Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: julz on January 23, 2013, 01:15:41 AM

Title: (US v WEEV) wants to implement Bitcoin donations.
Post by: julz on January 23, 2013, 01:15:41 AM - run by Tor Ekeland PC attorneys at law in New York have responded to my query about why they don't accept Bitcoins.

They've responded that they would like to implement it and asked for some advice.

So far I've steered them in the direction of Bitpay and possibly a wallet.
(Any other intermediaries paying USD worth considering?)

Please check out the story behind this e.g

Andrew Auernheimer is a controversial figure I guess.. but whatever you think of him personally.. the cfaadefensefund seems like a worthy cause to me - so If/when they get set up to receive Bitcoin - please consider donating.