Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: niemivh on June 09, 2011, 05:26:31 AM

Title: Bitcoin = the Anti-mark of the beast
Post by: niemivh on June 09, 2011, 05:26:31 AM
It's funny.  If you would have told me prior to bitcoin that shortly we would have a world currency that was totally digital I don't know what i would have thought.  I probably would have thought "the bad guys won".

Little would I have known that this currency would not only have as much freedom as cash... but even more.  Much more.  No bailouts, no inflation, no human manipulation through unjust regulation, no hyper-trading, no fees, no middlemen, no banks, no interest, you can send money to anyone in the world in a few minutes and even more - we are just getting started.

This is bitcoin.  If you are new here this is the anti-mark of the beast.


Title: Re: Bitcoin = the Anti-mark of the beast
Post by: dacoinminster on June 09, 2011, 05:24:28 PM
It's funny.  If you would have told me prior to bitcoin that shortly we would have a world currency that was totally digital I don't know what i would have thought.  I probably would have thought "the bad guys won".

Little would I have known that this currency would not only have as much freedom as cash... but even more.  Much more.  No bailouts, no inflation, no human manipulation through unjust regulation, no hyper-trading, no fees, no middlemen, no banks, no interest, you can send money to anyone in the world in a few minutes and even more - we are just getting started.

This is bitcoin.  If you are new here this is the anti-mark of the beast.


I have thought about this exact thing. The Bible predicts that in the end times, all buying and selling will be tightly controlled by a central authority, and one will need "the mark of the beast" to engage in any economic activity (Revelation 13:17–18). Bitcoin is the opposite of that, but I can imagine that the backlash against bitcoin could create exactly that scenario.

Conclusion: all good Christians should own bitcoin as preparation for that time :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin = the Anti-mark of the beast
Post by: cloud9 on June 09, 2011, 05:45:11 PM
Barter trade like Bitcoins (secure digital goods) will always exist in any community.

Title: Re: Bitcoin = the Anti-mark of the beast
Post by: evoorhees on June 09, 2011, 05:53:59 PM

no hyper-trading, no fees, no middlemen, no banks, no interest,

This is bitcoin.  If you are new here this is the anti-mark of the beast.

If bitcoin never develops mature capital markets, which would necessarily include "hyper-trading", "middlemen," "banks," and "interest" then it is doomed.

Efficient markets demand all these things, in one form or another. Hyper trading will provide liquidity and price discovery. Middlemen will provide various services from fraud protection, to insurance, to education, to a host of other value-added activities. Banks would certainly look different, but when used to pool resources for capital investments, or to protect wallet files effectively, they are very important. And interest?? If I loan money to someone, whether it's gold, fiat paper, or bitcoins, it sure as hell better carry interest.

There is nothing wrong with the above institutions.... what's wrong TODAY is that these institutions have grown up around a fraudulent fiat money system. It's the US fiat currency and fractional banking system that is the problem, not the banks, or hyper trading, or interest per se. Fix the money, and the institutions will be fixed eventually as well.