM
Until we get a candidate that supports

1. Get rid of the income tax and don't replace it with anything;
2. Get rid of 90% of domestic business regulation;
3. Get rid of ALL victimless prosecution;
4. Repeal all laws that make anything that we do on our own private residence illegal as long as it doesn't clearly harm someone;
5. Open up 90% of government lands to homesteading.

voting isn't worth the time it takes to register.

I'd like to see the electoral college abolished, you ever seen the bullshit that happened with Perot (,_1992)? Look at how many electoral votes he won. LMAO

If you want to abolish the income tax, would you want to keep the other taxes in place? Obviously taxes outright cannot be eliminated. My ideal candidate would support these things:

  • Abolish the entire tax code and replace it with a 10% flat personal consumption tax. No gift tax, no inheritance tax, no capital gains taxes, no corporation taxes.
  • Stop punishing those who commit victimless 'crimes'. End the war on drugs.
  • End all welfare programs, social safety nets, etc. Gradually phase out social security.
  • Non-interventionism. Stay the fuck out of the middle east unless a country poses a direct threat to the United States.
  • Pure Laissez-faire. No tariffs, no subsidies.
  • Ending foreign aid to all countries.
  • Presidential pardons for Manning, Snowden, and Assange

Btw, I'm really surprised Trump is winning, Thought for sure it would be Rand Paul on here :D

Main reasons I don't like Trump:  :P

Wants to further involvement in middle eastern affairs.
Doesn't support Laissez-faire economics.
Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy
Changes his stances based on popular opinion

In 1990, Trump called for legalizing all drugs. “We’re losing badly the war on drugs. You have to legalize drugs to win that war,” he said. “You have to take the profit away from these drug czars… What I’d like to do maybe by bringing it up is cause enough controversy that you get into a dialogue on the issue of drugs so people will start to realize that this is the only answer; there is no other answer.”

But at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference, Trump stated that he’s against the legalization of marijuana. “I think it’s bad, and I feel strongly about that,” he said. “They’ve got a lot of problems going on right now in Colorado, some big problems.”

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Anddos on January 16, 2016, 03:59:47 AM
Lol - I'd like to see Trump win - just to see what'll happen.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on January 16, 2016, 10:29:23 AM
Taking a poll of BitcoinTalk because I'm curious who the forum's favorite candidate is (If you aren't American still feel free to take part)

In 2012 I voted for Gary Johnson, I'll also be voting for him again this year  ;)

OnTheIssues links:

Gary Johnson (
Rand Paul (
Ted Cruz (
Donald Trump (
Hillary Clinton (
Bernie Sanders (

Even I had to vote in Donald Trump for my favorite canidate
It's entertaining to watch and you need to see what happens next.
At least its better than the fiasco that is the USA in my opinion something foreign injected into the US is a good thing XD

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: oHnK on January 16, 2016, 12:17:28 PM
I would like Donald Trump to win the presidential election, and would like to see would be what if the Americans led by Donald Trump.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on January 20, 2016, 06:55:36 PM
I would like Donald Trump to win the presidential election, and would like to see would be what if the Americans led by Donald Trump.

It's surprising how well he's doing this time around, his 2012 campaign failed miserably. He's been endorsed by Geert Wilders and even by Vladimir Putin.

I still don't like the guy because of the reasons ( I posted before.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: iCeSaiah on January 20, 2016, 11:44:10 PM
Most "popular" candidate is Trump. So im also waiting on how he would led the world by being the most powerful man in the world.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: bryant.coleman on January 21, 2016, 02:36:29 AM
It's surprising how well he's doing this time around, his 2012 campaign failed miserably. He's been endorsed by Geert Wilders and even by Vladimir Putin.

He never actively campaigned in 2012, before pulling out all together. And back then, Mitt Romney was too strong for any other Republican to offer a credible challenge. Also, in 2012 he got very little mainstream media coverage. But this time, he made some inflammatory comments in the very beginning, and got a lot of media attention.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: salinizm on January 21, 2016, 06:26:03 PM
Taking a poll of BitcoinTalk because I'm curious who the forum's favorite candidate is (If you aren't American still feel free to take part)

In 2012 I voted for Gary Johnson, I'll also be voting for him again this year  ;)

OnTheIssues links:

Gary Johnson (
Rand Paul (
Ted Cruz (
Donald Trump (
Hillary Clinton (
Bernie Sanders (

my favorite presidential candidate is hillary clinton ..

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: dayfall on January 21, 2016, 06:56:58 PM
Looks like I'll be putting up my Gary Johnson sign again.  

I must believe that people that select Trump don't know his stance on the issues.

Edit:  I don't even want to associate will you people anymore.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: galkix on January 22, 2016, 09:04:23 PM
Hillary Clinton is my favorite candidate because, of all the announced candidates, she is best qualified to be president. My least favorite is either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. If I have to choose, I will go with Donald Trump because he is not only not qualified to be president but he exhibits all the characteristics of a fascist

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: blazsqd on January 22, 2016, 09:05:25 PM
I like Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina. I like Trump's idea about the wall. I would also want to use radars to detect and blow up any under ground holes that the Cartel dug through in order to prevent them from coming into America

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: criptix on January 22, 2016, 09:19:16 PM
Looks like I'll be putting up my Gary Johnson sign again. 

I must believe that people that select Trump don't know his stance on the issues.

Edit:  I don't even want to associate will you people anymore.

that mob lol, somehow it didnt suprise me how trump supporter are like  :-\

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: QuestionAuthority on January 22, 2016, 09:36:33 PM
I like Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina. I like Trump's idea about the wall. I would also want to use radars to detect and blow up any under ground holes that the Cartel dug through in order to prevent them from coming into America

Yeah, you're not scary at all.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: bryant.coleman on January 23, 2016, 06:36:54 AM
Hillary Clinton is my favorite candidate because, of all the announced candidates, she is best qualified to be president.

So tell us a bit about her qualifications. As far as I know, her most important qualifications are these:

1. She is a hardcore liar:

2. She is very good in murdering people and then putting the blame on someone else:

3. She is very close to the big bankers and wall street giants:

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on January 27, 2016, 08:28:43 AM
Hillary Clinton is my favorite candidate because, of all the announced candidates, she is best qualified to be president.

So tell us a bit about her qualifications. As far as I know, her most important qualifications are these:

1. She is a hardcore liar:

2. She is very good in murdering people and then putting the blame on someone else:

3. She is very close to the big bankers and wall street giants:

I found some more of her qualifications:

2008 she shames Obama

2016 she fucking loves him

She can't even figure out how to wipe a server

Hillary would be the worst possible scenario.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on January 27, 2016, 08:42:33 AM
Again I'll praise Gary Johnson  :)

Commentator Andrew Sullivan quoted a claim that Johnson "is highly regarded in the state for his outstanding leadership during two terms as governor. He slashed the size of state government during his term and left the state with a large budget surplus." In an interview in Reason magazine in January 2001, Johnson's accomplishments in office were described as follows: "no tax increases in six years, a major road building program, shifting Medicaid to managed care, constructing two new private prisons, canning 1,200 state employees, and vetoing a record number of bills". According to one New Mexico paper, "Johnson left the state fiscally solid", and was "arguably the most popular governor of the decade… leaving the state with a $1 billion budget surplus." The Washington Times reported that when Johnson left office, "the size of state government had been substantially reduced and New Mexico was enjoying a large budget surplus."

According to a profile of Johnson in the National Review, "During his tenure, he vetoed more bills than the other 49 governors combined—750 in total, one third of which had been introduced by Republican legislators. Johnson also used his line-item-veto power thousands of times. He credits his heavy veto pen for eliminating New Mexico's budget deficit and cutting the growth rate of New Mexico's government in half." According to the Myrtle Beach Sun, Johnson "said his numerous vetoes, only two of which were overridden, stemmed from his philosophy of looking at all things for their cost–benefit ratio and his axe fell on Republicans as well as Democrats".

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Spendulus on January 27, 2016, 06:12:44 PM
Hillary Clinton is my favorite candidate because, of all the announced candidates, she is best qualified to be president.

So tell us a bit about her qualifications. As far as I know, her most important qualifications are these:

1. She is a hardcore liar:

2. She is very good in murdering people and then putting the blame on someone else:

3. She is very close to the big bankers and wall street giants:

I found some more of her qualifications:

2008 she shames Obama

2016 she fucking loves him

She can't even figure out how to wipe a server

Hillary would be the worst possible scenario.

Wait, so if she is so incompetent in so many ways, how is it that she is so good at murdering people and blaming it on others?

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on January 28, 2016, 09:11:40 AM
Wait, so if she is so incompetent in so many ways, how is it that she is so good at murdering people and blaming it on others?

She's incompetent to become president. She's very competent at lying and killing people.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: vero on January 28, 2016, 11:09:00 AM
Wait, so if she is so incompetent in so many ways, how is it that she is so good at murdering people and blaming it on others?

She's incompetent to become president. She's very competent at lying and killing people.
hillary Clinton will not be president And only Obama will be able to keep her, some of her aides and the IT tech who did not have security clearance to maintain Clinton's server out of prison.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Spendulus on January 28, 2016, 01:44:53 PM
Wait, so if she is so incompetent in so many ways, how is it that she is so good at murdering people and blaming it on others?

She's incompetent to become president. She's very competent at lying and killing people.
hillary Clinton will not be president And only Obama will be able to keep her, some of her aides and the IT tech who did not have security clearance to maintain Clinton's server out of prison.

Certainly for the right payoff Obama can pardon and all her associates.   

When I talk to friends who are Democrat, they seem to be totally unaware of the email server thing or view it as a republican plot.  It's not going to stop them from voting for her.

But independents and young people who were enthusiastic about Obama, they will NOT see her as someone to be enthusiastic about.

Because she's not pretty, doesn't have a good speaking voice, doesn't resonate with the crowds.  There won't be any "Obama Girl" meme for Hillary (or Saunders).

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: freemind1 on January 29, 2016, 12:29:25 PM
Hopefully not Mr. Donald Trump, but to be honest Mrs. Hillary Clinton just not convinced me. The other candidates I do not talk because I have no opinion on them.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on February 03, 2016, 05:39:52 PM
Added Marco Rubio to the poll, because of his results in the Iowa caucus

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: arbitrage on February 04, 2016, 11:31:52 AM
Hillary Clinton will be first woman president of America it is clear.
Shadow government just playing with your emotions about human and women rights..

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on February 15, 2016, 07:28:01 AM
Hillary Clinton will be first woman president of America it is clear.
Shadow government just playing with your emotions about human and women rights..

I highly doubt another Democrat will get to hold the office for 4 more years. I do, however, believe Hillary will win her party's nomination.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 15, 2016, 06:11:03 PM
I highly doubt another Democrat will get to hold the office for 4 more years. I do, however, believe Hillary will win her party's nomination.

It will be easy for her, if Trump wins the GOP nomination. Trump as the GOP candidate will trigger a counter-polarization among the Mexicans and the African Americans in favor of Hillary. Add in the radical feminists, LGBTs and the Jews. It will be extremely hard for Trump to win the race. And regarding the democrat nomination, Sanders is having no chance against all those super-delegates.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: hugoworld on February 15, 2016, 06:43:28 PM
As the United States is having a two party system, there are only two real choices - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Hillary would be the worst person for the job, not only for the Americans but for the citizens of the other countries as well. So I would prefer Donald Trump winning the race, although I don't agree 100% with his policies.

you are totally wrong.. if trump is elected , it will be the worst thing to usa.. trump is a child of satan..

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: ekoice on February 15, 2016, 06:47:26 PM
Mr. Donald trump is some how interesting candidate and talk more about facts and figures and tries to accommodate people by explaining bout public rights and benefits.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: McDonalds5 on February 15, 2016, 06:48:52 PM
Trump 2016, Kanye 2020.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on February 18, 2016, 07:49:43 AM
trump is a child of satan..

Well, I wouldn't go as far as calling him that, lol.

What don't you like about him? I already explained earlier my reasons.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: xslugx on February 18, 2016, 11:52:35 AM
I highly doubt another Democrat will get to hold the office for 4 more years. I do, however, believe Hillary will win her party's nomination.

It will be easy for her, if Trump wins the GOP nomination. Trump as the GOP candidate will trigger a counter-polarization among the Mexicans and the African Americans in favor of Hillary. Add in the radical feminists, LGBTs and the Jews. It will be extremely hard for Trump to win the race. And regarding the democrat nomination, Sanders is having no chance against all those super-delegates.

As a non American I don't know everything, but couldn't Bernie Sanders get a ride too? He seems like the only decent candidate in the whole America!

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: adverbelly on February 18, 2016, 05:20:58 PM
Hillary Clinton is my favorite candidate because, of all the announced candidates, she is best qualified to be president. My least favorite is either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. If I have to choose, I will go with Donald Trump because he is not only not qualified to be president but he exhibits all the characteristics of a fascist

we share same ideas.. hillary is the best.. i detest all the rest... :)

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: mikehersh2 on February 18, 2016, 07:34:15 PM
As of now, i am not fond of any of the candidates. However, i am most impressed with Donald Trump because of how he handled the criticism in the begining of his campaign. He is now an influental figure in the run for presidency, and is no longer a joke

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Moloch on February 18, 2016, 08:12:31 PM
As of now, i am not fond of any of the candidates. However, i am most impressed with Donald Trump because of how he handled the criticism in the begining of his campaign. He is now an influental figure in the run for presidency, and is no longer a joke

Trump is as much of a joke as Arnold Schwarzenegger running for governor... he didn't know anything about politics, and passed some really stupid/uninformed laws because he had no clue what he was doing...

Do you know any of Trump's policies?

He doesn't normally talk about them... because he doesn't have any... he's running on the platform of hatemonger...

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: QuestionAuthority on February 18, 2016, 11:02:30 PM
As of now, i am not fond of any of the candidates. However, i am most impressed with Donald Trump because of how he handled the criticism in the begining of his campaign. He is now an influental figure in the run for presidency, and is no longer a joke

Trump is as much of a joke as Arnold Schwarzenegger running for governor... he didn't know anything about politics, and passed some really stupid/uninformed laws because he had no clue what he was doing...

Do you know any of Trump's policies?

He doesn't normally talk about them... because he doesn't have any... he's running on the platform of hatemonger...

He could end up winning then. Americans are hatemongers.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: hardtime on February 18, 2016, 11:04:06 PM
Mine is going to be Donald Trump, even though most people are going to hate me for saying it I still think he has the balls to run the US. Even if he's a bit crazy, a lot crazy actually.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Moloch on February 18, 2016, 11:05:22 PM
As of now, i am not fond of any of the candidates. However, i am most impressed with Donald Trump because of how he handled the criticism in the begining of his campaign. He is now an influental figure in the run for presidency, and is no longer a joke

Trump is as much of a joke as Arnold Schwarzenegger running for governor... he didn't know anything about politics, and passed some really stupid/uninformed laws because he had no clue what he was doing...

Do you know any of Trump's policies?

He doesn't normally talk about them... because he doesn't have any... he's running on the platform of hatemonger...

He could end up winning then. Americans are hatemongers.

That is what he is counting on, given the statements he has made about Mexicans, Muslims, et al

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on February 19, 2016, 10:32:47 AM
Mine is going to be Donald Trump, even though most people are going to hate me for saying it I still think he has the balls to run the US. Even if he's a bit crazy, a lot crazy actually.

I don't know what he's thinking lately... He's threatening to run as an independent, which would result in the Republican vote being split and Clinton winning the election.

Trump himself even mentioned this about the 1992 election:

Quote from: Donald Trump
I think every single vote that went to Ross Perot came from [George H.W.] Bush…Virtually every one of his 19 percentage points came from the Republicans. If Ross Perot didn't run, you would have never heard of Bill Clinton.

But now he's crying about Ted Cruz (

In his defense though, Cruz's ad ( was a bit over the top IMO

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 22, 2016, 10:43:08 AM
Trump himself even mentioned this about the 1992 election:

Quote from: Donald Trump
I think every single vote that went to Ross Perot came from [George H.W.] Bush…Virtually every one of his 19 percentage points came from the Republicans. If Ross Perot didn't run, you would have never heard of Bill Clinton.

But now he's crying about Ted Cruz (

In his defense though, Cruz's ad ( was a bit over the top IMO

Check this one:

Had Bush won 65% of the vote which went to Perot, then he would have beaten Bill Clinton. But the question is whether that many votes which went to Perot were originally from the GOP sympathizers, or not.

And take a look at this analysis:

According to it, Clinton would have won by 281 to 257, had Perot not in the race.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: McDonalds5 on February 22, 2016, 11:10:37 AM
Bernie Sanders is for kids who live in a liberal dreamworld. 

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: QuestionAuthority on February 22, 2016, 12:23:18 PM
Bernie Sanders is for kids who live in a liberal dreamworld. 

No, that's Ron & Rand Paul. Bernie Sanders is for lunatics that want 50% of their income to go to taxes to pay for lazy people to stay home instead of working for a living. Democrat nutjobbers are ridiculous. Why free healthcare? I've been working for 40 years and never been without healthcare. You know why? Because I've been working for 40 years. Obamacare only made insurance companies and big pharma more powerful and rich so that lazy fuckers could be supported by the productive members of society.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: UNOE on February 22, 2016, 04:57:51 PM
Hillary Clinton is my favorite
If we face the reality of systemic racism, we can begin to reform our broken criminal justice & immigration systems

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: morantis on February 22, 2016, 05:00:09 PM
Hillary Clinton is my favorite
If we face the reality of systemic racism, we can begin to reform our broken criminal justice & immigration systems

How do you feel about the fact that she had to abandon her job as Secretary of State to take up campaigning?  Perhaps if we make her president and something better comes along she can abandon that post too.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: salinizm on February 22, 2016, 07:26:04 PM
Hillary Clinton is my favorite candidate because, of all the announced candidates, she is best qualified to be president. My least favorite is either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. If I have to choose, I will go with Donald Trump because he is not only not qualified to be president but he exhibits all the characteristics of a fascist

yes, you explained all my feeling over this topic.. i choose hillary for presidency too..

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 09:33:29 PM
I like none of them. They're all too leftist for me and not as rightist as I would like.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 10:19:03 PM
Hillary Clinton is my favorite candidate because, of all the announced candidates, she is best qualified to be president. My least favorite is either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. If I have to choose, I will go with Donald Trump because he is not only not qualified to be president but he exhibits all the characteristics of a fascist

yes, you explained all my feeling over this topic.. i choose hillary for presidency too..

Wow, really?  I always wondered how stupid a person would have to be to vote for Hillary... She is the worst option since... ever...

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: QuestionAuthority on February 23, 2016, 01:17:16 AM
Hillary Clinton is my favorite candidate because, of all the announced candidates, she is best qualified to be president. My least favorite is either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. If I have to choose, I will go with Donald Trump because he is not only not qualified to be president but he exhibits all the characteristics of a fascist

yes, you explained all my feeling over this topic.. i choose hillary for presidency too..

Wow, really?  I always wondered how stupid a person would have to be to vote for Hillary... She is the worst option since... ever...

The worst ever? Even worse than the self serving businessman Donald Duck?

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 02:00:00 AM
The worst ever? Even worse than the self serving businessman Donald Duck?

Yes. Hitlery Clinton will be the worst ever option, even if the other choices are Kim Jong Un and Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. The reason being, she will single-handedly initiate a world war 3, and thereby exterminate the human race from earth. She will be bad for the Americans, and even worse for the citizens of rest of the world.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: noormcs5 on February 23, 2016, 04:27:00 AM
Hillary clinton will be new president of USA. make my words

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: arbitrage on February 23, 2016, 01:17:55 PM
As the United States is having a two party system, there are only two real choices - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Hillary would be the worst person for the job, not only for the Americans but for the citizens of the other countries as well. So I would prefer Donald Trump winning the race, although I don't agree 100% with his policies.
But i have strong feeling next president of America must be a woman.
This is just the way how must be. I really don't know if people are choosing something here at all.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: bitbunnny on February 23, 2016, 01:23:35 PM
It suprises me every time how Donald Trump gets such a big support. I don't think that he is the right person for this position, but people often say that every nation has a governement/president that they deserve, so...
To my opinion, maybe America needs a woman this time.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: QuestionAuthority on February 23, 2016, 01:41:26 PM
It suprises me every time how Donald Trump gets such a big support. I don't think that he is the right person for this position, but people often say that every nation has a governement/president that they deserve, so...
To my opinion, maybe America needs a woman this time.

Women are wonderful sweet, caring, sensitive creatures that care about humanity. They offset the harsh, cruel, selfish and self serving nature of men. Hillary Clinton is not a woman. She's a man with her testicles on the inside.

You are right about one thing. Americans deserve the loony candidates they have to choose from. I recently had a discussion with a republican about his support for Donald Trump. During the discussion, when it appeared he was losing the argument, he paused and said it didn't matter who was elected anyway because God was controlling the country as evidenced by our continued superiority and success. O-o Americans are truly insane.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: electronicash on February 23, 2016, 01:48:37 PM
And trump is the winner!
Can't believe he will but yeah he might just be the next president. God knows what he can do.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: eon89 on February 23, 2016, 01:50:26 PM
You all love Trump so much. I just hope he'll be the next president. What fun we'll have. If not else, I'm sure we'll have a lot of laughs.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 01:52:32 PM
But i have strong feeling next president of America must be a woman.
This is just the way how must be. I really don't know if people are choosing something here at all.

Trust me. Hillary Clinton as the POTUS will be more negative to the women than positive. If you want a woman as the POTUS, then why not Meg Whitman or Carly Fiorina? Hitlery will only bring bad name and disrepute to the women, as she is a warmonger and psychopath. That said, IMO no one should become POTUS just because of their gender or race.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: eon89 on February 23, 2016, 01:53:50 PM
An african american, then a woman. What will be next? A transgender woman?

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: QuestionAuthority on February 23, 2016, 01:59:33 PM
MSNBC's Roberts: Republicans Want To Stop Women From Voting

Is the Texas GOP Trying to Keep Women From Voting?

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: xslugx on February 23, 2016, 02:11:39 PM
Wow there is a huge Trumping majority here.

Aren't bitcoiners supposed to be a bit against the system? ::)

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: nickenburg on February 23, 2016, 02:15:07 PM
Yeh why would you vote trump, he just is like every other politician.
He just shouts what people want to hear and they all stand behind him.

But will he really make America great again?

Bernie sanders isn't the solution either because he wants to increase the debt to make everything free..

My vote goes to Ted Cruz even tho im not a American :P

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 02:16:39 PM
An african american, then a woman. What will be next? A transgender woman?

It is possible. Bruce Jenner became Caitlyn Marie Jenner, and he was showered with awards and accolades. He was named Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating Person of 2015. It is very much possible that Jeb Bush might follow the example set by Bruce. He can get himself a sex-change surgery, call himself Jessica Bush, and enroll for the Democrat primaries in 2020.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: arbitrage on February 23, 2016, 02:28:04 PM
Trust me. Hillary Clinton as the POTUS will be more negative to the women than positive. If you want a woman as the POTUS, then why not Meg Whitman or Carly Fiorina? Hitlery will only bring bad name and disrepute to the women, as she is a warmonger and psychopath. That said, IMO no one should become POTUS just because of their gender or race.
I believe US is governed by shadow government so whoever wins it is all the same.
Their foreign policy is all the same no matter what. Constant spreading of democracy and people's rights, with military actions.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: n0ne on February 23, 2016, 02:47:18 PM
I like Hilary Clinton as she has got all qualities to be a leader than most other candidates. The reason for not supporting Trump, he is trying to discriminate people who has been a part of America's growth.

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Losvienleg on February 23, 2016, 03:30:20 PM
An african american, then a woman. What will be next? A transgender woman?

It is possible. Bruce Jenner became Caitlyn Marie Jenner, and he was showered with awards and accolades. He was named Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating Person of 2015. It is very much possible that Jeb Bush might follow the example set by Bruce. He can get himself a sex-change surgery, call himself Jessica Bush, and enroll for the Democrat primaries in 2020.

This is another error that shouldn't exist ? What the fuck goes in America ? Why did no one shot him yet, and better, burned him still in life ?

I took my decision. I'm for Hillary Clinton ! That's the candidat that I'm the most opposed to, but if he ever get elected, what will going on nest promise to be funny :D !

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on March 02, 2016, 09:34:44 PM
he paused and said it didn't matter who was elected anyway because God was controlling the country as evidenced by our continued superiority and success.

These unelected faggots ( are the ones in control

Do you know any of Trump's policies?

He doesn't normally talk about them... because he doesn't have any... he's running on the platform of hatemonger...

Americans care more about entertainment than candidates stances, which is sad.. I totally agree Trump hardly even has a platform, he'll do anything to win. He does not care

Perfect parody ad

Wow, really?  I always wondered how stupid a person would have to be to vote for Hillary... She is the worst option since... ever...


Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on March 02, 2016, 09:42:07 PM
Also.. I honestly can't understand how people just turn a blind eye to the shit Trump said in the past

Seriously.. If something like this ( came up about any other candidate their campaign would be over.

Yet now it appears he's set to be the Republican nominee

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: Spendulus on March 02, 2016, 10:21:19 PM
Also.. I honestly can't understand how people just turn a blind eye to the shit Trump said in the past

Seriously.. If something like this ( came up about any other candidate their campaign would be over.

Yet now it appears he's set to be the Republican nominee
It's quite interesting.  You are correct.  None of the typical crap people throw out fazes him one bit.

Might be a good character trait in a POTUS.

Ya Think?

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: subwoofer12 on March 03, 2016, 02:03:53 AM
Also.. I honestly can't understand how people just turn a blind eye to the shit Trump said in the past

Seriously.. If something like this ( came up about any other candidate their campaign would be over.

Yet now it appears he's set to be the Republican nominee
It's quite interesting.  You are correct.  None of the typical crap people throw out fazes him one bit.

Might be a good character trait in a POTUS.

Ya Think?

Perhaps.. But the reason I don't like him is that he doesn't have any solid stances on issues. He's always cautious to make sure everything he says is vague.

Oh and he flip flops worse than Romney

  • 2005: Congratulated Elton John on his gay marriage
    2016: Against both gay marriages and civil unions

  • 2002: Told Howard Stern that he agreed with the invasion of Iraq
    2016: Claimed he has never in his life supported the invasion

  • 1990: War on drugs is failing. Solution- Legalize all recreational drugs
    2015: All drugs should be illegal. Against marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes
    2016: Changes his mind again, Now supports marijuana but only medical

  • 1999: Supports Abortion (including partial birth abortions)
    2016: Completely against Roe v. Wade

Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
Post by: bryant.coleman on March 03, 2016, 02:16:46 AM
    • 2005: Congratulated Elton John on his gay marriage
      2016: Against both gay marriages and civil unions

    • 2002: Told Howard Stern that he agreed with the invasion of Iraq
      2016: Claimed he has never in his life supported the invasion

    • 1990: War on drugs is failing. Solution- Legalize all recreational drugs
      2015: All drugs should be illegal. Against marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes
      2016: Changes his mind again, Now supports marijuana but only medical

    • 1999: Supports Abortion (including partial birth abortions)
      2016: Completely against Roe v. Wade

    How congratulating someone on the occasion of his marriage can be taken as a proof for a blanket endorsement of Sodomite marriage? Knowing Trump very well, I wouldn't be surprised even if the "congratulations" were satirical. And regarding the legalization of marijuana, as long as the GOP rank and file remains opposed to it, he won't be able to support the measure.

    And I am curious that so many people concentrate on the few flip-flops done by Trump, but at the same time never mentions about those done by Hitlery.

    Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
    Post by: QuestionAuthority on March 03, 2016, 02:26:28 AM
      • 2005: Congratulated Elton John on his gay marriage
        2016: Against both gay marriages and civil unions

      • 2002: Told Howard Stern that he agreed with the invasion of Iraq
        2016: Claimed he has never in his life supported the invasion

      • 1990: War on drugs is failing. Solution- Legalize all recreational drugs
        2015: All drugs should be illegal. Against marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes
        2016: Changes his mind again, Now supports marijuana but only medical

      • 1999: Supports Abortion (including partial birth abortions)
        2016: Completely against Roe v. Wade


      How congratulating someone on the occasion of his marriage can be taken as a proof for a blanket endorsement of Sodomite marriage? Knowing Trump very well, I wouldn't be surprised even if the "congratulations" were satirical. And regarding the legalization of marijuana, as long as the GOP rank and file remains opposed to it, he won't be able to support the measure.

      And I am curious that so many people concentrate on the few flip-flops done by Trump, but at the same time never mentions about those done by Hitlery.

      Yep, isn't it amazing how she has seen what Bernie Sanders is saying works so now she is parroting everything he believes in as if it was her own.

      Polly want a stupid southern cracka for president.

      Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
      Post by: subwoofer12 on March 03, 2016, 03:48:04 AM
      And I am curious that so many people concentrate on the few flip-flops done by Trump, but at the same time never mentions about those done by Hitlery.

      Why are you implying that I support Hillary? Look what I wrote just a few posts earlier

      I found some more of her qualifications:

      2008 she shames Obama

      2016 she fucking loves him

      She can't even figure out how to wipe a server

      Hillary would be the worst possible scenario.

      I can't stand either of those clowns, but I'd prefer Trump over Hillary.

      Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
      Post by: designerusa on March 03, 2016, 05:18:17 AM
      Wow there is a huge Trumping majority here.

      Aren't bitcoiners supposed to be a bit against the system? ::)

      yes, they should have been the best opponent of the system but not .. maybe, society push them to be like them who knows ? but for sure, if we can resist the society, this world will be a good place to live in..

      Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
      Post by: subwoofer12 on March 08, 2016, 11:38:36 PM
      Got my vote in (

      Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
      Post by: techgeek on March 09, 2016, 02:11:04 AM
      Wow there is a huge Trumping majority here.

      Aren't bitcoiners supposed to be a bit against the system? ::)

      yes, they should have been the best opponent of the system but not .. maybe, society push them to be like them who knows ? but for sure, if we can resist the society, this world will be a good place to live in..

      society fails then lol.

      trump has so many issues with his approach on things.. just because he was a successful business man doesnt get him a law degree saying im a potential presidential candidate.

      the system is already broken as it is..

      Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
      Post by: subSTRATA on March 09, 2016, 07:17:59 AM
      Wow there is a huge Trumping majority here.

      Aren't bitcoiners supposed to be a bit against the system? ::)

      yes, they should have been the best opponent of the system but not .. maybe, society push them to be like them who knows ? but for sure, if we can resist the society, this world will be a good place to live in..

      society fails then lol.

      trump has so many issues with his approach on things.. just because he was a successful business man doesnt get him a law degree saying im a potential presidential candidate.

      the system is already broken as it is..
      the fact that trump gets this much support pretty much because hes 'anti - establishment' without any great elaboration or experience with policy is a huge show of the progressing failure of american society itself.

      Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
      Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 09, 2016, 10:34:23 AM
      Wow there is a huge Trumping majority here.

      Aren't bitcoiners supposed to be a bit against the system? ::)

      The system being a uni cartel between the Democrats and the Republicans you mean.
      Trump is a cog that's thrown in there to break the Super PAC's and make America not a giant donor bucket where the person with the biggest wads of cash win nearly 100% of the time.

      RIP Bush and his 100 Million + Dollars Super-Pac.
      Either way I like a Maverick more than a Cog, wildcards make life all the more exciting he-he besides a brokered convention could be fun.

      Title: Re: Favorite presidential candidate
      Post by: subwoofer12 on March 10, 2016, 05:39:39 PM
      Wow there is a huge Trumping majority here.

      Aren't bitcoiners supposed to be a bit against the system? ::)

      The system being a uni cartel between the Democrats and the Republicans you mean.
      Trump is a cog that's thrown in there to break the Super PAC's and make America not a giant donor bucket where the person with the biggest wads of cash win nearly 100% of the time.

      RIP Bush and his 100 Million + Dollars Super-Pac.
      Either way I like a Maverick more than a Cog, wildcards make life all the more exciting he-he besides a brokered convention could be fun.

      I've thrown my support behind Cruz, he's the most Libertarian oriented, namely he wants to eliminate over 30 federal programs (fine by me  ;) )

      1 Appalachian Regional Commission
      2 Climate Ready Water Utilities Initiative
      3 Climate Research Funding for the Office of Research and Development
      4 Climate Resilience Evaluation Awareness Tool
      5 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
      6 Corporation for Public Broadcasting (privatize)
      7 Corporation for Travel Promotion
      8 Department of Commerce
      9 Department of Education
      10 Department of Energy
      11 Department of Housing and Urban Development
      12 Global Methane Initiative
      13 Green Infrastructure Program
      14 Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
      15 Internal Revenue Service
      16 Legal Services Corporation
      17 National Endowment for the Arts
      18 National Endowment for the Humanities
      19 New Starts Transit Program
      20 Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
      21 Presidential Election Campaign Fund
      22 Regulation of CO2 Emissions from Power Plants and all Sources
      23 Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Vehicles
      24 Renewable Fuel Standard Federal Mandates
      25 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
      26 Sugar Subsidies
      27 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery
      28 UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
      29 UN Population Fund
      30 USDA Catfish Inspection Program