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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: bebeko on March 21, 2016, 07:40:01 AM

Title: Premonition
Post by: bebeko on March 21, 2016, 07:40:01 AM
I just remember this word that came from the movie ' Final Destination'. What are your insights regarding this 'premonition' , do you believe it and is it true? And do you believe that this is an extra ordinary gift that you can see what will happen in the future?

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: davis196 on March 21, 2016, 08:15:08 AM
I don`t understand the meaning of that word... :-\

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: Spoetnik on March 21, 2016, 08:59:34 AM
They are real.. I have had some.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: boyptc on March 21, 2016, 02:32:33 PM
I think this is real and it is also related with what we called 'instinct'.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: on March 21, 2016, 03:30:00 PM
Yes, it is real. I have this instinct.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: micogurtiza on February 07, 2017, 08:32:59 PM
I do believe in premonition because my girlfriend has it. She said that she can predict what happens but it's her choice if she will use it. Every time she used her power she feel week specially if she uses it in gambling. I think there are few people who is gifted with this 6th sense. How I wish I have it too.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: inarakun on February 07, 2017, 10:51:04 PM
I believe it since there's a lot of people that said they had it. And after all, coincidences can happen.
I never had it, though it would be cool if I had. It's more like intuition, I guess.
If you google "premonition" you'll find a lot of cases.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: grobura on March 12, 2017, 05:43:18 AM
I have and it is not only mystical, it is based on how and how my parents and close relatives died. Though it is clear that this can happen differently from other reasons. I try not to think about it, since the negative in my life is so much. I live today.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: Vod on March 12, 2017, 06:42:34 AM
To believe in premonition, you have to believe we have no free will, and everything is already decided.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: Guzztsar on March 12, 2017, 12:09:15 PM
I believe. When younger, i experienced some weird things involving premonitions and telepathy, i don't discard the possibility of coincidence but,  for sure our reality is much more complex  than we imagine.
Maybe, one day, the quantum physics will help us to understand more about these phenomenons

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: Vod on March 14, 2017, 06:52:09 AM
I believe. When younger, i experienced some weird things involving premonitions and telepathy, i don't discard the possibility of coincidence but,  for sure our reality is much more complex  than we imagine.
Maybe, one day, the quantum physics will help us to understand more about these phenomenons

Oh sure.  Some unseen force can detect the future and modify our brain chemistry so we see it.   ::)

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: adidas on March 14, 2017, 06:56:26 AM
To believe in premonition, you have to believe we have no free will, and everything is already decided.

In Christianity this is also known as the future is already predetermined. I don't believe in that word as every time I have had a premonition it didn't come out true. It come out as a different outcome.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: SidaroffVany on March 14, 2017, 09:25:14 AM
I believe in intuition. In order to be able to anticipate the future, we need to develop in this direction.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: Mbokani on March 14, 2017, 10:59:30 AM
I just remember this word that came from the movie ' Final Destination'. What are your insights regarding this 'premonition' , do you believe it and is it true? And do you believe that this is an extra ordinary gift that you can see what will happen in the future?
If i really had those sense i would say that i will be a billionaire in no time because with premonition i will really envision all the sports that are played before hand and will wage my bets in every sports book possible and that too maximum bets and within no time i will be a billionaire. :P

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: michaelch on March 14, 2017, 07:06:23 PM
I just remember this word that came from the movie ' Final Destination'. What are your insights regarding this 'premonition' , do you believe it and is it true? And do you believe that this is an extra ordinary gift that you can see what will happen in the future?

I don't think so. Many people have 'premonitions' only after the fact..

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: BCTBF on March 14, 2017, 07:13:56 PM
Although there is someone who has a hunch that actually would have occurred to me that only certain people. but it is possible, there are also ordinary people who have had a premonition that really going to happen in one day and I thought it was just a "coincidence" only. 8)

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: Guzztsar on March 14, 2017, 08:08:49 PM
I believe in intuition. In order to be able to anticipate the future, we need to develop in this direction.
We do not know everything about how the brain works.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: TicTacTic on March 14, 2017, 08:53:10 PM
I just remember this word that came from the movie ' Final Destination'. What are your insights regarding this 'premonition' , do you believe it and is it true? And do you believe that this is an extra ordinary gift that you can see what will happen in the future?

I don't think so. Many people have 'premonitions' only after the fact..
A person can foresee what kind of things about himself and his family and friends. This applies only to those people with whom there is an emotional connection. Only this can be anticipated. And if a woman, then she has this feeling is very developed.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: BartS on March 14, 2017, 09:33:27 PM
I just remember this word that came from the movie ' Final Destination'. What are your insights regarding this 'premonition' , do you believe it and is it true? And do you believe that this is an extra ordinary gift that you can see what will happen in the future?
Premonitions are real, sometimes you think of a person and the long time that person has not called and then the next minute that person calls you, that is probably one of the most common premonitions that has happen to most people.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: felipeva1994 on March 14, 2017, 11:28:23 PM
sometimes, Premonitions are usually most of the time in dreams, and 90% of a dream Can be real.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: ApplePanPine on March 20, 2017, 04:48:20 PM
At me it is developed very strongly and I for a long time understand, as it is necessary and important for people thinking. Sometimes something really unpleasant happened, and sometimes not. That all depends on how much this premonition, and not just what I dreamed myself of something.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: RDMZW on March 27, 2017, 06:50:11 PM
It is related to quantum mechanics.

Time wave particles are like the boss of the universe.  The data we receive from these particles becomes our reality.

Every instant of time always exists; there is no beginning or end (just like our creator).  We receive data from particles and perceive this as flowing through time.  We are always subject to the data we receive to tell us what our reality is.  Tomorrow is just as real as yesterday and they both have always existed in eternity. – for more read “traveling faster than time waves”

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: Kobalt on March 27, 2017, 07:44:16 PM
At me it is developed very strongly and I for a long time understand, as it is necessary and important for people thinking. Sometimes something really unpleasant happened, and sometimes not. That all depends on how much this premonition, and not just what I dreamed myself of something.
In fact, the feeling is a deep analysis of our thoughts. If the analysis is performed correctly then your premonitions come true, if not then you made a mistake in the analysis. It's very simple.

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: BitcoinPicasso on March 27, 2017, 07:55:45 PM
To believe in premonition, you have to believe we have no free will, and everything is already decided.

It could be one possibility of many that these precogs end up seeing.. I like the multiverse theory where every decision forks the timeline to a new timeline. That's just how free will works.. Its all a scam, all these timelines are already decided for us.  :P

Title: Re: Premonition
Post by: Lancusters on March 27, 2017, 08:47:46 PM
To believe in premonition, you have to believe we have no free will, and everything is already decided.

It could be one possibility of many that these precogs end up seeing.. I like the multiverse theory where every decision forks the timeline to a new timeline. That's just how free will works.. Its all a scam, all these timelines are already decided for us.  :P

Nothing for us is not solved. When you catch fish on a fishing trip you can take home and eat, and unable to let go. What you do is entirely up to you. This is just one example, but all our life consists of many such examples. None nothing is a foregone conclusion. A man builds his destiny.