Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Exchanges => Topic started by: tupelo on March 05, 2016, 12:07:59 AM

Title: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: tupelo on March 05, 2016, 12:07:59 AM
Coinbase and it's CEO Brian Mindweak are the major actors in the latest attack against Bitcoin, called Bitcoin Classic.

This is the first step in a serious attempt by corporations to gain control over Bitcoin.
But they made a little mistake: you should not attack the honey badger.

What can we do?


  • Don't use Coinbase.
  • Rate Coinbase negatively everywhere you can.
  • Discourage new users from using them.
  • Reveal the continuous lies and attacks the CEO is posting against Bitcoin and it's developers.
  • Post bad reviews and negative experience reports everywhere you can
  • Contact the investors of Coinbase and let them know that you are stopping to use the service they invested in

Why would the CEO of a large Bitcoin company attack Bitcoin? Because he sees increased profitability for his business if we slowly transition to a chain where his company can have direct influence on the development and increased control over the userbase. Brian Mindweak has shown complete disregard for Bitcoin and its developers on numerous occasions as well as revealing his utter lack of technical understanding of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is for the people and I greatly respect the developers and all the time they put into this wonderful invention.
We cannot let manipulating companies destroy Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 05, 2016, 12:17:27 AM
I don't have a choice in the matter, as they nuked my account last year with no chance for appeal or anything.  Oh well.  I've used Circle since then and it's waaay better for buying and selling.  So I'm down with your cause.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: smoothie on March 05, 2016, 12:19:48 AM
LOL @ Brian Mindweak

nice  :D

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: Junko on March 05, 2016, 12:29:57 AM
I already am boycotting coinbase because they don't allow gambling transactions. FU, coinbase.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: 25hashcoin on March 05, 2016, 12:39:08 AM
Agreed. I've boycotted them since their XT support. Remove all your funds and buy/trade elsewhere. And tell others to do the same!

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: chopstick on March 05, 2016, 12:39:12 AM
This thread is a joke. Coinbase has emerged as a voice of reason, while Blockstream is owned by outright fraudsters. Thank God for Armstrong's ability to understand the situation, and make well reasoned points.

Blockstream CEO Austin Hill's first start-up was a scam, made 100k in 3 months off unsuspecting Canadians. (

“My basic thesis was this: anyone who was dumb enough to think that they could make money reviewing television shows would pay $49 dollars for a training program,” said Hill. “And anyone who is that lazy will never complete the training program. So they’d just give up and I could sell a $2 dollar training program for $49.”

It worked: he made about $100,000 in three months. (At that point the crowd gave him an ovation... -snip-

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: chopstick on March 05, 2016, 12:40:53 AM
You guys want BTC development to be 100% controlled by Austin Hill the Outright Fraudster and Adam 'Missedtheboat' Back?

Well, in that case you bunch of morons deserve what you get.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: Alley on March 05, 2016, 12:44:51 AM
I'm a core guy but I think armstrong makes some good points.  I don't like that people like you want people to rate them negatively if they don't even use coinbase.  I don't like smear tactics.  Core should fight back with positivity and a clear plan.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: 25hashcoin on March 05, 2016, 12:47:02 AM
I made a thread trying to reopen the request to remove coinbase as a wallet from (they already said they weren't a wallet anyway so I don't know why they haven't been removed)

Anyway. Spread the word.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: tupelo on March 05, 2016, 12:48:01 AM
I made a thread trying to reopen the request to remove coinbase as a wallet from (they already said they weren't a wallet anyway so I don't know why they haven't been removed)

Anyway. Spread the word.

That is certainly needed! They really should not be listed there

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: gentlemand on March 05, 2016, 12:48:32 AM
Above all else unless Bitcoin itself is healthy then he doesn't have a business. He has some valid points but I think it's past the point that others will take them on board.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: chopstick on March 05, 2016, 12:51:15 AM
Core should fight back with positivity and a clear plan.

They have already proven they are incapable of doing this. Their CEO is a scammer. Adam Back ignored bitcoin thinking it was stupid until the price went up to 1k and he suddenly got dollar signs in his eyes.

If they do and I'm wrong though, I will be pleasantly surprised.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: iCEBREAKER on March 05, 2016, 12:56:17 AM
I explain to anyone who will listen why Brian StrongArm is a jackboot-polishing bankster toady.

FU CoinBank

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: Alley on March 05, 2016, 01:05:44 AM
Coinbase is bringing alot of new users to bitcoin.  They are a secure regulated exchange which is what newbies want.  Be careful about wishing they were gone.

The miners have already spoken.  Their not adopting classic.  This whole thing is a non issue. 

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: Cconvert2G36 on March 05, 2016, 01:14:32 AM
I explain to anyone who will listen why Brian StrongArm is a jackboot-polishing bankster toady.

FU CoinBank

Well, look on the bright side. Your efforts to smother BTC in the crib are working out swimmingly for Monero! [Not as well as ETH tho.  :-*]

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: lottery248 on March 05, 2016, 01:22:53 AM
i have been boycotting the coinbase already.
enforcing the bitcoin core is not ever a solution to sustain bitcoin, bitcoin classic is less sustainable but still affordable to majority of the bitcoin users. i support this.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: chek2fire on March 05, 2016, 01:34:06 AM
i have already do this. And i always tell to other to avoid them. There are better options than Coinbase in bitcoin ecosystem. Is clear that this company didn't want bitcoin to survive and they work to destroy it.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: Alley on March 05, 2016, 01:38:22 AM
i have already do this. And i always tell to other to avoid them. There are better options than Coinbase in bitcoin ecosystem. Is clear that this company didn't want bitcoin to survive and they work to destroy it.

Their working to destroy bitcoin in essence putting themselves out of business?  Riiiiight...

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: iCEBREAKER on March 05, 2016, 01:40:46 AM
I explain to anyone who will listen why Brian StrongArm is a jackboot-polishing bankster toady.

FU CoinBank

Well, look on the bright side. Your efforts to smother BTC in the crib are working out swimmingly for Monero! [Not as well as ETH tho.  :-*]

At >$400/coin, BTC is doing fine.

And FYI, BTC is out of the crib.  It's now a kindergartner.

I had my chance "to smother BTC in the crib" when I made my account in 2011.  It's 2016, and nobody cares about your Bitcoin Obituary.

The only things being killed early and often are the Big Lie and its subsequent attempts at contentious hard forks.

Coinbase/Classic shitlords: "Bitcoin was created to disrupt commercial banking.  Because ZOMG ATM/DEBIT/MERCHANT FEES."

Blockstream/Core cypherpunks: "Bitcoin was created to disrupt central banking.  Because Chancellor on brink of second bailout."

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: chek2fire on March 05, 2016, 01:44:17 AM
i have already do this. And i always tell to other to avoid them. There are better options than Coinbase in bitcoin ecosystem. Is clear that this company didn't want bitcoin to survive and they work to destroy it.

Their working to destroy bitcoin in essence putting themselves out of business?  Riiiiight...

I cant see any other explanation will this everyday public fud about Bitcoin doomsday. And they are doing this 5 months now without this day to coming but they keep fud the ppl that is coming the Bitcoin apocalypse. They have not tell us who will has the role of jesus :P

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: Gyfts on March 05, 2016, 01:49:09 AM
Oh, would you look at that. A big company in the industry trying to take bitcoin and turn it into another corporate scheme for profits...

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: Cconvert2G36 on March 05, 2016, 04:27:26 AM
Oh, would you look at that. A big company in the industry trying to take bitcoin and turn it into another corporate scheme for profits...

I made a bet on betcoin, was told there'd be free Kool-Aid?

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: mkc on March 05, 2016, 05:12:52 AM
Okay I will move my coins out of coinbase account.
I know they try very hard to comply with current law, which is not a problem for me. But any evidence that they are behind the current sluggishness of the network?

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: ecarross on March 05, 2016, 06:27:46 AM
yes me too boycott them

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: Kprawn on March 05, 2016, 06:45:09 AM
Brian is basically talking for Gavin. He has been following him like a slave, since XT and also in Classic. There are a group of people, who wants the same control banks have over our money. They also

push the total surveillance agenda of their governments. Their whole operation is dependent on what their government will allow. {KYC / AML } They are the slaves of the system that wants to control

them, or they want to be a part of that system that controls people. In the end, these companies know they have the support of the governments and they will survive and even prosper in that

environment. For them individual financial privacy does not matter... The main goal is to make money, and lots of it... no matter what individual rights are sacrificed.  ::)

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: Cconvert2G36 on March 05, 2016, 06:54:31 AM
Brian is basically talking for Gavin. He has been following him like a slave, since XT and also in Classic. There are a group of people, who wants the same control banks have over our money. They also

push the total surveillance agenda of their governments. Their whole operation is dependent on what their government will allow. {KYC / AML } They are the slaves of the system that wants to control

them, or they want to be a part of that system that controls people. In the end, these companies know they have the support of the governments and they will survive and even prosper in that

environment. For them individual financial privacy does not matter... The main goal is to make money, and lots of it... no matter what individual rights are sacrificed.  ::)

Preach it brutha. Satoshi made a huge mistake handing the reins to Gavin. Also, Coinbase should just ignore all the BSA bullshit they have to endure just to give you bitcoin for a fee. Whatever happened to sacrificing your business so little johnny could buy his research chemicals directly from an exchange wallet?

Payment channels [2 weeks] are our salvation, won't be subject to KYC and AML, and will totally trickle enough fees down to miners... in the face of relentless altcoin competition. All while our security is a few phone calls from the PRC away from nothing, not like we shouldn't make a few sacrifices for the safety we're enjoying... Mewn Boyz.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: darkice on March 05, 2016, 10:22:04 AM
I haven't taken sides in this conflict since it started. I mean, I kept it to myself.

I still won't take sides but want to point out a couple things.

1. Both sides are forgetting the conflict itself is the real problem here.
2. You guys can go to linux kernel development email archives and see similar drama is going on for like 20 years, but bitcoin is not linux kernel.

For centuries external forces used the simple tactic of divide and conquer on fronts they want to get weak or disappear.

So you put some doubt into the community you put dividing borders between community members, suddenly you don't have a strong rising front but a bloody divided battlefield and everyone digs in and starts fighting with each other.

I think both sides should start compromising and aim to be one again.

we are already more divided than I thought was possible 2-3 years ago,

It is sad.

I am on no ones side, I will be a bitcoiner and will try to keep it together and strong.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: sishendaoye on March 05, 2016, 05:36:16 PM
Well is their prof that he is behind the attack? If yes why don't provide it.
it's very easy to accuse something whom you know iwll not come online here and defend himself.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: tommorisonwebdesign on March 05, 2016, 07:34:27 PM
I never used Coinbase and I never will. They are a fucking joke of a wallet as far as I'm concerned. Mt. Gov got hacked once and everyone else suffered. It's only a matter of time before Coinase gets hacked. These services that centralize Bitcoin are bad for the cryptocurrency. I will boycott and leave bad reviews everywhere. Bitcoin Core is (in my opinion) the best place to store your Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: SparkyU on March 05, 2016, 10:07:21 PM
I never used Coinbase and I never will.

Same here.  They don't offer anything special, all their services can be had at better places.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: iCEBREAKER on March 05, 2016, 10:17:44 PM
Brian is basically talking for Gavin. He has been following him like a slave, since XT and also in Classic. There are a group of people, who wants the same control banks have over our money. They also

push the total surveillance agenda of their governments. Their whole operation is dependent on what their government will allow. {KYC / AML } They are the slaves of the system that wants to control

them, or they want to be a part of that system that controls people. In the end, these companies know they have the support of the governments and they will survive and even prosper in that

environment. For them individual financial privacy does not matter... The main goal is to make money, and lots of it... no matter what individual rights are sacrificed.  ::)

Gavin Brian speaks, price retreats.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: 25hashcoin on March 05, 2016, 11:12:04 PM
Who would have thought 2 years ago coinbase would end up being the enemy we were all expecting to come to pass?

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: bitlancr on March 06, 2016, 02:53:26 PM
Who would have thought 2 years ago coinbase would end up being the enemy we were all expecting to come to pass?

I didn't. I do think he meant it for the best but right now he made a lot of enemies. This will surely cost coinbase a lot of customers.
I can't see how this will be forgiven nor forgotten.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: DARKCHANGE on March 06, 2016, 09:07:28 PM
To speak the truth: I was never sure whether Coinbase's admins really like the Bitcoin idea and concept or if they just wanted to create some centralized shitty exchange and wallet to see what Bitcoinusers are doing in their free time. They act like Paypal (concerning they lock and freeze accounts as they want and require an unbelievable amount of "verification" documents) and monitor any single transaction. Although they're registered in the US, it seems they want to be a task force to detect "fraudulent", "illicit" or "suspicious" transactions.

FU Coinbase, last company I'd ever use on this field..

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: imbest on March 06, 2016, 09:10:27 PM
I am still using coinbase without having any problem.why I should give negative feedback if I was not a user of coinbase?please without know anything,do not act like OP said.if you are a coinbase user you should know the terms and conditions and you must follow them.if you face any problem you can contact support for help.I am using coinbase since 2014.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: chopstick on March 06, 2016, 11:03:19 PM
Who would have thought 2 years ago coinbase would end up being the enemy we were all expecting to come to pass?

Coinbase is the enemy huh? You have a lot to learn young padawan.

Title: Re: Boycott Coinbase to stop the attack against Bitcoin
Post by: 25hashcoin on March 06, 2016, 11:08:54 PM
Who would have thought 2 years ago coinbase would end up being the enemy we were all expecting to come to pass?

Coinbase is the enemy huh? You have a lot to learn young padawan.

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