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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: grodamichl on March 22, 2016, 08:34:21 PM

Title: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: grodamichl on March 22, 2016, 08:34:21 PM
Almost every week there are now terrorist Attacks in Europe.

Today suicide Attack in Brussels killed 31 People.

Im no Muslim and Im not supporting Muslims and to be honest I dont even care about religion at all.

I was following the presidential Election in the US and last night Ive seen a press conference of Donald Trump bowing down to the Jews and promising them to free Israel from Palestinians.

Trump also made in the Past several Statements against Muslims as well as Latinos.
He keeps saying almost daily that he will bomb ISIS.

So now my conclusion is, is it possible that Jews are behind all those Attacks??

We have to remember that the Elite Jews sold their "poor" Jews to the Nazis in the 2nd World War just to get Israel and the controll of banks and Media

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: saddampbuh on March 22, 2016, 09:31:42 PM
only in the sense that the majority of them support multiculturalism (for europe and america, not israel) and the refugee invasion with media propaganda and funding for marxist no borders activists

yes, jews will benefit from the likely increase in support among europeans for its policies and also the increased jewish migration to israel. no, jews didn't organise the muslim terrorists and give them explosives to kill belgians.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: gentlemand on March 22, 2016, 10:08:48 PM
What the fuck is it with this forum and jews? Sometimes, maybe one time in one thousand, bad things are done by non Jews. I know how hard it is to conceive of that.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: J. J. Phillips on March 22, 2016, 10:38:44 PM
I'm pretty sure Muslims were behind it. (The Allahu Ackbars kind of give it away.)

And I'm pretty sure Muslims hate Jews, and have since the time of Mohammed because the Jews of that time rejected the "teachings" of an illiterate violent pedophile.

But I can understand why a lot of people want to blame the Jews. After all, a lot of people are fucking idiots.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: CryptoBrother on March 22, 2016, 10:40:43 PM
The jews are behind everything bad in this world. Hitler was right.
Blame the jews.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: iram1011 on March 22, 2016, 10:44:18 PM

We have to remember that the Elite Jews sold their "poor" Jews to the Nazis in the 2nd World War just to get Israel and the controll of banks and Media

Remember so what? This is a true fact? How you can say this?
All jews have the right to go out from Germany before lager become an "official" nazi machine...

The jews are behind everything bad in this world. Hitler was right.
Blame the jews.

There is also some Nazi here, or simply a racist.

Stop war, stop to hate and discriminate who look "diverse"!

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: magnific61 on March 22, 2016, 11:06:00 PM
First i must say that Jews are invaders in Palestine.
And i can turn to main subject;
Jews were living like gipsies around world in history. They were  always cautious for being exilled by society and governments because of their manners and behaviours.Therefore  they always kept their fortunes light and expensive things like gold, jevellery and mostly they made trade of them. What was their behaviour and manners? They were very good merchants but foxy and liar. They also were keeping each other well. By this way, they were monopolies in trade. As much as they earned, they began keeping money in their hands. So, they began making usury. In few years, they were very rich and rest of poors. Enough? No, because they are very greedy. They began manage governments. They bought men in governments and bribing was their tool. Finally governments and societies they libed in killed or exilled them. We can look 1500's Spain for example. Spain King Ferdinand exilled 500.000 Jews in 1492 and Ottoman Empire accepted them.
A group of Jews gone to America after discovered. That group grown stronger in America. In years very big jewish population migrated tu America. So, America was like their second escape from Egypt. Did you know that first American Constution written in hebrew?
America is second Israel. Jewish Lobbies keep under control everything in America and wherever is there American effect.
They can do everything for their profit and they are already doing. Jews are murderers of their prophets. Did you know that Jesus was sent Jews? And John (Yohanna) who denounced Jesus was jewish.
The last prophet Mohamed (AS) was arabian and Jews been jealousy of it that why not jewish. Therefore they hate islam and muslims.
That hate and desire of manage world made them aggresive and violent. But jewish population is not big. Therefore they support terror and their hit men like USA, UK or etc.
Believe me, wherever if there's terror, there's a Jew behind it

Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God

          Sanhedrin 58b.  If a gentile hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.


Acceptable to Cheat Non-Jews

          Sanhedrin 57a.  A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him.


Jews Have Superior Legal Status

          Baba Kamma 37b.  “If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite (Gentile) there is no liability, but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is to be in full.”


Jews May Steal from Non-Jews

          Baba Mezia 24a.  If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile it does not have to be returned.  (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b.)  Sanhedrin 76a.  God will not spare a Jew who marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a gentile…”


Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews

          Sanhedrin 57a.  When a Jew murders a gentile there will be no death penalty.  What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

          Baba Kamma 37b.  The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.”

          “Relying upon the Code of Maimonides and the Halacha, the Gush Emunim leader Rabbi Israel Ariel stated:  “A Jew who killed a non-Jew is exempt from human judgment and has not violated the religious prohibition of murder.”


Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

          Baba Kamma 113a.  Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.


Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human

          Yebamoth 98a.  All gentile children are animals.  Abodah Zarah 36b.  Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.


Insults Against Mary

          Sanhedrin 106a.  says Jesus’ mother was a whore:  “She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters.”  Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b of the Soncino edition, it is stated that in the “uncensored” text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus’ mother, “Miriam the hairdresser,” had sex with many men.


Jesus is also described in the Talmud

          By 1999, certain Orthodox Jewish organizations described Jesus as a sorcerer and a demented sex freak.

          On the website of the Orthodox Jewish, Chabad-Lubavitch group,, — one of the largest and most powerful Jewish organizations in the world and whose spiritual leader, Rabbi Menachen Mendel Schneerson, whose birthday honoring was the false flag cover-up for signing into law the authority to murder Christians for worshiping Jesus Christ — we find the following statement, accompanied by citations from the Talmud:

          “The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of ‘Jesus the Nazarene.’ 1. ‘He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).’”

          2. “He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).”

          3. “He learned witchcraft in Egypt…(Shabbos 104b).” (End quote from Chabad-Lubavitch).


More quotes from the Talmud about Jesus

          Gitten 57a says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in “hot excrement.”
          Sanhedrin 43 says Jesus was executed because he practiced sorcery: “It is taught that on the eve of Passover Jesus was hung, and forty days before this the proclamation was made: Jesus is to be stoned to death because he has practiced sorcery and has lured the people to idolatry…He was an enticer and of such thou shalt not pity or condone.”


Genocide Advocated by the Talmud

          Soferim 15, Rule 10.  This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai” Tob shebe goyyim harog (“Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed”).

          This Talmudic passage has been concealed in some translations.

          The Jewish Encyclopedia states, "…in the various versions the reading has been altered, 'The best among the Egyptians' being generally substituted."  In the Soncino version: “the best of the heathens” (Monor Tractates, Soferim 41a-b).  But “heathen” is translated as “Gentile” (non-Jews) by the Jews.


Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are not Human

          The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals, and specifically dehumanizes Gentiles as not being descendants of Adam.


Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 22, 2016, 11:10:18 PM
No I am pretty sure its Buddhism that is making this terror front go big now!
They want in and its time people start fearing the buddha.

The darker side of buddhism

You are awake now brothers,go with fire!

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on March 22, 2016, 11:12:12 PM
What the fuck is it with this forum and jews? Sometimes, maybe one time in one thousand, bad things are done by non Jews. I know how hard it is to conceive of that.

It's not just this forum.  It's a large number of forums, and a small number of jew haters likely posting all day long.  And you can guess who they are and why they are doing it. 

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 22, 2016, 11:15:17 PM
What the fuck is it with this forum and jews? Sometimes, maybe one time in one thousand, bad things are done by non Jews. I know how hard it is to conceive of that.

It's not just this forum.  It's a large number of forums, and a small number of jew haters likely posting all day long.  And you can guess who they are and why they are doing it. 

There is a very strong push,I recall the first time I started posting being taken back at how much hatred would spew from some users here.
Actually wrote P&S off for a well as a place where racists lived,but I guess I just read the wrong threads and know better now who is trolling.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on March 22, 2016, 11:23:50 PM
only in the sense that the majority of them support multiculturalism (for europe and america, not israel) and the refugee invasion with media propaganda and funding for marxist no borders activists

yes, jews will benefit from the likely increase in support among europeans for its policies and also the increased jewish migration to israel. no, jews didn't organise the muslim terrorists and give them explosives to kill belgians.


Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: bitbunnny on March 23, 2016, 12:25:47 AM
Another conspiracy theory with a hint of hatered, this is how I see it....

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on March 23, 2016, 12:31:50 AM
Another conspiracy theory with a hint of hatered, this is how I see it....
More than a hint, because all the jew-hate threads seem to have zero factual basis, not even a shred of evidence that jews are at fault.

I say that while having no problem whatsoever with actual discussion of problems about or caused by jews.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: arseaboy on March 23, 2016, 06:14:44 AM
I don't think that it was, there's a big possibilities that there's somebody else who's ruin our life, there's a bunch of scroll heads out there who's making this attack and wanted to got a big impact planning to start another world war, I hope we stop pointing problem to anyone but keep tracking those bunch of fools who's doing it.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: malcovixeffect on March 23, 2016, 07:56:46 AM
Tsss another terrorist thread. They just wanted to be recognized. Especially what they represent

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: kryptqnick on March 23, 2016, 08:10:58 AM
I suppose it's obvious that IS is behind the attacks.. Why would jews care to do that? They are interested in the Promised Land, not in other lands, I guess

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: shintosai on March 23, 2016, 09:02:32 AM
I suppose it's obvious that IS is behind the attacks.. Why would jews care to do that? They are interested in the Promised Land, not in other lands, I guess
if IS is claiming it maybe they are behind it but i don't see any point why OP dragging Jews with this attack? but we have all the rights to know who's behind it, gonna keep my eyes open from time to time, no other safe place anymore it will happen anytime. so we need to be more extra careful.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Snail2 on March 23, 2016, 09:25:37 AM
Remember so what? This is a true fact? How you can say this?
All jews have the right to go out from Germany before lager become an "official" nazi machine...

I think he refers to that when some overzealous american jews declared economic war on Germany in 1933 (and caused some significant damage indeed) what left the german jewry in a pretty shitty situation.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: on March 23, 2016, 09:54:58 AM
I dont know about the attacks in Europe but i know that Mossad mafia killed 3 men in Greece, Sokratis Giolias, Fountoulis and Kapelonis.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: on March 23, 2016, 10:00:04 AM
Almost every week there are now terrorist Attacks in Europe.

Today suicide Attack in Brussels killed 31 People.

Im no Muslim and Im not supporting Muslims and to be honest I dont even care about religion at all.

I was following the presidential Election in the US and last night Ive seen a press conference of Donald Trump bowing down to the Jews and promising them to free Israel from Palestinians.

Trump also made in the Past several Statements against Muslims as well as Latinos.
He keeps saying almost daily that he will bomb ISIS.

So now my conclusion is, is it possible that Jews are behind all those Attacks??

We have to remember that the Elite Jews sold their "poor" Jews to the Nazis in the 2nd World War just to get Israel and the controll of banks and Media

Nazis killed those jews that refused to pay tax to the synagogue.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: grodamichl on March 23, 2016, 10:12:42 AM
Jews have not been left in a shitty situation after WW2, Jews were the winners of WW2.

Austria and germany has been divided and became slaves of the US Government within the last 70 years.

Jews on the other Hand got their own state "Israel" they own Banks and Media aszell as Facebook and half of Hollywood so to me loosers look different.

Plus they got all the support of the US government- look how Big Donny Trump is bowing down to the Jews.

America needs money- Jews got money so they are already 1 and now lets look who is the biggest enemy now in the World muslims.

But what did Muslims do that bad?? Ok well they had this knucklehead Mohammed but what else have they done bad??
They are beeing bombed since 70 years now by Americans with the support of England Germany France and other allies.

Israel is a dead land with no real resources in their Land, but their neighbors are swimming in oil thats the reason the middle east has been bombed all those years.

The Jews play a game with the Muslims and the US, making it seem the Muslims are doing all those killings.

Just look how america threated blacks and Latinos all those years, first they stole the africans from Africa, enslaving them and locking them up for all those years but yet the white US government is still targeting blacks all the time.

We all know who is the benefitter of chaos in middle east- the US and Jews

Did the US not say they found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq- just to justify their war in Iraq- but we all know now they never had weapons of mass destruction.

By blamin Muslims for all those Attacks who wins - the US government because with all those attacks they make it seem its ok to invade middle east- it is the same game as with Hussein and Libya and pretty uch everywhere were is war on this world.

It is so obvious but people are so easily tricked into believing lies its crazy.

Im not saying ISIS doesnt exist or doesnt kill people but lets keep it real how can we blame them, they were bombed the last 70 years.

I think it would have been best for all of the world if Hitler hasnt been stopped and we had eliminated all jews, jews are Evil race they not human all they need is their fucking money- even that fact must show you guys that they arent human.

on our Planet we have 1 billion species but only "humans" need money to live on this Planet this should tell us something right there.

And look how courts are protecting the Jews, Im Austrian and i go to Jail if I say fuck Jews, but the same time I will get applauded if I say fuck negros, and what did blacks ever do bad??  This is all so retarded whats going on and we are played so much by the Jews.

The Jews blow us up in Europe and the US(9/11) was a jewish job, and laugh at us how we blame the Muslims.

Dont trust Jews- again I doubt Jews are human- I challenge you guys to proove me wrong

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: grodamichl on March 23, 2016, 10:23:58 AM
and ISIS took responisbility fior those Attacks - ok have you seen them??
Do we have any proof they admitted it- is there anywhere on the Internet something to find that they really did it??

All i know is that Jewsish owned Media said ISIS said they did it.

We have not seen any Interview or anything of any ISIS fighter saying they did it- nothing

If Im ISIS and I jsut blew up 31 people Im celebrating this all over the Internet- they have websites and all so were are they celebrating??
exactly- nowhere
because they didnt fuckin do it- it was the Jews

Jews tricked already the English King out of Money a few hundred years ago so dont think Jews trick "us" into believing Muslims did it

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: magnific61 on March 23, 2016, 11:23:32 AM
I dont know about the attacks in Europe but i know that Mossad mafia killed 3 men in Greece, Sokratis Giolias, Fountoulis and Kapelonis.

Mossad is not only an ordinary secret service. Terror supporter, mafia, drug dealer,  bodyguard and more
There was a man in my country. He was fugitive by some big crimes. Mossad helped him and he ran away to Europe. It was a piece of cake for Mossad but we all confused how they did it.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: grodamichl on March 23, 2016, 11:33:07 AM
I dont know about the attacks in Europe but i know that Mossad mafia killed 3 men in Greece, Sokratis Giolias, Fountoulis and Kapelonis.

Mossad is not only an ordinary secret service. Terror supporter, mafia, drug dealer,  bodyguard and more
There was a man in my country. He was fugitive by some big crimes. Mossad helped him and he ran away to Europe. It was a piece of cake for Mossad but we all confused how they did it.

They let the Jew go and instead arrested 5 innocent blacks and Muslims for that crime

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: magnific61 on March 23, 2016, 11:40:42 AM
I dont know about the attacks in Europe but i know that Mossad mafia killed 3 men in Greece, Sokratis Giolias, Fountoulis and Kapelonis.

Mossad is not only an ordinary secret service. Terror supporter, mafia, drug dealer,  bodyguard and more
There was a man in my country. He was fugitive by some big crimes. Mossad helped him and he ran away to Europe. It was a piece of cake for Mossad but we all confused how they did it.

They let the Jew go and instead arrested 5 innocent blacks and Muslims for that crime

thats what I keep saying fuck Jews, Jews are no good
Wherever if there's terror, certainly there's a jew behind it. Thank God their population doesn't rise. I can't imagine what would be if they would be 1 billion on world.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: grodamichl on March 23, 2016, 11:56:59 AM
we need to make sure they dont become more

Jew= Devil

Hitler said that 70 years ago and he was right but look what Jews turned Hitler into, its crazy how we brainwashed by the Jewish Media
and we keep allowing them to run us

I hope the US citizens are smart enough not to vote trump cause with Trump as President Jews will completly run the World and we can not let that happen but I know Americans are dumb brainwashed individuals that only care about money so I think this World will come to an end, thats sad, especially when hitler was so close to get the Job done.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on March 23, 2016, 11:59:28 AM
we need to make sure they dont become more

Jew= Devil

Hitler said that 70 years ago and he was right but look what Jews turned Hitler into, its crazy how we brainwashed by the Jewish Media
and we keep allowing them to run us

I hope the US citizens are smart enough not to vote trump cause with Trump as President Jews will completly run the World and we can not let that happen but I know Americans are dumb brainwashed individuals that only care about money so I think this World will come to an end, thats sad, especially when hitler was so close to get the Job done.
Do you like having three or four names to login with and having conversations with yourself?

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 23, 2016, 05:31:47 PM
we need to make sure they dont become more

Jew= Devil

Hitler said that 70 years ago and he was right but look what Jews turned Hitler into, its crazy how we brainwashed by the Jewish Media
and we keep allowing them to run us

I hope the US citizens are smart enough not to vote trump cause with Trump as President Jews will completly run the World and we can not let that happen but I know Americans are dumb brainwashed individuals that only care about money so I think this World will come to an end, thats sad, especially when hitler was so close to get the Job done.
Do you like having three or four names to login with and having conversations with yourself?

Not enough racists to push a agenda,some people like to use multiple accounts to balance out the other voices in their head.
Its odd that all his voices are racist though! :-\
Medication FTW.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: on March 24, 2016, 04:46:20 PM
Be careful what you write on internet. Mossad is watching.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: J. J. Phillips on March 25, 2016, 09:08:01 PM
Be careful what you write on internet. Mossad is watching.

Right. If you say something bad about Jews, the Mossad might kidnap you, torture you and cut your head off. No wait, that's those other guys.

You guys know exactly what happens if you spread lies about the Jews. You find some people who agree with you and a lot of other people who think you're an idiot. Some of those people tell you you're an idiot. And your head is still firmly attached, for whatever it's worth.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: magnific61 on March 25, 2016, 09:10:34 PM
Be careful what you write on internet. Mossad is watching.
yep! If you live in Israel or Palestine, it is really possible.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on March 25, 2016, 09:42:46 PM
Be careful what you write on internet. Mossad is watching.

Right. If you say something bad about Jews, the Mossad might kidnap you, torture you and cut your head off. No wait, that's those other guys.

You guys know exactly what happens if you spread lies about the Jews. You find some people who agree with you and a lot of other people who think you're an idiot. Some of those people tell you you're an idiot. And your head is still firmly attached, for whatever it's worth.

What the jew-haters don't know is that 99.99% of people don't care one bit about their jew-haters or jews one way or the other.  It's not even an issue.   It is not made an issue by posting fabricated propaganda over and over on the Internet.  But the pay for doing it is pretty good, I hear. 

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 25, 2016, 11:45:21 PM
Be careful what you write on internet. Mossad is watching.

Right. If you say something bad about Jews, the Mossad might kidnap you, torture you and cut your head off. No wait, that's those other guys.

You guys know exactly what happens if you spread lies about the Jews. You find some people who agree with you and a lot of other people who think you're an idiot. Some of those people tell you you're an idiot. And your head is still firmly attached, for whatever it's worth.

What the jew-haters don't know is that 99.99% of people don't care one bit about their jew-haters or jews one way or the other.  It's not even an issue.   It is not made an issue by posting fabricated propaganda over and over on the Internet.  But the pay for doing it is pretty good, I hear. 

The hating on one religion or people is such pigeon brained thinking,usually masking severe  limitations in ones life and relating to humanity as a whole. Also a sign of some one that feels they have little control over their life and want a excuse to blame it all on. Keep going lads,its showing us all how much attention you must have missed as kids.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on March 26, 2016, 12:08:42 AM
The hating on one religion or people is such pigeon brained thinking,usually masking severe  limitations in ones life and relating to humanity as a whole. Also a sign of some one that feels they have little control over their life and want a excuse to blame it all on. Keep going lads,its showing us all how much attention you must have missed as kids.

I figure it's just paid propaganda posters.  Reason is I have seen the same monotonous jew-hate crap for at least ten years on many, many Internet forums.

And it's stereotyped disinformation.  As soon as an Islamic bombing occurs, look at the threads that start up and the topics.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 26, 2016, 01:56:48 AM
Suspect a lot of the White pride types have switched gears and are more active online. When I was a kid the skinheads felt safe enough to walk around with out any threats,that area they claimed is now where most people migrate to when they first arrive to Canada. I always laugh at how things have changed in that area.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on March 26, 2016, 03:21:24 AM
Suspect a lot of the White pride types have switched gears and are more active online. When I was a kid the skinheads felt safe enough to walk around with out any threats,that area they claimed is now where most people migrate to when they first arrive to Canada. I always laugh at how things have changed in that area.

I don't think it's white pride types at all.  Maybe a tiny bit.  Mostly paid, organized Muslims in places like Pakistan, Palestine, Egypt, and Jordon that simply hate Jews, who always will and always have.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: on March 26, 2016, 09:55:23 AM
Why not hate Jews? They created the economic crisis. They deserve the hate.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on March 26, 2016, 04:31:12 PM
Why not hate Jews? They created the economic crisis. They deserve the hate.

Because guys like you trying to make up things to increase hate are the stupidest thing on the Internet.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: designerusa on March 26, 2016, 04:41:03 PM
I'm pretty sure Muslims were behind it. (The Allahu Ackbars kind of give it away.)

And I'm pretty sure Muslims hate Jews, and have since the time of Mohammed because the Jews of that time rejected the "teachings" of an illiterate violent pedophile.

But I can understand why a lot of people want to blame the Jews. After all, a lot of people are fucking idiots.
I'm pretty sure Muslims were behind it. (The Allahu Ackbars kind of give it away.)

And I'm pretty sure Muslims hate Jews, and have since the time of Mohammed because the Jews of that time rejected the "teachings" of an illiterate violent pedophile.

But I can understand why a lot of people want to blame the Jews. After all, a lot of people are fucking idiots.

perfectly agreed..  all these brutal, subhuman attacks were done by muslim.. jew are as horrible as muslim but the most evil ones are muslims.. they do some subhuman acts for the sake of god .. this is the worst part i guess..

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Coinr88 on March 26, 2016, 05:11:32 PM
Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten ;D (

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: bitsmichel on March 26, 2016, 09:50:50 PM
Why not hate Jews? They created the economic crisis. They deserve the hate.

Jews are not behing the economic crisis, it's the economic system itself that is not suistainable. Even if the Jews wanted they cannot simply restart the financial system.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 26, 2016, 10:21:47 PM
Suspect a lot of the White pride types have switched gears and are more active online. When I was a kid the skinheads felt safe enough to walk around with out any threats,that area they claimed is now where most people migrate to when they first arrive to Canada. I always laugh at how things have changed in that area.

I don't think it's white pride types at all.  Maybe a tiny bit.  Mostly paid, organized Muslims in places like Pakistan, Palestine, Egypt, and Jordon that simply hate Jews, who always will and always have.

Guess I am still stuck in the old days of the internet,not thinking about the Middle Eastern agenda as well. It reads more like mental illness to me than propaganda usually as it is mostly links,quotes and when the people do talk it shows how little they can communicate.

Its to bad that this is going on,as the internet branches out more we are sure to be over run with these kind of agendas from Countries that are full of people with the same thinking. Not much will change their mindsets though and its not like I am going to wake up one day and say they where right!

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: loveangelnow on March 26, 2016, 10:29:30 PM
The jews are behind everything bad in this world. Hitler was right.
Blame the jews.

i agree.  jews also control the media

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 26, 2016, 10:34:36 PM
The jews are behind everything bad in this world. Hitler was right.
Blame the jews.

i agree.  jews also control the media

This is the classic one that keeps being thrown around. If the top 6 out of 10 people running media today where into donkey porn,would you be blaming donkey porn for the way the media is today?
Are Jews a people or a religion for you,sometimes notice this aspect get confused as well.

Please post a link where it shows Jews run the media as well.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: TwitchySeal on March 26, 2016, 10:40:34 PM
The jews are behind everything bad in this world. Hitler was right.
Blame the jews.

i agree.  jews also control the media

This is the classic one that keeps being thrown around. If the top 6 out of 10 people running media today where into donkey porn,would you be blaming donkey porn for the way the media is today?
Are Jews a people or a religion for you,sometimes notice this aspect get confused as well.

Please post a link where it shows Jews run the media as well.

Edit: guy that wrote that is idiot biggot, but he's right about Jews running major networks.  Who cares though.  Not me.  They are good at managing money and building large companies.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on March 26, 2016, 10:47:17 PM
The jews are behind everything bad in this world. Hitler was right.
Blame the jews.

i agree.  jews also control the media

This is the classic one that keeps being thrown around. If the top 6 out of 10 people running media today where into donkey porn,would you be blaming donkey porn for the way the media is today?
Are Jews a people or a religion for you,sometimes notice this aspect get confused as well.

Please post a link where it shows Jews run the media as well.

Edit: guy that wrote that is idiot biggot, but he's right about Jews running major networks.  Who cares though.  Not me.  They are good at managing money and building large companies.
All the little convenience stores around here are run by Pakistanis.  Must be some kind of conspiracy there.  lol...

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Choctaw warrior on March 29, 2016, 02:46:09 PM
to the misinformed member that wrote that white people stole blacks from Africa. You are being informed of the truth now. African governments have spoken about this in public, how is it possible to not know, and if you didn't know that....... The zionist teacher unions don't want a informed public?

Kings and chiefs would sell Africa's criminals, undesirables, and mental ill Africans into slavery so that they could no longer commit crimes in that area. Crimes which were previously punishable with DEATH in Africa became punishable by enslavement into the transatlantic slavery. The undesirable africans didn't becomes a slave the otherwise would have been killed in a ceremony known as the Annual Customs.

African Kings, and Chiefs didn't build any prisons, or mental ward hospitals. Instead America became Africa's prison, and mental ward system. Africa criminals were to die, in America, and never did the African Kings, and Chiefs could imagine the sold African criminals would become freed to breed their criminal genes again on the world's land.

Over 10,000 Black slave masters with both white, and black slaves in the South. ?????? what!
Over 250,000 free black people lived in the south before the civil war. ????? what!
Over 1000 black slave master used their slaves for the confederate army ????? what!
White slaves were the first slaves in America. ????? what!
4 million white slaves were truly stolen by Moors, and taken to Africa. ????? what!
Only 25,000 survived to make it back to Europe. ????? what!
Only 250,000 to 400,000 African slaves went to United States?????? what!
In 1655, Anthony Johnson (black man) first permanent slave and owner. ?????? what!
More then 40,000,000 blacks in America now. Fastest population growth of any people ever( despite, oppression, blah, blah) ???? what! That's a gain of 39,600,000 black people. Not one starved to death. Africa over 15 million starve to death between 2000-2010. ?????? what!
35,000 black millionaires from United States, more then the whole world combined. ????? what!
More unarmed white people are killed each year by cops then black people 3 to 1. ????? what!
White people pay over 87% of all taxes. Blacks receive more 45% of tax money, and are only 12% of population. ????? what!
Over 3000 black people have been lynched in America, Sounds racist doesn't it? Until this fact over 100,000 white people have been lynched in America. ????? WHAT!
Poor white immigrants in the North had a death ratio of 11 to 1 compared to the undesirable, and criminal black slaves in the south. ????? what!
The south had more free black people then the north had free black people. ????? what!
The civil war was more about the release of black prisoners (slaves) onto the labor market in the south. This would drive down the price of labor the poor white southern immigrants could earn. The poor white immigrants paid their life savings for the price of the voyage. The immigrants were told of riches that could be made, not about the hostile Indians, or the hardship a lot of poor immigrants were faced living in America. 5 out of ever 11 immigrants died within 2 years in America. ????? what!
4 out of 15 black slaves would die within 2 years in America. Most in the ownership of a black slave master ????? what!
Only 4% of gentiles in the south owned any slaves. ????? what!
88% of Jews owned slaves in the south.????? what!

  That only the tip of the iceberg of truth the public isn't taught in the Jewish Zionist ruled teachers union. Ask me for more truth. Please I beg you to research this information yourself.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: UliJonHoth on March 29, 2016, 05:16:42 PM
The jews are behind everything bad in this world. Hitler was right.
Blame the jews.

i agree.  jews also control the media

This is the classic one that keeps being thrown around. If the top 6 out of 10 people running media today where into donkey porn,would you be blaming donkey porn for the way the media is today?
Are Jews a people or a religion for you,sometimes notice this aspect get confused as well.

Please post a link where it shows Jews run the media as well.

There actually was an article written in the Times Of Israel titled "Jews DO Control The Media" back in 2012 - the article being published in the Times Of Israel wasn't originally intended to reach such a wide audience, after attaining some notice around the world via the internet, the author's name was eventually changed (the author was a Huffington Post blogger) to one "Manny Friedman" and later pulled from the Times Of Israel's website although it has been archived which I'll paste below.

The worst thing about having an occupied media is that not only can the occupiers brag about owning and controlling the media, but they can also call you names (anti-semitic, racist, nazi etc) if you accuse them of what they openly admit to amongst themselves.

In July 2012, Under The Radar Media reported on a Times of Israel article entitled “Jews DO Control The Media,” written by Huffington Post blogger Elad Nehorai. The boldly titled article suggests that it was written in a very celebratory tone specifically for the very Jewish reader.

Nehorai’s bio from the Huffington Post is as follows:

Elad Nehorai is a writer living in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Five years ago, he became a religious Jew in the Chabad Hassidic community and has since written about his experience extensively, most recently in his blog Pop Chassid. You can find him on Twitter as @PopChassid and Facebook.

Soon after the article began to receive the scrutiny of readers outside of its intended audience, an editorial decision was made to obscure Nehorai’s name and replace it with the anonymous, and rather generic Jewish name of “Manny Friedman.” Although it is not entirely clear as to why the name of the article’s author was changed, a reasonable assumption could be Nehorai’s connection to the Chabad Lubavitch, a supremacist, Jewish order and religious cult with a global penetration.

Nehorai’s bio from the is as follows:

Elad Nehorai is an alumnus of Arizona State University and Mayanot yeshiva. You can find Elad wandering around America, gallivanting around Israel, or getting lost in the clouds. His favorite things to do include reading, writing and conversing with G-d.

Although the original article was removed, you can still find it on the Internet Archive. The original screenshot looked like this:

Original article:

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 29, 2016, 10:57:36 PM
  That only the tip of the iceberg of truth the public isn't taught in the Jewish Zionist ruled teachers union. Ask me for more truth. Please I beg you to research this information yourself.

If you copy and paste this enough times it will read as spam and take from what you are trying to get across.
Would be much more potent if you had links or references,since you are claiming to have read truth in books that where not taught in school.
Are we to take a account like yours word for undocumented history lessons,is that the kind of mind set you are going after here?

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: TommyBitcoin on March 29, 2016, 11:22:11 PM
First i must say that Jews are invaders in Palestine.
And i can turn to main subject;
Jews were living like gipsies around world in history. They were  always cautious for being exilled by society and governments because of their manners and behaviours.Therefore  they always kept their fortunes light and expensive things like gold, jevellery and mostly they made trade of them. What was their behaviour and manners? They were very good merchants but foxy and liar. They also were keeping each other well. By this way, they were monopolies in trade. As much as they earned, they began keeping money in their hands. So, they began making usury. In few years, they were very rich and rest of poors. Enough? No, because they are very greedy. They began manage governments. They bought men in governments and bribing was their tool. Finally governments and societies they libed in killed or exilled them. We can look 1500's Spain for example. Spain King Ferdinand exilled 500.000 Jews in 1492 and Ottoman Empire accepted them.
A group of Jews gone to America after discovered. That group grown stronger in America. In years very big jewish population migrated tu America. So, America was like their second escape from Egypt. Did you know that first American Constution written in hebrew?
America is second Israel. Jewish Lobbies keep under control everything in America and wherever is there American effect.
They can do everything for their profit and they are already doing. Jews are murderers of their prophets. Did you know that Jesus was sent Jews? And John (Yohanna) who denounced Jesus was jewish.
The last prophet Mohamed (AS) was arabian and Jews been jealousy of it that why not jewish. Therefore they hate islam and muslims.
That hate and desire of manage world made them aggresive and violent. But jewish population is not big. Therefore they support terror and their hit men like USA, UK or etc.
Believe me, wherever if there's terror, there's a Jew behind it...

What a rant!  You must be jobless if you have that much time to post this much! 

This whole thread is full of haters!  It starts with the Jews, then moves to blacks, and circles around with Muslims. 

And the conspiracy theories! 

I am guessing most of these posters are white males- the most privileged people on the planet doing the most complaining!

Get a life!

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 29, 2016, 11:31:47 PM
First i must say that Jews are invaders in Palestine.
And i can turn to main subject;
Jews were living like gipsies around world in history. They were  always cautious for being exilled by society and governments because of their manners and behaviours.Therefore  they always kept their fortunes light and expensive things like gold, jevellery and mostly they made trade of them. What was their behaviour and manners? They were very good merchants but foxy and liar. They also were keeping each other well. By this way, they were monopolies in trade. As much as they earned, they began keeping money in their hands. So, they began making usury. In few years, they were very rich and rest of poors. Enough? No, because they are very greedy. They began manage governments. They bought men in governments and bribing was their tool. Finally governments and societies they libed in killed or exilled them. We can look 1500's Spain for example. Spain King Ferdinand exilled 500.000 Jews in 1492 and Ottoman Empire accepted them.
A group of Jews gone to America after discovered. That group grown stronger in America. In years very big jewish population migrated tu America. So, America was like their second escape from Egypt. Did you know that first American Constution written in hebrew?
America is second Israel. Jewish Lobbies keep under control everything in America and wherever is there American effect.
They can do everything for their profit and they are already doing. Jews are murderers of their prophets. Did you know that Jesus was sent Jews? And John (Yohanna) who denounced Jesus was jewish.
The last prophet Mohamed (AS) was arabian and Jews been jealousy of it that why not jewish. Therefore they hate islam and muslims.
That hate and desire of manage world made them aggresive and violent. But jewish population is not big. Therefore they support terror and their hit men like USA, UK or etc.
Believe me, wherever if there's terror, there's a Jew behind it...

What a rant!  You must be jobless if you have that much time to post this much! 

This whole thread is full of haters!  It starts with the Jews, then moves to blacks, and circles around with Muslims. 

And the conspiracy theories! 

I am guessing most of these posters are white males- the most privileged people on the planet doing the most complaining!

Get a life!

You can not point out people for being racist and then say they are most likely whites!
Generalizing like this is not going to help you win a argument in any context because you will surely end up pissing off some one you hit with friendly fire. The member you quoted does seem to have a agenda but bashing Jews is a side act for the most part.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: TommyBitcoin on March 30, 2016, 12:59:01 AM


What a rant!  You must be jobless if you have that much time to post this much! 

This whole thread is full of haters!  It starts with the Jews, then moves to blacks, and circles around with Muslims. 

And the conspiracy theories! 

I am guessing most of these posters are white males- the most privileged people on the planet doing the most complaining!

Get a life!

You can not point out people for being racist and then say they are most likely whites!
Generalizing like this is not going to help you win a argument in any context because you will surely end up pissing off some one you hit with friendly fire. The member you quoted does seem to have a agenda but bashing Jews is a side act for the most part.

Of course I can.  The Jew haters are mostly white or Muslim.  The Muslim haters are mostly white.  The black haters are mostly white.  It's just the way it is.

Now, I am sure there are plenty of Muslims who are deplorable.  I'm sure it's the same with the Jews and with blacks.  But this thread in particular is filled with hatred towards those groups I mentioned.  Use some logic.  The hate on this post is, and, I'm going on a limb here, is probably from white guys.  And, the guys part- cmon, we know that most people involved in bitcoin are guys.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Choctaw warrior on March 30, 2016, 11:19:52 PM
I'm pretty sure Muslims were behind it. (The Allahu Ackbars kind of give it away.)

And I'm pretty sure Muslims hate Jews, and have since the time of Mohammed because the Jews of that time rejected the "teachings" of an illiterate violent pedophile.

But I can understand why a lot of people want to blame the Jews. After all, a lot of people are fucking idiots.
please read us the talmud....

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on March 30, 2016, 11:27:52 PM


What a rant!  You must be jobless if you have that much time to post this much! 

This whole thread is full of haters!  It starts with the Jews, then moves to blacks, and circles around with Muslims. 

And the conspiracy theories! 

I am guessing most of these posters are white males- the most privileged people on the planet doing the most complaining!

Get a life!

You can not point out people for being racist and then say they are most likely whites!
Generalizing like this is not going to help you win a argument in any context because you will surely end up pissing off some one you hit with friendly fire. The member you quoted does seem to have a agenda but bashing Jews is a side act for the most part.

Of course I can.  The Jew haters are mostly white or Muslim.  The Muslim haters are mostly white.  The black haters are mostly white.  It's just the way it is.

Now, I am sure there are plenty of Muslims who are deplorable.  I'm sure it's the same with the Jews and with blacks.  But this thread in particular is filled with hatred towards those groups I mentioned.  Use some logic.  The hate on this post is, and, I'm going on a limb here, is probably from white guys.  And, the guys part- cmon, we know that most people involved in bitcoin are guys.

Maybe you have not traveled much?  Your generalizations may well apply to certain areas in USA, in Europe, something like that.  Only...

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Choctaw warrior on March 30, 2016, 11:36:57 PM


What a rant!  You must be jobless if you have that much time to post this much! 

This whole thread is full of haters!  It starts with the Jews, then moves to blacks, and circles around with Muslims. 

And the conspiracy theories! 

I am guessing most of these posters are white males- the most privileged people on the planet doing the most complaining!

Get a life!

You can not point out people for being racist and then say they are most likely whites!
Generalizing like this is not going to help you win a argument in any context because you will surely end up pissing off some one you hit with friendly fire. The member you quoted does seem to have a agenda but bashing Jews is a side act for the most part.

Of course I can.  The Jew haters are mostly white or Muslim.  The Muslim haters are mostly white.  The black haters are mostly white.  It's just the way it is.

Now, I am sure there are plenty of Muslims who are deplorable.  I'm sure it's the same with the Jews and with blacks.  But this thread in particular is filled with hatred towards those groups I mentioned.  Use some logic.  The hate on this post is, and, I'm going on a limb here, is probably from white guys.  And, the guys part- cmon, we know that most people involved in bitcoin are guys.

Maybe you have not traveled much?  Your generalizations may well apply to certain areas in USA, in Europe, something like that.  Only...
Maybe because Jews must live in a Gentile country. Jews are never settling in Africa village, or in a Asian rice farms. Because the clever jew uses their skin color to undermine gentiles. The jews pretend to be a friend to the goy, "look same skin color" and invade the gentiles governments, and wreak the gentile economy, and began a mass immigration of non-white people.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on April 01, 2016, 12:00:17 AM
The truth about the attacks will as usually never be revealed in the official narrative, but always the questions that should rise are:

– Who will benefit, which entity? The Muslims? The “Takfiri terrorists ISIS”?

– Which plan this attack will start, and which plan is already put in place that this attack will serve?

– Which group of people is able & has skills to transport, procure, wire and connect bombs inside high security places in the most important political and administrative city of Europe?

– Which group can have the coverage of the local secret services and the logistic and administrative facility to prepare such terror?

All roads lead to one answer: ISRAEL.

Without any material proof needed, the MOSSAD has earned the right to be the prime suspect in any “terror” event. Because the Mossad already made the most sophisticated false flags in the western world, in Canada, Australia, USA, Europe… The most sophisticated one in the 911 attacks on America in 2001


Wikipedia (run by Jews, has all the information up online, including the aftermath.


If you don’t understand that the “Muslim refugees” immigration to Europe is part of the plan, then you missed the big picture. MAINLY JEWISH LOBBIES AND PERSONALITY OF EUROPE PROMOTE “Muslim immigration” from war zones and integration to European countries. These are documented FACTS / QUOTES / SPEECHES said by these Jews.
Man, these Anti-Jew, Jew-Hater straw puppets sure are boring.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 03, 2016, 06:52:54 AM
to the misinformed member that wrote that white people stole blacks from Africa. You are being informed of the truth now. African governments have spoken about this in public, how is it possible to not know, and if you didn't know that....... The zionist teacher unions don't want a informed public?

The largest number of slave raiders in Africa were native Africans themselves. Captives gained as a result of warfare were enslaved and then sold to Jewish, White, and Arab slave traders in exchange for gold and weapons. Whites don't need to take all the blame upon themselves, as less than 10% of the slave traders were actual whites. The rest were Jews (especially the Dutch and Spanish speaking ones), Arabs, and Mullatos.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: TwitchySeal on April 03, 2016, 02:22:28 PM
Maybe because Jews must live in a Gentile country. Jews are never settling in Africa village, or in a Asian rice farms. Because the clever jew uses their skin color to undermine gentiles.

Actually it's because they get sun burned so easily.  That's why you never see a jew with a tan - it's literally impossible.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on April 04, 2016, 12:20:27 AM
Maybe because Jews must live in a Gentile country. Jews are never settling in Africa village, or in a Asian rice farms. Because the clever jew uses their skin color to undermine gentiles.

Actually it's because they get sun burned so easily.  That's why you never see a jew with a tan - it's literally impossible.

I definitely know jews with tans.

The evidence is not on your side.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: TommyBitcoin on April 04, 2016, 12:56:16 AM


What a rant!  You must be jobless if you have that much time to post this much! 

This whole thread is full of haters!  It starts with the Jews, then moves to blacks, and circles around with Muslims. 

And the conspiracy theories! 

I am guessing most of these posters are white males- the most privileged people on the planet doing the most complaining!

Get a life!

You can not point out people for being racist and then say they are most likely whites!
Generalizing like this is not going to help you win a argument in any context because you will surely end up pissing off some one you hit with friendly fire. The member you quoted does seem to have a agenda but bashing Jews is a side act for the most part.

Of course I can.  The Jew haters are mostly white or Muslim.  The Muslim haters are mostly white.  The black haters are mostly white.  It's just the way it is.

Now, I am sure there are plenty of Muslims who are deplorable.  I'm sure it's the same with the Jews and with blacks.  But this thread in particular is filled with hatred towards those groups I mentioned.  Use some logic.  The hate on this post is, and, I'm going on a limb here, is probably from white guys.  And, the guys part- cmon, we know that most people involved in bitcoin are guys.

Maybe you have not traveled much?  Your generalizations may well apply to certain areas in USA, in Europe, something like that.  Only...

Ok, I see your points.  I have seen racism in other countries, no doubt about it.  Although I am no globe trotter, I've seen anti-Japanese sentiment in China and anti-Chilean sentiment in Peru as 2 examples.

This thread in particular is, by its title, aimed towards Jews.  So at least in the US and Europe, Jew-bashing is done mostly by white guys with conspiracy theories or Muslims. 

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: TwitchySeal on April 04, 2016, 06:56:31 AM
Maybe because Jews must live in a Gentile country. Jews are never settling in Africa village, or in a Asian rice farms. Because the clever jew uses their skin color to undermine gentiles.

Actually it's because they get sun burned so easily.  That's why you never see a jew with a tan - it's literally impossible.

I definitely know jews with tans.

The evidence is not on your side.

It is now.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: bitbunnny on April 04, 2016, 08:38:26 AM
Another dark conspiracy theory aimed against the Jews. How original...

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: on April 04, 2016, 08:49:17 AM
The Jews and Mossad are behind every disaster on the planet.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on April 04, 2016, 07:21:05 PM


What a rant!  You must be jobless if you have that much time to post this much! 

This whole thread is full of haters!  It starts with the Jews, then moves to blacks, and circles around with Muslims. 

And the conspiracy theories! 

I am guessing most of these posters are white males- the most privileged people on the planet doing the most complaining!

Get a life!

You can not point out people for being racist and then say they are most likely whites!
Generalizing like this is not going to help you win a argument in any context because you will surely end up pissing off some one you hit with friendly fire. The member you quoted does seem to have a agenda but bashing Jews is a side act for the most part.

Of course I can.  The Jew haters are mostly white or Muslim.  The Muslim haters are mostly white.  The black haters are mostly white.  It's just the way it is.

Now, I am sure there are plenty of Muslims who are deplorable.  I'm sure it's the same with the Jews and with blacks.  But this thread in particular is filled with hatred towards those groups I mentioned.  Use some logic.  The hate on this post is, and, I'm going on a limb here, is probably from white guys.  And, the guys part- cmon, we know that most people involved in bitcoin are guys.

Maybe you have not traveled much?  Your generalizations may well apply to certain areas in USA, in Europe, something like that.  Only...

Ok, I see your points.  I have seen racism in other countries, no doubt about it.  Although I am no globe trotter, I've seen anti-Japanese sentiment in China and anti-Chilean sentiment in Peru as 2 examples.

This thread in particular is, by its title, aimed towards Jews.  So at least in the US and Europe, Jew-bashing is done mostly by white guys with conspiracy theories or Muslims. 
I think Jew bashing is done primarily by Muslims, and they are proud of it. 

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: popcorn1 on April 04, 2016, 07:41:09 PM
JEALOUS of the Jews :D blame the Jew same old story.
I not religious..But i am pissed at people picking on Jews..It shows jealousy

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: CAMOPEJB on April 04, 2016, 07:48:34 PM
look man you cant go blaming everything on other races its most likley splinter groups who decide to go off on their own or something dont see conspiracy everywhere

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: on April 04, 2016, 09:46:41 PM
If you want to learn about the secret jewish government read this book:ι-Σαλoνικιoί-Nτoνμέδες-oι-ψυχoϊστoρικές-συνδέσεις-τoυς-και-η-γεωπoλιτική-στόχευσή-τoυς-Mέρoς-Πρώτo

In this book you can read about many criminal Jews like: Sabbatai Zevi, Jacob Frank, Arminius Vámbéry, Emmanuel Carasso, Gavrilo Princip, the pedophile Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Talaat Pasha, Djavid Bey, Messim Russo, Refik Bey, Emanuel Qrasow, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Alexander Parvus, Eleftherios Venizelos, Adam Weishaupt and many others.

Translate this book. It is very important.

Title: Re: Are Jews behind the Attacks in Europe
Post by: Spendulus on April 04, 2016, 11:28:36 PM
If you want to learn about the secret jewish government read this book:ι-Σαλoνικιoί-Nτoνμέδες-oι-ψυχoϊστoρικές-συνδέσεις-τoυς-και-η-γεωπoλιτική-στόχευσή-τoυς-Mέρoς-Πρώτo

In this book you can read about many criminal Jews like: Sabbatai Zevi, Jacob Frank, Arminius Vámbéry, Emmanuel Carasso, Gavrilo Princip, the pedophile Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Talaat Pasha, Djavid Bey, Messim Russo, Refik Bey, Emanuel Qrasow, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Alexander Parvus, Eleftherios Venizelos, Adam Weishaupt and many others.

Translate this book. It is very important.
Looks really boring, man.  Yawn.