Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: pineapples on February 29, 2016, 01:50:51 PM

Title: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: pineapples on February 29, 2016, 01:50:51 PM

Nearly 5 years in the making, MicroCash seems nearly ready to hit the light of day with it's recent Alpha release 2.
The main developer Real Solid has finally come out of his closet with juices flowing.

Microcash fits into the general mold of P2P de-centralized currency using cryptographically secure free and open network with zero-trust accounting,
Apart form it's obvious ability to destroy modern banking and money processing methods, it also has numerous sparkling features which make it valuable and some which set it strongly apart from other coins featuring generic BTC code base.

- Instant transactions that are 100% irreversible. No need to trust a miner (proof of work) or rich person (proof of stake) to not reverse your transactions. No need to wait, at all.
- An account system that mimics existing banking accounts, making it easy to progress from existing financial system to MicroCash. Store extra data there to help with your business or set yourself apart from the world. Give it a name so people can send payments to your name rather than a crypto address.
- Extremely efficient. Can already scale past Visa, Mastercard and PayPal transaction levels COMBINED on a normal PC. Current figures suggest "over 15,000 transactions per second on a generic i7" using UDP to minimize bandwidth and latency.
- 100% entirely new C++11 source code. Designed to be easy to understand and work on. Not derived from Bitcoin or any other crypto project. 100% free (MIT license).
- 100% independent from external libraries to ensure integrity and efficiency
- All financial rules are 100% decentralized over the P2P network, every single node has to verify every single transaction for it to count. Nothing can slip by, ever. Outside of world changing cryptography breaks - MicroCash is able to be verified to be 100% secure in regards to the MicroCash financial "state" where all the money is stored.
- Sidechain support from the start. You can add your PoW, PoS, first-comes, cryptokey, or whatever system to MicroCash easily. You don't even need to do it in C++, just hook into the node via the extremely fast API.
- HTTP server built in to the node so it can serve a wallet directly to any web browser. Access your wallet from anywhere in the world at any time, to send money instantly. No more waiting.
- Easy API access to develop businesses around. Because it is 100% secure and instant it will be extremely easy to slot into any existing payment system. No need to wait for confirms or worry about anything at all. If money comes in, then you have the money until you want to spend it, it is as simple as that. No one can take it away from you.
- Multiple P2P nodes in the same binary. Control them from the web interface. Start, stop them or change their settings. See the nodes they are connected to. All in real time. No more cryptic command line routines to remember.
- Built in account and transaction explorer. No need for external 3rd party services to see what should be standard information in a financial network. The state of the system. Look at any account you want, look at any transaction you want. But unless you own that account there is nothing you can do to it! Well, besides send money to it of course!
                    -see (

Microcash has a long history of development and community springing from it's SolidCoin roots, but it is still grappling with various decisions. It is one thing to code a working system, another to actually fill in the variables.
Users and Developers of all levels are encouraged to come and participate in it's growth. Testing and Community involvement are required to fulfill it's life into a breathing network.

Microcash distribution nor network maintenance will not involve PoW. It will be generated then distributed. The current proposed model for distribution involves two main methods
1. Buying it, by sending BTC to a fixed address and funds will be distributed accordingly upon completion
2. Community participation, you participation in the forums or other approved methods will be rewarded (hint, when you sign up tell them pineapples sent you ;)
                  - see (

It is important for any currency to have a great distribution model, Microcash is no exception. Distribution is open to everyone who wants to participate.

SolidCoin was a very early BitCoin variant designed by RealSolid and released late 2011. It could be considered an early variant of Microcash. SolidCoin is worth mentioning at this point that there has been earlier discussion about converting into Microcash, but that is no longer being considered (for more info on this see above link on economic seeding).
For a longer history of SolidCoin some further good reading is at

useful links -

MicroCash forum : (
MicroCash Alpha Release 2 :
MicroCash wiki :

also #mtmox irc channel on freenode


MicroCash is
 seeking xenforo devs.
 skilled php devs.


strangely I thought I put this in Alternate cryptocurrencies/Discussion, not Announcements

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: sadface on February 29, 2016, 02:31:10 PM
better not touch anything from realsolid

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: spartacusrex on February 29, 2016, 03:14:18 PM
hmm.. I like innovation as much as the next man.. but..

Having been to the website, there is nothing there that explains anything ?

All they say is how wonderful Microcash is, but not how it's done..

They do not explain how they can manage such massive through put, or how their 'Instant' txns work. Other than some wiffle-waffle (please correct me if you have some actual algorithms you wish to make public) they have not shown us anything.

That's not a good sign..  :(

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: crypto jerk on February 29, 2016, 04:03:25 PM

[SCAMMER] RealSolid (Jason Annice or Kevin Armitt) owner of ...
At the end of last year, RealSolid held an illegal IPO for shares in He touted that it was going to be the biggest altcoin exchange ...

Microcash scam perpetrated by Realsolid
1. Realsolid promised to release Microcash. 2. Then he went silent. 3. Then those who believe in the project started asking on the microcash ...

MCXNow Can See your passwords! REALSolid has access to all ...
If you are using MCXnow, be very careful! RealSolid and his cronies has access to all your password. This came directly from his mouth in chat.

The Official MCXNOW - REALSOLID SCAM Thread - Please add to ...
The Official MCXNOW - REALSOLID SCAM Thread - Please add to this if u scammed. November 26, 2013, 03:50:23 AM.

MCXNow Realsolid Has Screwed Everyone. MCXNOW SHUTTING ...
This is what we get for letting a photocopy specialist design a currency exchange. RealSolid's LinkedIn profile.

mcxNOW and Realsolid Scamming Everyone Was A 100% Certainty ...;imode
Right now Realsolid is an unknown "ghost", 100% anonymous with several million USD in BTC. No one knows where crypto as a whole is headed, will it grow or ...

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: Snail2 on February 29, 2016, 04:47:54 PM
Stuff from RealSolid used to turn out to be some sort of scams. Why should we believe in his latest scheme? Anyway if it's minable then BCX will surely get a new hobby :).

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: pineapples on March 01, 2016, 02:16:47 AM
Whether or not anything is a scam seems highly changeable from a bitcointalk perspective. Most people are indifferent as long as they've made their 25c or whatever but the shit hits the fan when they lose money or face.

SolidCoin had it's ups and downs, as did MCXNow. As is the case whenever there is a central body making decisions some of those decisions may be unpopular and it's far too easy to sit on yr keyboard and channel psychopathic rage demons when you've lost $$$, generally feel butt-hurt or misunderstood.

There is centralisation of some sort in practically every single thing you ever do, BTC's fabled consensus shows the impossibility of change when a major party won't play ball. It will be interesting the outcome should the largest miningpools form some sort of decision making body.

In an ideal world RealSolid will have learnt from previous "mistakes" ;) The truth will be in the pudding of future work.

There will be no mining, the final code will be open source.
This thread is really only here to spread the word, for any questions just ask on the forum.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: monsterer on March 01, 2016, 09:04:10 AM

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: Snail2 on March 01, 2016, 11:33:57 AM
Whether or not anything is a scam seems highly changeable from a bitcointalk perspective. Most people are indifferent as long as they've made their 25c or whatever but the shit hits the fan when they lose money or face.

SolidCoin had it's ups and downs, as did MCXNow. As is the case whenever there is a central body making decisions some of those decisions may be unpopular and it's far too easy to sit on yr keyboard and channel psychopathic rage demons when you've lost $$$, generally feel butt-hurt or misunderstood.

There is centralisation of some sort in practically every single thing you ever do, BTC's fabled consensus shows the impossibility of change when a major party won't play ball. It will be interesting the outcome should the largest miningpools form some sort of decision making body.

In an ideal world RealSolid will have learnt from previous "mistakes" ;) The truth will be in the pudding of future work.

There will be no mining, the final code will be open source.
This thread is really only here to spread the word, for any questions just ask on the forum.

You are right, as long as people can make some profit they will happy even with a scam. Anyway this isn't an ideal world and RealSolid gained a pretty dubious reputation here, so I doubt that he turned to a saint. Looks more like an attempt to catch up with the latest developments in crypto.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: z38630610 on March 01, 2016, 01:31:42 PM
where buy ?dev

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: pineapples on March 02, 2016, 01:17:43 PM
where buy ?dev

1) Buy it with Bitcoin *

    Send any amount of Bitcoin to 1DJdbs7fYLjnsYeNNERkCgrfX8vTnpU9R7 and use your MicroCash forum user number found at as the identifier (hint: it is in the browser url after your username).
        Example: If you want to buy 1 Bitcoin worth of MicroCash send 1.0000XXXX where XXXX is your member number. If your number is 51 then you would send 1.00000051 . If your number is 97 you would send 1.00000097 . Make sure this is valid, any problems arising from this being incorrect are on your shoulders only.
    * Each Bitcoin spent will buy you the equivalent amount of MicroCash in US Dollars. So if Bitcoin is $500 you get 500 MicroCash.
    * Between the time you place a buy and the MicroCash launch, you will be credited MicroCash at the value of the highest price Bitcoin is in that time period.
        Example: If you sent 1BTC today at a current value of $430 and at launch the Bitcoin price is $200, you will be credited 430 MicroCash at the time of launch. If Bitcoin goes to $2000 you get 2000 MicroCash. Price will be based on average price for the 24 hour period using something like
    * The Bitcoin is not refundable unless 60 days have passed since you sent, or if the MicroCash launch is abandoned for some reason, whichever were to come first. No exceptions. So make sure you understand this before sending anything.
    The Bitcoin will be spent supporting the currency, more info on this will be posted later. All spent Bitcoin will be cataloged publicly and certain things voted on. None will be spent until after launch.

2) Community Building *   [this applies to the MicroCash forum]

    For every 1000 words on this forum. you will get one(1) MicroCash
    For every new person you get to sign up as a forum user, and who makes at least 10 posts, you will get one(1) MicroCash
    For every 1000 words someone you signed up writes, you will 0.5 MicroCash
    All community-based MicroCash creation will be publicly linked to a forum account and visible somewhere on the site before launch.
    Certain jobs that need to be done will have small MicroCash awards roughly relating to the cost it would have been in USD
    All community-based MicroCash creation is public and will be visible forever on the main site and linked to your forum name.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: illodin on March 02, 2016, 02:36:30 PM

No whitepaper but instructions to buy instead. Really solid.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on March 03, 2016, 01:21:13 PM

SolidCoin was a very early BitCoin variant designed by RealSolid and released late 2011. It could be considered an early variant of Microcash.

Hmm I see RS' people haven't gotten any more knowledgeable in the last five years.

Solidcoin was not designed nor released by the user Realsolid.

It was designed and released by Coinhunter

Until mid 2013 I thought Coinhunter and Realsolid were the same person.

Coinhunter and Realsolid were part of a duo that had a falling out and went separate ways after their failed CryptoXchange tanked.

The crypto universe has changed dramatically since the early days.

This will be interesting to watch unfold.

I have no interest in participating in any manner.


Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: smoothie on March 04, 2016, 02:46:50 AM
LOL RealSolid = RealSolidShit
Everything he touches turns into rock hard shit.

RealSolid is a scammer....nuff said.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: portice on March 04, 2016, 03:09:17 AM
LOL  realsolid


Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: pineapples on March 04, 2016, 04:55:35 AM
A fairly interesting apparent history of SolidCoin. At the very least it gives a perspective on the early days of shitcoins with SolidCoin released 2011

Interesting how a few things apparently implemented in SolidCoin were novel and some resisted in the early days of clones, but reasonably accepted now.

Proof of Stake, trusted nodes, CPU friendly algo, multiple hard-forks ..

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: yuppie on March 04, 2016, 09:34:38 AM
Can't really understand why people think he's a scammer.

I traded on mcxNOW for a while, bought and sold FEEs along with every other coin on the exchange.

When I got the email that I had a month or so to withdraw, that's what I did and I made off clean.

The site and my account were never compromised. It was literally the fastest exchange I've ever traded on.

Coming from a trader's point of view, I think everyone calling RS a "scammer" seem to have bought high and ended up holding the bag.

What I got from the "FEEs are a scam" debate is: You bought FEEs late, the site closing announcement was made and the price tanked.

However, RS is still on IRC, willing to buy your FEEs back from you, but all you can do is cry.


Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: samsunk on March 04, 2016, 11:37:38 AM
good concept will follow


Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: Vaccomondus on March 04, 2016, 11:44:10 AM
so this is not minable right? you remove all the fun without mining, i think we need a coin that make mining equal for everyone, with cheap and with expensive electricity

can a coin be made that detect if electricity is cheap and low the reward for that miner only? or i'm talking about fiction here?

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: pineapples on March 04, 2016, 12:01:25 PM
A possibly interesting thing to note, is that MicroCash's initial seeding (or distribution) will incorporate activity on the MicroCash forum.

1000 words = 1 MicroCash.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on March 05, 2016, 03:36:05 AM
LOL RealSolid = RealSolidShit
Everything he touches turns into rock hard shit.

RealSolid is a scammer....nuff said.


Amazing how the idiots never learn.

Now all we need is an appearance from notyep, FlipPro, Spacy, Ten98.......

It could be 2011 all over again LOL


Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: Spoetnik on March 06, 2016, 04:08:31 AM
Whether or not anything is a scam seems highly changeable from a bitcointalk perspective. Most people are indifferent as long as they've made their 25c or whatever but the shit hits the fan when they lose money or face.

SolidCoin had it's ups and downs, as did MCXNow. As is the case whenever there is a central body making decisions some of those decisions may be unpopular and it's far too easy to sit on yr keyboard and channel psychopathic rage demons when you've lost $$$, generally feel butt-hurt or misunderstood.

There is centralisation of some sort in practically every single thing you ever do, BTC's fabled consensus shows the impossibility of change when a major party won't play ball. It will be interesting the outcome should the largest miningpools form some sort of decision making body.

In an ideal world RealSolid will have learnt from previous "mistakes" ;) The truth will be in the pudding of future work.

There will be no mining, the final code will be open source.
This thread is really only here to spread the word, for any questions just ask on the forum.

Whether or not anything is a scam seems highly changeable from a bitcointalk perspective.

Uhmm what the fuck does that mean ? LOL

central body making decisions

On a (DECENTRALIZED ?) coin #7,234 from a person with a bad / scammy history ?

Most people are indifferent as long as they've made their 25c

So true.. the losers are responsible for destroying crypto.. cancer to the scene.
Why pander to them or even tolerate them ?
And ya.. you are right, they go into hiding when they end up getting burned.. like RealSolid did (hiding)  :D

SolidCoin had it's ups and downs, as did MCXNow. As is the case whenever there is a central body making decisions some of those decisions may be unpopular and it's far too easy to sit on yr keyboard and channel psychopathic rage demons when you've lost $$$, generally feel butt-hurt or misunderstood.

It's the "DOWNS" that matter.
Butthurt ? that is a massive insult to people who have been screwed over by RealSolid.. proud of that comment ?

There is centralisation of some sort in practically every single thing you ever do

No one brought this up (made a stink about it yet) and it's rather telling..
That defense retort your reaching for with that line speaks volumes.

In an ideal world RealSolid will have learnt from previous "mistakes" ;) The truth will be in the pudding of future work.

Ya sure.. what did he learn ?
That no matter what he can keep taking other peoples money then wandering off with it with excuses ?
What was the life lesson again ?

Take money then lay low for a while ?

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: pineapples on March 06, 2016, 04:25:11 AM
SolidCoin had it's ups and downs, as did MCXNow. As is the case whenever there is a central body making decisions some of those decisions may be unpopular and it's far too easy to sit on yr keyboard and channel psychopathic rage demons when you've lost $$$, generally feel butt-hurt or misunderstood.

It's the "DOWNS" that matter.
Butthurt ? that is a massive insult to people who have been screwed over by RealSolid.. proud of that comment ?

You mis-interpret my comment.
The reality of internet trolling is that 99% of the hate is irrelevant and merely a product of personal discomfort or butt-hurt.
Hopefully everyone who ever been butt-hurt will realise their opinion is insignificant in the greater wonder of life.

As to those who lost $$$, what can I say?
Hopefully everyone who has ever lost or been fucked over in crypto will survive the experience and become a stronger and happier person.

❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Do you need a little love Spoetnik?
❤️ ❤️ ❤️

And I send equal love to everyone
who have ever lost anything ..


Like i said SolidCoin and MicroCash have had their ups and downs. Feel free to react however you feel appropriate to anything in this thread, or anything on the MicroCash forums, or on the internet in general, or anything on the menu at your favourite restaurant. And everyone else will do the same ...

I am not RealSolid and I am not speaking for him. Anything not informational is most likely my own viewpoint.

Also I was strongly under the impression I had created this thread in the altcoins/discussion forum. It doesnt really fit in Announcements. I will ask mprep to move it.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: pineapples on March 06, 2016, 04:51:03 AM
"The source will be released publicly the same day the actual currency launches. I would prefer it was open source now but I know from my past experience with things that there will be people who take it before it is ready and claim to be "MicroCash Xtreme" or something like that. I'd prefer that to only happen once it is finalized. :)

"Once we are out of ALPHA and in BETA we will be tweaking the core system and magic numbers in the economic code to get it ready for launch. We will also be running a couple tests to prove the efficiency and power of the transaction system. The aim is to break a world record for total transactions per second, or at least beat highest ever Visa volume. "

-Ryler Sturden

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: illodin on March 06, 2016, 11:06:00 AM
If the dev actually had a solution he would describe what's wrong with current scaling attempts and how his design will fix those flaws.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: pineapples on March 06, 2016, 11:12:12 AM
If the dev actually had a solution he would describe what's wrong with current scaling attempts and how his design will fix those flaws.

It's all been discussed in the past in other forums :p The old SolidCoin /MicroCash forums are unfortunately no longer accessible.
Jump onto the microcash forums and ask any particular questions, unfortunately don't expect a useful answer here on bitcointalk

The dev is aware of the lack of straight forward information and anything resembling a white paper, and recognises this state as a problem

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on March 06, 2016, 03:57:06 PM
The dev is aware of the lack of straight forward information and anything resembling a white paper, and recognises this state as a problem

In the second sentence of your original post you clearly identified the main developer as Realsolid, why not name him? Ashamed?

Secondly, I would highly suspect that the reason your post was moved to announcements is because the title clearly made it seem as such and mods do not have the time to read every thread.

If you will notice, I created a thread fro Microcash and is was not moved.

I am certain if you create a thread in the main titled "Microcash Discussion 2016" or something similar, it would remain there.

I do indeed believe you are not Realsolid as he cannot constrain his ego but I do firmly believe you are one of his cult like fanboys from the 2011 days.

Perhaps ViperJBM or rlh?


Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release.
Post by: pineapples on March 07, 2016, 01:11:22 AM

Secondly, I would highly suspect that the reason your post was moved to announcements is because the title clearly made it seem as such and mods do not have the time to read every thread.

That makes sense.
We'll see if mprep moves it back.

Oops not apparently. lol i've added discussion to the thread title too.

Seems like a general discussion thread as such it belongs in Announcements (Altcoins).

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: NUFCrichard on March 07, 2016, 11:09:30 AM
Why does RealSolid keep coming back, and why do people keep on supporting him?

I was only caught up in the MCXnow stuff, buying and trading the Fees.  Luckily I got out before he closed up shop.  It seems like he has now serially scammed people out of large amounts of money, he is also a good coder from what I hear and see, so why not just leave the whole Crypto stuff to the non-scammers and be on his way?!

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on March 08, 2016, 02:26:14 AM
Why does RealSolid keep coming back, and why do people keep on supporting him?

I was only caught up in the MCXnow stuff, buying and trading the Fees.  Luckily I got out before he closed up shop.  It seems like he has now serially scammed people out of large amounts of money, he is also a good coder from what I hear and see, so why not just leave the whole Crypto stuff to the non-scammers and be on his way?!

A scorpion asks a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, they would both drown. Considering this, the frog agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When the frog asks the scorpion why, the scorpion replies that it was in its nature to do so.

The fable is used to illustrate that fundamentally vicious natures cannot change.


Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: pineapples on March 08, 2016, 11:48:01 PM

lol post-modern variation of depressive and cynical nature :p

as opposed to

Earlier scorpion stories

The image of a scorpion carried across a river by a frog occurs at an earlier period, in the Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli), though with a different outcome and purpose. The scorpion crosses the river and stings a man, killing him. This is said to illustrate how God's will is fulfilled in seemingly impossible ways.[8] An Arab variant is found in a Sufi source from the 6th century that illustrates divine providence with the tale of a scorpion that crosses the Nile on a frog's back in order to save a sleeping drunkard from being bitten by a snake.[9] In neither of the above, however, is the frog injured.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: enlightened on March 11, 2016, 02:01:09 AM
If you are interested, there is now a MicroCash exchange:
It went online about 1 hour ago.

5 years ago I ran the Solidcoin24 exchange, maybe you remember.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: pineapples on March 13, 2016, 03:37:58 AM
If you are interested, there is now a MicroCash exchange:
It went online about 1 hour ago.

5 years ago I ran the Solidcoin24 exchange, maybe you remember.

I was curious about how you'd go trading a non-existent coin (not that other coins havent' done that eg simcoin is still trading before it's release). Especially when the value isn't even really determinable atm.

The obvious advantage is that it's a web wallet for MicroCash as soon as it's released. So by buying any ICO style MicroCash the hard work of claiming those coins will be up to the excahnge ;)

Still, here's hoping you add some more coins :D

Here's more discussion on the excahnge

btw here's where enlightened released his first version august 2011 :)

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on March 13, 2016, 09:01:25 PM
If you are interested, there is now a MicroCash exchange:
It went online about 1 hour ago.

5 years ago I ran the Solidcoin24 exchange, maybe you remember.

I was curious about how you'd go trading a non-existent coin (not that other coins havent' done that eg simcoin is still trading before it's release). Especially when the value isn't even really determinable atm.

The obvious advantage is that it's a web wallet for MicroCash as soon as it's released. So by buying any ICO style MicroCash the hard work of claiming those coins will be up to the excahnge ;)

Still, here's hoping you add some more coins :D

Here's more discussion on the excahnge

btw here's where enlightened released his first version august 2011 :)

If RS is involved you can bet your bottom BTC that several hundred thousand already exist in a private wallet.


Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: pineapples on March 16, 2016, 05:20:35 AM

If RS is involved you can bet your bottom BTC that several hundred thousand already exist in a private wallet.


MicroCash doesn't even exist yet.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on March 17, 2016, 04:03:00 AM

If RS is involved you can bet your bottom BTC that several hundred thousand already exist in a private wallet.


MicroCash doesn't even exist yet.

If there is any one thing I know on this forum, it's Realsolid.

Fair isn't something he does at all.

The guy is a freakin' genius to get you clowns to come back time after time.

Hats off to him!


Side note: If it is in Alpha release, it exist.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: torjusg on March 17, 2016, 09:48:17 PM
Hey RS

Long time no see.

Very disappointing that you will not turn solidcoins into microcash as promised over years. I certainly hope you will have success with it though, and clear your name.

I also hope those bux you will give us SC holders will be worth something.

Best regards

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: pineapples on March 19, 2016, 10:10:39 AM
Realsolid: yeah i should have a new alpha out soon

he's often in #mtmox on freenode if anyone wants to chat :)

in this case alpha isn't similar to testnet. any coins that may exist now will not exist later..

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on March 19, 2016, 02:37:02 PM
Realsolid: yeah i should have a new alpha out soon

he's often in #mtmox on freenode if anyone wants to chat :)

in this case alpha isn't similar to testnet. any coins that may exist now will not exist later..

Hmm I wonder where we've heard that before?

Cough, Solidcoin2, cough


Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: samsunk on March 26, 2016, 11:51:18 AM
what is going on here - we want to see substance no chatting


Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: kelsey on March 26, 2016, 12:02:31 PM
i don't know whether to laugh or cry at this ann, or just stock up on popcorn  ???

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: pineapples on March 27, 2016, 01:58:17 PM
what is going on here - we want to see substance no chatting


go here for good times ;)
MicroCash forum : (

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: Rune on May 09, 2016, 02:45:20 PM
what is going on here - we want to see substance no chatting


go here for good times ;)
MicroCash forum : (

So realsolid is back

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: KoshaKosha on May 12, 2016, 08:57:05 AM
It's great he's back! But the question is will microcash will be launched and when?

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: pineapples on May 17, 2017, 02:27:27 AM
Just a minor update,

a recent post from Ryler Sturden on Apr 23

I have been working on it off and on in the last months but nothing major to release at this time. It is quite difficult and time consuming working on both the web based wallet and the MicroCash server. At least one more developer is needed to solely develop that web wallet if there is going to be any progress made in a timely manner. I think it may be best to put the source for the server on github and try to get more developers working on it. I will look into this in the next weeks.

Also given that there has not been much action in regards to a final release I think people who have sent bitcoin for the seeding should receive it back. Once it is more certain about the release date and there are more developers then a new seeding can begin.

So anyone who has sent any Bitcoin please give details on where to send it so you can get it back.

Title: Re: MicroCash. Now in Alpha 2 release. discussion
Post by: torjusg on May 17, 2017, 03:30:45 AM
Just a minor update,

a semi recent post from Ryler Sturden on Apr 23

I have been working on it off and on in the last months but nothing major to release at this time. It is quite difficult and time consuming working on both the web based wallet and the MicroCash server. At least one more developer is needed to solely develop that web wallet if there is going to be any progress made in a timely manner. I think it may be best to put the source for the server on github and try to get more developers working on it. I will look into this in the next weeks.

Also given that there has not been much action in regards to a final release I think people who have sent bitcoin for the seeding should receive it back. Once it is more certain about the release date and there are more developers then a new seeding can begin.

So anyone who has sent any Bitcoin please give details on where to send it so you can get it back.

Hey RS

When you finally release your microcash. How are you planning on reimbursing the people whom originally invested in your solidcoins? From what I gather, you decided when you were doing the RawX shite, to disconnect microcash development from solidcoin, thus screwing all of the early supporters of the concept, myself included. You had the exposal coming for you.

You have an addiction to scamming people when technologically your stuff is good enough to make a lot of mony legitimately. You're just so paranoid and irresponsible that you trust yourself sticking to a single project for long enough, for it to actually turn into something good.