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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: galdur on February 03, 2016, 11:17:23 AM

Title: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: galdur on February 03, 2016, 11:17:23 AM

Published on Feb 2, 2016
How insulting. You know what? In place of the normal frustration, I think I'll just paste this comment Jani Laaksonen left on the video on Facebook that pretty much sums up what I'm thinking.

To all the foreign women. In case of getting sexually harassed in Finland:

1. Face the molester and raise either of your hands, palm forward, preferably with a mitten on it. The mere sight of this unerotic winter garment is usually enough to deprive your average assailant of any sexual expectations he might have had about the scenario.

Note: beware! Raising your hand to more than 90 degree angle might be interpreted as racist! This might attract any free roaming circus clowns in the area. That's right - circus clowns. This is Finland.

2. So the attacker seems to be either resistant or very much into the mitten thing? Time to raise the stakes!

Now use BOTH your hands the way you did with only one previously. This will create an invisible denser-than-air mass of so-called life-force. Thrusting your palms forwards zaps this ethereal field, sending the sexually deviant white hetero man flying to his milky little behind.

The menacing effect can also be amplified verbally by a resolute "EI!" (meaning "No" but as all of the rapists and molesters are probably your typical Finnish carnivore males, an "Ei" will do). If you want to have a little fun with it you can add some hilarious subcontext with an 80's Console Era war cry, such as the infamous "Hadouken!". Heheh, get it? Because of the way your hand-- never mind.

3. Okay, so the darned polar mongol still won't back down and your Midi-chlorian count simply isn't enough for yet another Force Push?

Fair enough - don't panic! Remember the OC spray you ordered from Ebay last week? Yes, the one advertised to "make the f*cker bleed his eyes to Primordial Soup", yes that's the one!

Don't use it. Leave it in your bag and let it give your swing some serious extra momentum as you crush the horny devil's cranium to smithereens with your awesome weapon of makeup and selfie-device carrying Leather Sledge. You know you didn't want to do this but he just gave you no choice. The man was basically begging to be pursed to death.

Unfortunately there's nothing to be done with the sinister Steven Seagal-Inspired background action tune. We do not have any experience with it as it is a new phenomenon and here we embrace everything new and exciting. Cope with it.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: Lethn on February 03, 2016, 11:32:25 AM
..... I'm going to actually have to take a moment to think rationally and come up with an appropriate response to this utter bullshit......




Nope, I've got nothing, these people are utter fucking cunts.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: galdur on February 03, 2016, 11:55:38 AM
..... I'm going to actually have to take a moment to think rationally and come up with an appropriate response to this utter bullshit......




Nope, I've got nothing, these people are utter fucking cunts.

Yeah, it leaves you speechless. Well, soon enough itīll be spring and then the refugee business will pick up in Europe. And not only from the Middle East, NATO plans to attack Libya again and screw things up even better there. Also Nigeria is mired in terrorism and reeling from a low crude price. Looks like even more desperate times ahead.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: jak1 on February 03, 2016, 02:11:22 PM
All European woman should go to self-defence courses and to carry pepper spry.If woman know to fight they ll escape they are cowards

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: Lethn on February 03, 2016, 02:26:22 PM
All European woman should go to self-defence courses and to carry pepper spry.If woman know to fight they ll escape they are cowards

By the way, fun fact, Islamists, especially the radical ones who are into Jihad, believe that if they are killed by women they will go to hell, the Kurds have been finding this out because they have female fighters in their organisations.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: Wilikon on February 03, 2016, 02:28:45 PM

Published on Feb 2, 2016
How insulting. You know what? In place of the normal frustration, I think I'll just paste this comment Jani Laaksonen left on the video on Facebook that pretty much sums up what I'm thinking.

To all the foreign women. In case of getting sexually harassed in Finland:

1. Face the molester and raise either of your hands, palm forward, preferably with a mitten on it. The mere sight of this unerotic winter garment is usually enough to deprive your average assailant of any sexual expectations he might have had about the scenario.

Note: beware! Raising your hand to more than 90 degree angle might be interpreted as racist! This might attract any free roaming circus clowns in the area. That's right - circus clowns. This is Finland.

2. So the attacker seems to be either resistant or very much into the mitten thing? Time to raise the stakes!

Now use BOTH your hands the way you did with only one previously. This will create an invisible denser-than-air mass of so-called life-force. Thrusting your palms forwards zaps this ethereal field, sending the sexually deviant white hetero man flying to his milky little behind.

The menacing effect can also be amplified verbally by a resolute "EI!" (meaning "No" but as all of the rapists and molesters are probably your typical Finnish carnivore males, an "Ei" will do). If you want to have a little fun with it you can add some hilarious subcontext with an 80's Console Era war cry, such as the infamous "Hadouken!". Heheh, get it? Because of the way your hand-- never mind.

3. Okay, so the darned polar mongol still won't back down and your Midi-chlorian count simply isn't enough for yet another Force Push?

Fair enough - don't panic! Remember the OC spray you ordered from Ebay last week? Yes, the one advertised to "make the f*cker bleed his eyes to Primordial Soup", yes that's the one!

Don't use it. Leave it in your bag and let it give your swing some serious extra momentum as you crush the horny devil's cranium to smithereens with your awesome weapon of makeup and selfie-device carrying Leather Sledge. You know you didn't want to do this but he just gave you no choice. The man was basically begging to be pursed to death.

Unfortunately there's nothing to be done with the sinister Steven Seagal-Inspired background action tune. We do not have any experience with it as it is a new phenomenon and here we embrace everything new and exciting. Cope with it.

This video needs its own thread, definitely.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: criptix on February 03, 2016, 02:46:54 PM
You guys sure it's not a fake? Lmao

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: galdur on February 03, 2016, 04:21:13 PM
Here it is on the Facebook channel of that Finnish TV station.

Yle Oulu
Oulun poliisin mukaan kielto, kädet ja käsilaukku ovat avainasemassa katuahdistelijaa vastaan. Tässä havainnollistava video / Say No!, push and use your handbag − Top Three methods against the street harassment according to Police -antti&kati

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: bizerinm on February 04, 2016, 03:19:23 PM
All people should take care, their target are no only woman, we have the case of stabbed man with child in all people should know about self defence

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: Lethn on February 04, 2016, 03:23:47 PM
All people should take care, their target are no only woman, we have the case of stabbed man with child in all people should know about self defence

It's true, If you noticed, I posted up a list of stuff in the comments page, while women will be targeted more people like this go after weak targets or people they perceive as weak.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: bizerinm on February 04, 2016, 03:26:09 PM
Yes, and also old people in retirement, it was attack on them in Munchen in metro, and in one village in Germany

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: salinizm on February 05, 2016, 01:24:19 PM

Published on Feb 2, 2016
How insulting. You know what? In place of the normal frustration, I think I'll just paste this comment Jani Laaksonen left on the video on Facebook that pretty much sums up what I'm thinking.

To all the foreign women. In case of getting sexually harassed in Finland:

1. Face the molester and raise either of your hands, palm forward, preferably with a mitten on it. The mere sight of this unerotic winter garment is usually enough to deprive your average assailant of any sexual expectations he might have had about the scenario.

Note: beware! Raising your hand to more than 90 degree angle might be interpreted as racist! This might attract any free roaming circus clowns in the area. That's right - circus clowns. This is Finland.

2. So the attacker seems to be either resistant or very much into the mitten thing? Time to raise the stakes!

Now use BOTH your hands the way you did with only one previously. This will create an invisible denser-than-air mass of so-called life-force. Thrusting your palms forwards zaps this ethereal field, sending the sexually deviant white hetero man flying to his milky little behind.

The menacing effect can also be amplified verbally by a resolute "EI!" (meaning "No" but as all of the rapists and molesters are probably your typical Finnish carnivore males, an "Ei" will do). If you want to have a little fun with it you can add some hilarious subcontext with an 80's Console Era war cry, such as the infamous "Hadouken!". Heheh, get it? Because of the way your hand-- never mind.

3. Okay, so the darned polar mongol still won't back down and your Midi-chlorian count simply isn't enough for yet another Force Push?

Fair enough - don't panic! Remember the OC spray you ordered from Ebay last week? Yes, the one advertised to "make the f*cker bleed his eyes to Primordial Soup", yes that's the one!

Don't use it. Leave it in your bag and let it give your swing some serious extra momentum as you crush the horny devil's cranium to smithereens with your awesome weapon of makeup and selfie-device carrying Leather Sledge. You know you didn't want to do this but he just gave you no choice. The man was basically begging to be pursed to death.

Unfortunately there's nothing to be done with the sinister Steven Seagal-Inspired background action tune. We do not have any experience with it as it is a new phenomenon and here we embrace everything new and exciting. Cope with it.

as women , we have to take martial art classes or carry tear gas.. this is so insulting..

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: jak1 on February 05, 2016, 05:59:22 PM
they will escape like rats if woman start defend herself and start beating them..And they won't go to Allah if woman kills them

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: popcorn1 on February 05, 2016, 10:32:08 PM
keeps you fit and one day it might come in handy

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: galdur on February 05, 2016, 11:05:13 PM
Iīm sure women can be quite proficient in weaponless self-defense but against male attackers Iīd recommend an extendable baton. This is a very nifty weapon. If you get a good blow to the arms or shoulders or shins or better yet a stab to the groin itīs sure to move all the attackerīs attention from you and to himself.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: Ernstew on February 05, 2016, 11:17:16 PM
woman, old people, woman with children...all of them should go to self defence classes. You know about attack on old people in if they later want to be the leaders there..and to agree next movement

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: craked5 on February 06, 2016, 04:38:00 AM
Iīm sure women can be quite proficient in weaponless self-defense but against male attackers Iīd recommend an extendable baton. This is a very nifty weapon. If you get a good blow to the arms or shoulders or shins or better yet a stab to the groin itīs sure to move all the attackerīs attention from you and to himself.

Yeah but problem is in some of those degenerated European countries women don't even have the right to own a shit like this... If they defend themselves with that the man will have the right to sue her even if he attacked first ><

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: jak1 on February 08, 2016, 10:53:11 PM
And will be declared guilty on court not only because taking with them pepper or so but also for provocating immigrants. Maybe woman should understand that immigrants came from different countries and that because of that she in her own town, in her own country must forget on freedom and behave so that they don't feel they came in different world

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: hugoworld on February 09, 2016, 07:14:45 PM

Published on Feb 2, 2016
How insulting. You know what? In place of the normal frustration, I think I'll just paste this comment Jani Laaksonen left on the video on Facebook that pretty much sums up what I'm thinking.

To all the foreign women. In case of getting sexually harassed in Finland:

1. Face the molester and raise either of your hands, palm forward, preferably with a mitten on it. The mere sight of this unerotic winter garment is usually enough to deprive your average assailant of any sexual expectations he might have had about the scenario.

Note: beware! Raising your hand to more than 90 degree angle might be interpreted as racist! This might attract any free roaming circus clowns in the area. That's right - circus clowns. This is Finland.

2. So the attacker seems to be either resistant or very much into the mitten thing? Time to raise the stakes!

Now use BOTH your hands the way you did with only one previously. This will create an invisible denser-than-air mass of so-called life-force. Thrusting your palms forwards zaps this ethereal field, sending the sexually deviant white hetero man flying to his milky little behind.

The menacing effect can also be amplified verbally by a resolute "EI!" (meaning "No" but as all of the rapists and molesters are probably your typical Finnish carnivore males, an "Ei" will do). If you want to have a little fun with it you can add some hilarious subcontext with an 80's Console Era war cry, such as the infamous "Hadouken!". Heheh, get it? Because of the way your hand-- never mind.

3. Okay, so the darned polar mongol still won't back down and your Midi-chlorian count simply isn't enough for yet another Force Push?

Fair enough - don't panic! Remember the OC spray you ordered from Ebay last week? Yes, the one advertised to "make the f*cker bleed his eyes to Primordial Soup", yes that's the one!

Don't use it. Leave it in your bag and let it give your swing some serious extra momentum as you crush the horny devil's cranium to smithereens with your awesome weapon of makeup and selfie-device carrying Leather Sledge. You know you didn't want to do this but he just gave you no choice. The man was basically begging to be pursed to death.

Unfortunately there's nothing to be done with the sinister Steven Seagal-Inspired background action tune. We do not have any experience with it as it is a new phenomenon and here we embrace everything new and exciting. Cope with it.

all woman must carry tear gas and take martial art classes becuse things are getting worse and worse..

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: bizerinm on February 10, 2016, 12:05:56 AM
Yes things are getting really bad so woman and children should learn martial arts. In one village in Europe where is a lot of immigrants children stay at home and don't walk alone parents follow them to school in groups

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: galdur on February 10, 2016, 12:16:35 AM

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: craked5 on February 10, 2016, 11:44:57 AM
I find it really strange to see self defense and non lethal weapons as forbiden.

I understand and agree with gun control. That's ok for me.
But things like peper spray or even some civil tasers (not the one used by police officers, it's really heavy) why forbidding them? They're not really dangerous but they can save a life in self defense!

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 10, 2016, 12:40:34 PM
Yes things are getting really bad so woman and children should learn martial arts. In one village in Europe where is a lot of immigrants children stay at home and don't walk alone parents follow them to school in groups

Arab gangs prey on lone European women, and most of the times, they outnumber their victims by 20 to 1 or 10 to 1. In such cases, no amount of martial arts will be enough to ensure the safety of the victim. The best option would be to carry a handgun or a knife. But they are not allowed in most of the European Union nations. Even pepper sprays are banned in some of the member states, I am told.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: craked5 on February 10, 2016, 12:48:15 PM
Yes things are getting really bad so woman and children should learn martial arts. In one village in Europe where is a lot of immigrants children stay at home and don't walk alone parents follow them to school in groups

Arab gangs prey on lone European women, and most of the times, they outnumber their victims by 20 to 1 or 10 to 1. In such cases, no amount of martial arts will be enough to ensure the safety of the victim. The best option would be to carry a handgun or a knife. But they are not allowed in most of the European Union nations. Even pepper sprays are banned in some of the member states, I am told.

Yeah and ban of pepper spray is something I don't understand...

But whatever, they could have a gun that at 20 vs 1 they couldn't do shit :/

And it's not only because they're women! At such rate noone can do anything! You gotta do something at the root!

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: adverbelly on February 10, 2016, 05:52:24 PM
I find it really strange to see self defense and non lethal weapons as forbiden.

I understand and agree with gun control. That's ok for me.
But things like peper spray or even some civil tasers (not the one used by police officers, it's really heavy) why forbidding them? They're not really dangerous but they can save a life in self defense!

you are right .. some non lethal weapons should not be banned.. like tear gases..

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: galdur on February 10, 2016, 06:19:28 PM
Well, I like those expandable batons. Very handy and very effective if used correctly. But if the security situation in Europe gets much worse I guess people will simply get themselves handguns.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: mainpmf on February 10, 2016, 07:14:30 PM
Well, I like those expandable batons. Very handy and very effective if used correctly. But if the security situation in Europe gets much worse I guess people will simply get themselves handguns.

Nah don't think so.
Handguns are really not in European culture you know. And let's be honest, a handgun is not really more efficient that a taser for example.

I'd rather have a taser or a pepper spray you know, less chance to do anything lethal and same chance to defend myself (more or less) ^^

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: galdur on February 10, 2016, 07:39:56 PM
Well, I like those expandable batons. Very handy and very effective if used correctly. But if the security situation in Europe gets much worse I guess people will simply get themselves handguns.

Nah don't think so.
Handguns are really not in European culture you know. And let's be honest, a handgun is not really more efficient that a taser for example.

I'd rather have a taser or a pepper spray you know, less chance to do anything lethal and same chance to defend myself (more or less) ^^

Simple is best. One blow from a baton and an attacker loses all interest in you. To the head and all his interests are most likely in the afterlife thereafter. I donīt have a baton myself but know someone who does and trust me this is a very effective weapon for defense and offense if needed.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: craked5 on February 11, 2016, 03:31:36 PM
Well, I like those expandable batons. Very handy and very effective if used correctly. But if the security situation in Europe gets much worse I guess people will simply get themselves handguns.

Nah don't think so.
Handguns are really not in European culture you know. And let's be honest, a handgun is not really more efficient that a taser for example.

I'd rather have a taser or a pepper spray you know, less chance to do anything lethal and same chance to defend myself (more or less) ^^

Simple is best. One blow from a baton and an attacker loses all interest in you. To the head and all his interests are most likely in the afterlife thereafter. I donīt have a baton myself but know someone who does and trust me this is a very effective weapon for defense and offense if needed.

What is this baton your talking about? Can we have a picture or a link or something like that cause I can't see it ^^

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: galdur on February 11, 2016, 04:54:55 PM
Well, I like those expandable batons. Very handy and very effective if used correctly. But if the security situation in Europe gets much worse I guess people will simply get themselves handguns.

Nah don't think so.
Handguns are really not in European culture you know. And let's be honest, a handgun is not really more efficient that a taser for example.

I'd rather have a taser or a pepper spray you know, less chance to do anything lethal and same chance to defend myself (more or less) ^^

Simple is best. One blow from a baton and an attacker loses all interest in you. To the head and all his interests are most likely in the afterlife thereafter. I donīt have a baton myself but know someone who does and trust me this is a very effective weapon for defense and offense if needed.

What is this baton your talking about? Can we have a picture or a link or something like that cause I can't see it ^^

Itīs an expandable baton. It was mentioned on page 1. First time I saw one of those was when i visited my friend in London last summer. He insisted that I take one with me when I went out at night, even though Iīm not exactly a choice victim for attackers. And I did, but nothing happened. I did demolish a wooden board with it though to see how it worked.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: Lethn on February 11, 2016, 08:17:39 PM
Extendable batons would work pretty good, but really, you should always bear in mind they can and will try to nail you for assault with a weapon if they catch you in the UK or Europe, I really hope the U.S gets nowhere with gun control as Europe is what you'll be looking at if these kind of laws get in.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: craked5 on February 12, 2016, 08:32:51 AM
Well, I like those expandable batons. Very handy and very effective if used correctly. But if the security situation in Europe gets much worse I guess people will simply get themselves handguns.

Nah don't think so.
Handguns are really not in European culture you know. And let's be honest, a handgun is not really more efficient that a taser for example.

I'd rather have a taser or a pepper spray you know, less chance to do anything lethal and same chance to defend myself (more or less) ^^

Simple is best. One blow from a baton and an attacker loses all interest in you. To the head and all his interests are most likely in the afterlife thereafter. I donīt have a baton myself but know someone who does and trust me this is a very effective weapon for defense and offense if needed.

What is this baton your talking about? Can we have a picture or a link or something like that cause I can't see it ^^

Itīs an expandable baton. It was mentioned on page 1. First time I saw one of those was when i visited my friend in London last summer. He insisted that I take one with me when I went out at night, even though Iīm not exactly a choice victim for attackers. And I did, but nothing happened. I did demolish a wooden board with it though to see how it worked.

Seems pretty cool.

Is it allowed? It should be but well it's not because it should that it is...

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: craked5 on February 12, 2016, 08:34:02 AM
Extendable batons would work pretty good, but really, you should always bear in mind they can and will try to nail you for assault with a weapon if they catch you in the UK or Europe, I really hope the U.S gets nowhere with gun control as Europe is what you'll be looking at if these kind of laws get in.

The good point of gun control is that bad guys don't have guns either...

The vast majority of agression are made without a gun. Which means you're less likely to get killed.
After that I totally don't understand why the non lethal defense weapons are not allowed...

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: Lethn on February 12, 2016, 02:10:00 PM
That's just not true, criminals will find a way to get guns one way or another, while it makes guns generally difficult to get, the only people it will completely work against are law abiding citizens who are the ones that actually need weaponry to defend themselves with anyway. One of the first things I was taught in martial arts was, when you are attacked out there, you will always be outnumbered and they almost always will have a weapon because criminals are always looking for the advantage, they don't give a shit about rules, people who think they do just don't understand the real world.

The argument for total gun control is always one from a position of total naivete or with an ulterior motive behind it, background checks are one thing, but a blanket ban is another entirely.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: youdamushi on February 12, 2016, 02:18:40 PM
That's just not true, criminals will find a way to get guns one way or another, while it makes guns generally difficult to get, the only people it will completely work against are law abiding citizens who are the ones that actually need weaponry to defend themselves with anyway. One of the first things I was taught in martial arts was, when you are attacked out there, you will always be outnumbered and they almost always will have a weapon because criminals are always looking for the advantage, they don't give a shit about rules, people who think they do just don't understand the real world.

The argument for total gun control is always one from a position of total naivete or with an ulterior motive behind it, background checks are one thing, but a blanket ban is another entirely.

Well that's what you say.

The average number of crimes involving weapons is 550 in France.

Others agressions and crimes don't involve guns.

Which means the vast majority of crimes are committed without guns. Which explains why we got incredibly less violent crimes than you do :)

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: Lethn on February 12, 2016, 02:58:46 PM
You know I'm British right? Have you ever considered the fact that weapon crimes are generally lower because overall crime is lower? I think economic factors would be far more likely to affect violent crime especially with weapons than the existence of inanimate object. The UK for instance is a shithole you ask somebody from Manchester what they think of gun control, I guarantee you won't get the same sort of responses as somebody living in France, by the way, we have very tough gun control laws over here and it's apparently very easy to get guns in the right places if you know people.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 12, 2016, 06:06:42 PM
Extendable batons would work pretty good, but really, you should always bear in mind they can and will try to nail you for assault with a weapon if they catch you in the UK or Europe, I really hope the U.S gets nowhere with gun control as Europe is what you'll be looking at if these kind of laws get in.

Extendable batons can offer some form of protection if the attacker is alone. But in most of the cases, there will be multiple attackers. Even if you manage to hit down one or two of them with the baton, the others will subdue you and then rape / rob you. Only (legal and lethal) fire-arms can offer protection in such a scenario.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: criptix on February 12, 2016, 06:10:43 PM
You know I'm British right? Have you ever considered the fact that weapon crimes are generally lower because overall crime is lower? I think economic factors would be far more likely to affect violent crime especially with weapons than the existence of inanimate object. The UK for instance is a shithole you ask somebody from Manchester what they think of gun control, I guarantee you won't get the same sort of responses as somebody living in France, by the way, we have very tough gun control laws over here and it's apparently very easy to get guns in the right places if you know people.

try to think about what happens when we have the same gun laws as in the US.

Normal citiziens will have handguns now and every criminal will run around with (half-)automatic MP's or better.

Police will be forced to act more like US police (shoot first or get shot).

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: Lethn on February 12, 2016, 06:48:49 PM
That's exactly what I think about criptix and it worries the fuck out of me, if this happens in the U.S I do believe that ordinary citizens are going to get massacred, the U.S is just not the same as Europe, you can't compare the two.

Extendable batons can offer some form of protection if the attacker is alone. But in most of the cases, there will be multiple attackers. Even if you manage to hit down one or two of them with the baton, the others will subdue you and then rape / rob you. Only (legal and lethal) fire-arms can offer protection in such a scenario.  

Of course, unfortunately here in the UK and Europe it's the only types of options we have, another possibility and a bit ridiculous would be carrying a smoke grenade to get away from the group, since it's only smoke you could actually buy them from airsoft stores, so take out the first guy, release the smoke, then while the smoke spreads fight your way out.

Firearms are your best bet though I agree, it's getting ridiculous that politicians and people in general are just in so much denial about this sort of thing when there are lives on the line.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 13, 2016, 06:21:54 AM
Of course, unfortunately here in the UK and Europe it's the only types of options we have, another possibility and a bit ridiculous would be carrying a smoke grenade to get away from the group, since it's only smoke you could actually buy them from airsoft stores, so take out the first guy, release the smoke, then while the smoke spreads fight your way out.

Firearms are your best bet though I agree, it's getting ridiculous that politicians and people in general are just in so much denial about this sort of thing when there are lives on the line.

Using a smoke grenade against a group of attackers? This option also seems to be very difficult to put in to practice. What about hiring armed bodyguards? At least these guys will be permitted to carry guns? But only the extreme-rich will be able to afford that sort of luxury, especially the bankers, politicians, and the pharma bosses.  ;D

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: Lethn on February 13, 2016, 12:26:14 PM
It won't do much physically obviously, but it could provide enough of a distraction to get out there, or if you're creative enough you could buy up magnesium, heated up that could pretty much work as a makeshift flashbang and blind them for a bit, would have to check the legitimacy of that though.

Title: Re: Finnish TV Instructs Women in Self-Defence - Video
Post by: youdamushi on February 15, 2016, 01:05:33 PM
You know I'm British right? Have you ever considered the fact that weapon crimes are generally lower because overall crime is lower? I think economic factors would be far more likely to affect violent crime especially with weapons than the existence of inanimate object. The UK for instance is a shithole you ask somebody from Manchester what they think of gun control, I guarantee you won't get the same sort of responses as somebody living in France, by the way, we have very tough gun control laws over here and it's apparently very easy to get guns in the right places if you know people.

I didn't know you were British but it doesn't really change anything.

And yeah I considered this possibility but it's wrong. in fact crime in a whole is a bit higher in France than in the USA.
Difference is in the USA they rape and kill, and here they simply beat the fuck out of you and steal you ^^

And there are always some shitty places in a country. Go in the 93 in France and you'll see lots of shit trust me. But the important is to see the things as a global situation. On a whole it seems really not bad to have gun control. We get less violent crimes and less rapes.