Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: themerkle on January 23, 2016, 10:45:56 AM

Title: [2016-1-23] This Week’s Bitcoin Price Synopsis
Post by: themerkle on January 23, 2016, 10:45:56 AM
Weekly XBT Price Synopsis

The @BraveNewCoin 7 day chart starts with the tail end of a price decline – or crash as some say – a largely “vagarious” sideways movement through the week with a substantive and sharp upswing beginning on early Thursday and ending the week with a bouncing but decidedly lower price which was lower than the weekly entry point – but not much.

The Chinese Juggernaut

Don’t kid yourself, despite quiet assertations of BTC trade washing the Chinese bitcoin exchanges power their way to total domination of the bitcoin ecosystem marketshare week after week – and month after month.

This week Huobi is on top of all currencies traded worldwide. @Huobicom first popped @OKCoinBTC‘s bubble in late fall of 2015 with a monthly leading volume total. Here they are in the chart below and still on top:

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