Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 07:32:08 AM

Title: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 07:32:08 AM

This thread is LOCKED! Thank you to all who have participated! Come Join us on the new Thread!


It does not matter what currency community you belong to, we've all wondered aloud or privately to ourselves how we are going to get blockchain technology past the small crypto bubble and to a mainstream audience. In other words how do we get this technology past the crypto world and into the real world of everyday people like your grandma or co-worker who thinks Bitcoin's a failed video game ( Yes that world no other crypto currency is influencing right now. Well the New Money project, has the answer. Started by founder Solomon Adekale the project plans to build killer apps and platforms around the digital currency aiming to provide a solid alternative for mainstream Americans. That digital currency is Sollars and $ense: Smart Money… or New Money.

We are aiming to be the iTunes of digital currency".
And we have a great start in an industry ripe for disruption in America… Hollywood. (

All video pictures are clickable and lead to our content ( ( ( ( (

From this start in Hollywood and on KickStarter we will expand to other projects and initiatives
that use Sollars and sense to increase world demand and spur on positive economic growth.
_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________

SOLCERTS (token)

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________

To accomplish navigating this road to mass adoption we want to maximize our independence of the old systems for funding. So we will be using crypto assets to fund ourselves out of thin air. This was a scheme successfully started by Bitcoin and greatly improved upon with pioneering technologies from Bitshares, Ethereum and emunie just to name a few. We will continue this tradition with  SoLCerts (pronounced: soul-serts). We have created SoLCerts to auction off as a way to get early supporters to contribute and donate to our project in exchange for the token.

SoLCert Properties
Official Token - Represents a Future Sollar or 100 $ense today
Launched on OpenLedger as UIA (token)

Amount available:
10,000,000 (non-divisible)

Amount to be Auctioned:
8,990,000 (non-divisible)

Amount for Bounties/Strategic Partnerships:
Pre-Sale Period:
Two weeks

Primary Sold In
Bitcoin, Ether, and Bitshares

Wallet Partners (OpenLedger)
Get Wallet Here (

Escrow Management
OpenLedger Registrar CCEDK ApS
Contact Ronny at or PM ccedk BitsharesTalk or ccedkaps BitcoinTalk

Use of Funds Raised
100% to KickStarter for Sollywood TV w/ Sollars & $ense
The New Money Project’s first product platform

Technical Development (Partners)
Cryptonomex ( and Muse Project (
For KickStarter and Future Development

Learn More About SoLCerts (watch)
Part 1 (  Part 2 (  Part 3 (  Part 4 (  Part 5 (

Pre-Sale Auction Tiers
Can Purchase in Increments of 1000 Up to the Next Price Tier (FIRST COME FIRST SERVED)
Each tier is the Price You PAY PER SoLCert in your favorite crypto-currency

1.00 BTS / 0.00001480 BTC / 0.0005309 ETH = 540,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
1.05 BTS / 0.00001555 BTC / 0.0005578 ETH = 450,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
1.25 BTS / 0.00001850 BTC / 0.0006637 ETH = 2,000,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
2.00 BTS / 0.00002950 BTC / 0.001058 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
2.50 BTS / 0.00003705 BTC / 0.001329 ETH = 1,000,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
3.00 BTS / 0.00004444 BTC / 0.001594 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
5.00 BTS / 0.00007415 BTC / 0.002222 ETH= 1,000,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
10 BTS / 0.0001485 BTC / 0.005327 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
15 BTS / 0.0002222 BTC / 0.007971 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
20 BTS / 0.0003 BTC / 0.01076 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
25 BTS / 0.0003707 BTC / 0.01329 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
30 BTS / 0.0004444 BTC / 0.01594 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
50 BTS / 0.0007444 BTC / 0.02677 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier

Pre-Sale addresses:

BTS - ccedk.escrow2

BTC - 12MsrWqBFGt3g4NSciXGW56KLbh35Jm99w

ETHER - 0xef8c0106069be72b0b92184ebab893fa6dd0a3b6

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________

Rules of the SOLCERT Pre-Sale

Purpose of Pre-Sale / Using OpenLedger For First Time / Development Partners / Risk and Assessment

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Together lets reach a mainstream audience... #Makes$ense
_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________

FAQs About New Money Project
 All of Your Burning Questions Answered (


New Money's Hollywood Explainer (Subscribe!)


Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: wildduck on March 22, 2016, 07:40:46 AM
Yes they total miss the point and choke me to death..

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: robelneo on March 22, 2016, 07:52:28 AM
The thread started made a great effort to put up this one ,seems like a good project on the loom will definitely look on this and see what will be the development of this project ..

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: davide72 on March 22, 2016, 08:00:13 AM
any bounty for translating?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: techbytes on March 22, 2016, 08:00:47 AM
Had to take advantage of the early bird special...   ;D


Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: 0rganic on March 22, 2016, 08:55:01 AM
Funny how you quote Bloomberg, the establishment fiat propaganda rag,
that most Americans think "Bitcoin is a failed video game", yet you still
want Bitcoin for your sollar GTFO lol.
Amount for Strategic Partnerships:

Aaaaand Its Gone

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 22, 2016, 01:30:38 PM
I have been asked to act as escrow service for this impressive project which I have accepted due to its very interesting and promising potential, and it is possible to follow the whole process of incoming buys/payments, all of which to be settled when presale period is over on the following designated New Money escrow account of CCEDK:

The escrow acount to follow is:

Mind you please, that you may only see it with this link if registered. Otherwise you may go directly to the explorer cryptofresh to follow the incoming donations supporting this auction, which will at the end of this presale auction time result into funding of equivalent amount of Solcerts bought at the time registered and clearly visible on OpenLedger under escrow account ccedk.escrow2

As this is one of more projects where the OpenLedger registrar CCEDK ApS is asked to act as escrow service, it seems escrow service, marketing, asset creation as well as crowdsale activities will become a future main activity of CCEDK which I think sounds very promising alltogether. You should not be surprised to see a full portfolio of services and support offered by CCEDK in near future.

Welcome to the New Money project by Solomon, I see it as a project with some great potential, and will be looking forward to seeing it all emerge and take shape  in future. this is link to description of asset created and issued on OpenLedger.

For anyone who wish to participate in this presale, please do remember to include your account name in the e-mail or pm you send me with confirmation of transaction, and funds purchased will then be sent at the end of presale.

All orders will be processed according to the time of transaction mentioned on blockchain. (you can see exact time if you click on the block number)

NB! I will send to buyer of tokens a confirmation message to his account name in the form of memo message with transaction of 1 bts or in case of no account name on OpenLedger just an e-mail of the amount purchased to be received at end of presale, within 24 hours from the time of order and payment, provided you send me e-mail of course. Once again the e-mail for confirmation of orders are:

How to send funds: You are asked to either use the account name on OpenLedger ccedk.escrow2 in case you are already having account, and could i this send BTS, BTC in the form of OPEN.BTC or ETH in the form of OPEN.ETH, or if sending from outside before signing up just use adresses mentioned in main thread.

Thank you.

Ronny Boesing
CCEDK ApS / OpenLedger registrar

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 04:09:16 PM
Too much blah blah blah...

Its a big project. Thanks for checking out the little that you did though. Hope you'll reconsider getting involved. We are bringing New Money straight to a mainstream audience. To us that's a big deal.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 04:11:30 PM
The thread started made a great effort to put up this one ,seems like a good project on the loom will definitely look on this and see what will be the development of this project ..

Thanks Robelneo. We appreciate that! It's pretty simple what we are trying to accomplish here. An actual mainstream digital currency that can be used by grandma today NOT tomorrow TODAY. We are starting in Hollywood but there is room to grow obviously $60 Trillion Dollars worth of room  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 04:12:51 PM
any bounty for translating?

David yes. Please PM CCDEKaps. They have posted on the thread.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 04:16:17 PM
Sounds interesting I'm in.

Thank you for your interest Mis069. We are in the process now of slowly pushing the project out. As we expect it to grow over the next few weeks many who got in early will not regret it. This project is taking on the third and final leg of which Bitcoin will probably never achieve. Mainstream usage in everyday American life. As an American I can tell you that will be a BIG DEAL if we succeed. Thanks again.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: yavuzc78 on March 22, 2016, 04:25:20 PM
Do you have any bounty for faucet and games

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 04:47:02 PM
Do you have any bounty for faucet and games

Hello Yavuzc78. Thanks for your interest in bounties. At this time we are still putting together the elements for bounties or what we have termed "quests" for the project. There will not be faucets or any games as this is not a "typical" crypto-currency project. As a matter of fact we are not a crypto-currency project in the least. We are New Money or Smart Money. Consumers love that better than "crypto-currency"

You see we are reaching average everyday people. And the way you do that is completely opposite from what crypto-heads are typically use to doing. They dont care about faucets or games. They care about real utility. (

We are focused right now on putting together a killer KickStarter that will help us solidify New Money in a mainstream Millennial audience. As part filmmakers we will be shooting on very high quality cameras and have the right team to pull this off. All of our focus is here as that is the unicorn feat no currency project today has yet to achieve. Actually getting normal everyday people to use an alternative digital currency. Thanks again for you interest.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: techbytes on March 22, 2016, 06:35:54 PM
WHY THE FUCK IS IT SO COMPLICATED ... HOW DO I CONVERT TRADE.BTC to OPEN.BTC ... and how the fuck will you know if I was the one who sent you the open BTC address !

I sent btc from my qt wallet and email them the transaction ID and my openledger username.


Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: techbytes on March 22, 2016, 06:50:35 PM
but you can buy only 1000 solcert at a time. so did you send multiple transactions?>

So you can buy 5000 or 50k or 100k.  Just has to be multiple of 1000.


Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: davide72 on March 22, 2016, 06:55:41 PM
any bounty for translating?

David yes. Please PM CCDEKaps. They have posted on the thread.

Thanks Solomons , i did sent pm to CCDEKaps for translating bounty,  italian and russian, as both i am mother tongue!

Best Regards

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: Master_dandosha on March 22, 2016, 07:59:48 PM
after the escrow setup i am interesting to participate in early ico

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 08:28:40 PM
after the escrow setup i am interesting to participate in early ico

Hello Master Dandosha. Thank you for your interest in the project. We are glad to have you on board. Make sure to message CCDEKaps. They are taking care of the escrow and this project's funds is in escrow. All of our partners are legitimate individuals and I am located in Chicago, IL in the United States.

We are part of the tech scene here in Chicago called Silicon Prairie. It is best to participate in the Pre-Sale now as we can not guarantee that there will be any SOLCERTS left to sell in two weeks should the official ICO happen. The pre-sale is happening now.

Finally to all others. You can only purchase SOLCERTS in increments of 1000 NOT less. Thank you everyone for continued interest. We are going to run this kickstarter and send this digital currency straight into the mainstream. No more lurking around in the cryptoworld  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 22, 2016, 08:35:48 PM
but you can buy only 1000 solcert at a time. so did you send multiple transactions?>

So you can buy 5000 or 50k or 100k.  Just has to be multiple of 1000.


Thanks a lot .. I have sent a pm to the escrow personnel


I have received your transfer. will tell you in pm total amount confirmed a littel later once I have confirmed all payments received today. Once again thank you for participating.

All the best

Ronny Boesing

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 08:59:29 PM
but you can buy only 1000 solcert at a time. so did you send multiple transactions?>

So you can buy 5000 or 50k or 100k.  Just has to be multiple of 1000.


Thanks a lot .. I have sent a pm to the escrow personnel


I have received your transfer. will tell you in pm total amount confirmed a littel later once I have confirmed all payments received today. Once again thank you for participating.

All the best

Ronny Boesing

Thanks a bunch .. hope I am in the first tier :D

Thank you for your participation Risin.  :)

We've got big announcements coming tomorrow and in the next few days. People will slowly start to realize how big this project is over time. Right now stay tuned and be glad you got in early  :D

To those who are commented that the good information is sort of buried in the original post a small redesign is coming to showcase the explainer videos we have made. To  everyone who has not checked out our main explainer video of why we are starting NEW MONEY in Hollywood... WELL CHECK IT OUT (

Stay tuned we are just getting started.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 09:12:04 PM
So you are looking to raise 90,000,000 BTS , that is 1350 btcs , a little above half a million dollars ... nice ..

Trust me Risin no one will be complaining if we raise that BUT that's not the real opportunity here. That's actually the smoke screen  8)

The REAL opportunity here is running a successful KickStarter with a product that is aiming to be the final nail in Cable TV's coffin. That my friend is what people should be paying close attention to. Because if WE can convince Americans that NEW MONEY is the key to Cable TV's death? No one will be able to stop our ascension.

Bitcoin will look like a play thing compared to where we are going. I mean look at Ethereum. Remember how everyone said in the beginning it would never go anywhere? Where is it today? The difference with this project is that we actually DO have the Killer app for digital currencies and we are taking it right to the people.

And we wont be known as a "crypto-currency" we will be the ONLY project known as NEW MONEY. Ask a mainstream person which term makes them feel interested. I'll wait  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: JasonXG on March 22, 2016, 09:44:14 PM
Is this even a good idea to invest in ? I mean what can we do with it besides trade ? I don't wanna waste my investment since new currencies come out each all the time and alot of failed. Not trying to sound negative and forgive me if i do.

Has anyone made any purchases ?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 22, 2016, 09:59:34 PM
Is this even a good idea to invest in ? I mean what can we do with it besides trade ? I don't wanna waste my investment since new currencies come out each all the time and alot of failed. Not trying to sound negative and forgive me if i do.

Has anyone made any purchases ?

Jason thanks for you interest. Honestly I hear you   :-\ Not negativity. Just the truth. As a human being no one wants to waste their money on something they consider an investment and put their hard earned money into. I've been there and I am sure many here have.

You are right that new currencies come out everyday but show me the last one with a vision that actually shows how they will get regular everyday consumers to use that currency TODAY. Not even Ethereum. We are the only ones. And we are going to Americans (through KickStarter). Just think about that for a second if that actually happens... How big do you believe this will get if everyday Americans are using New Money?

Understand what we are trying to do here is what iTunes did after Napster (aka Bitcoin). Here is an overview of the project ( New Money IS the mainstream digital currency everyone has been asking for. And we are starting it in Hollywood. (

Yes many individuals have made purchases and the third tier is fast closing... I'm surprised because we haven't even done our major PR campaign and have only been up for a couple of hours. Thank you to all who have supported already. Lets reach a mainstream audience  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 23, 2016, 02:03:54 AM
At the request of many of our early supporters who are currently participating in the Pre-Sale we have reduced the amount of information that is included on the Original Post of this thread. It has since been replaced with many of our videos that touch on our roadmap to reaching a mainstream audience and how taking down the Cable TV industry in America is key to us winning mainstream consumers. A sample of the videos now included in the original post can be found below. If there are any questions please let me know. Thank you all for the early participation! Together lets reach a mainstream audience  :) (

All video pictures are clickable and lead to our content ( ( ( ( (

From this start in Hollywood and on KickStarter we will expand to other projects and initiatives
that use Sollars and Sense to increase world demand and spur on positive economic growth.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: peer2peer360 on March 23, 2016, 02:30:00 AM

   Umm, performing due diligence.
   I shall further my research into
   Sollars & Sense..



Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: caramelisedbanknote on March 23, 2016, 03:28:40 AM


It does not matter what currency community you belong to, we've all wondered aloud or privately to ourselves how we are going to get blockchain technology past the small crypto bubble and to a mainstream audience. In other words how do we get this technology past the crypto world and into the real world of everyday people like your grandma or co-worker who thinks Bitcoin's a failed video game ( Yes that world no other crypto currency is influencing right now. Well the New Money project, has the answer. Started by founder Solomon Adekale the project plans to build killer apps and platforms around the digital currency aiming to provide a solid alternative for mainstream Americans. That digital currency is Sollars and $ense: Smart Money… or New Money.

We are aiming to be the iTunes of digital currency".
And we have a great start in an industry ripe for disruption in America… Hollywood. (

All video pictures are clickable and lead to our content ( ( ( ( (

From this start in Hollywood and on KickStarter we will expand to other projects and initiatives
that use Sollars and sense to increase world demand and spur on positive economic growth.
_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________

SOLCERTS (token)

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________

To accomplish navigating this road to mass adoption we want to maximize our independence of the old systems for funding. So we will be using crypto assets to fund ourselves out of thin air. This was a scheme successfully started by Bitcoin and greatly improved upon with pioneering technologies from Bitshares, Ethereum and emunie just to name a few. We will continue this tradition with  SoLCerts (pronounced: soul-serts). We have created SoLCerts to auction off as a way to get early supporters to contribute and donate to our project in exchange for the token.

SoLCert Properties
Official Token - Represents a Future Sollar or 100 $ense today
Launched on OpenLedger as UIA (token)

Amount available:
10,000,000 (non-divisible)

Amount to be Auctioned:
8,990,000 (non-divisible)

Amount for Bounties/Strategic Partnerships:
Pre-Sale Period:
Two weeks

Primary Sold In
Bitcoin, Ether, and Bitshares

Wallet Partners (OpenLedger)
Get Wallet Here (

Escrow Management
OpenLedger Registrar CCDEK ApS
Contact Ronny at or PM ccedk.aps BitsharesTalk or ccedkaps BitcoinTalk

Use of Funds Raised
100% to KickStarter for Sollywood TV w/ Sollars & $ense
The New Money Project’s first product platform

Technical Development (Partners)
Cryptonomex ( and Muse Project (
For KickStarter and Future Development

Learn More About SoLCerts (watch)
Part 1 (  Part 2 (  Part 3 (  Part 4 (  Part 5 (

Pre-Sale Auction Tiers
Can Purchase in Increments of 1000 Up to the Next Price Tier (FIRST COME FIRST SERVED)
Each tier is the Price You PAY PER SoLCert in your favorite crypto-currency

1.00 BTS / 0.00001480 BTC / 0.0005309 ETH = 540,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
1.05 BTS / 0.00001555 BTC / 0.0005578 ETH = 450,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
1.25 BTS / 0.00001850 BTC / 0.0006637 ETH = 2,000,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
2.00 BTS / 0.00002950 BTC / 0.001058 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
2.50 BTS / 0.00003705 BTC / 0.001329 ETH = 1,000,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
3.00 BTS / 0.00004444 BTC / 0.001594 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
5.00 BTS / 0.00007415 BTC / 0.002222 ETH= 1,000,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
10 BTS / 0.0001485 BTC / 0.005327 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
15 BTS / 0.0002222 BTC / 0.007971 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
20 BTS / 0.0003 BTC / 0.01076 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
25 BTS / 0.0003707 BTC / 0.01329 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
30 BTS / 0.0004444 BTC / 0.01594 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier
50 BTS / 0.0007444 BTC / 0.02677 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier

Pre-Sale addresses:

BTS - ccedk.escrow2

BTC - 12MsrWqBFGt3g4NSciXGW56KLbh35Jm99w

ETHER - 0xef8c0106069be72b0b92184ebab893fa6dd0a3b6

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________

Rules of the SOLCERT Pre-Sale

Purpose of Pre-Sale / Using OpenLedger For First Time / Development Partners / Risk and Assessment

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Together lets reach a mainstream audience... #Makes$ense
_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________

FAQs About New Money Project
 All of Your Burning Questions Answered (


New Money's Hollywood Explainer (Subscribe!)


i like the idea but not sure about the name of this...

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 23, 2016, 06:30:47 PM
Is this even a good idea to invest in ? I mean what can we do with it besides trade ? I don't wanna waste my investment since new currencies come out each all the time and alot of failed. Not trying to sound negative and forgive me if i do.

Has anyone made any purchases ?

To answer your question first , 2 tiers have been gobbled up already .

Also , I put in money that I can afford to loose , only because the upside is massive .
In a forum where shitcoins are being shit left and right , this one stood out simply because of the effort that was taken to put this all together .
I have placed my faith on the OP and hope it goes somewhere .

If this project fails , it wont be for lack of effort , or intent to scam .
It will be because inspite of no stone being unturned things did not happen the way the intended to.

Thank you Risin. Very well spoken. Nothing more to add...


   Umm, performing due diligence.
   I shall further my research into
   Sollars & Sense..



Thank you for you interest peer2peer360. Please perform all the due diligence you need before donating. Also if there are any questions please ask. Thank you.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: cryptoheadd on March 23, 2016, 08:15:54 PM
How do I buy some?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 23, 2016, 09:06:21 PM
Sollywood TV’s New Money Project Aims to Disrupt Cable TV Sector Using Blockchain Technology

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 23, 2016, 09:13:30 PM

A media content platform that among other things leverage's micro-payments to enable content creators to optimally price their product at lower price points & for less fees/overhead than has previously been possible, thereby potentially increasing profits &/or creating entirely new markets for some content.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: cryptoheadd on March 23, 2016, 09:28:53 PM
Just bought some Solcerts.
Here's the tx:

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 23, 2016, 09:33:11 PM
Just bought some Solcerts.
Here's the tx:

Thanks Cryptoheadd. CCDEK/OpenLedger will take care of the rest. Any questions please email

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: cryptoheadd on March 23, 2016, 09:41:03 PM
Just bought some Solcerts.
Here's the tx:

Thanks Cryptoheadd. CCDEK/OpenLedger will take care of the rest. Any questions please email

Will I receive the coins after 3 Confirmations?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 23, 2016, 09:48:45 PM
Just bought some Solcerts.
Here's the tx:

Thanks Cryptoheadd. CCDEK/OpenLedger will take care of the rest. Any questions please email

Will I receive the coins after 3 Confirmations?

according to the structure of the presale you will receive the funds to the account on Openledger you are telling me to send to once presale is over in some 14 days more or less.. I can confirm in the meantime receipt, but need you to write me e-mail or pm here the account name or at least connect for me to confirm to youhow much you received, then you need to tell me account name before end of presale. thanks

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: cryptoheadd on March 23, 2016, 09:55:12 PM
Just bought some Solcerts.
Here's the tx:

Thanks Cryptoheadd. CCDEK/OpenLedger will take care of the rest. Any questions please email

Will I receive the coins after 3 Confirmations?

according to the structure of the presale you will receive the funds to the account on Openledger you are telling me to send to once presale is over in some 14 days more or less.. I can confirm in the meantime receipt, but need you to write me e-mail or pm here the account name or at least connect for me to confirm to youhow much you received, then you need to tell me account name before end of presale. thanks

Just sent you a PM, please check

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: dee22 on March 24, 2016, 12:08:24 AM
Looks verry intresting. I like the idea!
I have bought some too.  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 24, 2016, 09:55:24 AM
New Money project using blockchain technology poses lethal threat to cable TV

The New Money project powered by Sollywood TV using blockchain technology target to wrap cable tv operation completely
A media content platform that among other things leverage's micro-payments to enable content creators to optimally price their product at lower price points & for less fees/overhead than has previously been possible, thereby potentially increasing profits &/or creating entirely new markets for some content.


Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: FandangledGizmo on March 24, 2016, 10:02:23 AM
Note of Caution: Please do your due diligence

It's possible most understood the following, but personally at first reading of the OP I thought this was a new DAC with a total of 10 million official tokens/units. My current understanding is that there could ultimately be a trillion+ such units issued and they are designed to be price stable, so your upside is limited.,22007.msg286939.html#msg286939

Good luck

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 24, 2016, 02:00:53 PM
Note of Caution: Please do your due diligence

It's possible most understood the following, but personally at first reading of the OP I thought this was a new DAC with a total of 10 million official tokens/units. My current understanding is that there could ultimately be a trillion+ such units issued and they are designed to be price stable, so your upside is limited.,22007.msg286939.html#msg286939

Good luck

FandangledGizmo. Thank you for your due diligence and deep dive into the project. You bring up the same point that was discussed yesterday a little on BitsharesTalk. The upside is not "limited" Who would argue having more Dollars has a limited upside? The more I have the better for me. That is what mainstream consumers know. And the same will be for Sollars.

You may disagree with that philosophy and therefore see the "upside" as limited but that is a relative statement. No money system will be fair to everyone on the planet but at least the way we are doing it allows latecomers and early birds to benefit for their various reasons. At the end of the day we eventually want an alternative to the Dollar.

We are eventually trying to replace the Dollar NOT Bitcoin. Sollars is not a commodity. So calculating your "investment" is very simple. Like Dollars, the more you have the better your possible "return". Consider the answer I gave on BitsharesTalk.

SoLCerts is an example of using a token to represent a portion of the 1 trillion SSS Sollar bond fund. 10,000,000 SSS Sollar bonds will be represented through this (SoLCerts) token.

So these 10 million SolCerts represent 0.001% of a total 1 trillion bond fund?

(I don't understand bonds very well, to someone more familiar with limited crypto tokens, this pre-sale seems to be for a very small amount of future supply?)

Thanks for diving deep. Yes 1 SoLCert essentially equals one future Sollar through the Sollar Bond. But that is too complicated to explain to most people. At the end of the day a SOLCERT is a future Sollar. Sollars and Sense will be a stable unlimited supply coin as we are trying to be a currency with it and not a commodity like Bitcoin or Bitshares. Our commodity is SOLCERTS and Sollar Bonds. That is more like Bitshares or a speculative asset. One can use SoLCerts/Sollar Bonds to speculate on the value of the future Sollar against the future Dollar. If you believe the Dollar will be here forever then no need to follow this project. If you dont then consider the vision and roadmap of our project. Read part 3 of that series. (

Check out our General FAQs section too:

Whether Sollars supply gets to 1 Trillion or 60 Trillion like the Dollars market cap will all depend on adoption of the currency by regular everyday consumers. It is my 10 year goal to get it to 1 Trillion. And to start on that path is with SOLCERTS, this bond fund and Millennials. We are issuing assets the same way Bitcoin, the US government and Bitshares issued assets to fund itself out of thin air. This is no different except that we are creating a mainstream alternative with a brand to actually take on the Dollar. So if you believe in a stable alternative to the Dollar then believe in this... or not. Either way people participating in our pre-sale are essentially buying into that mainstream currency supply now through SOLCERTS. And if we are successful you are going to be glad you did.

As you can see from my answer above this project is for a mainstream audience. We do things differently and we have a different philosophy necessary for mass adoption of our currency unit. That may not go over well in crypto-land but I can guarantee you your grandma will us Sollars and Sense:Smart Money before she will us Bitcoin. #Makes$ense #Stability #Sollywood

Finally I am happy to announce we have cleared Tier 4 WITHOUT the Big PR push coming. Please buy in now as we will announce loyalty stuff in the coming weeks for those who have purchased Smart Money... or New Money. Together lets reach a mainstream audience  ;)

#ReplaceTheDollarWithSomethingSmarter #Makes$ense

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 24, 2016, 02:05:27 PM
really interesting project, bought me some and watching closely now.

Thank you Croxx. Keep watching. You wont be disappointed.  ;)

To all Tier 4 is now closed. And 5 is being eaten like a large chocolate fudge vanilla Sundae with sprinkles on an empty stomach.  ;D Please get your SoLCerts now. You'll be glad you did. Thank you to everyone who has purchased so far and put their faith in this project. We will reach a mainstream audience. Everyone will look back and remember YOU made $ense. Thanks!

#Makes$ense #Stability #Sollywood

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: twnt22 on March 24, 2016, 02:08:31 PM
Any bounty for faucet?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: LiskCryptoFan on March 24, 2016, 07:55:33 PM
I support this project. I have a thought and a question.

"(7) Any remaining amounts of Solcerts not sold during the time of presale will be put up for sale on the base of an ICO presented in direct connection with mentioned presale and will be offered available on all major markets on OpenLedger."

Thought: Have you considered destroying what was sold? This would benefit early investors as well as add more urgency to potential buyers.

Question: What price will you sell the remaining tokens after the ICO?  I would hope it would be the highest amount anyone else paid.  In other words, I'd hate to buy in on tier 5 and then have the remaining ICO coins sold by your company at ICO 3 levels.


Answered on the Bitsharestalk thread:


Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it and everyone who has participated so far. I would rather not burn the rest of the supply as that supply could be put to good use especially when the KickStarter starts. This is a campaign to reach mainstream consumers so we dont want to get rid of the very unit that may actually entice people to help us out in big ways.

For the ICO We will not be selling SOLCERTS at a lower price than the Pre-Sale. That is pretty much suicide (investment wise). We are actually holding the ICO because unfortunately we cannot gauge when and where people will actually here about the project. It seems like the more people hear about it the better. We are actually doing much better than we expected to do now with out our PR push thats coming in the next few days who knows what may happen.

But imagine you are new and you hear about the project late and want to buy in but they burned the rest of the supply. Its not that you were on the fence its that you just did not know about the project.

I say that to say I want as many individuals to participate in this project as possible. We are not trying to replicate Bitcoin and its investment environment. We want to be more inclusive of more individuals. We dont want that reputation of a thousand individuals owning all of our supply. That is not a currency for mass adoption in my opinion. Its a different philosophy of what most crypto-heads are used to hearing but that's why what we are doing is New Money and not another crypto-currency. Hope this helps.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 24, 2016, 10:48:46 PM
Any bounty for faucet?

No bounties for faucets right now. That may change though.

This looks like a very promising project. I just bought me a few. Wish I wasn't invested so much in other crypto projects now!

No worries Davegee. Thank you for considering our project. It means the world trust me! We are going to make an EPIC KickStarter campaign for this project. Hollywood style  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: LiskCryptoFan on March 25, 2016, 12:19:49 PM
Any bounty for faucet?

No bounties for faucets right now. That may change though.

This looks like a very promising project. I just bought me a few. Wish I wasn't invested so much in other crypto projects now!

No worries Davegee. Thank you for considering our project. It means the world trust me! We are going to make an EPIC KickStarter campaign for this project. Hollywood style  :D

There's a lot of information to read through. In a few sentences, could you please summarize how the money raised goes to Kickstarter and how that effects those that bought during the ICO?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: fuznutts on March 25, 2016, 12:30:31 PM
We are planning a hangout in the coming days.  Keep up with this thread for more info soon! :)

And please follow @sollarsandsense to get the twitter stream and some chances to earn a few SOLCERTs if you can't afford to buy them.  Not yet, but it is coming soon.  I'll keep you all up to date on both the hangout and the first SOLLAR due time

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: Mr.Ease on March 25, 2016, 01:50:24 PM
Ok, I'm interested. just alittle confused. Am I only able to buy 1k at a time? or can i just outright buy like 20k-30k in one transaction?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 25, 2016, 04:29:37 PM
Ok, I'm interested. just alittle confused. Am I only able to buy 1k at a time? or can i just outright buy like 20k-30k in one transaction?

You set yourself the limits as to how much or little you ar able to spend, as long as it is in even 1000 solcerts if possible that is ofcourse, so 20-30k i definitely possible, there are no limits, only limits to what is possible to get from each tier, depending on when you enter.

The blockchain registers all incoming payments and is the one deciding who comes first with payment thus getting solcerts reserved first as well.

all the best

Ronny Boesing
CCEDK, registrar of OpenLedger and escrow for this campaign

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 25, 2016, 04:30:28 PM

New Money Project Sollywood TV Aims to Disrupt Cable TV Sector Using Blockchain Technology

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 26, 2016, 08:19:06 PM
Japan has entered with its first two investors of each approx 5 btc, due to Sollywood now in the news in Japanese and the Bloggers from Bloggers Club 500 Japanes origin are starting to present this to their readers starting of with the no. 1 blogger cryptocurrencymagazine:

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 26, 2016, 08:20:46 PM

Sollywood Aims to Disrupt Traditional Cable TV With Blockchain

Sollywood TV’s New Money Project Aims to Disrupt Cable TV Sector Using Blockchain Technology

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 26, 2016, 08:22:34 PM

Sollywood TV's New Money Project Aims to Disrupt Cable TV Sector Using Blockchain Technology

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: davide72 on March 26, 2016, 08:25:53 PM
Any news for bounty translating? regards ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 27, 2016, 05:09:45 AM
Happy to announce tier 5 is now closed. At the rate we are going we might not even get to an ICO.  ;D

I want to thank all of the early supporters of this New Money project. Your faith in what we are doing is very encouraging and we will succeed in bringing New Money to a mainstream audience. You are LITERALLY setting the stage for an overwhelmingly successful KickStarter. The story we have created over the last 4 days is beyond news worthy and it will continue to catch on.

To all who are on the sidelines get in the game! You think Ethereum was big? You will find out what happens when AMERICANS start using a new digital currency on a daily basis. Nothing will make Investors and Wall Street lose their collective shitheads faster than your grandma #Making$ense  :D

Trust me. THANK YOU.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: Tradingriver on March 27, 2016, 07:00:28 AM
i like how you do your videos especially

good luck with your project

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: LiskCryptoFan on March 27, 2016, 07:56:05 AM
i like how you do your videos especially

good luck with your project

The video looks great. Do you plan on releasing additional videos before the kickstarter?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 27, 2016, 01:30:47 PM
Have to make a slight correction. Due to some miscommunication it seems that there are still SOME SoLCerts left in Tier 5. A little less than 300k. It seems like the auction fairies are working on your behalf. You can still get SOLCERTS in tier 5 :D

For those who thought they were Tier 6 you are actually in tier 5. May the odds continue to be ever in your favor  ;)

i like how you do your videos especially

good luck with your project

Thank you sir. We chose very early on to try and run this project like Apple would introduce their product as oppose to Android. Most crypto-currency projects choose the Android route and that is why they are stagnant when it comes to mainstream consumers.

Regular people EVEN YOU AND I want to hear powerful ideas and stories that sell the technology NOT the specs. No one cares about specs. Blockchain this blockchain that. No one in the real world cares. Instead they say "Give me in plain terms how this is going to change my life..." And if you want bonus points tell me a story that connects with my emotions...

Me Being primarily from a Hollywood background I knew using ideas to connect on an emotional level would set us apart from everyone else in the blockchain space. And it looks like it is working VERY well. Again thank you for checking us out. Just getting started  :)

i like how you do your videos especially

good luck with your project

The video looks great. Do you plan on releasing additional videos before the kickstarter?

Yes we will be releasing some additional videos in the coming weeks for this project. Stay tuned, just getting started  ;)

really really interesting project, will follow this with closed attention.
and yes this introduction video is made very good.

Thank you sir for the kind words. As a filmmaker I appreciate it! Took me and my film colleagues a long time to make it. We've got more great quality content coming. Stay tuned... Just getting started  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: mmm01 on March 27, 2016, 03:04:20 PM
Going to watch this project closely. Looking forward to the kickstarter.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 27, 2016, 07:40:58 PM
Going to watch this project closely. Looking forward to the kickstarter.

Thank you sir. We look forward to making it!

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 27, 2016, 08:14:48 PM
So the Kickstarter campaign is going to be the second round of funding right?

Yes sir you got it. BUT its aimed at building our mainstream audience  ;) Its like the trojan horse into the American Millennial culture. And strategically we will be working with professional KickStarter marketing firms who specialize in getting our message out there. We will specifically be looking to use 2 marketing firms that have done multi-millions of dollars for viral products like ours. The two we are looking at have a very high success rate in converting projects with goals as low as $12000 to Millions of dollars. We want to do the same. But on a larger scale. Here is another project from Chicago that used the firm we are looking at and look at what they did:

The success we are creating with the pre-sale now will no doubt lead to an even more successful KickStarter similar to the one above.

Imagine the Headlines leading up to the KickStarter as this gets more into the mainstream realm: Some guy raises half a million from people who Live on the Internet to take down Cable TV? Everyone will want to know what this is about. That's viral my friend, and we didnt even use the word blockchain or Bitcoin. In America this story will peak everyone's interest. The "turning point" for that industry has gained significant traction. The cat is out of the bag and everyone knows something big will replace it. That my friend is us. New Money. Hope this info helps.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: tuvok007 on March 27, 2016, 08:31:13 PM
I"we send 0.038 btc, here is the blockchain record   So whats my next step now?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 27, 2016, 11:26:54 PM
I"we send 0.038 btc, here is the blockchain record   So whats my next step now?

the amount i well received and 1025 Solcerts reserved based on tier 5, we are in tier 5 a little longer for the ones who wish to get it some 17% less than next tier. approx 300k Solcerts left at this time.

Pls tell your OL account name now or asap. in PM for isstance ro on e-mail for me to reserve amount with the name connected.

If tyou have not already pls go to check out the tutorial video of OpenLedegr to get a good start:


Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: tuvok007 on March 27, 2016, 11:51:43 PM
Just sent you PM

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: tuvok007 on March 28, 2016, 09:55:46 AM
Everything is fine now,Tnx.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 28, 2016, 04:41:50 PM
OPEN BOUNTY: Create/Design New Money ICO Thread 0.15BTC

Hello Everyone. So in preparation for the official ITO next week we are putting out a bounty for a designer to design the thread. The same information that is on there now will more or less be used for the ITO thread too. The biggest things that will change is the pricing and auction Tiers. Everything else in terms of information will more or less be the same.

But obviously we want to enhance the design and look of the thread. I am currently too busy with PR stuff to complete this so I will hand it off to the bounty lovers who live on the Internet. I am only looking for professional submissions. If you are interested please write in this thread or PM me.

Finally thank you to all who continue to support us. We're taking this project to some major crypto-currency shows so look out for those announcements! We've also got some other things coming down the pipeline. For now check out the newest video in the Bitshares Hangout series uploaded to the New Money channel:

NEW MONEY: Sollywood TV - What Content Creators to Start With?


Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: CCEDKaps on March 28, 2016, 08:30:44 PM
137k left of tier 5

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: OSMIUMCOIN on March 28, 2016, 10:07:47 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: Kairoz on March 29, 2016, 02:57:10 AM
OP in Spanish:

Can't post images, because I'm a newbie :/

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: OSMIUMCOIN on March 29, 2016, 10:07:48 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: davide72 on March 29, 2016, 10:13:04 AM
How much is the bounty for italian ANN? best regards!

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: LiskCryptoFan on March 29, 2016, 11:25:07 AM
I'd like to better understand how the kickstarter will effect holders of the 9 million token holders.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: EuZeN on March 29, 2016, 11:46:08 AM

nice graphics.... from fiverr!!

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 29, 2016, 02:13:58 PM
I'd like to better understand how the kickstarter will effect holders of the 9 million token holders.

Hello LiskCryptoFan,

Thank you for your interest in the project. For starters have you watched any of the SOLCERT video series?

Learn More About SoLCerts (watch)
Part 1 (  Part 2 (  Part 3 (  Part 4 (  Part 5 (

I would recommend starting there. For Kickstarter answer you can also check out the FAQs document? ( Particularly Question 6

KickStarter is simply our trojan horse. You have to have an avenue or what we term in silicon valley a channel that reaches the demographic you are purporting to want to use your product. For us that is KickStarter. If you understand the projects end goals (main alternative to the Dollar) then you will see why KickStarter is a great place to start. And why it may be valuable for you to hold SOLCERTS now. SoLCerts represent that thing that will achieve our end goal. That may or may not be valuable to you.

To some it is, to some its not. Either way we are doing what no one else will do or can do. And that's going directly to a mainstream audience with this digital currency. No more talking or fantasizing about it. We are actually doing it. #Make$ense

PLEASE do not post graphics in this thread. Instead PM your designs to me. Thank you for the consideration!

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 29, 2016, 03:25:08 PM
Happy to announce Tier 5 is now officially closed! :D

Thank you to all who are continuing to support this project. It is because of individuals like you that WE will succeed. Not me. WE. Remember to tell your colleagues from other projects about this. The more people know about this movement into the mainstream (with a currency your grandma understands) the better.

#LetsMakeSense #SollarsandSense #NewMoney #ThankYou

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 30, 2016, 01:25:44 PM

Heads up! If you are familiar with running a signature campaign and are interested in helping us facilitate one for our ITO please PM me ASAP! We are putting it together now. Thanks.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: ottobene on March 30, 2016, 02:49:22 PM
Only online wallet available at this moment? I wanna buy some, when and where i receive my SoLCert?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: ottobene on March 30, 2016, 03:13:20 PM
Send some ETH to the pre-sale address, wrote pm to CCEDKaps  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 30, 2016, 03:22:08 PM
Only online wallet available at this moment? I wanna buy some, when and where i receive my SoLCert?

Hello ottobene. Thank you for your interest in this project. Individuals are slowly starting to realize we exist  ;)

OpenLedger our wallet partner is an online and downloadable wallet: You can get it here:
Get Wallet Here (

If you are sending BTC or ETHER. The instructions are fairly simple. Risin one of our early supporters laid it out here:

Easiest way to do it is
1)send some BTC or ETHER to the address on the Ann .

Pre-Sale addresses:

BTS - ccedk.escrow2

BTC - 12MsrWqBFGt3g4NSciXGW56KLbh35Jm99w

ETHER - 0xef8c0106069be72b0b92184ebab893fa6dd0a3b6

2)Create an account on open-ledger for free. ( (Download) here:  (

3)Send a PM to ronny (ccdekaps) or email , the escrow agent with your transaction hash and also your open-ledger user name.

And that is it. Thank you for your support. Let's reach a mainstream audience!  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: James_H on March 30, 2016, 06:58:23 PM
What is the minimum to be able to participate in ICO?

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 30, 2016, 07:57:10 PM
What is the minimum to be able to participate in ICO?

Hello James. Great question. The minimum is 1000 SOLCERTS. We are currently in the 6th tier and it is selling out. This is the price you will currently pay per SoLCERT should you purchase now:

3.00 BTS / 0.00004444 BTC / 0.001594 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier

So for example if you now want 1000 SOLCERTS in BTS you will pay 3000 BTS (3 x 1000). The same is for the other cryptos we accept. Instructions on how to buy are posted a few posts above. Let me know if there are any questions. Thank you for your interest. Lets reach a mainstream audience.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 31, 2016, 02:40:29 PM
DAILY UPDATE: Only About 100k left in Tier 6!

Please do not wait until the last minute to get your SOLCERTs. We keep getting individuals who would like us to hold spots. WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT HOLD SPOTS. Even if you promise large amounts of BTC or ETHER. Read my lips (or post) I DONT CARE. This is unfair to those who are believing and transacting to what we are doing NOW. And the blockchain tells no lies. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED.

This project is creating the next Dollar and that is a Big deal if we succeed. Mainstream consumers will be using this right out of the gate NOT the crypto-community. We mean your daughter or neighbor. Those types of people. You want in on that strategic road less travelled? Get SoLCerts.

We have about 5 full days (not including today) left in the Pre-Sale. The ICO will follow soon after  and be launched with some major marketing initiatives! We have a nice quality video coming too for the launch that explains the marketplace Sollywood TV. This video is different from the New Money explainer and will feature yours truly  :D

Thank you to all who continue to support us. Slowly individuals are waking up to our project.

If you would like to see me on your favorite crypto-currency show let us know or do us a favor and let them know about this project. As a marketing analysis we have found that our biggest hurdle right now... Wait for it wait for it! .....  Not enough people really know that we exist lol Yes a great problem to have that will change with time and proper marketing initiatives but lets work together.

If you have donated consider telling a crypto-friend about this project. Of course we have ways to incentivize you doing this starting VERY soon but just consider it. As I said proper marketing initiatives that are more geared towards the crypto-community are coming thank you for your continued support. And remember #YouMadeSense #SmartMoney #NewMoney

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 31, 2016, 04:29:34 PM
UDATE: Tier 6 is now officially closed. Thank you to all who continue to support  :) Any questions let us know.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: ottobene on March 31, 2016, 05:43:59 PM
I have bought esterday 5000 SOLCERTS at 0.001594 ETH. When it be available on openledger? when start

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: ottobene on March 31, 2016, 05:47:23 PM
I have bought esterday 5000 SOLCERTS at 0.001594 ETH. When it be available on openledger? when start


Receive 5000 solcerts just now. thank you and wait launch :)

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: tintumon on March 31, 2016, 06:03:04 PM
Intersting project.
Will keep an eye on it.  8)

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 31, 2016, 06:36:58 PM
really excited about this project.
nice to see more and more people joining in.

Yes as I said the more people know about us the better we will do. Word is getting out and I'm grateful to all who are participating in this process.

Intersting project.
Will keep an eye on it.  8)

Thank you sir  ;D

Tier 7 is almost half way closed.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: anehh on March 31, 2016, 07:34:23 PM
waiting for Big PR Announcement  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: James_H on March 31, 2016, 08:36:17 PM
What is the minimum to be able to participate in ICO?

Hello James. Great question. The minimum is 1000 SOLCERTS. We are currently in the 6th tier and it is selling out. This is the price you will currently pay per SoLCERT should you purchase now:

3.00 BTS / 0.00004444 BTC / 0.001594 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier

So for example if you now want 1000 SOLCERTS in BTS you will pay 3000 BTS (3 x 1000). The same is for the other cryptos we accept. Instructions on how to buy are posted a few posts above. Let me know if there are any questions. Thank you for your interest. Lets reach a mainstream audience.
Nice info . Thank you Dev...

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on March 31, 2016, 09:20:52 PM
waiting for Big PR Announcement  ;)

Oh its coming! Thanks for your patience  :)

What is the minimum to be able to participate in ICO?

Hello James. Great question. The minimum is 1000 SOLCERTS. We are currently in the 6th tier and it is selling out. This is the price you will currently pay per SoLCERT should you purchase now:

3.00 BTS / 0.00004444 BTC / 0.001594 ETH = 500,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier

So for example if you now want 1000 SOLCERTS in BTS you will pay 3000 BTS (3 x 1000). The same is for the other cryptos we accept. Instructions on how to buy are posted a few posts above. Let me know if there are any questions. Thank you for your interest. Lets reach a mainstream audience.
Nice info . Thank you Dev...

No problem buddy.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: LiskCryptoFan on March 31, 2016, 09:54:02 PM
Once the token sale is complete, the ICO will start on April 11th which was confirmed by the dev.  It's an interesting opportunity since the ICO will start at a higher price than the last tier that shows activity on this sale that ends April 6th.  For example, if 2 million tokens aren't sold in this sale, that will be the amount for the ICO. Best wishes to everyone supporting this interesting project.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: techbytes on March 31, 2016, 10:15:57 PM
I have bought esterday 5000 SOLCERTS at 0.001594 ETH. When it be available on openledger? when start


Receive 5000 solcerts just now. thank you and wait launch :)

Coin distribution started already?


Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: cryptodv on March 31, 2016, 11:46:26 PM
I just transferred Ether to your account from my Mist Wallet. Ronny was very helpful in the transaction. Awesome project here, good luck!

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 01, 2016, 03:36:18 AM
I have bought esterday 5000 SOLCERTS at 0.001594 ETH. When it be available on openledger? when start


Receive 5000 solcerts just now. thank you and wait launch :)

Coin distribution started already?


No. This must be a typo.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 02, 2016, 12:40:17 AM
I just transferred Ether to your account from my Mist Wallet. Ronny was very helpful in the transaction. Awesome project here, good luck!

Oh I didn't see this. Thank you sir for your support  :)

Yes Ronny is awesome! Real funny wiseguy  8) Stay tuned.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: metaperl on April 02, 2016, 06:46:15 AM
I just sent 5,000 BTS to the escrow account as this screenshot shows:

The medium article on what to do next:

has me very confused. It says
If you have an account on OpenLedger, confirmation of transfer is done by sending a return transfer of 1 bts. Include memo with confirmation of amount of solcerts to be receive at end of pre-sale.

OK, I do have an account on OpenLedger. But what is a return transfer and to whom do I send it? I understand that in the memo I state that I expect 1,000 SOLCERTS to be sent to me at end of pre-sale.

Any video showing how to do a return transfer of 1 BTS is appreciated.

Thank you.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: cryptoheadd on April 02, 2016, 11:02:50 AM
I just sent 5,000 BTS to the escrow account as this screenshot shows:

The medium article on what to do next:

has me very confused. It says
If you have an account on OpenLedger, confirmation of transfer is done by sending a return transfer of 1 bts. Include memo with confirmation of amount of solcerts to be receive at end of pre-sale.

OK, I do have an account on OpenLedger. But what is a return transfer and to whom do I send it? I understand that in the memo I state that I expect 1,000 SOLCERTS to be sent to me at end of pre-sale.

Any video showing how to do a return transfer of 1 BTS is appreciated.

Thank you.

PM the escrow.
He'll send you the confirmation to your open ledger account.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: LiskCryptoFan on April 02, 2016, 05:17:42 PM
Considering the following:

- SolCerts will be exchangeable for 1:1 for SollarDollars when it gets moved to its own blockchain down the road
- The second round of funding ICO (what-ever is not sold in the pre-sale) will be guaranteed higher than the highest level of this sale
- SolCert pairs will be available RIGHT AFTER the ICO, already confirmed with Open Ledger

I think some people will be kicking themselves in the upcoming months. I already bought a good chunk myself, so we'll see.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: tintumon on April 02, 2016, 05:34:39 PM
Considering the following:

- SolCerts will be exchangeable for 1:1 for SollarDollars when it gets moved to its own blockchain down the road
- The second round of funding ICO (what-ever is not sold in the pre-sale) will be guaranteed higher than the highest level of this sale
- SolCert pairs will be available RIGHT AFTER the ICO, already confirmed with Open Ledger

I think some people will be kicking themselves in the upcoming months. I already bought a good chunk myself, so we'll see.
Giving it a miss for now. But will be watching.

Title: Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 03, 2016, 03:40:46 AM
Considering the following:

- SolCerts will be exchangeable for 1:1 for SollarDollars when it gets moved to its own blockchain down the road
- The second round of funding ICO (what-ever is not sold in the pre-sale) will be guaranteed higher than the highest level of this sale
- SolCert pairs will be available RIGHT AFTER the ICO, already confirmed with Open Ledger

I think some people will be kicking themselves in the upcoming months. I already bought a good chunk myself, so we'll see.
Giving it a miss for now. But will be watching.

Fair enough  :)

Just remember your grandma probably knows this currency RIGHT NOW and wont ever need to think about "what it is". As a matter of fact 95% of the world will automatically know this currency without having to think about it. Just remember that little fact when it comes time for world adoption. And more importantly American adoption. There is a reason why we are the smarter version of what Americans have in their bank accounts. And that's how we are going to push this. Thanks for watching though  ;) #NewMoney #ThinkAboutIt #Makes$ense

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: tuvok007 on April 04, 2016, 05:21:48 PM
Cool project,more people should join in!

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: cryptoheadd on April 04, 2016, 06:02:59 PM
Hey dev?
How many devs left on the ICO?

Moreover, will you distribute the unsold coins?
Or burn them?

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 04, 2016, 08:57:24 PM
Cool project,more people should join in!

Hey Thanks! We now have less than 48 hours left for the Pre-Sale. We've done well with minimal PR but will go all out for the ICO that will start this Monday April 11th. There was no need to do it now.

Moreover, will you distribute the unsold coins?
Or burn them?

Whatever is not sold in the ICO will most likely be locked up for a vesting period after the ICO so the market can choose the price of SOLCERTS on its own. There will be no dumping of this token by the project. That's stupid if one believes in the long term vision of the project which we all do. They are the future Dollar after all  ;)

Some may also be used as a way to get others to help out with the KickStarter but we should be fine. We've done much better than expected. Hope this helps.

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 04, 2016, 09:36:40 PM
Any marketers with LEGIT cryptocurrency operations PM me. Also if you are one of our supporters and you know of these people who can help promote our upcoming ICO PM me. Thanks!

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 05, 2016, 06:01:00 PM
Today is the FINAL day of the SOLCERT Pre-Sale

There is now less than 12 hours left in the SoLCert Pre-Sale. Thank you to all who has supported this project. This is just the beginning.

In the coming days this thread will be locked and an official thread for the SoLCert ICO will be launched in its place. We have done VERY well for this Pre-Sale. For the ICO we will focus heavily on PROMOTION PROMOTION PROMOTION and ... Promoting  :D

I say it because its true. Our number one problem is not many people actually know about the project. But this will change and we will have bounties to make sure of this. Most of our coming bounties for the ICO will focus on promotion and spreading the word. So if you have invested in this make sure to prepare yourself. It benefits us all that we get New Money out to everyone. Again thank you to all who have participated already.

The official thread for the ICO will launch in the coming days and the ICO will begin April 14th 2016 at 12pm (CST) (Chicago). We have timed this launch to coincide with many of our marketing efforts. Thank you for the patience. Stay tuned!


Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: tuvok007 on April 06, 2016, 07:25:17 PM
How much was collected?

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: stan86 on April 06, 2016, 09:57:35 PM
How much was collected?
dev, where are you?

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 06, 2016, 10:32:10 PM
How much was collected?

We raised a little over $65,000 at the current market cap in less than two weeks. Which is technically insane for just a pre-sale and minimal marketing LOL  ;D

We will now be stepping it up for the ICO which will also feature bonuses for the first three days, a Signature campaign and other promotional elements to get this project out there. We also held off our Forbes article and other publications for the ICO. New ICO date is Thursday April 14th 2016 at 12pm noon (CST)(Chicago)

How much was collected?
dev, where are you?

Apologies broski I'm here. Busy putting together the KickStarter stuff. Its a lot of overhead. An official announcement and launch of the New ICO thread is coming.

You can always follow the escrow account to see how much has been raised on OpenLedger. Everything is still there as nothing will be touched until after the ICO. Thank you for your patience  :)

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: stan86 on April 07, 2016, 02:06:17 AM
How much was collected?

We raised a little over $65,000 at the current market cap in less than two weeks. Which is technically insane for just a pre-sale and minimal marketing LOL  ;D

We will now be stepping it up for the ICO which will also feature bonuses for the first three days, a Signature campaign and other promotional elements to get this project out there. We also held off our Forbes article and other publications for the ICO. New ICO date is Thursday April 14th 2016 at 12pm noon (CST)(Chicago)

How much was collected?
dev, where are you?

Apologies broski I'm here. Busy putting together the KickStarter stuff. Its a lot of overhead. An official announcement and launch of the New ICO thread is coming.

You can always follow the escrow account to see how much has been raised on OpenLedger. Everything is still there as nothing will be touched until after the ICO. Thank you for your patience  :)
Nice info, thank you Dev and good luck!

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 07, 2016, 04:04:50 AM
Can we start trading on open-ldeger

Hey good to hear from you Risin (one of our earliest supporters). Unfortunately not yet. Not until after the ICO. We are in the process of onboarding other exchanges. Thank you for your patience.

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: tuvok007 on April 08, 2016, 02:46:06 PM
Any news since yesterday?

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: cryptodv on April 08, 2016, 11:11:56 PM
By when do you need to open an Open Ledger Account? I already sent my Ethers to exchange a few weeks back. Ronny verified already.

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: DreamSpace on April 09, 2016, 12:40:42 PM
is it enough to have the return message from ccedk.escrow2, i used openlegder.

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 09, 2016, 03:13:52 PM
Any news since yesterday?

Yes. New ICO thread launching either later today or tomorrow. We will have new Tiers, announce bonuses for the first three days, and be working with bounties this time around to get the message out. Patience. Things will come together very nicely.

By when do you need to open an Open Ledger Account? I already sent my Ethers to exchange a few weeks back. Ronny verified already.

As long as you sent your Ether you are in line by the date on your Transaction ID. No worries. Simply message Ronny if you would like to confirm for yourself. But you are good as long as you have the Transaction ID which you should.

is it enough to have the return message from ccedk.escrow2, i used openlegder.

That should be enough. Be patient with a return message. You will be fine though as long as you have a transaction ID

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: cryptoheadd on April 09, 2016, 06:34:10 PM
I've already invested in some SOLCERTs.

In the new ICO thread, will the rates be better than this one?

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 09, 2016, 07:36:27 PM
I've already invested in some SOLCERTs.

In the new ICO thread, will the rates be better than this one?

Yes. The first tier starts at 10 BTS and the equivalences in BTC and Ether. The difference now is the first three days come with bonuses and there is a higher minimum.

So for example if you buy 1000 SOLCERTS on the first day at 10 BTS you will not only receive the 1000 SOLCERTS but will get a 30% bonus on that purchase. So your total will be 1300 SOLCERTS.

We did not do bonuses for the Pre-Sale. Its exclusive to the ICO and only the first 3 days. And again it will be FIRST COME FIRST SERVED.

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: cryptoheadd on April 09, 2016, 07:43:18 PM
Good to know.
Best of luck.

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: tuvok007 on April 09, 2016, 07:45:54 PM
So in pre ico sale there was solcerts and in ico we will have what ?

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 09, 2016, 08:01:13 PM
So in pre ico sale there was solcerts and in ico we will have what ?


The pre-sale was just to test the market and set a good ICO price. And we found it. Now its about moving forward in a big way in to the mainstream. Remember this is not the Next Bitcoin ITS THE NEXT DOLLAR. SoLCerts represent that today. That's what we are trying to create here. And we are starting in Hollywood and on KickStarter. Hope this helps.

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: on April 09, 2016, 08:13:58 PM
Is this pre-sale still going on? Do you want it to be added to ?

Can you tell me when it will end please so I can set and end date? Thanks.

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: tuvok007 on April 09, 2016, 08:14:24 PM
Ok. so that means 65k usd in presale for marketing for the real ICO sale which we can expect anytime soon.  How long will ICO last? Imagine that you guys collect just 10 times more than in pre-ICO and possibly even more. Somewhere between half a million and a million dollars...

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 09, 2016, 08:55:52 PM
Is this pre-sale still going on? Do you want it to be added to ?

Can you tell me when it will end please so I can set and end date? Thanks.

Yes thank you ICOcountdown. That would be appreciated. Our ICO starts Thursday April 14th at 12pm CST (Chicago). I am launching the ICO thread tomorrow. Finalizing marketing deals right now.

Ok. so that means 65k usd in presale for marketing for the real ICO sale which we can expect anytime soon.  How long will ICO last? Imagine that you guys collect just 10 times more than in pre-ICO and possibly even more. Somewhere between half a million and a million dollars...

Yes we raised 65K but that was for the KickStarter and development. The ICO marketing will still be out of pocket for the New Money project as we cannot touch the funds until AFTER the ICO. That was the deal we made with the community and it must be honored.

The ICO will start next week Thursday April 14th at 12pm CST (Chicago) and will run for 28 days. The first three days will come with large bonuses for those who buy that day. It will be first come first served.

Yes we want to raise A LOT for this ICO. That will make having a KickSTarter that goes viral a piece of cake  ;D For most people it hasn't even sinked in that we are going directly to the mainstream. I dont think a lot of people truly understand what that actually means. That we are making the next Dollar not the next Bitcoin. But we will all see soon enough. Thanks for your support.

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: TravelsAsia on April 10, 2016, 01:01:13 AM
I'm really excited about this project. It's nice to support a project in crypto that's actually doing something meaningful.

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: tuvok007 on April 10, 2016, 09:30:28 PM
Still no ANN thread? We are waiting.....

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 10, 2016, 10:15:12 PM
I'm really excited about this project. It's nice to support a project in crypto that's actually doing something meaningful.

Thank you TravelsAsia! Its an honor to have your support and the others who have decided to come along with us on this journey. We are certainly different and I think many people realize that. Time to make the next Dollar  ;)

Still no ANN thread? We are waiting.....

New ANN coming within the next two hours. Just finalized a marketing Deal that's going to help this project out big time. Thanks for your patience! When that time comes this thread will be locked. Thank you to all who participated. The Pre-Sale if officially over. Now comes the ICO  8)

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on April 10, 2016, 11:03:43 PM

This thread will be locked within the day. Thank you to all who have participated in what we are trying to accomplish. Most of the information like Wallets, Partners and such is still the same so it has not been carried over to the new thread. We wanted to focus on the information that matters the most which is the bonuses, the new price tiers and the fact that it is FIRST COME FIRST SERVED

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: bitcoinxiaoshan on July 25, 2016, 04:08:49 PM
Very cool

Title: Re: [ANN/PRE-SALE] New Money project & SOLCERT token Thread
Post by: tuvok007 on July 25, 2016, 05:19:11 PM
Dev went to bitsharestalk  ::)