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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: magnific61 on March 02, 2016, 09:01:44 AM

Title: Whom do you support in US Presidental Election Why?
Post by: magnific61 on March 02, 2016, 09:01:44 AM
It seems that possible candidates are Trump and Clinton.
Please, tell whom you support on election

Title: Re: Whom do you support in US Presidental Election Why?
Post by: doriangray on March 02, 2016, 09:52:16 AM
Donald Trump, I think once he becomes obvious winner of these primaries and caucuses, nominated or not by RNC, the Republican Party as we know will cease to exist, for good. A new dawn for a better party will rise. And the credit will go the "We the People" who dare to stand against the corrupt people inside the party... and go for Trump, the chosen leader that will bring the change.

Title: Re: Whom do you support in US Presidental Election Why?
Post by: clangtrump on March 02, 2016, 09:55:46 AM
Donald Trump, I think once he becomes obvious winner of these primaries and caucuses, nominated or not by RNC, the Republican Party as we know will cease to exist, for good. A new dawn for a better party will rise. And the credit will go the "We the People" who dare to stand against the corrupt people inside the party... and go for Trump, the chosen leader that will bring the change.

Sarcastically i vote for trump too. I support some of his ideas and i just want to see how a business man rule the world trade.

Title: Re: Whom do you support in US Presidental Election Why?
Post by: valta4065 on March 02, 2016, 10:22:42 AM
Donald Trump, I think once he becomes obvious winner of these primaries and caucuses, nominated or not by RNC, the Republican Party as we know will cease to exist, for good. A new dawn for a better party will rise. And the credit will go the "We the People" who dare to stand against the corrupt people inside the party... and go for Trump, the chosen leader that will bring the change.

Sarcastically i vote for trump too. I support some of his ideas and i just want to see how a business man rule the world trade.

Couldn't you vote for a good businessman then at least? :-/

Not one who has been bankrupted 4 time!

Title: Re: Whom do you support in US Presidental Election Why?
Post by: cooldgamer on March 02, 2016, 01:14:20 PM
I'm personally a Sanders supporter.  It seems that instead of just giving in and socializing important things (like healthcare) like most first world countries do, we try to make some clusterfuck of a middle-ground that ends up costing everybody a ton of money, while still leaving people hanging when it comes time to make use of it.

I also think that free (or at least affordable) higher-education is going to be very important if we want to stay on the bleeding edge of innovation.  You should be able to go based on your drive to succeed, not whether you feel comfortable taking out tens of thousands of dollars in loans when you're just getting your first job.

If he doesn't get the nomination I'm really split on who to vote for... I hate Trump for his general lack of empathy or brains, but I certainly don't want to support Criminal Clinton.

Title: Re: Whom do you support in US Presidental Election Why?
Post by: valta4065 on March 02, 2016, 01:33:01 PM
I'm personally a Sanders supporter.  It seems that instead of just giving in and socializing important things (like healthcare) like most first world countries do, we try to make some clusterfuck of a middle-ground that ends up costing everybody a ton of money, while still leaving people hanging when it comes time to make use of it.

I also think that free (or at least affordable) higher-education is going to be very important if we want to stay on the bleeding edge of innovation.  You should be able to go based on your drive to succeed, not whether you feel comfortable taking out tens of thousands of dollars in loans when you're just getting your first job.

If he doesn't get the nomination I'm really split on who to vote for... I hate Trump for his general lack of empathy or brains, but I certainly don't want to support Criminal Clinton.

USA is the only country in the world where banks destroy the economy in 2008 and people consequently blame ... Well the people for being to lazy and destroying the employment market xD

Title: Re: Whom do you support in US Presidental Election Why?
Post by: bryant.coleman on March 02, 2016, 06:37:32 PM
Still there is no surety about the GOP nominee. Right now it seems to me that Trump will win the nomination, but I can't write off Rubio and Cruz. On the other hand, it is almost 99% certain that Hitlery will be the Democrat candidate. There is a chance that Bernie will win more popular vote than Hitlery, and still lose the nomination. In the general election, it is quite simple for me. I will support the GOP candidate, whoever be it. The reason is that I want to avoid a WW3.

Title: Re: Whom do you support in US Presidental Election Why?
Post by: valta4065 on March 03, 2016, 11:14:21 AM
Still there is no surety about the GOP nominee. Right now it seems to me that Trump will win the nomination, but I can't write off Rubio and Cruz. On the other hand, it is almost 99% certain that Hitlery will be the Democrat candidate. There is a chance that Bernie will win more popular vote than Hitlery, and still lose the nomination. In the general election, it is quite simple for me. I will support the GOP candidate, whoever be it. The reason is that I want to avoid a WW3.

Unless there is a a sudden rise of IQ in American electorate there is no reason to see Clinton lose the Democrat candidature for sure. But what does GOP mean? I don't know this acronyme.

Why do you think that Republican will avoid WW3 contrary to Democrat?