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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Wilikon on March 02, 2016, 04:02:56 PM

Title: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: Wilikon on March 02, 2016, 04:02:56 PM

The term "kafkatrapping" describes a logical fallacy that is popular within gender feminism, racial politics and other ideologies of victimhood. It occurs when you are accused of a thought crime such as sexism, racism or homophobia. You respond with an honest denial, which is then used as further confirmation of your guilt. You are now trapped in a circular and unfalsifiable argument; no one who is accused can be innocent because the structure of kafkatrapping precludes that possibility.

The term derives from Franz Kafka's novel The Trial in which a nondescript bank clerk named Josef K. is arrested; no charges are ever revealed to the character or to the reader. Josef is prosecuted by a bizarre and tyrannical court of unknown authority and he is doomed by impenetrable red tape. In the end, Josef is abducted by two strange men and inexplicably executed by being stabbed through the heart. The Trial is Kafka's comment on totalitarian governments, like the Soviet Union, in which justice is twisted into a bitter, horrifying parody of itself and serves only those in charge.

Kafkatrapping twists reason and truth into self-parodies that serve victimhood ideologues who wish to avoid the evidence and reasoned arguments upon which truth rests. The term appears to have originated in a 2010 article written by author and open source software advocate Eric S. Raymond. He opens by acknowledging the worth of equality before the law and of treating others with respect. But, he notes, "[g]ood causes sometimes have bad consequences." One such consequence is that tactics used to raise consciousness can veer "into the creepy and pathological, borrowing the least sane features of religious evangelism."

Raymond offers various models of how kafkatrapping operates. He calls the two most common ones A and C.


Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: Snail2 on March 02, 2016, 04:51:20 PM
"All suspects are guilty. Period. Otherwise, they wouldn't be suspects, would they?"

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: Nxtblg on March 02, 2016, 08:24:59 PM

The term "kafkatrapping" describes a logical fallacy that is popular within gender feminism, racial politics and other ideologies of victimhood. It occurs when you are accused of a thought crime such as sexism, racism or homophobia. You respond with an honest denial, which is then used as further confirmation of your guilt. You are now trapped in a circular and unfalsifiable argument; no one who is accused can be innocent because the structure of kafkatrapping precludes that possibility.

The term derives from Franz Kafka's novel The Trial in which a nondescript bank clerk named Josef K. is arrested; no charges are ever revealed to the character or to the reader. Josef is prosecuted by a bizarre and tyrannical court of unknown authority and he is doomed by impenetrable red tape. In the end, Josef is abducted by two strange men and inexplicably executed by being stabbed through the heart. The Trial is Kafka's comment on totalitarian governments, like the Soviet Union, in which justice is twisted into a bitter, horrifying parody of itself and serves only those in charge.

Kafkatrapping twists reason and truth into self-parodies that serve victimhood ideologues who wish to avoid the evidence and reasoned arguments upon which truth rests. The term appears to have originated in a 2010 article written by author and open source software advocate Eric S. Raymond. He opens by acknowledging the worth of equality before the law and of treating others with respect. But, he notes, "[g]ood causes sometimes have bad consequences." One such consequence is that tactics used to raise consciousness can veer "into the creepy and pathological, borrowing the least sane features of religious evangelism."

Raymond offers various models of how kafkatrapping operates. He calls the two most common ones A and C.


Uh...very eloquent, but what about the simpler alterative of just dismissing them out of hand? Treating them like those "I'm calling to clean your Windows" phone spammers?

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: designerusa on March 03, 2016, 05:25:55 AM
"All suspects are guilty. Period. Otherwise, they wouldn't be suspects, would they?"

when one called suspect, he or she must commits a crime.. today's law system is like that.. this is unfair but reality is like that.. something must be changed..

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: craked5 on March 03, 2016, 07:14:00 AM

The term "kafkatrapping" describes a logical fallacy that is popular within gender feminism, racial politics and other ideologies of victimhood. It occurs when you are accused of a thought crime such as sexism, racism or homophobia. You respond with an honest denial, which is then used as further confirmation of your guilt. You are now trapped in a circular and unfalsifiable argument; no one who is accused can be innocent because the structure of kafkatrapping precludes that possibility.

The term derives from Franz Kafka's novel The Trial in which a nondescript bank clerk named Josef K. is arrested; no charges are ever revealed to the character or to the reader. Josef is prosecuted by a bizarre and tyrannical court of unknown authority and he is doomed by impenetrable red tape. In the end, Josef is abducted by two strange men and inexplicably executed by being stabbed through the heart. The Trial is Kafka's comment on totalitarian governments, like the Soviet Union, in which justice is twisted into a bitter, horrifying parody of itself and serves only those in charge.

Kafkatrapping twists reason and truth into self-parodies that serve victimhood ideologues who wish to avoid the evidence and reasoned arguments upon which truth rests. The term appears to have originated in a 2010 article written by author and open source software advocate Eric S. Raymond. He opens by acknowledging the worth of equality before the law and of treating others with respect. But, he notes, "[g]ood causes sometimes have bad consequences." One such consequence is that tactics used to raise consciousness can veer "into the creepy and pathological, borrowing the least sane features of religious evangelism."

Raymond offers various models of how kafkatrapping operates. He calls the two most common ones A and C.


Two things:

1/ First hmm... Yeah and? I mean it's like if I said "beware of scamming" it's not that what you're saying is false, it's just that it's a bit useless don't you think?
2/ Second... Why are you saying it's the speciality of racists or feminists? Liberalists and capitalists use it as much as they can! It's a common attack used by any kind of ideology.

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: Wilikon on March 03, 2016, 07:39:41 PM

The term "kafkatrapping" describes a logical fallacy that is popular within gender feminism, racial politics and other ideologies of victimhood. It occurs when you are accused of a thought crime such as sexism, racism or homophobia. You respond with an honest denial, which is then used as further confirmation of your guilt. You are now trapped in a circular and unfalsifiable argument; no one who is accused can be innocent because the structure of kafkatrapping precludes that possibility.

The term derives from Franz Kafka's novel The Trial in which a nondescript bank clerk named Josef K. is arrested; no charges are ever revealed to the character or to the reader. Josef is prosecuted by a bizarre and tyrannical court of unknown authority and he is doomed by impenetrable red tape. In the end, Josef is abducted by two strange men and inexplicably executed by being stabbed through the heart. The Trial is Kafka's comment on totalitarian governments, like the Soviet Union, in which justice is twisted into a bitter, horrifying parody of itself and serves only those in charge.

Kafkatrapping twists reason and truth into self-parodies that serve victimhood ideologues who wish to avoid the evidence and reasoned arguments upon which truth rests. The term appears to have originated in a 2010 article written by author and open source software advocate Eric S. Raymond. He opens by acknowledging the worth of equality before the law and of treating others with respect. But, he notes, "[g]ood causes sometimes have bad consequences." One such consequence is that tactics used to raise consciousness can veer "into the creepy and pathological, borrowing the least sane features of religious evangelism."

Raymond offers various models of how kafkatrapping operates. He calls the two most common ones A and C.


Two things:

1/ First hmm... Yeah and? I mean it's like if I said "beware of scamming" it's not that what you're saying is false, it's just that it's a bit useless don't you think?
2/ Second... Why are you saying it's the speciality of racists or feminists? Liberalists and capitalists use it as much as they can! It's a common attack used by any kind of ideology.

I have never said such things in this thread. This advice works for everybody, you, me, etc.

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 03, 2016, 07:46:55 PM
This issue is why little changes these days for the better of society. You put your neck out and get labeled and cut down.
Every election its the same attacks using this tactic. Have little time for people that attempt this style of communication.

Have only read two books by Kafka "The Castle" and "Metamorphsis" is the book mentioned a good read?
Found it to be dry reading for the most part and stopped looking into him after these two books.

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 03, 2016, 07:52:08 PM
Antisemitism is one that gets thrown around at people simply because they disagree with the policies of Israel a lot.  I never read Kafka.   I may have to steal one of his books.   Sounds like a righteous faggone.

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: Wilikon on March 03, 2016, 08:33:00 PM
Antisemitism is one that gets thrown around at people simply because they disagree with the policies of Israel a lot.  I never read Kafka.   I may have to steal one of his books.   Sounds like a righteous faggone.

Beware of Kafkatrapping  :)

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: Lethn on March 03, 2016, 08:37:45 PM
Actually, there's a very easy way to get round their bullshit, don't ever apologise and just tell them to fuck off, these people aren't actually interested in your apology or being diplomatic, they want to control you and are very manipulative.

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: Wilikon on March 03, 2016, 08:42:39 PM
Actually, there's a very easy way to get round their bullshit, don't ever apologise and just tell them to fuck off, these people aren't actually interested in your apology or being diplomatic, they want to control you and are very manipulative.

Manipulation does not have any party affiliation

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: designerusa on March 04, 2016, 04:47:31 AM
Actually, there's a very easy way to get round their bullshit, don't ever apologise and just tell them to fuck off, these people aren't actually interested in your apology or being diplomatic, they want to control you and are very manipulative.

i completley agree with you .. apoligizing doesnt work and also it turn the thing getting ang getting worse .. for that reason we should stay silent and not let them manipılate us..

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: Lethn on March 04, 2016, 10:38:41 AM
Stay silent? No, just ignore them entirely, they only get any power when people actually listen to them and act on it, they can't do anything themselves or if you do engage them just counter their propaganda at every turn.

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: valta4065 on March 04, 2016, 11:01:05 AM
Stay silent? No, just ignore them entirely, they only get any power when people actually listen to them and act on it, they can't do anything themselves or if you do engage them just counter their propaganda at every turn.

Yeah well beware also of your own propaganda...

The gap is thin between fighting another propaganda and succombing to your own without even realizing it... Look at all the religious biggots or the Flat Earth believers around here!

Title: Re: Free Advice: Beware of Kafkatrapping
Post by: Wilikon on March 08, 2016, 01:02:17 AM
Stay silent? No, just ignore them entirely, they only get any power when people actually listen to them and act on it, they can't do anything themselves or if you do engage them just counter their propaganda at every turn.

Yeah well beware also of your own propaganda...

The gap is thin between fighting another propaganda and succombing to your own without even realizing it... Look at all the religious biggots or the Flat Earth believers around here!

I agree, Gauche Caviar, Champagne Socialist...