Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: fluffykorn on January 09, 2013, 07:32:40 PM

Title: Warning, Mtgox not depositing money into account
Post by: fluffykorn on January 09, 2013, 07:32:40 PM
I Bank wired mt.gox several hundred dollars nearly two weeks ago and have yet to have my account credited..

I emailed them after a week asking why i had not received my money and they asked for me to send them a picture of the wire transfer statement. I did upon request. they have managed to respond to me in a timely fashion except for my last email i sent them over a day ago.

All they have said to me is they're looking over the papers and will keep me updated, which hasn't really happened...

So it seems that my money is lost...

will update if i get any contact from mt.gox support team or my account is credited...

Title: Re: Warning, Mtgox not depositing money into account
Post by: shoopwooper on January 09, 2013, 08:54:17 PM
I had the same issue with Mt. Gox when I first started using them.  The first thing is DON'T PANIC.  They'll get to you eventually, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so do what you have to do to get in touch with customer service or whoever.  The first time I funded my account, I did so through Dwolla with $85 or something small and it didn't show up until the next day for whatever reason. 

I highly recommend you use Dwolla, as it's as user-friendly and transparent as anything i've seen.  I have accounts with LibertyReserve and Pecunix, but something just seems... off about those sites.  Dwolla is reasonably fast, cheap as hell, and insured.  Can't really go wrong with it.  At any rate, good luck!

Title: Re: Warning, Mtgox not depositing money into account
Post by: fluffykorn on January 09, 2013, 09:44:28 PM
so it only took you a day? haha yeah im trying not to panic lol. its just two weeks can be frustrating.