Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: LiskEnterprise on February 10, 2016, 11:37:51 AM

Title: NXT plus and negative
Post by: LiskEnterprise on February 10, 2016, 11:37:51 AM
I am a little shocked NXT does not get any love here.

I look at a lot of alts and BTC and was in BTC early - at .002c

not large but was in and watching.

NXT seems very advanced, proven not a scam, proven POS, assets, colored coins, messages, shuffling etc.


Even the founder was an incredible read and story.

So where is the love?

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: LiskEnterprise on February 10, 2016, 12:45:11 PM
The ultimate progress for an alt coin...

A killer app.

a celebrity endorsement.

steady utilization.

a growing strong loyal dev team.


Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: LiskEnterprise on February 11, 2016, 01:42:19 AM
I think NXT needs to focus on mobile usable apps

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: tokeweed on February 11, 2016, 01:45:48 AM
I am a little shocked NXT does not get any love here.

I look at a lot of alts and BTC and was in BTC early - at .002c

not large but was in and watching.

NXT seems very advanced, proven not a scam, proven POS, assets, colored coins, messages, shuffling etc.


Even the founder was an incredible read and story.

So where is the love?

I'm surprised too.  It's just the way it is I guess...

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: patmast3r on February 11, 2016, 07:29:43 AM
It's all about adoption. You can have killer features all you want. If noone uses them you might as well not have them. Without widespread adoption any alt - no matter what features it has - will stagnate or fail alltogether at some point.
This is the crux of pretty much the entire altcoin scene and I haven't seen any project geaining adoption on any significant level so far.  I'm happy to be corrected on that though :)

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: LiskEnterprise on February 14, 2016, 01:32:45 PM
It's all about adoption. You can have killer features all you want. If noone uses them you might as well not have them. Without widespread adoption any alt - no matter what features it has - will stagnate or fail alltogether at some point.
This is the crux of pretty much the entire altcoin scene and I haven't seen any project geaining adoption on any significant level so far.  I'm happy to be corrected on that though :)

Yes too true.

So really a coin needs some celebrity endorsement to hit a larger sphere outside of the normal crypto community.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: Marc De Mesel on February 14, 2016, 03:53:22 PM
Great pic 8) That was last summer though.

It's been a rough winter. (

But he survived and is planning to get a tattoo. What you think?  ;D ( ( (

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: vlom on February 14, 2016, 06:43:42 PM
generating an account with OS X wallte does not work. (

always the same message: password incorrect.

choosing an other, an own PW?

nope: Your passphrase must be at least 35 characters long. (

=> now way to create an account with Version 2.2.0 (2.2.0)

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: sadface on February 14, 2016, 07:54:28 PM
35 characters absolutely advised, maybe they made it mandatory. you need a safe password for nxt!

proofknuckle seems to be working on a new mac wallet:

i would call it alpha status, from reading the thread.

e: love the lambo, marc!

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: robelneo on February 14, 2016, 08:06:25 PM
It is not yet their time yet I am not into this coin,but reading how you feel about next coin makes me believe that i ought to be on this coin,they have indeed had a good community and dedicated team the only thing missing I guess are good companies that can adopt their features and goals..

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: Marc De Mesel on February 14, 2016, 09:44:35 PM
Those that missed it, great recent book about NXT:

Ps: Thanks sadface! :)

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: commandrix on February 14, 2016, 11:39:50 PM
I've thought so too. I think it's a little goofy that you have to run both a command line app and a web browser to use it (or at least you did last time I used NXT), but it works fine and it's not a scamcoin. It's got some pretty cool features too. NXT was actually the first altcoin I saw that even had a functional polling feature and a built-in marketplace, which I thought was neat. You gotta remember that a lot of what's happening with the Blockchain is very much Version 1.0 stuff and, maybe some of it could be improved, but this is where it's starting to get exciting.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: deadpoolx on February 15, 2016, 01:04:48 AM
The price is getting traction lately, people are beginning to see that it's underpriced.
And it's handling well with the large amount of competitors in marketcap.

So, keep calm... and hold on.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: vlom on February 15, 2016, 01:17:42 PM
now wallet works fine.

NXT is POS, right?

This is my first POS Coin.

Now just need an open wallet, right?

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: sadface on February 15, 2016, 01:56:23 PM
yes nxt is pos, but you don't get interest on your holdings. you gather fees by contributing to network security. the process is called forging. similar to mining, when you forge a block you get the fees of all transactions in that block. you need a relatively large amount of nxt to forge blocks regularly. i'm not sure how profitable it is at the moment, but the margin is small! the plus side of this is that nxt has no inflation.

you can also lease your balance to a forging pool, so you don't have to have your wallet open. could make things more profitable. check or google, i'm not up 2 date on forging pools.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: sadface on February 15, 2016, 02:19:45 PM
I've thought so too. I think it's a little goofy that you have to run both a command line app and a web browser to use it (or at least you did last time I used NXT), but it works fine and it's not a scamcoin. It's got some pretty cool features too. NXT was actually the first altcoin I saw that even had a functional polling feature and a built-in marketplace, which I thought was neat. You gotta remember that a lot of what's happening with the Blockchain is very much Version 1.0 stuff and, maybe some of it could be improved, but this is where it's starting to get exciting.

i think there is an installer for windows now, which might have made things easier. on linux you still need to run a server in a terminal/console, which you then access via localhost in your browser. if you're not fimilar with linux and such its very odd, i agree.
Lots of the nxt features are a bit rough to use, because they really are core transaction types with a basic gui. I think the devs were hoping for plugin developers to take over and make them user friendly. i think eventually all these things will come.

hint for devs: altho nxt is written in java, plugins can be written in many language, such as php, c/++, python. with the asset exchange its also relatively easy to get funding, if you have something good in mind.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: deadpoolx on February 15, 2016, 05:29:19 PM
Great pic 8) That was last summer though.

It's been a rough winter. (

But he survived and is planning to get a tattoo. What you think?  ;D ( ( (

Are you the real Marc De Mesel?

Nice work with the logo and very good content on your youtube channel.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: tyz on February 15, 2016, 06:17:34 PM
Is it Marc De Mesel's Lamborghini?  :o

I love NXT just as much as I love every crypto community, however, if you were looking to make money marketing your Bitcoin2.O coin to Silicon Valley and the world at large, then you might have chosen a name that didn't suggest that you were better than one of the all time greatest entrepreneurs in the computer space.

"Ethereum" just comes across a little less arrogant than:

"Next - improving the company that clueless idiot Steve Jobs ruined due to his complete and utter stupidity"

Otherwise, you would be where Ethereum is today.


Maybe you should have started the Tennessee project before Ethereum launched.

Don't take your first mover advantage for granted.  Love it.  Appreciate it.  Exploit it.  Promote it.
Better luck NXT time.

Hey, at least you are not starving:

That's a plus, right?!

and what a vibrant community (forum) you have:

millions of views on individual posts is very positive!!!

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: box0214 on February 15, 2016, 06:38:07 PM
There's now a Warp infused nxt wallet...

BTC Warp Wallet + NXT:

- Remember 1 passphrase to generate your BTC and NXT wallet
- Shorter passphrase
- Deters brute forcing of passphrase as its cpu intensive to generate the addresses
- NXT passphrase uses the generated public and private key combined.
- BTC address shows up in your NXT user panel for easy viewing.

demo: --- click on key icon and then just provide any warp login / salt and generate.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: Marc De Mesel on February 15, 2016, 08:11:53 PM
Are you the real Marc De Mesel?

Nice work with the logo and very good content on your youtube channel.

Thanks so much man! :)

Love your posts too!  8)

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: stoat on February 15, 2016, 10:00:53 PM
Wont lisk kill off nxt?

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: sadface on February 15, 2016, 10:12:55 PM
nothing killed nxt so far and lisk won't kill it either.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: stoat on February 15, 2016, 10:26:20 PM
nothing killed nxt so far and lisk won't kill it either.

Isn't lisk the new project from the people who brought us failed coin NXT?

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: sadface on February 16, 2016, 08:13:23 AM
you're mistaken. lisk is a fork from crypti.
one of the guys is a mod over at the nxtforum, going by the name 'Berzerk'. he has not been very active since he joined the crypti team and he is in no way involved in development and never was.

what makes you say nxt failed? failed at what exactly?

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: stoat on February 16, 2016, 11:41:28 AM
you're mistaken. lisk is a fork from crypti.
one of the guys is a mod over at the nxtforum, going by the name 'Berzerk'. he has not been very active since he joined the crypti team and he is in no way involved in development and never was.

what makes you say nxt failed? failed at what exactly?

Adoption outside of speculation.

And now it seems like nxt is a technological dead end.

Lisk is an obvious attempt to copy ethereum. And is done by ex NXT people.  Seems like you're being abandoned.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: sadface on February 16, 2016, 01:01:31 PM
first of all 'nxt people' is wrong, as its a single person. he abandoned nxt long ago, when he moved on to crypti. so nxt was abandoned by berzerk. a forum mod, not a dev, not anything. i know it comes as a big surprise to you, but guess what, it survived! :o and just as a sidenote: i'm certain berzerk is still holding on to his nxt.

real world usage could be better, but its definately not non existant, like you're trying to suggest. there are a couple of companies utilizing nxt. compared to other 'altcoins' nxt has the most active forum there is. abandonment looks different to me.
in terms of technology: i suggest you install the wallet and see for yourself. its years ahead of anything else. but ill bite. why do you think nxt is a 'technological dead end'?

imo your post is a very poor attempt to mash lisk and ethereum copy and nxt together. whoever is paying you should invest his money in smarter people.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: Snail2 on February 16, 2016, 01:46:28 PM
what makes you say nxt failed? failed at what exactly?

According to stoat every coin failed what isn't ETH :). Don't bother about him. He's right on adoption tho.

NXT is a bit out of fashion in these days, but technologically it's still one of the best coins, and it have a rather strong dev and user community.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: stoat on February 16, 2016, 01:51:37 PM
Seems like the fashion these days is to try and copy ethereum.  Nxt sell by date was 2014.  People moved on.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: Snail2 on February 16, 2016, 03:02:50 PM
Seems like the fashion these days is to try and copy ethereum.  Nxt sell by date was 2014.  People moved on.

Well, as far as I know there's only one ETH copy. That's pretty far from fashion. BTW NXT is still far better than ETH, because of it's working and have a usable GUI :). Also, with NXT you don't need a degree from programming and nuclear physics to make a transaction or create an asset :).

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: stoat on February 16, 2016, 03:28:21 PM
Seems like the fashion these days is to try and copy ethereum.  Nxt sell by date was 2014.  People moved on.

Well, as far as I know there's only one ETH copy. That's pretty far from fashion. BTW NXT is still far better than ETH, because of it's working and have a usable GUI :). Also, with NXT you don't need a degree from programming and nuclear physics to make a transaction or create an asset :).


Nxt has such a tiny market cap it is useless for anything serious on this point alone

How do you explain the lack of progress in so many years?

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: JohnnyBTCSeed on February 16, 2016, 03:35:58 PM
I cant believe I am agreeing with you stout. But NXT is def in its death throes. It's best feature has been the AE, and now the community wants to kick those supporters in the balls by redesigning the system and crashing the AE. Thanks guys way to increase adoption.

Of course this is immediately right after kicking the third party developers in the balls.

tLDR,  supporting NXT will get you kicked in the balls

Seems like the fashion these days is to try and copy ethereum.  Nxt sell by date was 2014.  People moved on.

Well, as far as I know there's only one ETH copy. That's pretty far from fashion. BTW NXT is still far better than ETH, because of it's working and have a usable GUI :). Also, with NXT you don't need a degree from programming and nuclear physics to make a transaction or create an asset :).


Nxt has such a tiny market cap it is useless for anything serious on this point alone

How do you explain the lack of progress in so many years?

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: patmast3r on February 16, 2016, 04:05:57 PM
I cant believe I am agreeing with you stout. But NXT is def in its death throes. It's best feature has been the AE, and now the community wants to kick those supporters in the balls by redesigning the system and crashing the AE. Thanks guys way to increase adoption.

Of course this is immediately right after kicking the third party developers in the balls.

tLDR,  supporting NXT will get you kicked in the balls

Seems like the fashion these days is to try and copy ethereum.  Nxt sell by date was 2014.  People moved on.

Well, as far as I know there's only one ETH copy. That's pretty far from fashion. BTW NXT is still far better than ETH, because of it's working and have a usable GUI :). Also, with NXT you don't need a degree from programming and nuclear physics to make a transaction or create an asset :).


Nxt has such a tiny market cap it is useless for anything serious on this point alone

How do you explain the lack of progress in so many years?

Can you elaborate on crashing the AE and kicking 3rd party devs in the balls ? I must have missed something there.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: JohnnyBTCSeed on February 16, 2016, 04:29:45 PM
Those comments were in regard to the proposed nxt 2.0 reboot. Where as it has been proposed that nxt be redeemed for fnxt at a 1-1 with nxt.

My view point is that those who have supported the ae by parking nxt there will get shafted as the nxt ae will deflate due to people changing out to nxt to get fnxt.

This ae deflation event i do not view as a free market force but as a (hopefully one off) event caused by the developers.

To a business that has supported the nxt ae by using it, this in my opinion, is like being kicked in the balls, when your assets loses much value because of some non-free-market event.

Edit. (In a nutshell) The first kick in the balls was changes to the api that broke stuff

I cant believe I am agreeing with you stout. But NXT is def in its death throes. It's best feature has been the AE, and now the community wants to kick those supporters in the balls by redesigning the system and crashing the AE. Thanks guys way to increase adoption.

Of course this is immediately right after kicking the third party developers in the balls.

tLDR,  supporting NXT will get you kicked in the balls

Seems like the fashion these days is to try and copy ethereum.  Nxt sell by date was 2014.  People moved on.

Well, as far as I know there's only one ETH copy. That's pretty far from fashion. BTW NXT is still far better than ETH, because of it's working and have a usable GUI :). Also, with NXT you don't need a degree from programming and nuclear physics to make a transaction or create an asset :).


Nxt has such a tiny market cap it is useless for anything serious on this point alone

How do you explain the lack of progress in so many years?

Can you elaborate on crashing the AE and kicking 3rd party devs in the balls ? I must have missed something there.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: sadface on February 16, 2016, 06:00:24 PM
the complete proposal is here:
important to note is that this is an ongoing discussion

the proposal has up and downsides. i agree that the asset market would take a hit, but i think that most likely only the bad assets would not recover. solid projects would. i'm not happy with it at all either. if anyone has any ideas on how to make a transition 'fair', please go ahead and suggest.

one thing i would completely disagree with is that nxt is in its 'death throes'. the proposal is there to keep nxt on the forefront of technology, thus to ensure its future. the proposal will enable scalability (and flexability) other cryptos are only dreaming of. to grasp the importance just take a look at the current bitcoin discussion about 1mb/2mb blocks.

i personally think that the dev team is not taking the needs of nxt users into consideration enough. this also goes in line with the API changes for no good reason. these problems have been there in the past and i think there was a 'mediation' job for a while to better communicate things. if i'm not mistaken that position is currently vacant and it would be a good suggestion to fill that spot again with someone capable.
the positive side of this is that nxt core development has been going at an amazing pace. features have been added frequently, just recently coin shuffling, data cloud etc etc.

i think fatalism, like yours johnny, doesn't help at all. instead we need to discuss. and yes i read your idea and it has been cross posted on the nxtforum for others to read.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: JohnnyBTCSeed on February 16, 2016, 06:41:05 PM
This plan will either make or break nxt. = in its death throes. (Of course could always rise from the ashes)

The reasoning behind the tech and the scaling is brilliant, but if the distribution of fnxt is fucked then well confidence is lost on nxt. And any business worth its salt will do the due dilligance to research what they are getting into.

In order for it to work it needs to be fair to all.

Statements like only certain "active" accounts will get benefit is the most socialist thing ever.

Add in the confidence that a business will need to use a nxt side chain, but the tech is never in their control and they must assume that the developers will always make the right decisions, not break api, not deflate assets, not break other stuff. Makes this a confidence game.

Despite the excellent tech, Nxt needs people/ businesses to use it. Ie they need confidence in the system.
But the confidence in the system doesnt get built from actions that continually are perceived as unfair. And if the solution is that well the ae is going to take a hit but hey thats life. How does that build confidence in nxt?

Why would a business want to invest time/money into this?

(Edit, i started off nice, then got pissed from some disrespectful nxt forum members, maybe that doesnt exscuse my attitude but im only human here, am better after a walk to calm down)

the complete proposal is here:
important to note is that this is an ongoing discussion

the proposal has up and downsides. i agree that the asset market would take a hit, but i think that most likely only the bad assets would not recover. solid projects would. i'm not happy with it at all either. if anyone has any ideas on how to make a transition 'fair', please go ahead and suggest.

one thing i would completely disagree with is that nxt is in its 'death throes'. the proposal is there to keep nxt on the forefront of technology, thus to ensure its future. the proposal will enable scalability (and flexability) other cryptos are only dreaming of. to grasp the importance just take a look at the current bitcoin discussion about 1mb/2mb blocks.

i personally think that the dev team is not taking the needs of nxt users into consideration enough. this also goes in line with the API changes for no good reason. these problems have been there in the past and i think there was a 'mediation' job for a while to better communicate things. if i'm not mistaken that position is currently vacant and it would be a good suggestion to fill that spot again with someone capable.
the positive side of this is that nxt core development has been going at an amazing pace. features have been added frequently, just recently coin shuffling, data cloud etc etc.

i think fatalism, like yours johnny, doesn't help at all. instead we need to discuss. and yes i read your idea and it has been cross posted on the nxtforum for others to read.

Title: Re: NXT plus and negative
Post by: sadface on February 16, 2016, 07:38:17 PM
yes i completely understand your points

Statements like only certain "active" accounts will get benefit is the most socialist thing ever.

some (retarded) _community members_ (not devs) have suggested to exclude inactive accounts from the proposed 1:1 nxt/fnxt distribution. i'm completely with you on this. its not acceptable and i would never support anything like that. i don't exepect that to happen. it would not just damage trust but also cause a community split. in that case nxt would deserve to die imo.
the other matter are darknxt, which could present a security risk, so i'm partial to the idea to exclude those. darknxt are 'dead' nxt, only protected by a 64 bit public key. they are for example nxt sent to wrong, unused accounts by accident.

i wrote this in my last post:
i personally think that the dev team is not taking the needs of nxt users into consideration enough
businesses are also users, so i agree, they should make changes with more care!

however lets not forget something: nxt is as decentralized as it gets. there is no financial backing by venture capital or companies, its independant, its not organized like any other crypto. there is no hierarchy. communication isn't streamlined. besides the downfalls i kinda like it like that.

in regards to business using nxt, yes we need more. thats why 2.0 was proposed. companies can spawn their own child chains without worrying about poor distribution, coin shuffling, or their users getting lost with the overwhelming gui. they can hand pick what features they need. for example they can keep it simple with token transfers only and they are on the safe side because those APIs will not be subject to major revisions.