Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: altfolio on March 07, 2016, 02:59:39 AM

Title: Idea: subforum for userhome threads
Post by: altfolio on March 07, 2016, 02:59:39 AM
Idea: subforum for userhome threads

Some reasons:

  • link to selected other posts of user
  • like a twitter feed
  • feeling home
  • stuff that cannot be sorted elsewhere
  • reputation
  • create identity
  • safe place to start posting without annoying anyone  ;)

But perhaps such a subforum already exists here?
Or a detailed discussion why it is unwanted? Thanks.

Title: Re: Idea: subforum for userhome threads
Post by: Jstalk on March 07, 2016, 07:39:59 AM
Maybe you can use the off-topic board for such posts.
Your idea is pointless. ;)

Title: Re: Idea: subforum for userhome threads
Post by: mexxer-2 on March 07, 2016, 02:11:30 PM
What in the world are you talking about? If I understood it correctly, it seems like a useless idea. Anyway , no more sub forums are going to be created just for yobit and Bitmixer spammer

Title: Re: Idea: subforum for userhome threads
Post by: WENGER on March 07, 2016, 02:26:34 PM
•link to selected other posts of user  There's already one in which you could go to their profile and then click Show the last posts of this person.
•like a twitter feed  What for?
•feeling home   Are you serious?
•stuff that cannot be sorted elsewhere  There's off topic section already
•reputation  It already exist so no need
•create identity  For what?
•safe place to start posting without annoying anyone  So you could just farm accounts without the fear of being caught in case you post nonsense? Nope

All of these reasons you sited are not valid enough (like at all) and it could be summarized to off topic section already (except for the reputation part in which it has it's own subforum).

Title: Idea: new function on the the user profile home page
Post by: altfolio on March 07, 2016, 04:22:00 PM
... There's already one in which you could go to their profile and then click Show the last posts of this person.

True. And inspiration. I modify my idea to:

  • a new function on the the user profile page
  • "Some selected posts of mine"
  • which each user can choose herself
  • 1-3-7-10 choices (depending on Newbie - Junior - Senior - Full - ...)
  • I can choose
    • the (url of the) post
    • a title for the link
    • the order/ranking of the 1-10 links
Does this make more sense?

But other than that ...

Yes, I do understand all of your detailed reasons why not.
They all make a lot of sense to me. Thanks a lot for clarification.

But ideas are to be shared, right?
Even better if they can be disproven so quickly.
Let's move on to other topics then.


Title: Re: Idea: new function on the the user profile home page
Post by: shorena on March 07, 2016, 05:27:44 PM
Does this make more sense?

It does, but I guess the majority of staff would tell you that this is what your signature is for. Its a big downside of selling it, as it would be a nice place to collect a number of threads for easy reference (see e.g. mexxer-2's sig).

Title: Re: Idea: new function on the the user profile home page
Post by: altfolio on March 08, 2016, 05:19:04 AM
... that this is what your signature is for.

Ahhhh ...

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