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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: zenitzz on January 26, 2016, 08:34:01 AM

Title: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: zenitzz on January 26, 2016, 08:34:01 AM
Europol head says Islamic State seeking to carry out large-scale attacks in Europe similar to last year’s on French capital

Islamic State is actively focusing its attention on conducting large-scale attacks in Europe similar to those last year in Paris, the head of the EU’s law enforcement agency has said.

Rob Wainwright, the head of Europol, the Hague-based organisation that coordinates EU policing efforts over terrorism and organised crime, said Isis had “developed a new combat-style capability to carry out a campaign of large-scale terrorist attacks on a global stage, with a particular focus in Europe”.

His comments, at a meeting of interior ministers in Amsterdam, came as France’s interior minister said Islamist terrorists had planned to attack another concert in Paris and carry out a mass killing in the streets of the capital.

Bernard Cazeneuve was defending the government’s decision to maintain a state of emergency imposed after the shootings and bombings across Paris on 13 November, which left 130 people dead, including 89 at the Bataclan concert hall. Isis claimed responsibility.

Cazeneuve said that since last spring the country’s intelligence services had foiled 11 terrorist attacks, some of which had been ordered by the Islamic State attackers behind the Paris atrocities.

Wainwright, a Briton who previously had a senior role at the Serious Organised Crime Agency, was unveiling a Europol report on the changes to operations by militant Islamist groups.

He said: “So-called Islamic State has a willingness and a capability to carry out further attacks in Europe, and of course all national authorities are working to prevent that from happening.”

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Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: bryant.coleman on January 26, 2016, 09:14:26 AM
In all probability, the European Union will witness dozens if not hundreds of major terrorist attacks this year. Continuously monitoring all these millions of immigrants is out of scope and impractical. Even if just 0.01% of the immigrants are ISIS sympathizers, that will result in dozens of attacks all across the European continent.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: bitsmichel on January 26, 2016, 12:30:07 PM
In all probability, the European Union will witness dozens if not hundreds of major terrorist attacks this year. Continuously monitoring all these millions of immigrants is out of scope and impractical. Even if just 0.01% of the immigrants are ISIS sympathizers, that will result in dozens of attacks all across the European continent.
Agree but you surely mean 1%, not 0.01% of a million.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: bryant.coleman on January 26, 2016, 12:44:12 PM
In all probability, the European Union will witness dozens if not hundreds of major terrorist attacks this year. Continuously monitoring all these millions of immigrants is out of scope and impractical. Even if just 0.01% of the immigrants are ISIS sympathizers, that will result in dozens of attacks all across the European continent.
Agree but you surely mean 1%, not 0.01% of a million.

I just hope that is not the case. The current immigration rate to Germany is about 1 million immigrants every four months. If 1% of them are ISIS sympathizers, then it will give a figure of 10,000 for 4 months, or 30,000 for one year. With that many Jihadis, the ISIS can conduct up to 6,000 terrorist attacks. So I just hope that it will be 0.01% (~300 terrorists) instead of 1%.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: a7mos on January 26, 2016, 01:33:44 PM
I think EU countries must block the borders between them to prevent any possible attacks.
because as ISIS said, most of the terrorist were from belgium and they were trained in Syria before doing the attacks.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: Snail2 on January 26, 2016, 03:28:41 PM
I think EU countries must block the borders between them to prevent any possible attacks.
because as ISIS said, most of the terrorist were from belgium and they were trained in Syria before doing the attacks.

Unfortunately the EU decision makers don't want this. Most of the national governments are also sticking to the existing policies. I think political correctness went way too far again. Probably they will need a couple of more Paris style attack and strong public pressure to come to their senses.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: butragenjo on January 26, 2016, 03:39:55 PM
its crazy,why europe is too unhelpless,we need create more army's. But merkele we will need sent to haga tribunal. How we can protect europe from islamist attacks?

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: bryant.coleman on January 26, 2016, 03:44:09 PM
its crazy,why europe is too unhelpless,we need create more army's. But merkele we will need sent to haga tribunal. How we can protect europe from islamist attacks?

You want to know how to protect Europe from future terrorist attacks? It is quite simple, actually. Stop accepting immigrants from countries such as Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan, who are prone to terrorist brainwashing. But first, you should topple anti-European heads of states, such as Angela Merkel and David Cameron, who are hell bent on destroying the European civilization.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: shiryu on January 26, 2016, 05:41:23 PM
Why are we not blasting ISIS with a huge assortment of pork products in cluster bombs? ISIS can be defeated using their own religious beliefs against them,ISIS would be more scared of getting a piece of pork splattered on their face than a bullet in the heart.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: vero on January 27, 2016, 09:42:11 AM
Remember this Europe if it wasn't for Turkey and Qatar there would not be any ISIS. Turkey purchases stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil directly from ISIS then turns around marking it for resale on the European market, Turkey facilitates the transfer to and from Syria of man power for ISIS, they and Qatar supply ISIS with arms, supplies, refined fuel, food, medical facilities everything an mercenary force would need to take on a quarter million man army.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: Snail2 on January 27, 2016, 09:54:27 AM
Why are we not blasting ISIS with a huge assortment of pork products in cluster bombs? ISIS can be defeated using their own religious beliefs against them,ISIS would be more scared of getting a piece of pork splattered on their face than a bullet in the heart.

Actually not a new idea: ( and (

BTW manufacturing pig lard filled suicide bomber deterrent (marketed as SBD Dauntless :)) items in various colours and fashion could be a huge business in the coming decades :).

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: xht on January 27, 2016, 08:14:25 PM
Less than 15% of the muslims invading the Europe were children and women.The number of the muslims invading the Europa is downgraded to avoid the obvious, that this is not a political migration, but open islamic tactic to invade more cultural, economically and militarily stronger kafr, the infidel lands.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: Spendulus on January 28, 2016, 07:30:36 PM
Why are we not blasting ISIS with a huge assortment of pork products in cluster bombs? ISIS can be defeated using their own religious beliefs against them,ISIS would be more scared of getting a piece of pork splattered on their face than a bullet in the heart.

So pigs will fly...

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: TheButterZone on January 28, 2016, 08:37:41 PM
"Gun-free zones" work.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: bryant.coleman on January 29, 2016, 02:31:06 AM
Less than 15% of the muslims invading the Europe were children and women.The number of the muslims invading the Europa is downgraded to avoid the obvious, that this is not a political migration, but open islamic tactic to invade more cultural, economically and militarily stronger kafr, the infidel lands.

The Muslims have successfully used this tactic many times in the past, in various parts of the world. One good example is that of Kosovo. Till the 19th century, the Serbs were a majority there and Kosovo was regarded as historical Serbian heartland. The Muslim population gradually increased as a result of explosive birth rates and immigration. In the end, the Serbs were completely exterminated, with the help of the pro-Muslim factions (the Vatican, NATO, United States.etc).

Other examples are Kashmir, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Naursky and Shelkovskoy districts of Chechnya, Lebanon.etc.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: gentlemand on January 29, 2016, 02:39:39 AM
Why are we not blasting ISIS with a huge assortment of pork products in cluster bombs? ISIS can be defeated using their own religious beliefs against them,ISIS would be more scared of getting a piece of pork splattered on their face than a bullet in the heart.

I like this idea very much, but I think it should be taken one step further. Surely with all our fancy technology we can project a 3d image of Allah himself in these trouble spots just as the FBI was planning to recruit Charlton Heston as the voice of God to call David Koresh and fuck with his mind.

We'll see whether they're true believers then when they're harangued by the man upstairs. 

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: designerusa on January 30, 2016, 08:56:36 AM

I think EU countries must block the borders between them to prevent any possible attacks.
because as ISIS said, most of the terrorist were from belgium and they were trained in Syria before doing the attacks.

Your solution is the best one i have ever heart.  :) but what if isis find another to leak European countries.. We should find more consistent solution than yours..

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: xht on February 18, 2016, 09:00:27 PM
Belgium Finds Video of Nuclear Official at Home of Terrorism Suspect

PARIS — A suspect linked to the Nov. 13 Paris attackers was found with surveillance footage of a high-ranking Belgian nuclear official, the Belgian authorities acknowledged on Thursday, raising fears that the Islamic State is trying to obtain radioactive material for a terrorist attack.

The existence of the footage, which the police in Belgium seized on Nov. 30, was confirmed by Thierry Werts, a spokesman for Belgium’s federal prosecutor, after being reported in the Belgian daily newspaper La Dernière Heure.

The news set off an immediate uproar among Belgian lawmakers, who charged that they and the country had been misled about the extent of the potential threats to the country’s nuclear facilities, as well as about the ambitions of the terrorist network linked to the Islamic State that used Belgium to plot the Paris attacks, which killed 130 people.

The International Atomic Energy Agency also confirmed on Thursday a report by Reuters that radioactive material had gone missing since November in Iraq, where the Islamic State controls broad areas of territory, adding to fears that the group may be able to acquire material for an attack with newly disconcerting dimensions.

The Belgian news media, citing sources close to the investigation, said that the surveillance footage had been retrieved from the home of Mohamed Bakkali, who was arrested after the attacks and is in detention on charges of terrorist activity and murder.

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: adverbelly on February 19, 2016, 06:57:20 PM
its crazy,why europe is too unhelpless,we need create more army's. But merkele we will need sent to haga tribunal. How we can protect europe from islamist attacks?

You want to know how to protect Europe from future terrorist attacks? It is quite simple, actually. Stop accepting immigrants from countries such as Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan, who are prone to terrorist brainwashing. But first, you should topple anti-European heads of states, such as Angela Merkel and David Cameron, who are hell bent on destroying the European civilization.

yes, these are the exact solution for this problem.. if we want to get rid of these immigrants , we have to make these solutions happen..

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: salinizm on February 19, 2016, 07:38:03 PM
I think EU countries must block the borders between them to prevent any possible attacks.
because as ISIS said, most of the terrorist were from belgium and they were trained in Syria before doing the attacks.

this is the right solution but it will never happen because eu doesnt like borders...

Title: Re: Isis targeting Europe for Paris-style attacks, says EU police chief
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 20, 2016, 11:58:22 AM
yes, these are the exact solution for this problem.. if we want to get rid of these immigrants , we have to make these solutions happen..

Things will get a little bit more clear by March 13, 2016. Elections to the three German states (Baden-Württemberg, Sachsen-Anhalt, and Rheinland-Pfalz) are due on that day. Already the AfD is polling impressive numbers in opinion polls (12% in Baden-Württemberg, 9% in Rheinland-Pfalz, and 17% in Sachsen-Anhalt). In addition to that, the neo-Nazi NPD is also likely to perform well in Sachsen-Anhalt. After the elections, Angela Merkel is likely to face a rebellion within her party.