Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Investor-based games => Topic started by: bitcoin10x on March 15, 2016, 03:07:32 PM

Title: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: bitcoin10x on March 15, 2016, 03:07:32 PM
No matter how secure and innovative would be Bitcoins, they are just some bytes on a digital storage medium and they can be copied as well as any digital information. We thoroughly studied the Bitcoin client from within and have found an almost imperceptible but very significant flaw (associated with the commission), using it we have committed a Bitcoin transaction in which the recipient has received more Bitcoins than the sender has sent. Unfortunately, the difference is not so great (about 1%) and if you make only one transaction by a small amount your capital will not increase much, but if you make transactions permanently and by a large amount, you can get rich very quickly.

We've discovered this flaw recently and have not yet managed to win a lot, but every day we multiply our money twentyfold times and want to do it more. We all understand that such a freebie can not continue for a lot of time and this flaw will be found and corrected in the near future, but until that happens, we want to win as much as possible. That is why we have launched this website, where you can make an investment and we will multiply it twenty times. Half of this money we will give to you, it means that your investment will be returned to you tenfold in the next 48 hours. All you have to do is to transfer some Bitcoins to address listed below (we do not accept investments below 0.001 Bitcoins) and your investment will be multiplied tenfold and will be transferred to your wallet within 48 hours.

Visit our website:

Our payouts you will find on twitter:

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: cryptodevil on March 15, 2016, 03:17:01 PM
Public Service Announcement -
This is just another Ponzi Scam
Do Not Invest!

Those who choose to post of their participation
support or encouragement for this scam will
be tagged with negative trust for proving
they wish to help the scammers operate this
Ponzi in return for a share of the funds stolen
from other users. Thereby proving they are not
trustworthy forum members.


Oh and, BTW, what a load of bollocks you are talking OP. A Ponzi with a backstory that promises it can actually conjure up free money. Trollolol.

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: Vasilich on March 15, 2016, 03:23:15 PM
Dumb divorce for suckers. Hahaha in 10x times...  ;D too many stupid schoolboys.

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: antiuser1 on March 15, 2016, 03:24:55 PM
OK, obvious bullshit here. But I ask anyway: Can you show us one of those transactions in the blockchain with output bigger than input? If you really found such a design flaw, bitcoin is dead.

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: WingTsun on March 15, 2016, 03:38:15 PM
LOL, this is something new. now are tenfloding coins xDDDDD

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: opmac on March 15, 2016, 03:38:34 PM

Please remove your garbage from the internet


Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: Bagus Tubagus on March 15, 2016, 05:41:13 PM
^^ Ponzi details in Russian?

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: RACT on March 15, 2016, 06:25:07 PM
show us 1 transaction

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: Kotone on March 15, 2016, 08:04:28 PM
Lol they will make our coin 10 times using the russian language technique.

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: JavaLove on March 15, 2016, 08:20:33 PM
Your logo was created in a minute, most likely copied directly from Google Images.

You bought (probably stole) your template from some website template vendor (which means you don't even know how to code your own site, you need to use someone else's).

And then you come offering tenfold for my bitcoin.

Such a scam yet so many people will fall for it.

By the way, I checked your Twitter because I guess I have nothing better to do with my life and found all you do is post transactions that you found on the blockchain. Are these links suppose to justify your "tenfold" offer? Because it doesn't, if you thought you were smart  :D

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: JahBit on March 15, 2016, 11:55:37 PM
Heзaвиcимo oт тoгo, нacкoлькo бeзoпacными и иннoвaциoнными являютcя Биткoин, этo вceгo лишь цифpoвыe бaйты нa нocитeлe инфopмaции, кoтopыe мoгyт быть cкoпиpoвaны, тaкжe кaк и любaя дpyгaя цифpoвaя инфopмaция. Mы тщaтeльнo изyчили Биткoин изнyтpи и нaшли пoчти нeзaмeтный, нo oчeнь cyщecтвeнный изьян (cвязaнный c кoмиccиeй), иcпoльзyя этy инфopмaцию, мы coвepшили пepeвoд Биткoин, в кoтopoм пoлyчaтeль пoлyчил иx бoльшe, нeжeли изнaчaльнo пepecылaл oтпpaвитeль. К coжaлeнию, paзницa нe cтoль вeликa (oкoлo 1%), и ecли вы дeлaeтe тoлькo oдин пepeвoд нeбoльшoй cyммы, вaш кaпитaл нe вoзpacтeт нa мнoгo, нo ecли вы coвepшaeтe пepeвoды нa пocтoяннoй ocнoвe и бoльшим кoличecтвoм, тo вoзмoжнo oбoгaтитьcя oчeнь быcтpo.

Mы oбнapyжили этoт изьян coвceм нeдaвнo и нa дaнный мoмeнт зapaбoтaли нa нём нe cтoль мнoгo, нo кaждый дeнь мы пpиyмнoжaeм нaш дeнeжный кaпитaл и нe coбиpaeмcя нa этoм ocтaнaвливaтьcя. Mы вce пoнимaeм, чтo тaкaя yдaчa нe мoжeт пpoдoлжaтьcя дoлгo, и в cкopoм вpeмeни этoт изьян бyдeт нaйдeн и ycтpaнён, нo пoкa этoгo нe пpoизoшлo, мы нaмepeны зapaбoтaть нa нeм кaк мoжнo бoльшe. Имeннo пoэтoмy мы зaпycтили этoт caйт, нa кoтopoм вы мoжeтe инвecтиpoвaть oпpeдилённyю cyммy, кoтopyю мы пpиyмнoжим в двaдцaть paз. Пoлoвинy пoлyчeннoй cyммы мы oтдaём вaм - этo oзнaчaeт, чтo вaши инвecтиции бyдyт вoзвpaщeны вaм в дecятикpaтнoм paзмepe, в тeчeниe cлeдyющиx 48 чacoв.

Bce, чтo oт вac тpeбyeтcя, пepeвecти oпpeдилённyю cyммy Bitcoins пo aдpecy, yкaзaннoмy нижe (мы нe пpинимaeм инвecтиции нижe 0,01 BTC MИHИMУM ) . Baши влoжeния бyдyт пpиyмнoжeнны и в дecятикpaтнoм paзмepe пepeвeдeны нa вaш кoшeлeк в тeчeниe 48 чacoв.

C yвaжeниeм,


Poor Ruble  :'(  Why not make it a 100 Fold ... 10 Fold Just not enough...

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: Monnt on March 16, 2016, 07:42:16 AM
OK. I swear I've seen this OP paragraph before. Oh wait... How original! Find some amazing strategy to multiply your coins (be it a bot, or a "flaw").

Hey, nice logo. /s

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: Slow death on March 16, 2016, 08:10:12 AM
mother, mom, it's me ... I had a vision

The mother: that vision?

Tenfold your Bitcoins: What will be an expert in btc investments ;D ;D

The mother: btc, what the hell does that mean?

Tenfold your Bitcoins: So we will be rich ''

Tenfold your Bitcoins: I will create the site in five minutes, I'll pay the server and domain all for a bargain price.

The mother: oh my son, as pharaohs to get investors? and how will you pay for advertising?

Tenfold your Bitcoins: Oh this good news, you have some suckers in a forum I saw yesterday ... that really like to invest (donate) bitcoins ... as soon as I post my site the suckers vain rush to invest and then I I have many btc in my account next closing the site ;D

The mother: but if you do it will be criminal and the police will arrest you

Tenfold your Bitcoins: hahahaha ... nobody holds you, because no one will give complaint, So I told you that we would be rich .. this place can steal all you want that no one holds you. I will steal many btc those suckers. kkkk

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: x|8y8|x on March 16, 2016, 03:29:19 PM
Dumb divorce for suckers. Hahaha in 10x times...  ;D too many stupid schoolboys.

ahahahhah yeah they know secrets too strong!

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: 21coin on March 16, 2016, 03:31:12 PM
Lol, bitcoin got hacked. Stupid fools who invest here deserve get scammed  ;D

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: NeilLostBitCoin on March 16, 2016, 03:33:23 PM
Ignore this!

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: kolesozw on March 16, 2016, 03:34:38 PM
mother, mom, it's me ... I had a vision

The mother: that vision?

Tenfold your Bitcoins: What will be an expert in btc investments ;D ;D

The mother: btc, what the hell does that mean?

Tenfold your Bitcoins: So we will be rich ''

Tenfold your Bitcoins: I will create the site in five minutes, I'll pay the server and domain all for a bargain price.

The mother: oh my son, as pharaohs to get investors? and how will you pay for advertising?

Tenfold your Bitcoins: Oh this good news, you have some suckers in a forum I saw yesterday ... that really like to invest (donate) bitcoins ... as soon as I post my site the suckers vain rush to invest and then I I have many btc in my account next closing the site ;D

The mother: but if you do it will be criminal and the police will arrest you

Tenfold your Bitcoins: hahahaha ... nobody holds you, because no one will give complaint, So I told you that we would be rich .. this place can steal all you want that no one holds you. I will steal many btc those suckers. kkkk

LOL nice story. ;D

Actually its not just "Tenfold your Bitcoins" story, every other ponzi threads here got the same narrrative :D

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: Hajeba on March 19, 2016, 12:25:04 PM
Gosh TENFOLD ? HOW DO I FKING BELIEVE IT ? Too good to be true ...

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: bitcoin10x on April 13, 2016, 12:35:07 PM
Hurry up, raffle ends after 8 hours, don`t miss your chance.

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: Halfender on April 13, 2016, 01:28:31 PM
Hurry up, raffle ends after 8 hours, don`t miss your chance.

Still not giving up after a month?

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: WingTsun on April 13, 2016, 02:36:07 PM

First doublers, now Ten Folders, what will be next??  ;D ;D  ???

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: bitcoin10x on April 13, 2016, 06:16:17 PM

First doublers, now Ten Folders, what will be next??  ;D ;D  ???

We working right now on new project "Hundredfold your Bitcoins" of course soon or late we go to scam but we all know this is gambling. And first investors will take profit.  ;)

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: Slow death on April 13, 2016, 10:44:40 PM

First doublers, now Ten Folders, what will be next??  ;D ;D  ???

We working right now on new project "Hundredfold your Bitcoins" of course soon or late we go to scam but we all know this is gambling. And first investors will take profit.  ;)

And those who lost money be damned right?

Exactly why anyone should invest in your site sooner or later will turn scam

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: bitcoin10x on April 14, 2016, 08:45:24 AM

First doublers, now Ten Folders, what will be next??  ;D ;D  ???

We working right now on new project "Hundredfold your Bitcoins" of course soon or late we go to scam but we all know this is gambling. And first investors will take profit.  ;)

And those who lost money be damned right?

Exactly why anyone should invest in your site sooner or later will turn scam

This is same like invest in slot machinges, online casino, hyips.

That is clearly visible. This topic in under gambling as well:

Bitcoin Forum > Economy > Marketplace > Gambling > Investor-based games

We think investor avare that. In every game is loosers and winners, and this is some kind of game.

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: cryptodevil on April 14, 2016, 12:12:10 PM
Public Service Announcement -
This is just another Ponzi Scam
Do Not Invest!

Those who choose to post of their participation
support or encouragement for this scam will
be tagged with negative trust for proving
they wish to help the scammers operate this
Ponzi in return for a share of the funds stolen
from other users. Thereby proving they are not
trustworthy forum members.


Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: Slow death on April 14, 2016, 12:23:18 PM

First doublers, now Ten Folders, what will be next??  ;D ;D  ???

We working right now on new project "Hundredfold your Bitcoins" of course soon or late we go to scam but we all know this is gambling. And first investors will take profit.  ;)

And those who lost money be damned right?

Exactly why anyone should invest in your site sooner or later will turn scam

This is same like invest in slot machinges, online casino, hyips.

That is clearly visible. This topic in under gambling as well:

Bitcoin Forum > Economy > Marketplace > Gambling > Investor-based games

We think investor avare that. In every game is loosers and winners, and this is some kind of game.

gambling has rules!

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: bitcoin10x on November 13, 2016, 02:17:56 PM
Christmas is soon! Tenfold your Bitcoins and won prize!!! :) ;)

Title: Re: Tenfold your Bitcoins -
Post by: pacifista on November 13, 2016, 02:50:16 PM
Christmas is soon! Tenfold your Bitcoins and won prize!!! :) ;)
Here you go again fucking scammer ,this thread is already dead , and yet you are still hoping that some members will fall into this kind of shit.