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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Lethn on January 02, 2013, 10:41:16 AM

Title: Family visits over the new year
Post by: Lethn on January 02, 2013, 10:41:16 AM
So who's had to deal with the horror of people visiting over the new years and Christmas? With the unusual alliance me and my dad seem to have over the issue we've managed to whittle down the numbers that visit but we had two extremely bored children come over and they woke me up twice while I was trying to sleep because of course they're bored and they have nothing more entertaining to do than make noise. Why? Why do parents insist on dragging their kids to places they clearly don't want to go? It's like those parents who bring their kids to the damn supermarkets and wonder why their children act up, I hated going to the bloody supermarket, for me as a child it was the most boring place in the world.

*twitches angrily and puts a blade in his new saw for Jewellery*

Edit: dsiDAS KDKAKD KSAKDKAKdska ps agriprep kpfe!

Edit 2: Yey! They finally left! My headache is gone!

Title: Re: Family visits over the new year
Post by: mufa23 on January 02, 2013, 11:20:23 AM
Most of my family is grown up. A couple of kids here and there, but they have great parents. They don't act like the typical shits you see these days. Great holidays here.

I hated going to the bloody supermarket, for me as a child it was the most boring place in the world.
>Be Summer
>8 years old
>Mom takes me to store
>Only women out shopping. Men are at work.
>Women. Women everywhere.
>Skirts, summer dresses... legs at eye level.
I quite enjoyed it.

Title: Re: Family visits over the new year
Post by: Lethn on January 02, 2013, 11:24:09 AM
:D Lucky, though not sure about the mum part lol.