Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: MicroGuy on January 19, 2016, 02:28:53 PM

Title: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: MicroGuy on January 19, 2016, 02:28:53 PM
Looks like the mainstream establishment media has gone into full-spin anti-bitcoin mode! Would love to hear your comments on this article published just 2 hours ago! :-\



"Not long ago, venture capitalists were talking about how Bitcoin was going to transform the global currency system and render governments powerless to police monetary transactions.  Now the cryptocurrency is fighting for survival.  The reality came to light on Jan. 14, when its influential developer, Mike Hearn, declared Bitcoin a failure and disclosed that he had sold all of his Bitcoins.  The price of Bitcoin fell 10 percent in a single day on the news, a sad result for those who are losing money on it.

Bitcoin did have great potential, but it is damaged beyond repair.  A replacement is badly needed.

Most currency and transaction systems today are opaque, inefficient, and expensive.  Take the North American Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ, as an example.  It is amongst the most technologically advanced in the world.  Yet if I buy or sell a share of Facebook on the NASDAQ, I have to wait several days for the trade to finalize and clear.  This is unacceptable; it should take milliseconds.

In Venezuela, citizens wishing to buy anything of value on supermarket shelves wait all day in lines to do so, because hyperinflation causes the paper currencies in their pockets to lose significant value every day.  When migrant workers there send money back to their families in places such as Mexico, India, and Africa, they are gouged by money-transfer companies—paying as much as 5–12 percent in fees.  And even in the United States, payment processors and credit-card companies collect merchant fees of 1–2.5 percent of the value of every transaction.  This is a burden on the economy.

Bitcoin was born with serious flaws.  It was unregulated and provided anonymity, so it rapidly became a haven for drug dealers and anarchists.  Its price fluctuated wildly, allowing for crazy speculation.  And, with the majority of Bitcoin being owned by the small group that started promoting it, it has been compared to a Ponzi scheme.  Exchanges built on top of it also had severe security vulnerabilities.  And then there were the venture capitalists who got carried away.  Several of them purchased considerable coinage and then began to hype it as a powerful disruption that could underpin all manner of financial innovation, from mobile banking to borderless, instant money transfers.  They also poured millions of dollars into Bitcoin start-ups hoping to reap even greater fortunes.

But Bitcoin was not ready for primetime.  Hearn’s criticism has laid bare the nightmarish reality—a list of negatives that is both long and frightening."

Full Story:


I think we need to start taking this media coverage seriously and start demanding that core clean up its act.

While employed at Credit Suisse First Boston, the banking firm invested over $150 million dollars on a project Vivek Wadhwa was working on.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: 7788bitcoin on January 19, 2016, 02:43:06 PM
Time will tell... These kind of articles have been around since many years ago, and they mean nothing to the growth of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: robelneo on January 19, 2016, 02:55:40 PM
So many news about the dead of bitcoin but price still at $380 mark as of this writing if it is dead then we don't have business posting here and the price of bitcoin should have drop to $100 still at a normal growth space although the major obstacles has impede it's growth,still it's business as usual for us..

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: CuntChocula on January 19, 2016, 03:04:15 PM
So many news about the dead of bitcoin but price still at $380 mark as of this writing if it is dead then we don't have business posting here and the price of bitcoin should have drop to $100 still at a normal growth space although the major obstacles has impede it's growth,still it's business as usual for us..

You don't understand how slowly the markets work. For an example, check out Havelock Investments (

Many of the companies traded there have been dead for years (ASICMiner [AM1; AM100]; MintSpare [MS]). They literally no longer exist -- the issuers ran away a long time ago, this is undisputed.
Have the shares in these nonexistent firms become worthless? Not at all! They're still being traded, some actually gaining value over the past three months :)

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Lauda on January 19, 2016, 03:09:49 PM
This is the 90th time that Bitcoin has died so far. (

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: avikz on January 19, 2016, 03:11:04 PM
The time will only speak!

The anonymity of bitcoin is a great advantage that users enjoy. How it can become a bane?? It's true that a class of people is taking this advantage but majority of the users are normal people like you and me.

Bitcoin is not going to rest in peace anytime soon.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: vipgelsi on January 19, 2016, 03:12:21 PM
I doubt it.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: SamusNi on January 19, 2016, 03:14:21 PM
Here is the e-mail of the clown that wrote that article:


Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Patatas on January 19, 2016, 03:21:33 PM
Allright,this hurts right in the feelings.Don't know should I be holding or regret in the future.Recently,there have been such news almost every other day of bitcoin dying.Not sure how much truth the media beholds.We cant jump to conclusions without having a proper statement from the core developers.I really expect some comments from the core team and that would be a final decision.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: CuntChocula on January 19, 2016, 03:21:49 PM
This is the 90th time that Bitcoin has died so far. (

Bitcoin is decentralized & in constant flux. The term "dead" is as inapplicable to Bitcoin as it is to molds, or even to icky bacteria:
"Endospores enable bacteria to lie dormant for extended periods, even centuries. Revival of spores millions of years old has been claimed.[3] When the environment becomes more favorable, the endospore can reactivate itself to the vegetative state." --wikip

TL;DR: "How do you kill that which has no life?"

Here is the e-mail of the clown that wrote that article:

When you grow up, I'll teach you to download LOIC, the most effective way to deal with things you don't like & the epitome of maturity :)

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: xdrpx on January 19, 2016, 03:32:09 PM
Yeah that's exactly how the media perceives it and tries to communicate it with the outside world. Just cause someone feels Bitcoin isn't going on the right path, they have worded their article to make it seem like Bitcoin's really dead.

Just remember once Bitcoin soars up again with some giant merchant implementing it for payments - "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: fortunecrypto on January 19, 2016, 03:38:41 PM
I wonder is this the biggest blow to ever come out in bitcoin existent,there will be people that will going to take over for the betterment of bitcoin technology so it is not going to die just like the media picture on the mainstream ,bitcoin will still go on,we should really move on for the betterment of the community

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: CuntChocula on January 19, 2016, 03:41:38 PM
Just remember once Bitcoin soars up again with some giant merchant implementing it for payments

You do know that the number of BTC-accepting merchants hasn't increased, and , right?

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: bileq on January 19, 2016, 03:45:06 PM
im wondering how is the next posts on headlines
bitcoin reborn from its ashes ^^

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Kprawn on January 19, 2016, 03:50:59 PM
You guys must take these media attacks on Bitcoin very seriously. If the major news sites start spreading FUD like this, you know there are major players in the background backing

these attacks. The small time shilling is one thing, but the subscriber counts for these media channels are massive and the print media reach a lot of people. We need some of the

Core developers to stand up and make themselves count and debunk these lies. Once these types of media outlets carry this story, the smaller shills will have a field day with this.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: CuntChocula on January 19, 2016, 03:53:40 PM
You guys must take these media attacks on Bitcoin very seriously. If the major news sites start spreading FUD like this, you know there are major players in the background backing

these attacks. The small time shilling is one thing, but the subscriber counts for these media channels are massive and the print media reach a lot of people. We need some of the

Core developers to stand up and make themselves count and debunk these lies. Once these types of media outlets carry this story, the smaller shills will have a field day with this.

Sadly, The Bitcoin Foundation, Bitcoin's PRopoganda wing, is bankrupt :(

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: NorrisK on January 19, 2016, 04:02:46 PM
What a poorly written piece of crap article this is.. I would expect more from the mainstream media.. It is like it is written by one of the crypto news sites.

Let them rant, people will read about bitcoin again, engraving it deeper into their minds. When it is still here the next time they read about it, they may consider getting into bitcoin.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Amph on January 19, 2016, 04:16:14 PM
Just remember once Bitcoin soars up again with some giant merchant implementing it for payments

You do know that the number of BTC-accepting merchants hasn't increased, and , right?

it has to do with all the rencet news probably, and anyway there are only two real merchants remained, amazon and ebay, the other even if they not accept bitcoin never, no one would care about

anyway, i'm not expecting bitcoin to be embraced by any single shop out there, especially phisical shop, don't dream too much on certain things..

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Betwrong on January 19, 2016, 04:17:39 PM
Firstly, I have never considered The Washington Post as something you can rely on. It's a popular daily newspaper which publishes articles not in order to be truthful but rather in order to be more popular.

Secondly, I think in 10 years the author will regret publishing this crap instead of buying Bitcoins himself.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Daniel91 on January 19, 2016, 04:18:14 PM
So, when exactly Washington Post become expert for virtual currencies?
I do not believe in their political and economic judgments, much less in their judgment about Bitcoin.
They are really funny :)

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: CuntChocula on January 19, 2016, 04:20:31 PM
What a poorly written piece of crap article this is.. I would expect more from the mainstream media.. It is like it is written by one of the crypto news sites.

About the author:
Vivek Wadhwa is a fellow at Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University, director of research at Center for Entrepreneurship and Research Commercialization at Duke, and distinguished fellow at Singularity University. His past appointments include Harvard Law School, University of California Berkeley, and Emory University.

Meh :-\

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on January 19, 2016, 04:28:26 PM

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: 1Ebook on January 19, 2016, 04:30:11 PM
Somebody is really trying hard to reduce the price of BTC...... and failing

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Herbert2020 on January 19, 2016, 04:34:20 PM
another day and another nonsense from media about bitcoin. it looks to me like whenever there is any movement in bitcoin, they increase their attacks on bitcoin.
it is more harmful to bitcoin than anything else.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Lucius on January 19, 2016, 05:19:41 PM
And it is more than obvious that a good deal of media works against the Bitcoin,probably are sponsored by the banking sector which is not exactly happy that Bitcoin becomes something serious in the financial world.Every time it happens that price drop they go with their black forecasts.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: ~Bitcoin~ on January 19, 2016, 05:36:35 PM
Time will tell... These kind of articles have been around since many years ago, and they mean nothing to the growth of bitcoin.
I think now the people who are in bitcoin trading know quite enough not to get manipulated by those articles. Some new traders may get affected but bitcoin market will not die with only articles.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: samsads on January 19, 2016, 05:40:23 PM
yes .... this makes it as "bitcoin died 90 Times" ... lol

These people are tying so hard.... hope they dont leak early... :P

 :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: onlinedragon on January 19, 2016, 05:52:54 PM
They are just speculating about what will happen I don't mind what they are thinking. So far Bitcoin still exist there are enough people who support Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Rotator on January 19, 2016, 05:53:54 PM
So, when exactly Washington Post become expert for virtual currencies?
I do not believe in their political and economic judgments, much less in their judgment about Bitcoin.
They are really funny :)

Just remember what did say Rothschild!
 "Buy when there's blood in the streets"

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: xdrpx on January 19, 2016, 05:54:00 PM
Just remember once Bitcoin soars up again with some giant merchant implementing it for payments

You do know that the number of BTC-accepting merchants hasn't increased, and , right?

it has to do with all the rencet news probably, and anyway there are only two real merchants remained, amazon and ebay, the other even if they not accept bitcoin never, no one would care about

anyway, i'm not expecting bitcoin to be embraced by any single shop out there, especially phisical shop, don't dream too much on certain things..

Think again, Overstock, Newegg and Tigerdirect are considerably medium to big sized merchants. They need not be physical, but even if they are it isn't really dreaming big, it's very much possible.... I say keep dreaming big :)

Also since you mentioned that amazon and ebay were the only two real merchants remaining, think about Alibaba Group.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: CuntChocula on January 19, 2016, 06:00:48 PM
Just remember once Bitcoin soars up again with some giant merchant implementing it for payments

You do know that the number of BTC-accepting merchants hasn't increased, and , right?

it has to do with all the rencet news probably, and anyway there are only two real merchants remained, amazon and ebay, the other even if they not accept bitcoin never, no one would care about

anyway, i'm not expecting bitcoin to be embraced by any single shop out there, especially phisical shop, don't dream too much on certain things..

Think again, Overstock, Newegg and Tigerdirect are considerably medium to big sized merchants. They need not be physical, but even if they are it isn't really dreaming big, it's very much possible.... I say keep dreaming big :)

Also since you mentioned that amazon and ebay were the only two real merchants remaining, think about Alibaba Group.

Of all the companies mentioned, Overstock is the only one which made claims of actually holding a portion of "BTC payments" in BTC.
All use payment processors, and are actually getting paid in USD, not BTC.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Erkallys on January 19, 2016, 06:11:11 PM
Nowadays, newspaper are unfortunatly written to sell the most. What I still don't understand is why, with all those clowns repeating the same thing again and again, people don't get tired of hearing of Bitcoin's multiple deaths. I think that people will understand that if they see again and again that Bitcoin died, it means that it survided his last death. After a few times, I hope that they will  understand that each time that it is supposetly dead, it isn't.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: thejaytiesto on January 19, 2016, 06:15:48 PM
The paid FUDsters must be really busy, lately they are working at an alarm pace, it shows they are really scared of Bitcoin being a success so they are going all-in into the FUD departments, the filthy pigs wouldn't shut it up about Bitcoing dying. We will hit 100 times Bitcoin RIP in this year, a nice milestone.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: virtualdn on January 19, 2016, 06:17:49 PM
paid article. doesn't mean a thing. bitcoin will still live many years to come ;)

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: maku on January 19, 2016, 06:21:16 PM
First of all it is all in your mind. Bitcoin is still the best, the biggest and won't fall because some angry developer is dissatisfied that his solutions were not accepted.
Bitcoin will change if we really would need that change asap, for now it seems that network capable of surviving for now despite fatalism of Haern.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: btcdevil on January 19, 2016, 06:40:09 PM
Yeah that's exactly how the media perceives it and tries to communicate it with the outside world. Just cause someone feels Bitcoin isn't going on the right path, they have worded their article to make it seem like Bitcoin's really dead.

Just remember once Bitcoin soars up again with some giant merchant implementing it for payments - "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

This is the 90th time that Bitcoin has died so far.

I like both the comments. It is always that which thing we ignore most that thing one day will come big in their face. In over society their is a proverb that before anyone dies if anyone rumours their death then that person lives some more time, like this they can cheat the death, the same way when ever some one tells that Bitcoin is death that is a boon to Bitcoin and it will boom more soon .

Why but who are really have full knowledge about bitcoin they know that actual fact about bitcoin and they wont get affected by this rumors, this all games played by big players so that low traders will panic and sell their bitcoins and market get some crash , so that they can cash in some price fluctuation and buy back in low price.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: calkob on January 19, 2016, 06:45:26 PM
Great everyone move along nothing to see here "Bitcoins dead".......... (meanwhile i am buying like fuk)  :D

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: CuntChocula on January 19, 2016, 06:52:11 PM
<>(meanwhile i am buying like fuk)  :D

"Like fuck" is pretty accurate. Back to $380 :(

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: RodeoX on January 19, 2016, 06:56:01 PM

Uh oh, get the paddles.

Clear! "Zaaap"

beep beep beep

Ok, I get a pulse.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: unamis76 on January 19, 2016, 07:43:03 PM
Usual mainstream media coverage on Bitcoin... Should be ignored, as usual.

People are singing (and some want to sing) Bitcoin goodbye too early... Maybe they have suggestions or something already working to replace it ::)

Anyways, cheap coin here I go!

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: dk8218 on January 19, 2016, 07:54:35 PM
Oww media.. they only want a way to make issue..
And if mike Hearn doesn't believing in bitcoin then no problem ..
The time will tell everyone the future...
It's global revolutionary gold of internet.. not only a people can decide the future of it..
And it's a great time that price has been decreased let's buy bitcoin to store them for a price increase..

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Alley on January 19, 2016, 07:59:49 PM
Full on FUD attack right now.  6 months to halving.  Coincidence?

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: ebliever on January 19, 2016, 08:24:13 PM
Notice the article never actually decides on just why Bitcoin is dead. It throws out a random and sometimes incoherent list of attacks on bitcoin, and demands readers accept that conclusion. (The comment about the People's Army controlling bitcoin is just precious - something that is about as sensible as the Washington Post publishing an article seriously claiming that flying monkeys were massing to invade Iran. I'd like to see the author try to defend whatever it was he was thinking on that point.)

I love how they claim bitcoin is dead because it faces growing challenges. But why can't it survive indefinitely as a kind of digital gold (accepting the low transaction limit)? And do they not understand that a core strength of bitcoin is that it is software, able to be redesigned and updated as needed?

The "civil war" is not a problem but a virtue of bitcoin - it shows that people are closely studying proposed changes and arguing it out to ensure that we end up with the best possible result. That's better than a less contentious method that allows errors to be enacted and maintained (ala central bank decisions).

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: biggus dickus on January 19, 2016, 08:45:16 PM
The Washington Post published that article because someone high up there read the Hearn story in another paper and decided to copy it. Once one newspaper publishes a story all the others copy it and publish it themselves. This same story will be published by another ten papers before the weekend. None of them want to miss out on publishing something the others already published, and it doesn't matter to them if the story is rubbish.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: prodigy8 on January 19, 2016, 08:47:41 PM
We all know how powerful are the medias (social media, blog, portals or print media)

They can write whatever they want but i am afraid that they will write again for bitcoin.

But in this case for good when the price (I hope) will be increased before and after the halving.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: ShrykeZ on January 19, 2016, 08:52:58 PM
This kind of anti Bitcoin posts are sort of expected, anything negative and they will jump on.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Bitcoinpro on January 19, 2016, 08:54:29 PM
Washington post wat a bunch of C*** Suckers

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: wadii33 on January 19, 2016, 08:55:28 PM
This kind of anti Bitcoin posts are sort of expected, anything negative and they will jump on.
yeah now every day  you hear someone wrote or sad that Bitcoin is dying i rhink the only way bitcoin dies is that all of bitcoin users stop using it

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: allthingsbtc on January 19, 2016, 09:05:53 PM
Bitcoin will have a million more deaths along its journey.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Snail2 on January 19, 2016, 09:12:45 PM
Washington Post is quite often told stupid things. So, who cares? BTW if the Chinese miners start to commit suicide en mass and the buy side will be empty on all major exchanges then I might believe in the end of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Rotator on January 19, 2016, 10:15:28 PM
Full on FUD attack right now.  6 months to halving.  Coincidence?
I would call this nice try!

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: mayax on January 19, 2016, 10:48:15 PM
Washington Post is quite often told stupid things. So, who cares? BTW if the Chinese miners start to commit suicide en mass and the buy side will be empty on all major exchanges then I might believe in the end of bitcoin.

you should count that the volumes are fake. all the exchangers have fake volumes(more than 50% are fake just to attract more customers who will think"hey, this exchanger has a lot of transaction. it should be good" )

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: ROT13 on January 19, 2016, 11:03:44 PM
just in case you didn't read the other thread, this same author described bitcoin as "one of the 6 technologies which will change the world"  a mere 22 days ago.  I smell clickbait.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: BellaBitBit on January 19, 2016, 11:58:29 PM
Just more hilarity from the mainstream media.  Bravo Washington Post, I did not know you had a time machine, or were hiring time travelers.  What they don't know, or are trying to NOT know, is that it is a broad solution for currency in the future.  Lets not forget about the beloved blockchain.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: MicroGuy on January 20, 2016, 12:02:43 AM
just in case you didn't read the other thread, this same author described bitcoin as "one of the 6 technologies which will change the world"  a mere 22 days ago.  I smell clickbait.

Whenever you see a BS article like this, just look under the hood and you'll always find a banking connection.

While employed at Credit Suisse First Boston, the banking firm invested over $150 million dollars on a project Vivek Wadhwa was working on. Most likely this article is in repayment for a favor he received at some point. The banks are going to hammer on bitcoin now, try to fragment the community, and proceed with their plans to co-opt the currency.

It's important to understand, the banks see bitcoin as a threat to their monopoly. And they aren't going to sit around and lose that power without a fight.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 20, 2016, 12:08:01 AM
Interesting!  But as I write this, bitcoin is at $386.30, and that means it's not dead and there are plenty of folks who are keeping it alive.  It doesn't surprise me in the least that the MSM is playing it like this, and it's why I don't watch TV or watch news anymore.  Too much false drama.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: CuntChocula on January 20, 2016, 12:11:15 AM
Interesting!  But as I write this, bitcoin is at $386.30

$378 for me :(

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: maokoto on January 20, 2016, 12:12:10 AM
Even if it is a bullshit article, it will definitely have an effect on price and sales  :( bad for Bitcoin in any case, although it will most likely survive.

I am counting on that.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Za1n on January 20, 2016, 12:17:18 AM
If I had a bitcoin for every time I heard or read something about its demise, well I would have a lot of bitcoins. :) Guess time will tell, but seeing the rather mild dip in price attributed to the news it seems most people are taking it pretty well.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: MicroGuy on January 20, 2016, 12:22:10 AM
If I had a bitcoin for every time I heard or read something about its demise, well I would have a lot of bitcoins. :) Guess time will tell, but seeing the rather mild dip in price attributed to the news it seems most people are taking it pretty well.

I've never seen incoming like this, this amount of orchestrated negative coverage is unprecedented. The best way to combat this would be for core to make an announcement and roll out 2MB blocks in the next release candidate. The blocksize was never intended to be a consensus rule anyway.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: CuntChocula on January 20, 2016, 12:48:29 AM
If I had a bitcoin for every time I heard or read something about its demise, well I would have a lot of bitcoins. :) Guess time will tell, but seeing the rather mild dip in price attributed to the news it seems most people are taking it pretty well.

I've never seen incoming like this, this amount of orchestrated negative coverage is unprecedented. ...

Why can't they just leave our bitcoin alone :'(

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: chennan on January 20, 2016, 01:36:10 AM
Notice the article never actually decides on just why Bitcoin is dead. It throws out a random and sometimes incoherent list of attacks on bitcoin, and demands readers accept that conclusion. (The comment about the People's Army controlling bitcoin is just precious - something that is about as sensible as the Washington Post publishing an article seriously claiming that flying monkeys were massing to invade Iran. I'd like to see the author try to defend whatever it was he was thinking on that point.)

I love how they claim bitcoin is dead because it faces growing challenges. But why can't it survive indefinitely as a kind of digital gold (accepting the low transaction limit)? And do they not understand that a core strength of bitcoin is that it is software, able to be redesigned and updated as needed?

The "civil war" is not a problem but a virtue of bitcoin - it shows that people are closely studying proposed changes and arguing it out to ensure that we end up with the best possible result. That's better than a less contentious method that allows errors to be enacted and maintained (ala central bank decisions).

Yeah, I read this article earlier today... and they seemed to make a bunch of claims about bitcoin, which they assume to be FACT without a reasonable doubt.  They try to give viewers a sense of what Bitcoin is, and basically says that it is an anonymous coin that is only used by criminals on the dark web.  This has been the main argument against bitcoin ever sense Silk Road gained traction.  But the reality of it should be the opposite.

I mean sure, people use it all the time on the dark web for drugs and illegal activities... but to say that this coin is a completely anonymous and criminal "ponzi scheme" is really a rush to judgement from the author.  It's not even anonymous, but more a public ledger that everyone can track every coin since the birth of bitcoin. 

I just wish some author from a major news site would take the time to research bitcoin before making false claims and give an unbiased story about bitcoin, whether it shows the true flaws and true potentials... but of course that isn't going to happen for a long time, because main news outlets gain viewers by giving very biased opinions on controversial matters.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: MicroGuy on January 20, 2016, 02:40:52 AM
I just wish some author from a major news site would take the time to research bitcoin before making false claims and give an unbiased story about bitcoin, whether it shows the true flaws and true potentials... but of course that isn't going to happen for a long time, because main news outlets gain viewers by giving very biased opinions on controversial matters.

There are no unbiased writers. Their opinions tend to side with their paymasters.

While employed at Credit Suisse First Boston, the banking firm invested over $150 million dollars on a project Vivek Wadhwa was working on.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: koshgel on January 20, 2016, 02:50:21 AM
So much FUD in one article it's disgusting

"Bitcoin was born with serious flaws.  It was unregulated and provided anonymity, so it rapidly became a haven for drug dealers and anarchists. Its price fluctuated wildly, allowing for crazy speculation. And, with the majority of Bitcoin being owned by the small group that started promoting it, it has been compared to a Ponzi scheme."

Fuck this guy and his bullshit reporting.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 20, 2016, 05:06:17 AM
So much FUD in one article it's disgusting

"Bitcoin was born with serious flaws.  It was unregulated and provided anonymity, so it rapidly became a haven for drug dealers and anarchists. Its price fluctuated wildly, allowing for crazy speculation. And, with the majority of Bitcoin being owned by the small group that started promoting it, it has been compared to a Ponzi scheme."

Fuck this guy and his bullshit reporting.
Yep, I'll agree with the part I bolded, and I have no problem with either one of those things even though I'm neither a drug dealer nor an anarchist.  Drug dealers and anarchists also use cash by the way, and I do believe cash was the first haven for both populations.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: teddy5145 on January 20, 2016, 05:24:07 AM
Just let them and their FUD bullshit spitting words out of it
Haters gonna hate :P

Funny how they say bitcoin is dead while it's only going down like $40 :P
The quality of this news is bad, is this how people at Washington post made their news ?

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Ryananda on January 20, 2016, 05:29:47 AM
I here want to comment on the title of this post the "RIP Bitcoin".
If I may believe the title is true as well. Evidenced by the current lag bitcoin prices plummeted and there was no increase at all. If the left and did not overcome my fear that someday that bitcoin has no value if it has decreased continuously. If it can overcome the death of bitcoin bitcoin will not occur and would develop. Hopefully next month bitcoin will be increased and will continue to meningat that bitcoin is not dead. Many people who support terutapa bitcoin users, it would be a pity if bitcoin replaced.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: watashi-kokoto on January 20, 2016, 12:40:54 PM
I here want to comment on the title of this post the "RIP Bitcoin".
If I may believe the title is true as well. Evidenced by the current lag bitcoin prices plummeted and there was no increase at all. If the left and did not overcome my fear that someday that bitcoin has no value if it has decreased continuously. If it can overcome the death of bitcoin bitcoin will not occur and would develop. Hopefully next month bitcoin will be increased and will continue to meningat that bitcoin is not dead. Many people who support terutapa bitcoin users, it would be a pity if bitcoin replaced.

Evidenced by the current lag bitcoin prices plummeted and there decreased continuously. continue to meningat that bitcoin is not dead. Many.


Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Ryananda on January 21, 2016, 01:45:43 AM
I here want to comment on the title of this post the "RIP Bitcoin".
If I may believe the title is true as well. Evidenced by the current lag bitcoin prices plummeted and there was no increase at all. If the left and did not overcome my fear that someday that bitcoin has no value if it has decreased continuously. If it can overcome the death of bitcoin bitcoin will not occur and would develop. Hopefully next month bitcoin will be increased and will continue to meningat that bitcoin is not dead. Many people who support terutapa bitcoin users, it would be a pity if bitcoin replaced.

Evidenced by the current lag bitcoin prices plummeted and there decreased continuously. continue to meningat that bitcoin is not dead. Many.

If the price dropped continuously bitcoin will die and it is dangerous for its users. It had to be addressed by the bitcoin.
But I think bitcoin will not die, and hopefully the bitcoin address this issue seriously

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: SmartIphone on January 21, 2016, 07:55:54 AM
Full Story:


I think we need to start taking this media coverage seriously and start demanding that core clean up its act.

While employed at Credit Suisse First Boston, the banking firm invested over $150 million dollars on a project Vivek Wadhwa was working on.

I am afraid that it can be a sponsored article to make people feeling that the time has come to sell all of the bitcoins, bitcoin will continue there are many other developers maybe better than Mike

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Anegg on January 21, 2016, 08:00:25 AM
Bitcoin is not even close to being dead. Have you seen the price. It has risen quite a bit.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Rescue Squad on January 21, 2016, 08:49:27 AM
Bitcoin is not even close to being dead. Have you seen the price. It has risen quite a bit.

Yeah I think this is because of the Chinese bank news from yesterday. It will stay probably above $400 for now.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: LuckyYOU on January 21, 2016, 08:56:08 AM
I think most of this is some bs
I don't really pay attention to the mainstream news about bitcoin
It's always negative and never any good.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: madonnino on January 21, 2016, 08:59:21 AM
I think most of this is some bs
I don't really pay attention to the mainstream news about bitcoin
It's always negative and never any good.

I would correct what you said with:i don't really pay attention to news in general, all the biggest media are puppets of politics  :-\

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Amph on January 21, 2016, 08:59:52 AM
Bitcoin is not even close to being dead. Have you seen the price. It has risen quite a bit.

the price can be manipulated easily by big farm, because they need to have their profit but anyway...

i'm not interesting in their bullshit anymore, why we should care about what they think about bitcoin, if everything they say is putting bad light on it, and they also don't care at all about bitcoin itself

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Jet Cash on January 21, 2016, 09:04:51 AM
Bitcoin is stabilising and maturing. It's now hit puberty, so you can expect some extreme behaviour. Just carry on with Bitcoin as your friend, and keep it off drugs, and it will soon become a good productive worker. :)

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: matete on January 21, 2016, 09:09:44 AM
These are just mere attacks on Bitcoin by the mainstream media. As I write this post, the price of bitcoins is at $413.22. So what does this tell you. Bit oinks is here to stay and as long as it will continue to grow strong, it will always be under attack.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Newcoins2020 on January 21, 2016, 09:12:16 AM
Say what this just non-sense if bitcoin was dead I doubt that price is still fine.
So this is just a troll bitcoin can't just disappear like that I mean how can all those money disappear.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: aleandromagno on January 21, 2016, 11:34:55 AM
This is the 90th time that Bitcoin has died so far. (

Discredit to buy, large investors, they always use the same moves ..

and if they want to buy bitcoin also big investors .... something interesting is a bitcoin..

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: watashi-kokoto on January 21, 2016, 07:40:17 PM
This is the 90th time that Bitcoin has died so far. (

Discredit to buy, large investors, they always use the same moves ..

and if they want to buy bitcoin also big investors .... something interesting is a bitcoin..

It keeps happening. I wonder what the tomorrow's news going to be.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: n2004al on January 21, 2016, 08:15:37 PM
Looks like the mainstream establishment media has gone into full-spin anti-bitcoin mode! Would love to hear your comments on this article published just 2 hours ago! :-\

"Not long ago, venture capitalists were talking about how Bitcoin was going to transform the global currency system and render governments powerless to police monetary transactions.  Now the cryptocurrency is fighting for survival.  The reality came to light on Jan. 14, when its influential developer, Mike Hearn, declared Bitcoin a failure and disclosed that he had sold all of his Bitcoins.  The price of Bitcoin fell 10 percent in a single day on the news, a sad result for those who are losing money on it.

Bitcoin did have great potential, but it is damaged beyond repair.  A replacement is badly needed.

Most currency and transaction systems today are opaque, inefficient, and expensive.  Take the North American Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ, as an example.  It is amongst the most technologically advanced in the world.  Yet if I buy or sell a share of Facebook on the NASDAQ, I have to wait several days for the trade to finalize and clear.  This is unacceptable; it should take milliseconds.

In Venezuela, citizens wishing to buy anything of value on supermarket shelves wait all day in lines to do so, because hyperinflation causes the paper currencies in their pockets to lose significant value every day.  When migrant workers there send money back to their families in places such as Mexico, India, and Africa, they are gouged by money-transfer companies—paying as much as 5–12 percent in fees.  And even in the United States, payment processors and credit-card companies collect merchant fees of 1–2.5 percent of the value of every transaction.  This is a burden on the economy.

Bitcoin was born with serious flaws.  It was unregulated and provided anonymity, so it rapidly became a haven for drug dealers and anarchists.  Its price fluctuated wildly, allowing for crazy speculation.  And, with the majority of Bitcoin being owned by the small group that started promoting it, it has been compared to a Ponzi scheme.  Exchanges built on top of it also had severe security vulnerabilities.  And then there were the venture capitalists who got carried away.  Several of them purchased considerable coinage and then began to hype it as a powerful disruption that could underpin all manner of financial innovation, from mobile banking to borderless, instant money transfers.  They also poured millions of dollars into Bitcoin start-ups hoping to reap even greater fortunes.

But Bitcoin was not ready for primetime.  Hearn’s criticism has laid bare the nightmarish reality—a list of negatives that is both long and frightening."

Full Story:


I think we need to start taking this media coverage seriously and start demanding that core clean up its act.

While employed at Credit Suisse First Boston, the banking firm invested over $150 million dollars on a project Vivek Wadhwa was working on.

It is not the first and for sure it will be not the last. It is sad to see the background and the data of the writer when read what write and what language use for the followers of the bitcoin with a tweet. This kind of people (protecting and put them themselves at the top of the world using big terms like "distinguished" or "Harvard") think and believe for true that have right to tell to everyone what is right and what is wrong or what to do and what to not do. And if someone dare to not follow this Big One think again that has the right to insult him or to disdain it. This language (which only intellectual cannot be classified) become from someone who show clearly that from bitcoin know only the name and this only after the "speach" of Mike Hearn. Make sorrow...

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: manki on January 21, 2016, 08:55:23 PM
A lot of money behind this kind of "news", I'm pretty sure about it.  :-\

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: oblomov on January 21, 2016, 09:16:02 PM
The crowing I have heard about Hearn's article and the subsequent obituaries for BTC have been entirely from two groups of people:

1. Hard Statists (i.e., "moderates", "centrists", or self-identifying leftists) who disapprove of the concept of a stateless currency.
    They think:  If citizens' assets aren't subject to whims of the ruling class, then what's point of letting the people have money to begin with?
    They are OK with extremes of inequality, as long as they get to decide who gets more mazuma than others.
    They can be identified by their derision of bitcoin as a refuge for anarchocapitalist dreamers, tax cheats, and criminals.

2. Soft Statists who may oppose a particular regulation in practice (it hurts business), but not regulation and state control in theory.
    The soft statists usually have a stake in the banking or financial services industry.
    The regulatory apparatus is important to them because it makes possible bailouts/too big to fail, and economic moats that reduce competitive and innovation threats
    This group can be identified by their dismissal of bitcoin as impractical, not backed by the "full faith and credit" of a government, a techie otaku that doesn't make room or money for the
    "right people" such as Jamie Dimon (Harvard Business School, Goldman Sachs, JPMorganChase).

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Paracelsus on January 21, 2016, 09:33:14 PM
They must talk something different except war..and terrorism..
Bitcoin is just there like The Usual Suspect!

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: teddy5145 on January 21, 2016, 11:51:53 PM
A lot of money behind this kind of "news", I'm pretty sure about it.  :-\
And we need to be smart enough to know which one is the news and which one is the "news" :P
News these days can't be neutral ::)

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: DrLove2048 on January 22, 2016, 02:47:48 AM
Human nature is just naturally pessimistic. You will get more views writing about the 'failure' of bitcoin than its small successes.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: wafersticks09 on January 22, 2016, 04:05:27 AM
Its 2016 now folks, after all what happen and going to happen i don't understand why there is still people/person exist who always say bitcoin is dying/died. If they dont believe in bitcoin then get out of btc world as simple as that and not creating drama.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: BitMaxz on January 22, 2016, 04:17:36 AM
I dont believe that bitcoin will be die because bitcoin is our currency that uses to pay for service or to buy stuffs online.
And also bitcoin is old enough and its hard as steel that the bitcoin will disappear in this year.
I think some altcoin investors want to kill bitcoin because if bitcoin will die the onther coins will rise fast... is just my thoughts

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: BayAreaCoins on January 22, 2016, 04:34:41 AM
"Bitcoin was born with serious flaws.  It was unregulated and provided anonymity"

Sounds decent to me  ;D  ::)

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Kakmakr on January 22, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
I have friends working in the News media industry and they all say the same thing. The editor are told what stories they must push in the media. He or she then instructs the journalists and the photographers to go out and gather the data and compile the story. The editor then decide what goes into the news paper and what not.

Most of the time, these people work on strict deadlines to get the story out, before other competitors and they have to cut corners < poor research / poor editing etc. > This means a lot of, let's call it <Junk> articles gets published and if mistakes and errors happens, they usually just keep quite.

This is possibly a <Junk> article or placed there to push a agenda coming from the shareholders. 

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Oscoda on January 22, 2016, 07:01:22 AM
Well they got some points. But to call it dead because 1 developers disagrees shows exactly how the media are reporting subjectively about bitcoin.
it's like bitcoin is the enemy.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: mayax on January 22, 2016, 06:55:21 PM
I have friends working in the News media industry and they all say the same thing. The editor are told what stories they must push in the media. He or she then instructs the journalists and the photographers to go out and gather the data and compile the story. The editor then decide what goes into the news paper and what not.

Most of the time, these people work on strict deadlines to get the story out, before other competitors and they have to cut corners < poor research / poor editing etc. > This means a lot of, let's call it <Junk> articles gets published and if mistakes and errors happens, they usually just keep quite.

This is possibly a <Junk> article or placed there to push a agenda coming from the shareholders. 

same thing with and other BTC media. They have many interests....

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: partysaurus on January 22, 2016, 10:32:02 PM
Human nature is just naturally pessimistic. You will get more views writing about the 'failure' of bitcoin than its small successes.

This. alot of people want bitcoin to fail not only big banks , people that did not get involved with btc to begin with and now spend their time bashing it hopeing it fail. just asking around my friend circle i can see most people have a negative view of btc. they have never even tryed bitcoins have never bought a bitcoin and they still want it to fail, easier to bash something than trying to understand it. pretty much sum up the country i live in lol.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Palinanv on February 19, 2016, 12:29:50 PM
What a hilarious comment. I don't know of Bitcoin ever dying. It is still thriving pretty well. The price keeps increasing and decreasing but it can still be used as a currency without the increase and decrease.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: lumeire on February 19, 2016, 12:44:17 PM
What a hilarious comment. I don't know of Bitcoin ever dying. It is still thriving pretty well. The price keeps increasing and decreasing but it can still be used as a currency without the increase and decrease.

I see this is an article published in the midst of the blocksize debate. Well, what do we see now, bitcoin is already on the way back to it's value way before the debate issue. While it still isn't fully resolved, I'm pretty sure soon it's gonna be in everyone's backs to move on.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: pereira4 on February 19, 2016, 01:02:21 PM
Hehe, meanwhile Bitcoin is doing nothing but go higher and the software does nothing but getting better with 0.12 around the corner. I wonder how much of an idiot all those guys that follwed Mike Hearn's disgusting FUD are feeling right now, serves them well. Once again, they were all wrong and will be remembered as morons.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Nomad88 on February 19, 2016, 01:10:50 PM
Hehe, meanwhile Bitcoin is doing nothing but go higher and the software does nothing but getting better with 0.12 around the corner. I wonder how much of an idiot all those guys that follwed Mike Hearn's disgusting FUD are feeling right now, serves them well. Once again, they were all wrong and will be remembered as morons.

Exactly! Best way of finding out how serious a newspaper working is reading about something which you already know and involved a lot. Simply full of*t. It tells me to question more everything i read on Washington Post.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: twister on February 19, 2016, 02:10:57 PM
Well they must kill it at least once every month, so that's for January, I think it has died once this month too.

Next obituary scheduled for March.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Cuidler on February 19, 2016, 03:47:08 PM
Well they must kill it at least once every month, so that's for January, I think it has died once this month too.

Next obituary scheduled for March.

They giving free advertisement to Bitcoin as well so I appreciate even such articles - only when media stop mentioning Bitcoin, this is when I get worried whats happening with Bitcoin...

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: BellaBitBit on February 19, 2016, 03:52:13 PM
Well they must kill it at least once every month, so that's for January, I think it has died once this month too.

Next obituary scheduled for March.

They giving free advertisement to Bitcoin as well so I appreciate even such articles - only when media stop mentioning Bitcoin, this is when I get worried whats happening with Bitcoin...

Excactly!  Even bad press is good press.  Washington post can revisit this if they like.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: knowhow on February 19, 2016, 04:23:43 PM
The bitcoin nowadays is a high risk investment that can bring short results that any other market can offer,soo investors are getting inside bitcoin,get 50%investment into two months its like crazy if someone talk about it,but bitcoin made it and well news will always try to hit bitcoin,but its too big to anyone kill it,this news just make more people search about bitcoin and join.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: srinikethan on February 19, 2016, 04:31:23 PM
what?is that so?..thats sad to here...!!but is the bitcoins really gone in washington?...that would be the dark day if its done

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Kollor on February 20, 2016, 01:50:25 PM
The media just made the article more interesting, and catchy...its just an elaboration of what mike hearn's statements which I think mike hearn really has a point there and I think those things that he said must be addressed seriously..  But we must be glad right now that the news didn't result to a serious problem and just give bitcoin's price a dip..

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Anddos on February 20, 2016, 01:59:47 PM
Seeing as how the price bumped right up I don't think there is any need for such news that try to manipulate the price. I know what they're trying to do but it won't work.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: QuestionAuthority on February 20, 2016, 03:05:11 PM
I think everyone in Bitcoinland suffers from Stockholm syndrome. The article isn't that bad or incredibly incorrect.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: chek2fire on February 20, 2016, 05:27:49 PM
I think everyone in Bitcoinland suffers from Stockholm syndrome. The article isn't that bad or incredibly incorrect

I think everyone in fiatland suffer from schizoaffective disorder. The article isn't that bad or incredibly incorrect to that.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: ecarross on February 20, 2016, 05:35:47 PM
I doubt it.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: virtualdn on February 20, 2016, 09:21:17 PM
And today is once again more alive than ever..don't you just love these news?

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: jokerrj on February 20, 2016, 09:36:05 PM
Seeing as how the price bumped right up I don't think there is any need for such news that try to manipulate the price. I know what they're trying to do but it won't work.

Yeah any efforts or any article won't work unless the people stop using bitcoins or stop having faith in it, and I don't think that's gonna happen in near future as we know bitcoin will rise in future for sure.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: PakistanHockeyfan on February 20, 2016, 10:38:12 PM
Nowadays, I actually do appreciate these random magazines, blogs, and news crews that spend hours on end trying to demolish Bitcoin with false information. Sure, Bitcoin is growing in size fairly slowly but slow and steady wins the race. It can only get better. They must feel either threatened, or must have lost some money with it.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Anddos on February 21, 2016, 02:05:00 AM
I think everyone in Bitcoinland suffers from Stockholm syndrome. The article isn't that bad or incredibly incorrect.

So you think bitcoin is going downhill before it's even all mined?

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Bit_Happy on February 21, 2016, 02:18:09 AM
Looks like the mainstream establishment media has gone into full-spin anti-bitcoin mode! Would love to hear your comments on this article published just 2 hours ago! :-\


"Not long ago, venture capitalists were talking about how Bitcoin was going to transform the global currency system and render governments powerless to police monetary transactions.  Now the cryptocurrency is fighting for survival.  The reality came to light on Jan. 14, when its influential developer, Mike Hearn, declared Bitcoin a failure and disclosed that he had sold all of his Bitcoins.  The price of Bitcoin fell 10 percent in a single day on the news, a sad result for those who are losing money on it.

Bitcoin did have great potential, but it is damaged beyond repair.  A replacement is badly needed.

Most currency and transaction systems today are opaque, inefficient, and expensive.  Take the North American Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ, as an example.  It is amongst the most technologically advanced in the world.  Yet if I buy or sell a share of Facebook on the NASDAQ, I have to wait several days for the trade to finalize and clear.  This is unacceptable; it should take milliseconds.

In Venezuela, citizens wishing to buy anything of value on supermarket shelves wait all day in lines to do so, because hyperinflation causes the paper currencies in their pockets to lose significant value every day.  When migrant workers there send money back to their families in places such as Mexico, India, and Africa, they are gouged by money-transfer companies—paying as much as 5–12 percent in fees.  And even in the United States, payment processors and credit-card companies collect merchant fees of 1–2.5 percent of the value of every transaction.  This is a burden on the economy.

Bitcoin was born with serious flaws.  It was unregulated and provided anonymity, so it rapidly became a haven for drug dealers and anarchists.  Its price fluctuated wildly, allowing for crazy speculation.  And, with the majority of Bitcoin being owned by the small group that started promoting it, it has been compared to a Ponzi scheme.  Exchanges built on top of it also had severe security vulnerabilities.  And then there were the venture capitalists who got carried away.  Several of them purchased considerable coinage and then began to hype it as a powerful disruption that could underpin all manner of financial innovation, from mobile banking to borderless, instant money transfers.  They also poured millions of dollars into Bitcoin start-ups hoping to reap even greater fortunes.

But Bitcoin was not ready for primetime.  Hearn’s criticism has laid bare the nightmarish reality—a list of negatives that is both long and frightening."

Full Story:


I think we need to start taking this media coverage seriously and start demanding that core clean up its act.

While employed at Credit Suisse First Boston, the banking firm invested over $150 million dollars on a project Vivek Wadhwa was working on.

Mike Hearn & the Washington Post cannot kill Bitcoin that easily. Soon enough, the same paper will be writing stories about Bitcoin's amazing comeback.  :)

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Yakamoto on February 21, 2016, 05:36:35 AM
what?is that so?..thats sad to here...!!but is the bitcoins really gone in washington?...that would be the dark day if its done
didn't give strong affect to bitcoin,washington is just small area and i dont think bitcoiners alive there ,and bitcoin still alive
I have to chuckle that the article is from so long ago (in the world of the internet anyways), and now Bitcoin is hitting one of it's most valuable peaks since last year.

I wonder how many more articles like this are going to start coming out if we crack $500.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: MicroGuy on February 21, 2016, 06:10:25 AM
Mike Hearn & the Washington Post cannot kill Bitcoin that easily. Soon enough, the same paper will be writing stories about Bitcoin's amazing comeback.  :)

This is a very good attitude and one that rings kind and true!

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Amph on February 21, 2016, 08:20:41 AM
Mike Hearn & the Washington Post cannot kill Bitcoin that easily. Soon enough, the same paper will be writing stories about Bitcoin's amazing comeback.  :)

mike hearn did it just to buy more cheap coin, you see the price is increasing again after the drama, he knows that 100%

so now he have more coins than before, bitcoin will not die simply because in the decentralized field there is nothing better, and is the only one of its kind(alt are only clone)

there is no competition in the decentralized environment...

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: CoinHopper on February 21, 2016, 08:22:33 AM
Lol, how wrong they were proven.. :P

And yeah, time will tell. Wait till 10 years later, when all those bitches are worth nothing and bitcoins are worth $1 million each :)

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: QuestionAuthority on February 22, 2016, 04:46:23 AM
I think everyone in Bitcoinland suffers from Stockholm syndrome. The article isn't that bad or incredibly incorrect.

So you think bitcoin is going downhill before it's even all mined?

Everything goes downhill and uphill. I just can't find any massively inaccurate information in the article. Lots of venture capital was poured into Bitcoin and lost, Bitcoin started as a haven for drug dealers, bla, bla, bla. What happens in the future is anybody's guess. They're just using past performance to predict the future which doesn't always work.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: teddy5145 on February 22, 2016, 05:38:50 AM
Nowadays, I actually do appreciate these random magazines, blogs, and news crews that spend hours on end trying to demolish Bitcoin with false information. Sure, Bitcoin is growing in size fairly slowly but slow and steady wins the race. It can only get better. They must feel either threatened, or must have lost some money with it.
Or maybe the people who wrote these articles are actually bitcoin users itself ;)
They knew bitcoin are just gonna go up, thats why they wrote these news, to get some cheap coins
Just look at the price, 2 weeks ago we were stuck at $380 and now we are right at $450
Imagine how many those people made during that price :P

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: AMR008 on February 22, 2016, 08:28:30 AM
This is not the 1st time bitcoin ia dying. I doubt it. Time will decide it all :)

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Palinanv on March 23, 2016, 06:57:02 PM
What a hilarious comment. I don't know of Bitcoin ever dying. It is still thriving pretty well. The price keeps increasing and decreasing but it can still be used as a currency without the increase and decrease.

I see this is an article published in the midst of the blocksize debate. Well, what do we see now, bitcoin is already on the way back to it's value way before the debate issue. While it still isn't fully resolved, I'm pretty sure soon it's gonna be in everyone's backs to move on.
We are not going to be moving on anytime soon though. There's a huge demand for BTC and that won't change overnight. The small amount dropping and picking is very great for pump and dumps.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: thejaytiesto on March 23, 2016, 07:03:37 PM
I think people that are thinking about making a clickbait article on "Bitcoin is dead" should go to first and consider if some extra traffic on a website, or attention to you as a person with an agenda behind an entity (Mike Hearn etc) is worth being potrayed forever in the list of idiots that were wrong.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Blackmet on March 23, 2016, 07:21:36 PM
Why old articles must mean smth about bitcoin. At my opinion old fashion predictions/events etc can't be compared to nowdays economics and other stuff.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: romero121 on March 24, 2016, 04:15:41 AM
It's waste of time to read such articles. If its a failed technology no other altcoins would have followed the same.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: RealPhotoshoper on March 24, 2016, 05:03:28 AM
Looks like the mainstream establishment media has gone into full-spin anti-bitcoin mode! Would love to hear your comments on this article published just 2 hours ago! :-\



"Not long ago, venture capitalists were talking about how Bitcoin was going to transform the global currency system and render governments powerless to police monetary transactions.  Now the cryptocurrency is fighting for survival.  The reality came to light on Jan. 14, when its influential developer, Mike Hearn, declared Bitcoin a failure and disclosed that he had sold all of his Bitcoins.  The price of Bitcoin fell 10 percent in a single day on the news, a sad result for those who are losing money on it.

Bitcoin did have great potential, but it is damaged beyond repair.  A replacement is badly needed.

Most currency and transaction systems today are opaque, inefficient, and expensive.  Take the North American Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ, as an example.  It is amongst the most technologically advanced in the world.  Yet if I buy or sell a share of Facebook on the NASDAQ, I have to wait several days for the trade to finalize and clear.  This is unacceptable; it should take milliseconds.

In Venezuela, citizens wishing to buy anything of value on supermarket shelves wait all day in lines to do so, because hyperinflation causes the paper currencies in their pockets to lose significant value every day.  When migrant workers there send money back to their families in places such as Mexico, India, and Africa, they are gouged by money-transfer companies—paying as much as 5–12 percent in fees.  And even in the United States, payment processors and credit-card companies collect merchant fees of 1–2.5 percent of the value of every transaction.  This is a burden on the economy.

Bitcoin was born with serious flaws.  It was unregulated and provided anonymity, so it rapidly became a haven for drug dealers and anarchists.  Its price fluctuated wildly, allowing for crazy speculation.  And, with the majority of Bitcoin being owned by the small group that started promoting it, it has been compared to a Ponzi scheme.  Exchanges built on top of it also had severe security vulnerabilities.  And then there were the venture capitalists who got carried away.  Several of them purchased considerable coinage and then began to hype it as a powerful disruption that could underpin all manner of financial innovation, from mobile banking to borderless, instant money transfers.  They also poured millions of dollars into Bitcoin start-ups hoping to reap even greater fortunes.

But Bitcoin was not ready for primetime.  Hearn’s criticism has laid bare the nightmarish reality—a list of negatives that is both long and frightening."

Full Story:


I think we need to start taking this media coverage seriously and start demanding that core clean up its act.

While employed at Credit Suisse First Boston, the banking firm invested over $150 million dollars on a project Vivek Wadhwa was working on.
until now,bitcoin is fine,since washington post about this,bitcoin just have bad situation whe mike hearn said bitcoin were dead,and now everyone not panic anymore,so now is the time to not believe what media said,anymore.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: RealBitcoin on March 24, 2016, 05:27:18 AM
Time will tell... These kind of articles have been around since many years ago, and they mean nothing to the growth of bitcoin.

It might not affect our growth, but it slows us down.

It keeps the sheeps that read it , scared, and confused, so they wont join bitcoin.

Who knows how many more users we`d have if not for these presstitutes.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: Risackwpsp on March 24, 2016, 07:15:50 AM
I read Washington Post every day, but miss this one, haha.

Title: Re: Washington Post: 'R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on'
Post by: user64 on March 24, 2016, 07:19:05 AM
I read Washington Post every day, but miss this one, haha.

Same here, but tgat said, bitcoins is still alive and kicking. Not dead yet, and I dont see it happening aby time soon.