Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: avatar_kiyoshi on January 27, 2016, 01:17:53 PM

Title: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: avatar_kiyoshi on January 27, 2016, 01:17:53 PM

Bitcoin is no longer for nerds and computer geeks only, but has become a mainstream digital currency used all over the world.

Also, thanks to great media coverage, Bitcoin has become popular in all segments of the population and not only among industry experts.

Millions of people use Bitcoin daily for payments and the blockchain for secure transactions and contracts.

And that’s why the movie industry is so interested in this topic.

Tomer Kantor, film director and producer said to CoinTelegraph:

Cinema doesn't allow the viewers to choose, it tells them what to choose. Bitcoin is a tool, so every movie where it's used would always show the perspective of the director's desires for that tool.

We'll see Bitcoin being mentioned a lot more in TV and Film as it matures, simply because more people will be using it as a tool.

Full read:

There are some movies which filming about internet and bitcoin.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: thejaytiesto on January 27, 2016, 01:42:57 PM
They are no doubt slowly introducing Bitcoin in movies. For now it's mostly irrelevant mentions, but that's a start. For example in the latest Zoolander movie, they did a special footage and the character mentions Bitcoin!

I think it will keep happening more and more, until we have an actual full length Hollywood movie with Bitcoin as a main theme in the movie.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Lutzow on January 27, 2016, 01:46:39 PM
They are no doubt slowly introducing Bitcoin in movies. For now it's mostly irrelevant mentions, but that's a start. For example in the latest Zoolander movie, they did a special footage and the character mentions Bitcoin!

I think it will keep happening more and more, until we have an actual full length Hollywood movie with Bitcoin as a main theme in the movie.

I wonder though if there'll be a time where we can go to the movies and paying in bitcoins directly at the ticketing stand in any part of a country.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: avatar_kiyoshi on January 27, 2016, 01:57:10 PM
They are no doubt slowly introducing Bitcoin in movies. For now it's mostly irrelevant mentions, but that's a start. For example in the latest Zoolander movie, they did a special footage and the character mentions Bitcoin!

I think it will keep happening more and more, until we have an actual full length Hollywood movie with Bitcoin as a main theme in the movie.

I wonder though if there'll be a time where we can go to the movies and paying in bitcoins directly at the ticketing stand in any part of a country.

I ever see a guy who make it come true, he's from Germany, he's exist in this forum, I just forget where he's posted.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: MedaR on January 27, 2016, 02:31:42 PM
This is very good info!
It easy to introduce btc to those people who have tons of dollars for them this could be
 very convenient way for buying and investing, also that is matter of prestige!

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: xdrpx on January 27, 2016, 02:43:05 PM
I've watched both the documentaries by Tomer Kantor on youtube and they were great. When he mentions Bitcoin being a tool and being used in movie dialogues, it made me wonder if they're planning to implement Bitcoin as a payment platform to view the movies they create, and yes, they indeed are. I got excited when I read that "Lionsgate and Movie Tickets allow bitcoin payments".

Would love to see if they uploaded their movies on sites like Vimeo and allowed us to make Bitcoin payments instead of buying the tickets with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: pooya87 on January 27, 2016, 02:51:49 PM
so far bitcoin has been mentioned in movies and television series. but only in a negative way, bitcoin was only introduced as a means for criminals (we all know that this is not the whole truth) but this is what they have shown so far:

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: allthingsluxury on January 27, 2016, 03:07:13 PM
Very nice, anything that brings attention to Bitcoin in my opinion is a good thing.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: jethrorn99 on January 27, 2016, 03:44:11 PM
Yay! One step closer for bitcoin to be the mainstream currency ;D

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: BellaBitBit on January 27, 2016, 03:46:59 PM
This is great news!  Derek Zoolander loves it and it is his fashion in his interview with Vogue  :)

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Amph on January 27, 2016, 03:47:54 PM
at this point is just need more time, before it can grab the attention of the "big" out there, then it will skyrocket

adoption is not linear you know, it's only hard to star, but when it will be at 10-20%, the remaining 80% will be easy

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: DimensionZ on January 27, 2016, 03:50:15 PM
I wouldn't mind buying my movie tickets with bitcoins if there is a terminal at the ticket booths.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: teddy5145 on January 27, 2016, 03:53:55 PM
There's already a documentary about Bitcoin on the internet :P
Would be cool in the future if we can buy a cinema ticket online through bitcoin ;D
or maybe more bitcoin innovation that we can find in cinemas ::)

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: pinoycash on January 27, 2016, 03:59:49 PM
About time they create a true to life story of satoshi nakamoto, or sci fictions about how bitcoin control the world economy,

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: novgod on January 27, 2016, 04:02:24 PM
Uow! That`s so nice! Hollywood has always served as a culture propagator! I really hope the use of bitcoin in movies could make more people aware of this revolutionary technology. to the moon!  ::)

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: NorrisK on January 27, 2016, 04:08:13 PM
It has already been used several times in crime series where it is used to do anonymous trading.

Often in combination with the tor network.

It would be cool if it was used in a movie for more general uses!

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: IGotTheDough on January 27, 2016, 04:18:01 PM
It's great that Hollywood is starting to accept BTC.  The more people that come to accept it, hopefully it will raise the price a bit more.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Herbert2020 on January 27, 2016, 04:24:26 PM
this is great news , if this multi million dollar industry starts noticing bitcoin it definitely is going to attract a lot of attention to bitcoin which in return will increase the popularity and the price eventually.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Kprawn on January 27, 2016, 04:33:57 PM
It has been used in multiple movies {Dope} already and Series. also started to accept Bitcoin, but I do not know if they still do. These things get announced and then you do not hear anything for a

while. Anyone care to comment about that?

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: OROBTC on January 27, 2016, 04:36:26 PM
this is great news , if this multi million dollar industry starts noticing bitcoin it definitely is going to attract a lot of attention to bitcoin which in return will increase the popularity and the price eventually.

Yes, Herbert2020, and above commentators.  

I too think that it will take a lot of exposure of BTC before it becomes mainstream.  But, Hollywood is a trendsetter, what happens on-screen often then happens on Main Street afterwards.  There is also some psychology being thrown in here by Hollywood...

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: SFR10 on January 27, 2016, 04:42:31 PM
Media's and entertainment is everything into spreading the word and I personally noticed around 3 to 4 months ago when BTCitcoin hype occur mostly of different American T.V Series, even for few seconds was more than enough into bringing attention to new users and after that it followed up by some companies getting either interested or scared of it and there have been a gradual growth ever since and it will surely continue this way by affecting other ways too and Hollywood Accepting BTCitcoins (even just for the tickets) would certainly help even further into introduce it into more audience every single day.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Snorek on January 27, 2016, 04:51:37 PM
This news is nothing solid. Just vague general information that Hollywood is aware that something like bitcoin exists.
We didn't hear anything for sure beside: 'yes, we thought about is because bitcoin is now more famous than ever so maybe we will make a movie about it'.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: expert4knowledge on January 27, 2016, 04:57:38 PM
This news is nothing solid. Just vague general information that Hollywood is aware that something like bitcoin exists.
We didn't hear anything for sure beside: 'yes, we thought about is because bitcoin is now more famous than ever so maybe we will make a movie about it'.
But if they advertise bitcoin it will spread much faster and for example if they make some movies that shows some people get  rich by using bitcoin it can help bitcoin become more and more favorable.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: OrangeII on January 27, 2016, 05:04:45 PM
if hollywood enter bitcoin the latest movies that will come out, I think it will become increasingly cool, bitcoin will be known by everyone and make bitcoin become increasingly cool  :)

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: elizabethqueen on January 27, 2016, 05:12:10 PM

Bitcoin is no longer for nerds and computer geeks only, but has become a mainstream digital currency used all over the world.

Also, thanks to great media coverage, Bitcoin has become popular in all segments of the population and not only among industry experts.

Millions of people use Bitcoin daily for payments and the blockchain for secure transactions and contracts.

And that’s why the movie industry is so interested in this topic.

Tomer Kantor, film director and producer said to CoinTelegraph:

Cinema doesn't allow the viewers to choose, it tells them what to choose. Bitcoin is a tool, so every movie where it's used would always show the perspective of the director's desires for that tool.

We'll see Bitcoin being mentioned a lot more in TV and Film as it matures, simply because more people will be using it as a tool.

Full read:

There are some movies which filming about internet and bitcoin.
this is will be amazing if hollywood take bitcoin to movie industry,i hope hollywood will make bitcoin as real movie,not just documenter,maybe bitcoin become future payment on futuristic movie.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Betwrong on January 27, 2016, 05:15:55 PM
That's a good news. Although there are a lot of people who aware about Bitcoin's existence I think most of the people who'd use it have a little knowledge about it or even none.

I heard that there is even Bitcoin Film Festival which was happening in Berlin last year but the media coverage of the event was very poor and maybe the quality of the films presented were poor too. We need quality stuff that's why we need a new level like Hollywood for example.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: n2004al on January 27, 2016, 05:27:40 PM
This is a big news. From those with big "B" ahead of word "big". Maybe even more. Deserve to be made all the letters with big letters. If bitcoin "conquers" Hollywood would be a tremendous increase of its known and spread. In the article are given some examples about the impact of various movies in the increase of the popularity of the subjects they have treated. If we bring in mind the mysteriousness which accompanied bitcoin (the disappearance of its inventor) or its various sufferings since its born and being unique or the first of its kind, the curiosity to know or have it will be really immense. Here what is given at the article:

The first documentary related to personal computers and the Internet is called Terminal Madness (1980), the same year the VIC-20 sold more than a million units.

The Google Boys was released in 2004. That same year, on August 18, Google listed its stock on Wall Street with an initial public offering of 19,605,052 Class A shares.

The Social Network, the well known movie about Facebook, came out in 2010 when this social website had the global attention of 500,000,000 active users. The film also won the "Hollywood Ensemble Award" from the Hollywood Film Awards.

But the very achievement of bitcoin would be only if the big names of Hollywood will be interested on it. They can bring real and significant amounts of people on their movies.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: btccashacc on January 27, 2016, 09:51:19 PM
after reading the original post on cointelegraph, i think it such a great news if bitcoin accepted in hollywood industry, bitcoin would be mainstream by addopted, and of course it's price would be increase, hoping would be more and more movie about bitcoin

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Patatas on January 27, 2016, 10:33:10 PM
I'm freaking against media like movies and stuff using bitcoins.They will inject and broadcast negative side of bitcoins.For example : imagine a movie scene where the bank robbers or say thieves use bitcoins or rob bitcoins or whatever.I feel they can inject a negative idea on people's views about bitcoins .I like bitcoin the way it is,the moment all these big shots start getting into the scene I'm afraid it won't be same as before.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: expert4knowledge on January 30, 2016, 07:49:23 PM
after reading the original post on cointelegraph, i think it such a great news if bitcoin accepted in hollywood industry, bitcoin would be mainstream by addopted, and of course it's price would be increase, hoping would be more and more movie about bitcoin
The best news for bitcoin can be making some movies about bitcoin. I think if people who have good savings of bitcoin fund making a movie about bitcoin with fascinating story they help their investments grow.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Erkallys on January 30, 2016, 07:52:35 PM
That's a first step forward. Now this is kind big, but soon it will be nothing when films will have as scenario a post-apocalyptic world where the banking system would have crashed and where Bitcoin is the only way of payment since the governments would have banned cash.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Blawpaw on January 30, 2016, 09:19:49 PM
This is great news for bitcoin.
Every day we see big companies start accepting Bitcoin. BTC is definitely going mainstream

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: gentlemand on January 30, 2016, 09:33:34 PM
Well, I hope Hollywood ups its game in terms of portraying online life. Early attempts were pretty risible. There are some epic stories out there waiting to be told. Time will tell whether they manage to translate that into something worth watching.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: makingwin1 on January 30, 2016, 09:56:15 PM
it would be cool, it would actually be very beneficial for the price of the bitcoin and people would start taking it more seriously in my opinion

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: twister on January 31, 2016, 03:11:39 PM
I just hope it gets mentioned in positive ways in the future, because so far I have only seen it mentioned in somewhat illegal sort of ways, although I understand that any publicity is good publicity.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: RealBitcoin on January 31, 2016, 03:22:00 PM
Finally, we need more media to jump on bitcoin too. I`m waiting for newspapers to accept BTC as their subscription, that`ll be the day.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: CryingMidget on January 31, 2016, 03:24:06 PM
If Hollywood really adopt bitcoin, I think it major changes in bitcoin. :P

Because today just 10-20% people the use bitcoin and if hollywood accept bitcoin ,bitcoin getting famous more people use bitcoin maybe from 20% will increase to 50-70% people the use bitcoin. :D

And it will make bitcoin price very high.

I think this is the biggest adaption in Bitcoin revolution. It will make a big change in a Price. May be before halving itself Price will be goes to some good rate I expect. Lets Hope for the best from Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: naidray on January 31, 2016, 05:09:46 PM
If Hollywood really adopt bitcoin, I think it major changes in bitcoin. :P

Because today just 10-20% people the use bitcoin and if hollywood accept bitcoin ,bitcoin getting famous more people use bitcoin maybe from 20% will increase to 50-70% people the use bitcoin. :D

And it will make bitcoin price very high.

I think this is the biggest adaption in Bitcoin revolution. It will make a big change in a Price. May be before halving itself Price will be goes to some good rate I expect. Lets Hope for the best from Bitcoin.

Yes, this must be a another big scale measured by bitcoin ecosystem. Definitely Hollywood's adoption will influence bitcoin price up surge. Hoping for any leading Hollywood star's promotions for spreading out this adoption.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: quadriple7 on January 31, 2016, 05:18:59 PM
it would be really cool if they started accepting bitcoins in their movies, it would have a lot of pros for bitcoin and its price for sure

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: iv4n on January 31, 2016, 05:54:27 PM
This is great news and I'm not surprised at all, its fact we will see bitcoin more and more   in every aspect of real life, not just movies.
For me this news is good cause people watch movies so much and for bitcoin this will be very good promotion.
I hope we will see some movie or serial very soon.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Pk880058 on January 31, 2016, 05:59:30 PM
This is a great news for Bitcoin as Media is very fast approach for publicity and movies are one which can reach to the core end of the world, so through Movies Bitcoin can now reach to more vast population and soon i think that Movies in theater will start accepting bitcoin as payment for purchasing Movie Tickets.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: prtty2gal2 on January 31, 2016, 06:16:00 PM
This is a great news for Bitcoin as Media is very fast approach for publicity and movies are one which can reach to the core end of the world, so through Movies Bitcoin can now reach to more vast population and soon i think that Movies in theater will start accepting bitcoin as payment for purchasing Movie Tickets.

Yes, Hollywood is a more popular and powerful sector with media background, it's adoption will definitely boost bitcoin ecosystem in all means. I too believe online movie tickets for bitcoin is the next good news we are going to experience.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: MrGodMan on January 31, 2016, 08:10:06 PM
This is a great news for Bitcoin as Media is very fast approach for publicity and movies are one which can reach to the core end of the world, so through Movies Bitcoin can now reach to more vast population and soon i think that Movies in theater will start accepting bitcoin as payment for purchasing Movie Tickets.

Yes, Hollywood is a more popular and powerful sector with media background, it's adoption will definitely boost bitcoin ecosystem in all means. I too believe online movie tickets for bitcoin is the next good news we are going to experience.
If all the hollywood star starts taking their fees or services through bitcoins then it will be great news because through Hollywood stars the bitcoins popularity will gain 500 hundred percent more then any thing else.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: equator on January 31, 2016, 08:15:52 PM
This is a great news for Bitcoin as Media is very fast approach for publicity and movies are one which can reach to the core end of the world, so through Movies Bitcoin can now reach to more vast population and soon i think that Movies in theater will start accepting bitcoin as payment for purchasing Movie Tickets.

Yes, Hollywood is a more popular and powerful sector with media background, it's adoption will definitely boost bitcoin ecosystem in all means. I too believe online movie tickets for bitcoin is the next good news we are going to experience.

In today's world Media got a great power and that too If Hollywood is ready to go with Bitcoin then their are more chances of other country to adapt Bitcoin, Then their is no so long days to come that Movie will Promote the Bitcoin and they will start doing Movie with Bitcoin as payment expenditure and Media will start to recognize Bitcoin More other country will start to Promote Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Rizky Aditya on January 31, 2016, 08:18:22 PM
Well that's a really good thing. And in America, bitcoin is pretty big so a lot of people would watch those movies. Right?

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: beerlover on January 31, 2016, 08:23:19 PM
This is a great news for Bitcoin as Media is very fast approach for publicity and movies are one which can reach to the core end of the world, so through Movies Bitcoin can now reach to more vast population and soon i think that Movies in theater will start accepting bitcoin as payment for purchasing Movie Tickets.

Yes, Hollywood is a more popular and powerful sector with media background, it's adoption will definitely boost bitcoin ecosystem in all means. I too believe online movie tickets for bitcoin is the next good news we are going to experience.
If all the hollywood star starts taking their fees or services through bitcoins then it will be great news because through Hollywood stars the bitcoins popularity will gain 500 hundred percent more then any thing else.

I guess, some one or two stars starting accepting payments in bitcoin will get some big up surge into bitcoin prices. Only the initial trigger matters, then it will spread like a fire to all the stars.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: richardsNY on January 31, 2016, 08:36:25 PM
It's definitely a good thing but I wonder what it will do with the average joe when they see Bitcoin is being used as currency in the movie that they watch. I think 99% of them will simply ignore it and look further. Only geeks and other tech people will notice the Bitcoin usage in the movie.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: heldertb on February 01, 2016, 03:01:49 AM
it would be really cool if they started accepting bitcoins in their movies, it would have a lot of pros for bitcoin and its price for sure

yes now which person is using bitcoin for him more comfortable that movie he want watch he is paying online directly his sit  conform  very fast and very is for better Hollywood movies they know very soon how much earn money

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 01, 2016, 03:14:49 AM
Aside from documentaries about it and aside from maybe having theaters and Netflix accept bitcoin as payment, I think btc could be used as a neat plot device in movies.  It'd have to get a bit more mainstream though, else you'd have to waste screen time explaining what it is.  Definitely has possibilities.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: kevin go on February 01, 2016, 04:31:12 AM
what a good will be a advertisment for btc...if btc are accpted in there so btc will be more famous and everyone wanted to use. and then bitcoin can be our main currencies
so we just got no doubt in bitcoin..hopefully hollywood is totally accpeted btc

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: enhu on February 01, 2016, 04:36:37 AM
Nice! maybe later there will be no need for gambling site nad bitcoin related services company to do signature campaign for they can now just use google adwords and some adnetworks and they now have wider audience unlike today.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: romero121 on February 01, 2016, 04:37:47 AM
It's definitely a good thing but I wonder what it will do with the average joe when they see Bitcoin is being used as currency in the movie that they watch. I think 99% of them will simply ignore it and look further. Only geeks and other tech people will notice the Bitcoin usage in the movie.

It can be considered in the opposite way too. If someone who has never heard of the word bitcoin will come to know something named bitcoin is getting used as currency. If one gets this idea sure he will try to know more about bitcoin which surely increase atleast a small percentage of bitcoin users

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: chennan on February 01, 2016, 04:51:02 AM
I don't know if you guys have ever watched "The Blacklist", but this thread reminded me that in one of the episodes, there was mention of Bitcoin very briefly, when one of the main character ("Red") threatens an FBI computer analysts to move like $5 Million out of someones account "anonymously" (for purposes that are not really relevant)... Needless to say that show was aired on NBC, so that's pretty big stuff right there.

Whether it's a good thing or not that it is tied to "criminal activity" is up for debate, but still... publicity on a major scale like that can't hurt.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: electronicash on February 01, 2016, 04:56:09 AM
I don't know if you guys have ever watched "The Blacklist", but this thread reminded me that in one of the episodes, there was mention of Bitcoin very briefly, when one of the main character ("Red") threatens an FBI computer analysts to move like $5 Million out of someones account "anonymously" (for purposes that are not really relevant)... Needless to say that show was aired on NBC, so that's pretty big stuff right there.

Whether it's a good thing or not that it is tied to "criminal activity" is up for debate, but still... publicity on a major scale like that can't hurt.

its just less than a minute probably. but if btc is mentioned or talked about on a talkshow, it must  really grab attention.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Gleb Gamow on February 01, 2016, 05:12:55 AM
If Hollywood even needs fodder to produce a movie that'll make Freddy Krueger look like Mother Teresa, all they'd have to do is dig deep:

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: enhu on February 03, 2016, 05:29:23 AM
I've seen "The Throwaways" Bitcoin was also mentioned in this movie during the bid of the encryption key. The key can be use to shutdown any cities to which terrorist bids for it.
interesting movie actually, it didn't somehow make a buzz but still i was amazed and watched the movie.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: RealBitcoin on February 03, 2016, 05:33:36 AM
Let's make bitcoin 1000$ again, the spread of bitcoin into all industries can do this!

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: expert4knowledge on February 04, 2016, 04:29:11 PM
It's definitely a good thing but I wonder what it will do with the average joe when they see Bitcoin is being used as currency in the movie that they watch. I think 99% of them will simply ignore it and look further. Only geeks and other tech people will notice the Bitcoin usage in the movie.
That's why I said a movie about bitcoin is the best thing for us. For example a movie that shows some people became rich.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: dothebeats on February 04, 2016, 04:44:11 PM
It's definitely a good thing but I wonder what it will do with the average joe when they see Bitcoin is being used as currency in the movie that they watch. I think 99% of them will simply ignore it and look further. Only geeks and other tech people will notice the Bitcoin usage in the movie.
That's why I said a movie about bitcoin is the best thing for us. For example a movie that shows some people became rich.

I think the movie should be open-sided and not just biased on one viewpoint for bitcoin to appeal to the masses. If people would only see the good things without even knowing what's bad in it, then the delusion of get-rich-quick might be there and might leave plenty of people broken because of carelessly throwing money at something that they only watched in the movies.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: expert4knowledge on February 04, 2016, 10:59:59 PM
It's definitely a good thing but I wonder what it will do with the average joe when they see Bitcoin is being used as currency in the movie that they watch. I think 99% of them will simply ignore it and look further. Only geeks and other tech people will notice the Bitcoin usage in the movie.
That's why I said a movie about bitcoin is the best thing for us. For example a movie that shows some people became rich.

I think the movie should be open-sided and not just biased on one viewpoint for bitcoin to appeal to the masses. If people would only see the good things without even knowing what's bad in it, then the delusion of get-rich-quick might be there and might leave plenty of people broken because of carelessly throwing money at something that they only watched in the movies.
I do agree with you but in many times it needs to be more positive to attract people but not so positive to deceive others about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: PakistanHockeyfan on February 05, 2016, 11:31:13 PM
This is definitely a step in the right direction. To be honest, I'd feel strange about Bitcoin becoming mainstream.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: Cyaren on February 05, 2016, 11:35:56 PM
This is definitely a step in the right direction. To be honest, I'd feel strange about Bitcoin becoming mainstream.

Why? Bitcoin is already pretty mainstream. Lots of news stories are covering it every day.

And yes, it's definitely a right step. Any promotion of BTC in a positive manner should be welcome.  :)

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: salinizm on February 05, 2016, 11:40:03 PM

Bitcoin is no longer for nerds and computer geeks only, but has become a mainstream digital currency used all over the world.

Also, thanks to great media coverage, Bitcoin has become popular in all segments of the population and not only among industry experts.

Millions of people use Bitcoin daily for payments and the blockchain for secure transactions and contracts.

And that’s why the movie industry is so interested in this topic.

Tomer Kantor, film director and producer said to CoinTelegraph:

Cinema doesn't allow the viewers to choose, it tells them what to choose. Bitcoin is a tool, so every movie where it's used would always show the perspective of the director's desires for that tool.

We'll see Bitcoin being mentioned a lot more in TV and Film as it matures, simply because more people will be using it as a tool.

Full read:

There are some movies which filming about internet and bitcoin.

it is a good news.. i think using bitcoin in movies will help promoting bitcoin itself..

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: heldertb on February 06, 2016, 04:01:11 AM

Bitcoin is no longer for nerds and computer geeks only, but has become a mainstream digital currency used all over the world.

Also, thanks to great media coverage, Bitcoin has become popular in all segments of the population and not only among industry experts.

Millions of people use Bitcoin daily for payments and the blockchain for secure transactions and contracts.

And that’s why the movie industry is so interested in this topic.

Tomer Kantor, film director and producer said to CoinTelegraph:

Cinema doesn't allow the viewers to choose, it tells them what to choose. Bitcoin is a tool, so every movie where it's used would always show the perspective of the director's desires for that tool.

We'll see Bitcoin being mentioned a lot more in TV and Film as it matures, simply because more people will be using it as a tool.

Full read:

There are some movies which filming about internet and bitcoin.

 when Hollywood accept bitcoin in movies  very soon get report about movies . which movies earn money best  and  very well for Hollywood when people  want to see movies very quick pay money online

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: randchingo on February 06, 2016, 07:44:05 AM
Great news, Hopefully this picks up the base for BTC.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: greBit on February 06, 2016, 07:51:44 AM
Great news, Hopefully this picks up the base for BTC.

Yeah I wish this news is true because if this news is true then it will take Bitcoin to a new level.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: lrdeoliveira on February 06, 2016, 09:35:37 AM
this is good for bitcoin, it needs to reach the masses

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: quadriple7 on February 06, 2016, 06:15:03 PM
its sounds fun to me i dont mind accepting it and its a good think.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: fnbusiness on February 06, 2016, 06:32:27 PM
Woow! It sounds great. Keep up the good work Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: takingthis4 on February 06, 2016, 06:41:15 PM
it would be really cool, bitcoin would get a lot of popularity if this happened

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: heldertb on February 07, 2016, 11:08:37 AM

Bitcoin is no longer for nerds and computer geeks only, but has become a mainstream digital currency used all over the world.

Also, thanks to great media coverage, Bitcoin has become popular in all segments of the population and not only among industry experts.

Millions of people use Bitcoin daily for payments and the blockchain for secure transactions and contracts.

And that’s why the movie industry is so interested in this topic.

Tomer Kantor, film director and producer said to CoinTelegraph:

Cinema doesn't allow the viewers to choose, it tells them what to choose. Bitcoin is a tool, so every movie where it's used would always show the perspective of the director's desires for that tool.

We'll see Bitcoin being mentioned a lot more in TV and Film as it matures, simply because more people will be using it as a tool.

Full read:

There are some movies which filming about internet and bitcoin.

yeah now is only accept bitcoin in movies  same time after Bollywood is also accept will bitcoin when holly wood   movies release more better for movies. he know very soon money . how much money earn.


Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: yenxz on February 08, 2016, 11:49:14 AM
such a great move if this really happen,because so far bitcoin movie just like documentary and not being really popular or box office ;D i thik would be great if hollywood take bitcoin for tittle or movie theme.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: expert4knowledge on February 18, 2016, 11:20:30 AM
such a great move if this really happen,because so far bitcoin movie just like documentary and not being really popular or box office ;D i thik would be great if hollywood take bitcoin for tittle or movie theme.
Maybe it is good if a director creates a crowdfunding campaign for making a movie with an attractive story about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: btcltccoins on February 18, 2016, 02:28:36 PM
Well, it great if it happens..Hollywood and bollywood members being paid in Bitcoins.
It will give a boost to the Bicoins as it will surely become popular amoung masses.

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on February 18, 2016, 03:01:03 PM
I've heard bitcoin mentioned in a few movies & TV shows. I'm sure I heard bitcoin mentioned in a movie that funny guy Jason Bateman stars in, Identity Thief maybe?

Title: Re: Hollywood To Accept Bitcoin In Movies
Post by: btcltccoins on February 18, 2016, 03:06:20 PM
That's a great news if it's already started in Hollywood or a movie / documentary has been made it.