Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: gamebak on December 29, 2012, 11:39:19 PM

Title: Bitcoin Concept for a new Web ? (no more http)
Post by: gamebak on December 29, 2012, 11:39:19 PM
Hey there,
I am not sure if it's just me or any other guys have the same thought, to me it seems that bitcoin concept it's just the beginning of a new era.
Not only for virtual currency, but if we would take the same concept and apply it to the web protocol.

This is just a discussion, after all ideas spark out from brainstorming.
What if we would think of web as a decentralized network, to make the web as the bitcoin.
I had actually 2 concepts in mind one with a centralized server (in torrent terms, the seed from where the main source will be spread) and the 2nd concept is the decentralized which in terms could actually mean free web!

I would like to discuss about both concepts, but to focus 2nd since it has the huge potential.
I was thinking that in order to reach an address we would need to allocate something unique, like an unique id/hash.
Then it would require an algorithm for a fast search or fast index.
Each peer should have the possibility to hold up files, like a cache, so that they could seed some of the "browsed pages".

The advantage is that there won't be required any clusters for websites (as they will be fetched from p2p).
Money for infrastructure will be earned by the "miners" who will actually hold the files and seed them.
And i guess a multi layer node might be implemented such as yaCy did, for the fast search.

What do you think, a decentralized web is really possible or I am just mad for this concept?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Concept for a new Web ? (no more http)
Post by: OpenYourEyes on December 29, 2012, 11:53:23 PM
I believe, fundamentally, what your are describing is FreeNet. (