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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: be48d782 on February 19, 2016, 12:04:08 AM

Title: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: be48d782 on February 19, 2016, 12:04:08 AM
He is pretending to be dumb. If elected, he will expose those 28 pages of 9/11 secret document. Who knew, he knew about these documents which many have already forgot.


Donald Trump Will Expose 9/11

Trump Correct About Secret 9/11 Report

He is a builder and has buildings in NY and the way those buildings in NY fell down may have made him too curious.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: croato on February 19, 2016, 12:26:09 AM
If 9/11 conspiracy theory is true and Trump really want to expose that to public, i bet he would not live enough to actually do that. If some shady group inside US were able to organize 9/11 incident, they are sure able to remove Trump as threat.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: tvbcof on February 19, 2016, 01:01:35 AM

Watch out for cognitive dissonance operations.  When someone is hinting at a state actor (Saudi Arabia, Israel, whatever) being 'behind 9/11) they are likely to be part of an operation to lead people down a blind hole.  This strategy has been detected in various 'truther' groups.

As for the '28 pages', I personally could not give a fig about them.  The report itself is an obvious sham.  It would be like asking for 28 missing milliliters of a turd sample.  What would be found is a little bit more of the same turd material.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: -XXIII- on February 19, 2016, 01:05:30 AM
Regardless of if this is just a marketing ploy, a method of getting votes, I don't think he'd have the capacity to do such a thing. Even with access, the skull and bones people would likely kill him. Probably during a speech a sniper will take shots at him, but Trump is so clever he probably set up a hologram to deliver the speech in case of a sniper event like this one. Oh Donald, why you so smart?

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: aardvark15 on February 19, 2016, 01:26:58 AM
I did hear that some documents were recently declassified that show that the Bush administration didn't know if there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but told the public that they were sure they were there.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: Trifixion713 on February 19, 2016, 01:27:11 AM
If 9/11 conspiracy theory is true and Trump really want to expose that to public, i bet he would not live enough to actually do that. If some shady group inside US were able to organize 9/11 incident, they are sure able to remove Trump as threat.

Watch out for cognitive dissonance operations.  When someone is hinting at a state actor (Saudi Arabia, Israel, whatever) being 'behind 9/11) they are likely to be part of an operation to lead people down a blind hole.  This strategy has been detected in various 'truther' groups.

As for the '28 pages', I personally could not give a fig about them.  The report itself is an obvious sham.  It would be like asking for 28 missing milliliters of a turd sample.  What would be found is a little bit more of the same turd material.

Exactly. Those in power and pulling the strings would not let Trump (lmfao) reveal any truths as to what really went on that day and the ones leading up to it.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: LyQaN on February 19, 2016, 03:25:22 AM
If 9/11 conspiracy theory is true and Trump really want to expose that to public, i bet he would not live enough to actually do that. If some shady group inside US were able to organize 9/11 incident, they are sure able to remove Trump as threat.

Totally agreed.They will never allow someone to expose them.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: srinikethan on February 19, 2016, 08:13:46 AM
yes even i have heard that he is going to disclose the files...i am waiting for it,as far as i know trump is ahead in the US elections....hope he discloses the files and exposes the real faces of terrorists

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: bonski on February 19, 2016, 08:16:41 AM
I'm hoping trump will also expose about illuminati or even admit that he is one of them.  But I don't think their organization will allow him to expose their plans about cleaning out the human race.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: designerusa on February 19, 2016, 08:29:02 PM
If 9/11 conspiracy theory is true and Trump really want to expose that to public, i bet he would not live enough to actually do that. If some shady group inside US were able to organize 9/11 incident, they are sure able to remove Trump as threat.

trumps doesnt know anything about tis conspiracy theory.. he is pretending as if he knew that.. he wants to be eleceted and do this shits for the sake of his profit..

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: vero on February 19, 2016, 09:09:01 PM
28 pages of a concocted story are worthless, Any explanation of 9/11 that involves muslim terrorists hijacking planes is worthless.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: BADecker on July 16, 2017, 03:33:18 AM
( (

For years, the building has been the topic of most of the 9/11 Truther movement because of the obvious controlled demolition captured in indisputable visual evidence, then replayed in slow motion, capturing the horrific treachery so to reinforce, the hard reality of the massive treason committed that day.



Just as a reminder to every American still alert and thinking, this seminal event has been linked not only the wanton murder of 3000 innocent Americans who were slaughtered in their offices that day, and those heroic police and firemen who lost their lives trying to save those trapped, but hundreds of thousands more killed in the Middle East, whose nations were destroyed by our reckless, illegal invasions.

Read more and click the links at


Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: coin_pwr on July 16, 2017, 04:41:02 AM
If 9/11 conspiracy theory is true and Trump really want to expose that to public, i bet he would not live enough to actually do that. If some shady group inside US were able to organize 9/11 incident, they are sure able to remove Trump as threat.

trumps doesnt know anything about tis conspiracy theory.. he is pretending as if he knew that.. he wants to be eleceted and do this shits for the sake of his profit..

He won't live to be able to expose that.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: NY-city on July 16, 2017, 08:21:09 AM
If 9/11 conspiracy theory is true and Trump really want to expose that to public, i bet he would not live enough to actually do that. If some shady group inside US were able to organize 9/11 incident, they are sure able to remove Trump as threat.

trumps doesnt know anything about tis conspiracy theory.. he is pretending as if he knew that.. he wants to be eleceted and do this shits for the sake of his profit..

He won't live to be able to expose that.
If this is true, Trump is already doomed. If already this situation and he goes to the bank, can he tell about zone 51 and about the aliens?

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: BADecker on July 17, 2017, 09:04:11 PM
A Mainstream Dose of Reality on Iraq ( (

Ever since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, we have been hit with a multiplicity of bromides, myths, falsehoods, and deceptions by U.S. officials and the mainstream media. "Saddam was coming to get us with his WMDs." "Mushroom clouds were going to start appearing over U.S. cities." "The troops in Iraq are defending our freedoms." The troops are bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq." "Occupation Iraqi Freedom is going to produce a paradise of freedom and prosperity."

And then every once in a while a small dose of reality about Iraq creeps into the mainstream media, which is what happened in the July 15, 2017, issue of the New York Times.

The Times' article pointed out what we here at FFF have been saying about Iraq for the past 15 years: that the winner of the U.S-Iraq War in 2003 was … Iran! Yes, Iran, the country that the U.S. government ranks among the top of its official-enemies list.

The title of the article says it all: "Iran Dominates in Iraq After U.S. "Handed the Country Over."

Of course, that title implies that if the U.S. government had not exited Iraq in 2011, Iran would not be "dominating in Iraq." That's ridiculous. Iran has been dominating in Iraq ever since the U.S. ouster of the Saddam Hussein regime in 2003.

The Times essentially acknowledges that central point:

When the United States invaded Iraq 14 years ago to topple Saddam Hussein, it saw Iraq as a potential cornerstone of a democratic and Western-facing Middle East, and vast amounts of blood and treasure — about 4,500 American lives lost, more than $1 trillion spent — were poured into the cause.

From Day 1, Iran saw something else: a chance to make a client state of Iraq, a former enemy against which it fought a war in the 1980s so brutal, with chemical weapons and trench warfare, that historians look to World War I for analogies. If it succeeded, Iraq would never again pose a

In that contest, Iran won, and the United States lost.

This is what most Americans have avoided confronting ever since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Ever since then, Americans from all walks of life have blindly thanked the troops for their "service" in Iraq, without giving any thought to exactly what such "service" consisted of.

The automatic assumption has been that the "service" consisted of defending our rights and freedoms here at home. But there is one big problem with that assumption: It's been manifestly false from the get-go. Iraq never attacked the United States or threatened the freedom of the American people.

Such being the case, what exactly is the "service" for which Americans have been thanking the troops in Iraq for the past 15 years? The service consists of installing an official Islamic Shiite regime in Iraq, one that is loyal to and aligned with Iran, as the Times article observes.

That's the reality that Americans have simply not wanted to confront for the past 15 years. Many still do not want to confront it. The Times article helps them to do so.

The troops in Iraq were never fighting to defend our rights and freedoms. They were fighting for a regime change, one that ousted Saddam Hussein's Islamic regime, which was Sunni, and replace it with another Islamic regime, which was Shiite.

Read more and click the links at


Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: helloal on July 17, 2017, 11:12:23 PM
Still waiting on the unmasking of the truth

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: tvbcof on July 18, 2017, 12:06:38 AM

Still waiting on the unmasking of the truth

I'm still waiting on any high-level human trafficing/pedo/SRA crap arrests too.  After a bit of research and a lot made of this stuff over the last year, I'm fairly convinced that this shit does go on at these levels, and I doubt very much that with the round-up of Hastert/Weiner/Epstein they got them all.

In the mean time, the 'six months to a year' that I've given Trump to prove himself is running down.  So far, even with some good things that he has done, he's proving himself to be Yet Another Zionist Stooge by-n-large.  Not unlike his buddy Alex Jones is doing.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: therewolfslim on July 18, 2017, 12:35:34 AM
If he does that i could start admiring how stupid he is.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: kingmcmoneysack on July 18, 2017, 12:58:22 AM
i fear that the people who still believe in the official version don't care about the truth.... :/

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: Sithara007 on July 18, 2017, 01:24:12 AM
He is not going to do anything, because now he has metamorphosed himself as an integral part of the political establishment. He has become a part of the same marsh, which he had promised to drain before the POTUS elections in 2016.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: tvbcof on July 18, 2017, 01:44:05 AM

He is not going to do anything, because now he has metamorphosed himself as an integral part of the political establishment. He has become a part of the same marsh, which he had promised to drain before the POTUS elections in 2016.

I figured there was a pretty good chance that Trump was bailed out of his casino-related financial failures by the likes of Sheldon Addleson, if not the man himself, and is in debt to same.

While he was running, I kept expecting some real dirt of the above variety to come out, but waited in vain.  I figured that if there was anything there it would probably be released due to the no-bullshit anamostity toward him.  At this point I entertian a variety of hypothesese (in no particular order.)

 - Trump's genuine enemies live in such tenuous glass houses that they could not afford the risk of putting any real meat on the table.

 - Trump's genuine enemies never got the dirt on the guy because they are to stupid/weak/incompetant.

 - There is/was a quite sophisticated game going on with Trump's fake enemies are/where doing a surprisingly good job at pretending to be adversarial while they realized that in doing so, they were actually bolstering his numbers with people like me.

 - Trump actually is 'for real' vis-a-vis being a MAGA America-first nationalist type and is shrewed enough to play the game to win.  If so, the elements which scream 'fail' to a person like me at this point would have to exist at this point (half a year in.)  If future history reveals that this (absurdly hopeful scenerio) is the one, I will need to adjust my estimate of his IQ up from my current estimate of 'North of 150'.

 - Trump has no problem with the swamp and his happy to frolic in it.  History will judge him to be no different from the las slew of recent presidents in this case so it's no real skin of his ass, and is a good way to increase his family's wealth an prestige.  The U.S. has room for another dynastic family since apperently the shine has finally worn off the Bush criminals.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: BADecker on July 24, 2017, 02:09:51 AM
9/11 Deathbed Confession + Linkin Park Bennington's Death ( (

This is the second episode of my 'Truth and Art Radio' podcast. In this episode I discuss numerous topics including the explosive 9/11 deathbed confession of a former CIA agent, Trump's recent accomplishments and an update on the anti-Trump coop d'etat.

9/11 Deathbed Confession + Linkin Park-Bennington's Death - Podcast #2 (



Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: September11 on September 11, 2017, 03:56:36 PM
My impression is that Trump didn't expose 911 very much... not that I have ever expected he would.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: tvbcof on September 11, 2017, 09:31:12 PM
My impression is that Trump didn't expose 911 very much... not that I have ever expected he would.

If he had, it would have been a pretty strong indication that he was 'for real' which is a characteristic that I've been trying to deduce since the election.

That said, if he is (for real, and inclined toward openness and honesty as elements of 'making America great again') then actions such as officially coming clean about 9/11 would need to by timed and synchronized for maximum effect for strategic reasons.  Since we are within the window where the timing may not be right, I cannot yet completely rule out hope for the guy.

Arguing against the idea that Trump is anything but another typical stooge is the fact that he has already militarily attacked a sovereign nation on blatantly false pretenses.  Specifically, the suggestion that Assad used chemical weapons.

(Parenthetically, one of the only slight positives about the United Nations was that they called out Obama when he tried the same ploy in trying to justify a U.S. invasion of that nation..  Apparently UN recently backed the US when Trump did it.  They are, to me, officially as useless as tits on a boar hog, and a threat to humanity in general at this point with no redeeming features at all.)

I have to say that I'm leaning toward Trump being either a willing one-world minion, or being overpowered by them at this point.  It's a disappointment but not unexpected.  The good news is that more and more people seem to be waking up.

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: BADecker on September 12, 2017, 07:07:27 PM
16th Anniversary of 9/11 Brings New Development ( (

The report is preliminary in the sense that it awaits peer-review, that is, examination by other experts. The team's research is more extensive than the modeling provided by NIST and includes a thorough examination of NIST's approach. Dr. Hulsey's team concludes that Building 7 did not come down due to fire.

Here is the URL to his presentation:[streamerType]=auto

Being a Georgia Tech graduate I can follow the gist of Dr. Hulsey's presentation. It is a difficult explanation to follow as engineering science is challenging to explain. Moreover, engineers are accustomed to talking to other engineers, not to the general public. At the Georgia Tech of my day, and perhaps still, the administration was determined to produce articulate engineers. Our English courses were writing courses. The English Department took the position that just as one engineering mistake could cause a bridge or building to fail, one spelling or grammatical mistake produced the grade of F on the assignment. (Yes, I know, with all of my typos how did I pass? The answer is that our papers were hand written.) We were also encouraged to join Toastmasters so that we would be capable of standing up before an audience and making a presentation. What I am saying is that Dr. Hulsey is in the difficult position of having to address an audience consisting of professionals and non-professionals, and he probably has limited experience in addressing non-professionals.



Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: s31joemhar on September 12, 2017, 07:47:42 PM
i hope trump is not dumb and he will do the smartest thing he can ..
i want to know and be expose what is really true about 9/11 i am on 90% of conspiracy and not really believing bout the terrorist will do such that .. and ofcorse we all know that USA have one of the best  defense so how will this happened in such couple of hours and we saw not just 1 place but many .. even the pentagon ? what the fact is that ??  PLEASE MR> TRUMP make it for the people of USA and for those lives was taken

Title: Re: Donald Trump to expose 9/11 Truth and 28 page classified secret document
Post by: September11 on October 28, 2017, 11:41:49 PM
My impression is that Trump didn't expose 911 very much... not that I have ever expected he would.

If he had, it would have been a pretty strong indication that he was 'for real' which is a characteristic that I've been trying to deduce since the election.

That said, if he is (for real, and inclined toward openness and honesty as elements of 'making America great again') then actions such as officially coming clean about 9/11 would need to by timed and synchronized for maximum effect for strategic reasons.  Since we are within the window where the timing may not be right, I cannot yet completely rule out hope for the guy.

Arguing against the idea that Trump is anything but another typical stooge is the fact that he has already militarily attacked a sovereign nation on blatantly false pretenses.  Specifically, the suggestion that Assad used chemical weapons.

(Parenthetically, one of the only slight positives about the United Nations was that they called out Obama when he tried the same ploy in trying to justify a U.S. invasion of that nation..  Apparently UN recently backed the US when Trump did it.  They are, to me, officially as useless as tits on a boar hog, and a threat to humanity in general at this point with no redeeming features at all.)

I have to say that I'm leaning toward Trump being either a willing one-world minion, or being overpowered by them at this point.  It's a disappointment but not unexpected.  The good news is that more and more people seem to be waking up.

Well, it is now sufficient to watch at farce of the "Kennedy declassified files" to understand that it is all only theater.