Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Hyena on December 31, 2012, 01:09:56 PM

Title: Decentralized Social Network
Post by: Hyena on December 31, 2012, 01:09:56 PM
I'm sick and tired of facebook's supremacy.
Has anyone thought about decentralizing a social network service?

It should base on private/public key cryptography except your account's data should not be stored on the network I guess. The protocol should just make it possible to discover friends and get their news, likes and shares easily.

I don't feel it being impossible and I'd love to host my own front end to my social media data. It would be pretty much like a normal homepage except it would have its own standardized API for other people to fetch my updates.

Somewhat similarly to wordpress (open source, easy to set up).

Actually I'm not sure if it even needs the private/public key cryptography at all. Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Decentralized Social Network
Post by: stevegee58 on December 31, 2012, 01:17:32 PM
Diaspora is one of many decentralized/p2p social networks.  You're not the first to think of it.

Title: Re: Decentralized Social Network
Post by: chmod755 on December 31, 2012, 01:18:28 PM
Somewhat similarly to wordpress (open source, easy to set up).

Diaspora maybe?

Title: Re: Decentralized Social Network
Post by: Hyena on December 31, 2012, 01:20:10 PM
Diaspora is one of many decentralized/p2p social networks.  You're not the first to think of it.

Thanks. Also, cool avatar.

Title: Re: Decentralized Social Network
Post by: joecascio on December 31, 2012, 03:12:27 PM
A few references to read up on:  ( BitMessage uses bitcoin's public ledger approach. ( Tent is probably closest to what you're thinking of. Making Tent secure using public key cryptography would be an interesting combination.  ( is a very intriguing idea which was never implemented, that combines bitcoin's proof-of-work concept with identity. Allows you to create "expensive" identities, which would deter spammers and trolls.

Title: Re: Decentralized Social Network
Post by: Hyena on December 31, 2012, 03:24:11 PM
A few references to read up on:  ( BitMessage uses bitcoin's public ledger approach. ( Tent is probably closest to what you're thinking of. Making Tent secure using public key cryptography would be an interesting combination.  ( is a very intriguing idea which was never implemented, that combines bitcoin's proof-of-work concept with identity. Allows you to create "expensive" identities, which would deter spammers and trolls.

Thanks, after seeing Diaspora I was sort of disappointed. I actually meant p2p social networking so that the network discovery could be similar to bitcoin and others.

Title: Re: Decentralized Social Network
Post by: ninjarobots on June 28, 2013, 05:59:03 PM
Hey Bitcoiners, Help sponsor oldest Diaspora pods stay alive shifting to India.

What is this all about? an attempt to preserve something
Quote, one of the earliest diaspora social networking host is scheduled to close on June 30th, 2013. We want to save this pod.

Diaspora is a culture. A culture against the loss of personal privacy by the corporate social network giants. Diaspora enables you to keep your data with you and provides the flexibility to choose what you share. Since your data is stored on your own computer and not a single company's servers you are in control of your data.
Diaspora, being a distributed system, is actually a network of multiple instances of the software Diaspora. These instances are called pods. You can think of it like a mobile service provider or an email provider. One of the oldest and biggest Diaspora pod, is at the verge of closing down. 

The impact
fuel we need to keep this motor running

Your contribution, is literally the fuel we need to keep this motor running. Without that, is dead, taking with it the credibility of Diaspora culture. Your contributions will surely make history, a history of a war between a david called privacy and corporate goliath. Your contributions are goliath's pebbles. Provide them and be part of this history. Your contributions, by helping Diaspora, shows the world that we can definitely share what we wish without selling anything to the corporate giants. You control what, whom and when parameters of access regarding your data.

Share and help us spread the word! Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help:

Share the Diaspora philosophy
Tell your friends why privacy and anonymity became one of the fundamental needs in cyber world
Get the word out and make some noise about this campaign.
                Use Diaspora, talk Diaspora, be Diaspora

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They need only 1600EUR / 2100 USD, So if you can give 0.25BTC. Who will give more?
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Thought you might be interested in this.  :)