Title: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: VirtueHF on February 21, 2016, 09:44:28 PM This guy is a scammer. I sent him the $50. He got on my teamviewer and tried to send himself the coin in my wallet while "showing me the method". Stay far away. Will post proof later today.
If you want to fix this and give me what I paid for reply on Skype. He keeps deleting my post off his thread. Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: Premgen on February 21, 2016, 09:52:19 PM This guy is a scammer. I sent him the $50. He got on my teamviewer and tried to send himself the coin in my wallet while "showing me the method". Stay far away. Will post proof later today. If you want to fix this and give me what I paid for reply on Skype. He keeps deleting my post off his thread. I already gave you the method via teamviewer...now you just try to make an excuse for a refund after you got the method..Stop making accusations and provide proof of this so called claim... Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: VirtueHF on February 21, 2016, 09:54:23 PM Really? Reply to me on Skype then! You literally tried to use MultiHD and send yourself coin. The video will be up as soon as I can get off WiFi.
If you "gave me the method" reply on Skype so I can get it again - since I paid for it - as you have already just verified. Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: Premgen on February 21, 2016, 09:56:28 PM Really? Reply to me on Skype then! You literally tried to use MultiHD and send yourself coin. The video will be up as soon as I can get off WiFi. If you "gave me the method" reply on Skype so I can get it again - since I paid for it - as you have already just verified. please upload this video..im not going on skype for you to knock me offline again. Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: VirtueHF on February 21, 2016, 09:57:34 PM There is no way to resolve IPs on skype anymore - you're full of shit. Everyone knows that Skype resolvers do not work anymore.
Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: Premgen on February 21, 2016, 09:58:35 PM There is no way to resolve IPs on skype anymore - you're full of shit. Everyone knows that Skype resolvers do not work anymore. nice try Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: VirtueHF on February 21, 2016, 09:59:12 PM I will post video of you trying to run black screen program and send urself my bTC. And also post your dox. Since you want to lie.
Or you can PM me the method you owe me. Your choice. You're such an idiot you tried to send my BTC to yourself not even realizing you would need my PW after you put in your address and hit send. Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: VirtueHF on February 21, 2016, 10:02:28 PM Then send me my method here in PM.
You can't resolve skype IPs anymore: http://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/01/skype-now-hides-your-internet-address/ Stop making excuses. Lame scammer excuses. Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: gnaoui on February 21, 2016, 10:09:25 PM This guy is a scammer. I sent him the $50. He got on my teamviewer and tried to send himself the coin in my wallet while "showing me the method". Stay far away. Will post proof later today. If you want to fix this and give me what I paid for reply on Skype. He keeps deleting my post off his thread. You have to move your post to Scam Accusations section (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=83.0) hope you will find a way to resolve it there ;D Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: TriggerX on February 21, 2016, 10:21:14 PM Yeah, I found it a bit curious. I wanted to buy a copy a long time ago, but I didn't see any vouch copies given. You should look at his trust before dealing with someone, just for further references.
Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: whywefight on February 21, 2016, 10:23:49 PM use the propper format please:
Code: [b][color=black]What happened:: [/color][/b] Title: Re: PREM GEM HEARTHSTONE PACK METHOD - BEWARE SCAMMER Post by: VirtueHF on February 22, 2016, 02:50:58 AM i just dont want anyone else to buy from the scammer.