Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Discussion => Topic started by: Bitshire Hashaway on January 23, 2016, 11:42:18 AM

Title: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: Bitshire Hashaway on January 23, 2016, 11:42:18 AM
 When land of bitcoin existed it was one of the only rotators out there. Now there are many but it is all same with each other copy of one website.

 If someone had a rotator based on a new code looking new, having faucetbox and/or xapo faucets in one rotator showing which website gives out how much satoshi and how much time you have left you can go over again etc.

Basicaly exactly like land of bitcoin for faucetbox and/or xapo. Would people use it or is it too late to start a rotator because there are many of them now?

 The features I was thinking that doesn't have in other rotators.

-- Select if you want Faucetbox or Xapo or both
-- List going from highest guarenteed pay (the minimum pay , some have 1 million satoshi possibility but with 0.01 chance , we use the highest % payout to list) to lowest guarented pay.
-- Timer for each faucet , whenever one is ready it goes back to list and you can go through it again. That way whenever a high paying faucet is ready you will automatically go back to it and do it and come back to whever you left off.
-- Referal where you can refer people and get all of the referals yourself instead of us.
-- Transaction log where you can see your last faucet earnings and see how much you made from which faucet.
-- Other methods of earning satoshi like bitvisitor and captcha solving etc.
-- Having possibility of removing or adding any faucet you want to your faucet list. Change places of faucets from default highest to lowest and change in between each other.
-- Profile page for settings like changing your password and add your faucetbox address ( wallet address) , and xapo.
-- After you put your address for xapo and faucetbox you won't have to add your address to any faucet , it would be already there , that way you only need to solve captcha and claim.
-- Having some sort of faucet on the website where the more you stay on the home page the more satoshi you make (land of bitcoin had it too if I remember correctly)

 So far these are the features I am thinking , might add some more. Does this looking like a website you would use?

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: melisande on January 23, 2016, 12:16:26 PM
Definitely people are tired of the old method or features in the land of bitcoin, people will certainly use it if you could give them some features that are not common and that will make your website to stand out.

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: mark coins on January 23, 2016, 12:49:12 PM
IMHO it doesnt need for a rotator owner to give too much effort to implement those features you mentioned, as most of us know, faucet is just a waste of time so only newbies are using it nowadays, so basically im saying that it doesnt needed, basic faucet rotator is good enough i think

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: melisande on January 23, 2016, 12:59:08 PM
IMHO it doesnt need for a rotator owner to give too much effort to implement those features you mentioned, as most of us know, faucet is just a waste of time so only newbies are using it nowadays, so basically im saying that it doesnt needed, basic faucet rotator is good enough i think
On the contrary people will buy similar product again and again if you can rebrand it and change the package.
If he comes up with faucet with better and more attractive feature people would show some interest.

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: Dekker3D on January 23, 2016, 01:02:21 PM
How about an option to put in sound or notification once a faucet is already available for claim. That would be useful for some sitting in front of their computers all day for work.

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: iv4n on January 23, 2016, 01:26:50 PM
I don't use faucets anymore. To much work for almost nothing, I tried almost all of them.
Only thing that falls on my mind is some script or some automatic run. Maybe then I will try faucet again. Clicking and clicking and clicking is behind me.
Or some really fantastic prizes for people who spend their time and energy on your site. Some kind od loyalty program. I would be interested in something like that also
Good luck with your project I will follow the thread for updates.

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: Bitshire Hashaway on January 23, 2016, 02:37:43 PM

 Should I ask here or start a new topic for this?

 What are some features that would draw you to a new faucet rotator? What should a faucet rotator have to get you to use it?

 The last suggestion made me think of 2 things

 1- Which I already think , a sort of faucet which gives you satoshi as long as you are on my homepage , you literally get satoshi the more you stay on the homepage the more satoshi you get.
 2- Advertisement share , where the more ad revenue I get , the more you get. First 10 people who collected most satoshi through my website gets prizes. If you collect most satoshi of that day , you get certain % of the ad revenue the faucet rotator made that day.

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: capcher on January 25, 2016, 11:00:25 PM
I don't know if whether this feature has already existed or not, but a killer feature for me would be that the 'next' button always goes to the next faucet that is ready for claiming instead of going to the next faucet in the list (which has different claiming times).

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: avatar_kiyoshi on January 26, 2016, 07:30:29 AM

 Should I ask here or start a new topic for this?

 What are some features that would draw you to a new faucet rotator? What should a faucet rotator have to get you to use it?

 The last suggestion made me think of 2 things

 1- Which I already think , a sort of faucet which gives you satoshi as long as you are on my homepage , you literally get satoshi the more you stay on the homepage the more satoshi you get.
 2- Advertisement share , where the more ad revenue I get , the more you get. First 10 people who collected most satoshi through my website gets prizes. If you collect most satoshi of that day , you get certain % of the ad revenue the faucet rotator made that day.

You can post here, just 1 thread.

Well you want to build your own faucet rotator right? So the features is must different than other. People will use your faucet rotator if the prize is bigger than other. Your idea is good I think.

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: pickupcoin on January 26, 2016, 11:58:50 AM
well i agree with @mark coins , basic faucet rotator is good enough i think
Most important is that in rotators you have only solvent faucet with positive balance and possible withdraw, after that second thing is highest pay faucets.
all other things is not essential is just a bonus and looks better.
But there is a problem, if you want to have faucet rotator with only active and high pay faucet, this is mean that you must claim mostly all faucets twice daily.
there you can't earn enough to pay someone to do the job, and you will be wasting time for couple satoshi. If you want to visitors back on your rotator, you must have always fresh list. 
this is the hardest part of the job

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: Bitshire Hashaway on January 26, 2016, 01:44:22 PM

 So far what people insist on ;

 1- Keep your list fresh and updated from highest paying to lowest paying all the time.
 2- Try to find more ways for people to get paid
 3- Look innovative fresh new but do the same thing everyone does without complicating things.

Title: Re: Do we need a Land of Bitcoin?
Post by: pickupcoin on January 26, 2016, 01:56:05 PM

 So far what people insist on ;

 1- Keep your list fresh and updated from highest paying to lowest paying all the time.
 2- Try to find more ways for people to get paid
 3- Look innovative fresh new but do the same thing everyone does without complicating things.

Approximately, plus to give for every user 0.01BTC because use your rotator  ;D
Most borring is faucet with high claim, and reliable changing timer or claim reward twice or more daily.   you add this faucet info and it happens one hour after you have wrong data..