Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 12:57:27 AM

Title: Televangelists/Christians in the US - tax free, legal scams
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 12:57:27 AM
Televangelists in America.  Angels, born again Christians, "angels on your body", ointments, devil, bad angels, all nine yards.

Exposé of religious crooks.
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TELEVANGELISTS: 'Fleecing the Flock':
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Crazy things preachers say:
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Crazy things creationists say:
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Preachers gone wild:
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Crazy things Christians say:
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Kirk Cameron - How God created man? (He is not joking):
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Speaking in Tongues Exposed:
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Jesus camp for kids (very disturbing):
------------------------------------ (

Christian child abuse (al-Qaeda style):
------------------------------------- (

Raising a monster.  Christian Home Schooling:
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Brainwashing children: Jesus Camp - 2006 Documentary (full version):
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Sarah Palin witchcraft ceremony:
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The craziest claim by a creationist (how dragons were created):
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Warning: PG rated.

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: Moloch on February 17, 2016, 12:58:38 AM
James Randi Debunks Peter Popoff Faith Healer (

Derren Brown Exposing Faith Healing Scams (

Derren Brown Exposing the Fake Faith Healing Leg Trick (

Fake Christian Healer Leroy Jenkins, EXPOSED by Inside Edition (

Faith healers are very destructive... they convince sick people that they are well... then people do not seek proper medical treatment, resulting in a worse condition or even death

Enticing a disabled person to stand up out of their wheelchair, and run across the stage is extremely dangerous...

Once the adrenaline rush wears off, people are in severe pain... and the preacher will blame the victim for not having enough faith in God:

Pat Robertson: It's Your Fault Your Faith Healing Failed (

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: popcorn1 on February 17, 2016, 01:09:19 AM
ARE WORSE THAN MUSLIMS.. ok nearly as then

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 01:15:53 AM
Westboro Baptist Church - #1 hate church in America

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: gentlemand on February 17, 2016, 01:16:31 AM
I love this stuff. I can never get over the fact that grown human beings fall for this shit in their millions. Do they never notice the constant demands for money? Does that not set off a little light in their heads? Guess not.

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: Moloch on February 17, 2016, 01:18:10 AM
I love this stuff. I can never get over the fact that grown human beings fall for this shit in their millions. Do they never notice the constant demands for money? Does that not set off a little light in their heads? Guess not.

Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, defending their private jets (

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 01:19:28 AM
And here are some documentary from Australia (about US cooks).  Very funny. (

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: Moloch on February 17, 2016, 01:20:47 AM
Westboro Baptist Church - #1 hate church in America

To be completely fair, WBC is just trolling...

I have it on good authority, that nearly every member of that "church" is a lawyer... they get their money by protesting soldier funerals, calling them fags... then when someone throws a punch, they sue...

I don't think the WBC actually believes what they say... they are simply trolls who are playing a game for money

I almost feel like they are trolling Christians by being extreme literalists (fundamentalists)...

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 01:24:25 AM
Crazy things preachers say: (

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 01:26:31 AM
Westboro Baptist Church - #1 hate church in America

To be completely fair, WBC is just trolling...

I have it on good authority, that nearly every member of that "church" is a lawyer... they get their money by protesting soldier funerals, calling them fags... then when someone throws a punch, they sue...

I don't think the WBC actually believes what they say... they are simply trolls who are playing a game for money

I almost feel like they are trolling Christians by being extreme literalists (fundamentalists)...

I wondered about it, who would hire them?

They must believe in this BS, how else you can do it with a straight face, you would slip up sooner or later....

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: Melech on February 17, 2016, 01:32:10 AM
Westboro Baptist Church - #1 hate church in America

To be completely fair, WBC is just trolling...

I have it on good authority, that nearly every member of that "church" is a lawyer... they get their money by protesting soldier funerals, calling them fags... then when someone throws a punch, they sue...

I don't think the WBC actually believes what they say... they are simply trolls who are playing a game for money

I almost feel like they are trolling Christians by being extreme literalists (fundamentalists)...

I wondered about it, who would hire them?

They must believe in this BS, how else you can do it with a straight face, you would slip up sooner or later....

They could believe it... who really knows

Nobody needs to hire them... it's almost entrapment... they protest and say offensive things, until someone assaults them... then they sue the person in civil court for loads of $$ (

The marine’s family eventually paid WBC $16,510
the city of Bellevue paid Phelps-Roper $17,000
WBC in 1995 won more than $100,000 from a lawsuit against the Kansas’ Funeral Picketing Act because it was a violation of the First Amendment
Members are required to give 30 percent of their income to the church, which is tax deductible for the donor since WBC is technically a religious organization
(it's also technically a hate group)
Phelps, (who was disbarred by the Kansas Supreme Court in 1979 for his lack of ethics) and several members are lawyers

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 01:48:29 AM
Westboro Baptist Church - #1 hate church in America

To be completely fair, WBC is just trolling...

I have it on good authority, that nearly every member of that "church" is a lawyer... they get their money by protesting soldier funerals, calling them fags... then when someone throws a punch, they sue...

I don't think the WBC actually believes what they say... they are simply trolls who are playing a game for money

I almost feel like they are trolling Christians by being extreme literalists (fundamentalists)...

I wondered about it, who would hire them?

They must believe in this BS, how else you can do it with a straight face, you would slip up sooner or later....

They could believe it... who really knows

Nobody needs to hire them... it's almost entrapment... they protest and say offensive things, until someone assaults them... then they sue the person in civil court for loads of $$ (

The marine’s family eventually paid WBC $16,510
the city of Bellevue paid Phelps-Roper $17,000
WBC in 1995 won more than $100,000 from a lawsuit against the Kansas’ Funeral Picketing Act because it was a violation of the First Amendment
Members are required to give 30 percent of their income to the church, which is tax deductible for the donor since WBC is technically a religious organization
(it's also technically a hate group)
Phelps, (who was disbarred by the Kansas Supreme Court in 1979 for his lack of ethics) and several members are lawyers

Basically scamming the system, legally.  Nice.  People should just ignore them.  They are so offensive on so many levels.  It is hard.

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: Moloch on February 17, 2016, 02:01:03 AM
Crazy things preachers say: (

Good stuff

I also like things even Christians will disagree about, like speaking in tongues (

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 17, 2016, 03:16:01 AM
I love this stuff. I can never get over the fact that grown human beings fall for this shit in their millions. Do they never notice the constant demands for money? Does that not set off a little light in their heads? Guess not.
Nope, all lightbulbs are long burned out and there is a half inch of dust that's accumulated on the surface.  The power of belief is just incredible.  It shuts off all rational thought processes and one's brain becomes steak tartar.  I tend to love this stuff too but I only admit it online under the cloak of pseudo-anonymity.  It's like masturbating in the bathroom.  But I don't do that, I was talking about other people.

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US
Post by: Moloch on February 17, 2016, 05:08:36 AM
Much like the flu... children and the elderly are particularly susceptible to religion

Children are indoctrinated by their parents, who they trust 100% to tell them the truth (for some strange reason) (
Indoctrination is the process of forcibly inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or a professional methodology (see doctrine) by coercion

The elderly are near death, and grasp at any religion which promises of an afterlife

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US
Post by: bonski on February 17, 2016, 05:12:24 AM
The bible warned us about these kind of teachings.
2 Timothy 4:3-4 - For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

Title: Re: Televangelists in the US
Post by: Moloch on February 17, 2016, 05:18:28 AM
Nope, all lightbulbs are long burned out and there is a half inch of dust that's accumulated on the surface.  The power of belief is just incredible.  It shuts off all rational thought processes and one's brain becomes steak tartar.  I tend to love this stuff too but I only admit it online under the cloak of pseudo-anonymity.  It's like masturbating in the bathroom.  But I don't do that, I was talking about other people.

I've been trying to come up with a reply for this, but all I can think of is... hahahahahaha

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 05:19:43 AM
Much like the flu... children and the elderly are particularly susceptible to religion

Children are indoctrinated by their parents, who they trust 100% to tell them the truth (for some strange reason)

The elderly are near death, and grasp at any religion which promises of an afterlife

When your kids are old enough, like 12-14, tell them not to trust anyone (including you), not to trust authority (teachers/parents/grandparents), read and figure stuff for yourself.  Question everything.  And never believe in supernatural shit, unless there is scientific evidence for it.

I did that with my kids.  They developed pretty good critical thinking skills.  They can smell BS from a mile away.  No matter if it comes from a teacher, preacher, politician or a car salesman.

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 05:27:05 AM
TELEVANGELISTS: 'Fleecing the Flock':
------------------------------------- (

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US
Post by: Moloch on February 17, 2016, 06:01:29 AM
TELEVANGELISTS: 'Fleecing the Flock':
------------------------------------- (

The problem I have with these guys is they are not stupid...

They are under no illusion that religion is real... they are con artists, plain and simple

If they were not preachers, they would be in prison...

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 06:24:38 AM
TELEVANGELISTS: 'Fleecing the Flock':
------------------------------------- (

The problem I have with these guys is they are not stupid...

They are under no illusion that religion is real... they are con artists, plain and simple

If they were not preachers, they would be in prison...

The saddest part is that some people die from the "healing" these Christian preachers provide.  See around 57+ min mark on that video for examples.

Robert Tilton was pulling 80M+/yr in his hay days, tax free.  Sickening...

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US
Post by: Moloch on February 17, 2016, 06:34:43 AM
TELEVANGELISTS: 'Fleecing the Flock':
------------------------------------- (

The problem I have with these guys is they are not stupid...

They are under no illusion that religion is real... they are con artists, plain and simple

If they were not preachers, they would be in prison...

The saddest part is that some people die from the "healing" these Christian preachers provide.  See around 57+ min mark on that video for examples.

Robert Tilton was pulling 80M+/yr in his hay days, tax free.  Sickening...

If I were a greedy sociopath, I'd be a Televangelist too... easy money, no chance of going to prison for being a con artist...

You only work 2 hours each week... telling people what to think and collecting millions of dollars... while they practically worship you as a god... who wouldn't want that?

I wouldn't lose a night's sleep over the people I killed... because, I'm now a filthy rich sociopath with tons of adoring fans, and plenty of time on my hands...

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 04:44:08 PM
TELEVANGELISTS: 'Fleecing the Flock':
------------------------------------- (

The problem I have with these guys is they are not stupid...

They are under no illusion that religion is real... they are con artists, plain and simple

If they were not preachers, they would be in prison...

The saddest part is that some people die from the "healing" these Christian preachers provide.  See around 57+ min mark on that video for examples.

Robert Tilton was pulling 80M+/yr in his hay days, tax free.  Sickening...

If I were a greedy sociopath, I'd be a Televangelist too... easy money, no chance of going to prison for being a con artist...

You only work 2 hours each week... telling people what to think and collecting millions of dollars... while they practically worship you as a god... who wouldn't want that?

I wouldn't lose a night's sleep over the people I killed... because, I'm now a filthy rich sociopath with tons of adoring fans, and plenty of time on my hands...

There is no difference between preaching, offering prays for money and Nigerian inheritance scams.  Well, the only difference is that one is legal the other is not.

This will continue until churches are stripped of their income tax exemption status.  Once they are officially operating as for profit businesses, maybe people will see what they really are.

Right now, it is still a 'Wild West' for these crooks.

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US - tax free, legal scams
Post by: McDonalds5 on February 17, 2016, 05:05:26 PM
Money making "christianity" is not from God and should be banned  :)

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US - tax free, legal scams
Post by: af_newbie on February 17, 2016, 05:14:07 PM
Money making "christianity" is not from God and should be banned  :)

and the "healing Christianity" is?  They kill people with this nonsense.

Watch the videos, some are disturbing, they almost paralyzed the guy right on the stage.  In the name of Jesus Lord and Savior.

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US - tax free, legal scams
Post by: youdamushi on February 17, 2016, 05:32:35 PM
Money making "christianity" is not from God and should be banned  :)

Well one could wonder why Christians have so much money when you know that Jesus himself said rich wouldn't go to heaven while poor would...

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US - tax free, legal scams
Post by: designerusa on February 17, 2016, 07:06:09 PM
Televangelists in America.  Angels, born again Christians, "angels on your body", ointments, devil, bad angels, all nine yards.

Exposé of religious crooks.
------------------------- (

TELEVANGELISTS: 'Fleecing the Flock':
------------------------------------- (

Crazy things preachers say:
-------------------------- (

Crazy things creationists say:
---------------------------- (

Preachers gone wild:
-------------------- (

Crazy things Christians say:
-------------------------- (

Kirk Cameron - How God created man? (He is not joking):
------------------------------------------------------ (

Speaking in Tongues Exposed:
----------------------------- (

Jesus camp for kids (very disturbing):
------------------------------------ (

Christian child abuse (al-Qaeda style):
------------------------------------- (

Raising a monster.  Christian Home Schooling:
------------------------------------------- (

Brainwashing children: Jesus Camp - 2006 Documentary (full version):
------------------------------------------------------------------ (

Sarah Palin witchcraft ceremony:
-------------------------------- (

The craziest claim by a creationist (how dragons were created):
------------------------------------------------------------- (

Warning: PG rated.

they are as bad as isis terorrists..  but they are so professional at brainwashing.. this one is really worse than isis stuff i think all these religious groups must be banned..

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US - tax free, legal scams
Post by: af_newbie on February 18, 2016, 01:11:20 AM
Insane TV Christian Preachers:
----------------------------- (

Worse TV Preacher awards:
-------------------------- (

TV Preachers - Bam, Bam Bam:
------------------------------ (

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 18, 2016, 01:17:51 AM
TELEVANGELISTS: 'Fleecing the Flock':
------------------------------------- (

The problem I have with these guys is they are not stupid...

They are under no illusion that religion is real... they are con artists, plain and simple

If they were not preachers, they would be in prison...

The saddest part is that some people die from the "healing" these Christian preachers provide.  See around 57+ min mark on that video for examples.

Robert Tilton was pulling 80M+/yr in his hay days, tax free.  Sickening...

If I were a greedy sociopath, I'd be a Televangelist too... easy money, no chance of going to prison for being a con artist...

You only work 2 hours each week... telling people what to think and collecting millions of dollars... while they practically worship you as a god... who wouldn't want that?

I wouldn't lose a night's sleep over the people I killed... because, I'm now a filthy rich sociopath with tons of adoring fans, and plenty of time on my hands...

Private yacht, private jet, private helicopter, 7 luxury cars - come on, it's a dream life.
Do you have any idea how much other people work for this kind of stuff?
These people are smart. They've found a loophole and they are milking it 100%.
Oh, and they also don't pay tax, they have fans, and do very little work. I'm sure even rockstars envy them.

Title: Re: Televangelists/Christians in the US
Post by: youdamushi on February 18, 2016, 03:12:48 PM
TELEVANGELISTS: 'Fleecing the Flock':
------------------------------------- (

The problem I have with these guys is they are not stupid...

They are under no illusion that religion is real... they are con artists, plain and simple

If they were not preachers, they would be in prison...

The saddest part is that some people die from the "healing" these Christian preachers provide.  See around 57+ min mark on that video for examples.

Robert Tilton was pulling 80M+/yr in his hay days, tax free.  Sickening...

If I were a greedy sociopath, I'd be a Televangelist too... easy money, no chance of going to prison for being a con artist...

You only work 2 hours each week... telling people what to think and collecting millions of dollars... while they practically worship you as a god... who wouldn't want that?

I wouldn't lose a night's sleep over the people I killed... because, I'm now a filthy rich sociopath with tons of adoring fans, and plenty of time on my hands...
Yeah that's disgusting, I don't understand why those kind of sects are not forbiden in the USA! That's totally illegal in Europe (that's why there aren't any or they don't spread for long)