Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: RealBitcoin on March 25, 2016, 11:13:06 AM

Title: /btc is full of Hypocrites and Shills (Bitcoin Classic)
Post by: RealBitcoin on March 25, 2016, 11:13:06 AM
/btc subreddit (Bitcoin Classic) is full of hypocrites or shills or just plain insane people. First they say that the forum is heavily censored, which is not. It's only moderated in a way to not let shills manipulate the public opinion, which they obviously do

(just look at reddit bots manipulating votes which most likely comes from Bitcoin Classic butthurt people: ( )

Then after we try to show that we are pro-decentralization by removing alert keys alltogether, look what these crybabies are thinking:

No. They removed it to make a hardfork MORE difficult and risky.

They removed it because they're insane and thought Gavin would somehow use it to sabotage them.

They removed it so that if Classic activates, stragglers won't get notified, thus creating a shitstorm.

Theymos needs to be removed from everything related to Bitcoin tbh.

A censorship-friendly totalitarian communist named: utopiawesome wants to delete the /bitcoin subreddit

Bitcoin Classic has nazis too:

These guys are pure insane people, or they are dirty shills trying to once again manipulate public opinion. So what happened to their decentralization rhetoric? Now that a real decentralization step is done, they are suddenly against it.

They are also mostly totalitarian communists that want to destroy free market capitalism and bitcoin with it!

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: watashi-kokoto on March 25, 2016, 11:23:52 AM
The poet shills are there for kinda long time. They shill for their agenda.

but i don't think that there's 100% connection between the shills and the so called sillicon valley or entepeneurs and between the washington / wall street whatever people. they may be as well separate groups.

but then again im not a detective

anyway it's fully USA-related thing.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on March 25, 2016, 11:28:46 AM

but i don't think that there's 100% connection between the shills and the so called sillicon valley or entepeneurs and between the washington / wall street whatever people. they may be as well separate groups.

Of course, they may just be a group that want to take over bitcoin, or even pump & dumpers trying to manipulate the price.

After so much classic FUD spreading the bitcoin price surely took a hit, and i`m sure some people profited from it.

Manipulation is everywhere so people need to be more skeptic.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bitkilo on March 25, 2016, 11:32:55 AM
Could you please explain what you mean by " Classic supporters are controlled opposition" I just don't understand what you mean, thanks.

Who do you think is controlling them?

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on March 25, 2016, 11:34:26 AM
Could you please explain what you mean by " Classic supporters are controlled opposition" I just don't understand what you mean, thanks.

Who do you think is controlling them?

Who knows, but there is some hidden agenda that they are doing , of that i`m sure.

They are very shady people.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: pedrog on March 25, 2016, 11:36:38 AM
Could you please explain what you mean by " Classic supporters are controlled opposition" I just don't understand what you mean, thanks.

Who do you think is controlling them?

Guy's a troll, don't feed it.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Rescue Squad on March 25, 2016, 11:39:01 AM
Reddit in general is the biggest cesspool on the Internet. Only thing worth reading is the AMA's and that's it for me.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: watashi-kokoto on March 25, 2016, 11:39:18 AM
well the shills enjoy scaring people but from what i see, they're not really harmful , worst they can do is give u minus points when you talk to them. but only thing they do is scary, lie, try to convince everybody, etc..

I feel pretty relaxed. Yes it can be shady , but the big business may be happening on the background.

the way they convince u is always the same. when u know the tricks u have no problem.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on March 25, 2016, 11:40:42 AM
Reddit in general is the biggest cesspool on the Internet. Only thing worth reading is the AMA's and that's it for me.

Personally i think twitter is worse, becase there real AI bots feed you propaganda.

I think reddit is fine ,but it needs better voting system, for example the instant voting manipulation should be fixed.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bitkilo on March 25, 2016, 11:42:12 AM
Could you please explain what you mean by " Classic supporters are controlled opposition" I just don't understand what you mean, thanks.

Who do you think is controlling them?

Guy's a troll, don't feed it.
Thanks for the heads up, I was starting to think that myself.
I did want to ask who he thinks "they" are.

Reddit in general is the biggest cesspool on the Internet. Only thing worth reading is the AMA's and that's it for me.
Yeah never got into reddit myself.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Denker on March 25, 2016, 11:47:02 AM
Just don't go there.
Everybody knows that this subreddit is full of conspiracy theorists, core and blockstream haters, scammers and so on.
Reading there will either make you laugh hard or give you incredible headache.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Amph on March 25, 2016, 11:53:23 AM
well we are lucky that b itcoin is decentralized or a bunch of this dude could lead us all to the wrong way, to in the end it does not matter for what they vote, the final consensus will make the right choice for everyone

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Pkzone on March 25, 2016, 12:05:09 PM
I have had a bad luck there trying to oppose people out there.
It is the shillicon valley!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: franky1 on March 25, 2016, 12:20:31 PM
/btc subreddit is full of hypocrites or shills or just plain insane people. First they say that the forum is heavily censored, which is not. It's only moderated in a way to not let shills manipulate the public opinion, which they obviously do

moderate, is just to remove talk of illegal activity..

censoring is to delete posts/comments and ban/suspend people just because the opinion is different to what the forum staff  have when talking about something ontopic

so i agree this forum tries its best to not censor people, and does try to stick to only moderating... i do find it funny that the moderators working for this forum cant accept any opinion that differs from the blockstream rhetoric.

its also funny that those same blockstreamers cannot use statistics or numbers to rebutt. but instead resort to insults. which funnily enough is breaking their own rules and technically means they should ban themselves.

i know they are protected from self-banning and use that to poke the bear to make everything into a personal attack until the other person personally attacks them as a plausible excuse to ban the person.

in my opinion there should be no classic vs blockstream debate. and that there should HAPPILY be MANY implementations, and that no codebase should have ultimate power of the code.

but we do have blockstreamers wanting blockstream to own and control the rules.. afterall there is 55million invested. and please dont reply that the 55millionis only used for a handful of people not related to the code in any way. or that blockstream only pays a couple people with no control.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Pkzone on March 25, 2016, 12:26:03 PM
/btc subreddit is full of hypocrites or shills or just plain insane people. First they say that the forum is heavily censored, which is not. It's only moderated in a way to not let shills manipulate the public opinion, which they obviously do
i do find it funny that the moderators working for this forum cant accept any opinion that differs from the blockstream rhetoric.
Well, has any moderator commented on this here thinking not personally?
All views here are personal (AFAIU) opinions of the members, none is censoring them....

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bargainbin on March 25, 2016, 12:44:07 PM
Could you please explain what you mean by " Classic supporters are controlled opposition" I just don't understand what you mean, thanks.

Who do you think is controlling them?

Who knows, but there is some hidden agenda that they are doing , of that i`m sure.

They are very shady people.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: franky1 on March 25, 2016, 12:44:40 PM
/btc subreddit is full of hypocrites or shills or just plain insane people. First they say that the forum is heavily censored, which is not. It's only moderated in a way to not let shills manipulate the public opinion, which they obviously do
i do find it funny that the moderators working for this forum cant accept any opinion that differs from the blockstream rhetoric.
Well, has any moderator commented on this here thinking not personally?
All views here are personal (AFAIU) opinions of the members, none is censoring them....

many non blockstreamers have had temporal bans for a couple days, had posts deleted, where the content of such posts were not related to illegal activity.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: alyssa85 on March 25, 2016, 12:54:04 PM
I've visited r/btc and I think it's an interesting place full of opinions and information that you can't get anywhere else. For example all the translations of Chinese forum threads, which give an insight into what bitcoiners over there exist. So I'm glad r/btc exists.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on March 25, 2016, 12:56:36 PM
Guy's a troll, don't feed it.
No. Stop defending due to bias when it is obvious that you are not right.

OP, there was a post in their own subreddit about it: Meta...Anyone else sick of this sub being anti-r/Bitcoin instead of pro-Bitcoin?  ( You will find people justifying these actions which makes one wonder whether:
1) They're sadists.
2) They're shills.
3) There's something else wrong with them.

This negativity does not help anyone. It is time to stop.

So I'm glad r/btc exists.
This must be a joke gone bad.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: alyssa85 on March 25, 2016, 01:14:01 PM

So I'm glad r/btc exists.
This must be a joke gone bad.

Nope, I like reading that sub, it's chock full of interesting stuff that you just can't find anywhere else. It's an sad commentary about how other bitcoin spaces no longer chat freely about everything going on in the bitcoin space.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bitkilo on March 25, 2016, 01:26:30 PM

So I'm glad r/btc exists.
This must be a joke gone bad.

Nope, I like reading that sub, it's chock full of interesting stuff that you just can't find anywhere else. It's an sad commentary about how other bitcoin spaces no longer chat freely about everything going on in the bitcoin space.
Your welcome to post and talk about anything at without it being censored or removed.
I know is openly for Classic but you can say what you want about classic and as long as its on topic and not useless spam then it will remain.
Member base is still very small but will grow.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on March 25, 2016, 01:37:14 PM

censoring is to delete posts/comments and ban/suspend people just because the opinion is different to what the forum staff  have when talking about something ontopic

so i agree this forum tries its best to not censor people, and does try to stick to only moderating... i do find it funny that the moderators working for this forum cant accept any opinion that differs from the blockstream rhetoric.

I have also experienced moderation, one of my altcoin threads got deleted, but it was probably because i posted it in the wrong section.

Other than that i rarely got my posts deleted, because i sometimes post 1 liner posts and moderators usually delete those.

So if you start posting:

Classic is Good and Useful.

Then obviously that will be deleted because it's a 1 liner short post, that would get deleted anyway.

So that is what you call censorship? Removal of low quality posts?

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: pereira4 on March 25, 2016, 01:40:45 PM
Yeah it's getting out of hand. All /btc/ is is just a FUD hate central about Core and Blockstream, they spread half truths so casuals think Bitcoin Classic is the second coming of Jesus Christ that will save Bitcoin from problems that don't really exist.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: franky1 on March 25, 2016, 01:58:27 PM

So that is what you call censorship? Removal of low quality posts?

seeing as you are a blockstream/altcoin fanboy. you would not get deleted. they love you.

its like trying to explain to a white person about what black racism feels like. you may have seen it, or had it brush past you lightly. but you think it overall doesnt exist because you havnt seen the worse of it yourself

the even funnier part is that im not even a classic fanboy. just someone that hates corporate control and also i love to speak frankly about the pro's and cons. without trying to wash over the negatives just to spin the positives.

blockstream are just as guilty as classic in every way. corporate control. shilling sybil attacks, etc etc.

all i simply want is a 2mb+segwit with possibility of more in the future without it just being to cover blockstreams attempts to add more data to transactions for their features(eg 250 extra bytes for confidential payment codes(CPC)). also without having to wait 2 years just for some corporate overlord to decide when he wants expansion. and only allowing it not to give more true capacity. but just to offset capacity to hide the ratio of tx:mb

1mb maxblocksize+segwit+CPC = 2.85mb for 3800 transactions
2mb maxblocksize (normal tx) = 2mb for 4000 transactions.

which shows blockstreams roadmap is the doomsday for all the bloat debates.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bargainbin on March 25, 2016, 02:04:18 PM
Yeah it's getting out of hand. All /btc/ is is just a FUD hate central about Core and Blockstream, they spread half truths so casuals think Bitcoin Classic is the second coming of Jesus Christ that will save Bitcoin from problems that don't really exist.

This place tho. The bastion of Truth, Reason & Impartiality ::)

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on March 25, 2016, 02:43:21 PM
Nope, I like reading that sub, it's chock full of interesting stuff that you just can't find anywhere else.
Well, you're being fed a lot of bad information if you're reading everything.

It's an sad commentary about how other bitcoin spaces no longer chat freely about everything going on in the bitcoin space.
This is not the case.

Your welcome to post and talk about anything at without it being censored or removed.
Nonsense. That forum is not any better; you're allowed to talk about whatever you want here as long as you don't break rules.

This place tho. The bastion of Truth, Reason & Impartiality ::)
It is still much better than the alternatives.

So that is what you call censorship? Removal of low quality posts?
They think that if their post gets removed that they're being censored. This is obviously a ridiculous view.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: alyssa85 on March 25, 2016, 02:47:13 PM
Nope, I like reading that sub, it's chock full of interesting stuff that you just can't find anywhere else.
Well, you're being fed a lot of bad information if you're reading everything.

Ah, but who is the judge of what is good info or bad info? The best way is for all info to be available and the reader to judge for themselves.

I particularly like the translations of what is going on in the Chinese bitcoin space/Chinese bitcoin forums. I've not seen those anywhere else, and that sub is valuable just for that.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bargainbin on March 25, 2016, 03:02:55 PM
This place tho. The bastion of Truth, Reason & Impartiality ::)
It is still much better than the alternatives.

Possibly. Certainly has a bigger userbase (because first on the scene/paying people to post with multiple accounts via sig ads).
But other forums are narrowing the spread. Thanks, in part, to draconian bullshit like "If 90% of /r/Bitcoin users find these policies to be intolerable, then I want these 90% of /r/Bitcoin users to leave," ( & super-pro moderation.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on March 25, 2016, 03:16:50 PM
Ah, but who is the judge of what is good info or bad info? The best way is for all info to be available and the reader to judge for themselves.
People who actually know the truth? The average reader won't read everything, they usually read one source and take that as the truth. If you take a look now /r/bitcoin seems to have improved and is now back to discussing relatively positive news.

I particularly like the translations of what is going on in the Chinese bitcoin space/Chinese bitcoin forums. I've not seen those anywhere else, and that sub is valuable just for that.
If you're particularly interested in those, then yes. Otherwise the answer is no.

Possibly. Certainly has a bigger userbase (because first on the scene/paying people to post with multiple accounts via sig ads).
I was talking about this forum, not the reddit page but okay.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bitkilo on March 25, 2016, 03:20:06 PM

Your welcome to post and talk about anything at without it being censored or removed.
Nonsense. That forum is not any better; you're allowed to talk about whatever you want here as long as you don't break rules.
I never said the forum was better and I never said your not allowed to post what you want here.
I was actually talking about reddit as the topic is about, i seem to read here about a lot of unhappy reddit users getting their post deleted.

I have never had a single post deleted or censored here in anyway by the mods.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on March 25, 2016, 03:22:27 PM
I never said the forum was better and I never said your not allowed to post what you want here.
I was actually talking about reddit as the topic is about, i seem to read here about a lot of unhappy reddit users getting their post deleted.
Great. I just assumed that this is the case as it tends to be more frequently than it should. A lot of people are indeed unhappy about reddit. Try posting something pro Bitcoin Core on /r/btc and you are going to end up either censored or down-voted heavily.

I have never had a single post deleted or censored here in anyway by the mods.
As long as you know the difference between moderation and censorship all will be fine.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: franky1 on March 25, 2016, 03:24:08 PM
Ah, but who is the judge of what is good info or bad info? The best way is for all info to be available and the reader to judge for themselves.
People who actually know the truth? The average reader won't read everything, they usually read one source and take that as the truth. If you take a look now /r/bitcoin seems to have improved and is now back to discussing relatively positive news.

so in that case dont let Lauda be the judge. either of what people should say or what sites they should be visiting. especially when he lacks the basic knowledge that bitcoin core does not write bitcoin using java (

anyone should and could go where ever they like, and not be spoonfed by those with an agenda, especially if its proven they dont know everything themselves.

i think Lauda needs to go spend more time in the croatian thread and try not boosting his ego like his friends are doing

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bargainbin on March 25, 2016, 03:29:38 PM
Possibly. Certainly has a bigger userbase (because first on the scene/paying people to post with multiple accounts via sig ads).
I was talking about this forum, not the reddit page but okay.

That's what I'm talking about too, see your sig (which, presumably, pays, idk). Is /r/bitcoin also paying people to post?

So yeah, this forum has more posts, but ~95% of the content is:
1. Insipid pay2post bullshit, most of it in embarrassingly broken/misspelled/mispunctuated English. I'm not a native speaker myself, but content like that shoo' makes bitcoin enthusiasts look like illiterate morons.
2. Red vs. Blue bullshit: You suck/are a shill because you don't like what I like.

The rest is comic relief, scam accusations, scam attempts, sig campaign promotions & gambling.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: chopstick on March 25, 2016, 04:10:35 PM

Sorry your precious little feelings got hurt.  ::)

/btc is the one of the only places where uncensored discussion is now taking place.

The fact that you simply cannot comprehend what is going on, does not make everyone on there shills. LOL - but it does make you a complete fool.

There is an obvious schism in the community thanks to blockstream. And it's kinda funny, cuz all they have to do to earn back everyone's trust would be to increase the blocksize to 2mb - something we all know is needed.

I guess the community will continue to be divided. It's really unfortunate, because it was just so unnecessary. Letting a VC funded corporation take over Bitcoin development was not a good idea. We need competing implementations and multiple dev teams for the health of the protocol. The ongoing censorship on r/bitcoin and this forum is not in anyone's best interests, so it is only natural that truthseekers would seek viable alternatives. The more you try to keep control, the more you just shoot yourself in the foot.

That is a lesson which will have to be hard learned by theymos, blockstream & co.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: watashi-kokoto on March 25, 2016, 04:27:30 PM
I think it's the same kind of shills the rich boys hire to shill for sanders from their mom's funds.

yes, whe know abbout it

no, we don't give a fuck

call me when bitcoin is actually attacked. oh wait the laws aren't in place

see you in two years guise

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on March 25, 2016, 08:02:03 PM

seeing as you are a blockstream/altcoin fanboy. you would not get deleted. they love you.

I`m a person that has devoted the past 3 years of his life to bitcoin because i see great future for it.

Yet some people here call me a shill or a troll ,when i have put a lot of effort into bitcoin, so I think I have right to my opinion after all this efforts.

And because i put 3 years of effort into this, i would not like bitcoin being broken because wreckless code gets put into it (classic), that is not scaleable in the longterm, and will make sure that bitcoin wont have a future.

I already have a thread about classic scaleability, and i tell you it's not scaleable, and will get centralized in an instant.

So if you are really pro decentralization, then you`d support core.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: gentlemand on March 25, 2016, 08:06:09 PM
r/bitcoin is a pathetic shithole.

r/btc? Hmm I'd probably at least triple the patheticness and fountains of freshly whipped faecal matter until it's lapping around our ankles.

About the only place one can find reasonable conversation is r/bitcoinmarkets and that's only on occasion when they can be bothered.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Pkzone on March 27, 2016, 09:57:07 AM
/btc subreddit is full of hypocrites or shills or just plain insane people. First they say that the forum is heavily censored, which is not. It's only moderated in a way to not let shills manipulate the public opinion, which they obviously do
i do find it funny that the moderators working for this forum cant accept any opinion that differs from the blockstream rhetoric.
Well, has any moderator commented on this here thinking not personally?
All views here are personal (AFAIU) opinions of the members, none is censoring them....

many non blockstreamers have had temporal bans for a couple days, had posts deleted, where the content of such posts were not related to illegal activity.

For example?
*calmns down*

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Wendigo on March 27, 2016, 04:11:15 PM
I would take whatever information I am reading on Reddit with a big grain of salt if it's from some random user. Yes I do agree there is a lot of interesting and sensational news but a lot of users like to write things out of thin air. I am not saying that everyone is a shill and a liar but be wary of false information spreading around and just don't perceive everything as the sole truth.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: European Central Bank on March 27, 2016, 04:30:30 PM
r/btc is bad bad bad. I thought the joint was gonna be a refreshing alternative but it's maybe the worst of the bunch.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on March 27, 2016, 05:33:25 PM
That's what I'm talking about too, see your sig (which, presumably, pays, idk). Is /r/bitcoin also paying people to post?
How should I know that when I don't use reddit?

So yeah, this forum has more posts, but ~95% of the content is:
1. Insipid pay2post bullshit, most of it in embarrassingly broken/misspelled/mispunctuated English. I'm not a native speaker myself, but content like that shoo' makes bitcoin enthusiasts look like illiterate morons.
It can't really be avoided nor is it up to me.

2. Red vs. Blue bullshit: You suck/are a shill because you don't like what I like.
Blame the controversial forks for this.

r/btc is bad bad bad. I thought the joint was gonna be a refreshing alternative but it's maybe the worst of the bunch.
Nobody should use it as a 'source of news'.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on March 27, 2016, 05:47:12 PM

2. Red vs. Blue bullshit: You suck/are a shill because you don't like what I like.
Blame the controversial forks for this.

Its funny because when i asked a guy here that he supports coin distribution, he avoided answering me, so I take that for a yes.

Bitcoin Classic would start implementing marxist BIPS in notime if they would get in charge, and would start redistributing coins as well.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Slowturtleinc on March 27, 2016, 05:50:21 PM
The rhetoric on both sides is a bit much and you can squash 15% of threads as fud a lot of the time. Sometimes its not clear where some one stands unless you know the situations talking points. Its hard for new people to grasp everything that is going on but the shill aspect is obvious for both sides.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: USB-S on March 27, 2016, 05:52:33 PM
Well they think that they have the solution to move bitcoin forward, however they way that they try to promote their agenda is by spreading FUD. Like that's going to work somehow. It's a double edged sword and they might cut themselves with that strategy.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on March 27, 2016, 06:58:04 PM
Bitcoin Classic would start implementing marxist BIPS in notime if they would get in charge, and would start redistributing coins as well.
Initially it was promoted as Bitcoin Core with a 2 MB block size limit patch, and now they've started implementing some strange features (SPV mining). Obviously the advertising was misleading ad best.

Its hard for new people to grasp everything that is going on but the shill aspect is obvious for both sides.
Indeed; this is very obvious on the reddit page. It would not surprise me if some people got paid along the way to switch sides.

Well they think that they have the solution to move bitcoin forward, however they way that they try to promote their agenda is by spreading FUD.
Indeed. Garzik had a backroom meeting with the miners and they've declined support (IIRC) as Classic does not have a long term plan in addition to not having an adequate team of developers.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: ATguy on March 27, 2016, 09:34:08 PM
Well they think that they have the solution to move bitcoin forward, however they way that they try to promote their agenda is by spreading FUD.
Indeed. Garzik had a backroom meeting with the miners and they've declined support (IIRC) as Classic does not have a long term plan in addition to not having an adequate team of developers.

Things changed, Bitcoin Classic has very ambitious roadmap to my opinion (even though part of the features are from other teams like Bitcoin Unlimited), but if they deliver their roadplan as promised, Bitcoin Classic can help progressing Bitcoin in the right direction.

If anybody not familiar with Bitcoin Classic roadmap and is interested to check it, here is the link:

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: alani123 on March 27, 2016, 10:00:41 PM
Well they think that they have the solution to move bitcoin forward, however they way that they try to promote their agenda is by spreading FUD. Like that's going to work somehow. It's a double edged sword and they might cut themselves with that strategy.

I agree, the way things turned out lead many "fanatics" to communities that were supposed to be neutral. As a result places like /r/btc are now extremely one sided and favor a certain hard fork without any wilingfulness to make compromises. Behaviors like that only make bitcoin's image to the outside world worse and slow down progress. I wish that more people from /r/btc would work on proposals and be open to discussion instead of trying character assassination against Core supporters. 24/7

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on March 28, 2016, 10:28:02 AM
Things changed, Bitcoin Classic has very ambitious roadmap to my opinion (even though part of the features are from other teams like Bitcoin Unlimited), but if they deliver their roadplan as promised, Bitcoin Classic can help progressing Bitcoin in the right direction.
No. This roadmap has nothing specific on it. Additionally, they don't have evidence that support that dynamic block size limit proposal right now. That could end terribly if not properly designed and tested.

I agree, the way things turned out lead many "fanatics" to communities that were supposed to be neutral. As a result places like /r/btc are now extremely one sided and favor a certain hard fork without any wilingfulness to make compromises. Behaviors like that only make bitcoin's image to the outside world worse and slow down progress. I wish that more people from /r/btc would work on proposals and be open to discussion instead of trying character assassination against Core supporters. 24/7
It is not just the unwillingness to make compromises. The main problem for which the subreddit is useless is that they're being constantly negative and constantly use ad hominem and whatnot to undermine several people (e.g. Core developers as you've mentioned). Usually, anyone who disagrees with their view will get bashed.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Velkro on April 02, 2016, 06:27:38 PM
Its never too good that few people have too much power. Just sayin.
Its dangerous for bitcoin even when this people thinking their action are good for bitcoin... they can be wrong  :-\

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 02, 2016, 06:29:54 PM
Its never too good that few people have too much power. Just sayin.
Its dangerous for bitcoin even when this people thinking their action are good for bitcoin... they can be wrong  :-\

I am usually paying more than 15.000 satoshi/ transaction and I have never once complained about the fees. I think they are fair, given how important bitcoin is for humanity.

But the classic supporters are constantly moaning about a 2500 satoshi fee, like 5 year old crybabies. No wonder nobody takes them seriously.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: alani123 on April 06, 2016, 03:30:53 AM
Now they want to erase /r/bitcoin entirely! fucking lol

This while their top post bashes someone for saying that bitcoin is not a democracy...

Arcive of the sub now:

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 06, 2016, 03:39:27 AM
Now they want to erase /r/bitcoin entirely! fucking lol

This while their top atm post bashes someone for saying that bitcoin is not a democracy...

They are totalitarian scum, and they have the guts to call us totalitarian? It's just lunacy.

It's just pure maddness what goes on there. Bitcoin classic supporters must be mentally ill or something to not see through their leaders agenda, or they are consciously supporting it.

Note his username is: utopiawesome, they are totalitarian communists!

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: alani123 on April 06, 2016, 04:02:38 AM
Now they want to erase /r/bitcoin entirely! fucking lol

This while their top atm post bashes someone for saying that bitcoin is not a democracy...

They are totalitarian scum, and they have the guts to call us totalitarian? It's just lunacy.

It's just pure maddness what goes on there. Bitcoin classic supporters must be mentally ill or something to not see through their leaders agenda, or they are consciously supporting it.

Note his username is: utopiawesome, they are nasty communists!
I think the OP is spot on by callyng them hypocrites, because that's what their behavior makes them to look like. The mob mentality many people that support classic seems make them follow whatever Gavin spews at them after saying that Core devs are evil and only he can save bitcoin adoption.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 06, 2016, 04:06:28 AM

I think the OP is spot on by callyng them hypocrites, because that's what their behavior makes them to look like. The mob mentality many people that support classic seems make them follow whatever Gavin spews at them after saying that Core devs are evil and only he can save bitcoin adoption.

It's even worse than that, now it's evident that some people there are totalitarian communists, that use censorship and propaganda to move their agenda.

What is their next step? Calling for core users to be put in a gulag? I would not be surprised.

They are totalitarians, with anti-human, anti-liberty ideas, and certainly anti-free market.

I would avoid any contact with a classic supporter, their mad ideas are contagious.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on April 06, 2016, 05:25:09 AM
Now they want to erase /r/bitcoin entirely! fucking lol
I'm not surprised anymore as things there are out of control. Either they want to take down person X, company Y or do something ridiculous as that.

What is their next step? Calling for core users to be put in a gulag? I would not be surprised.
They are totalitarians, with anti-human, anti-liberty ideas, and certainly anti-free market.
The comment section has a lot of stuff that newcommers definitely need to avoid. Basically, this has become a group of people who are fixated with the idea that "Core/Blockstream" needs to go (seemingly, they are one and the same for the majority of them).

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: UngratefulTony on April 06, 2016, 05:36:50 AM

I think the OP is spot on by callyng them hypocrites, because that's what their behavior makes them to look like. The mob mentality many people that support classic seems make them follow whatever Gavin spews at them after saying that Core devs are evil and only he can save bitcoin adoption.

It's even worse than that, now it's evident that some people there are totalitarian communists, that use censorship and propaganda to move their agenda.

What is their next step? Calling for core users to be put in a gulag? I would not be surprised.

They are totalitarians, with anti-human, anti-liberty ideas, and certainly anti-free market.

I would avoid any contact with a classic supporter, their mad ideas are contagious.

Very well put. is basically like communism, bed bugs, and AIDS, all piled up in a fail sandwich.

I mean, miners setting their own blockspace production levels?!? It's so anti-market, it makes one's head spin.

Thankfully, we have the One True Implementation, and the selfless priesthood that shepherds it... They promise to guide us to a land of perpetual harvest, supplying the tools to make an uncensorable, decentralised, central bank settlement fantasy... a reality. Join me on this journey friends... will you?

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Kakmakr on April 06, 2016, 06:18:28 AM
This all started when /Bitcoin on Reddit decided that XT promotion was prohibited, because they labelled it as a Alt coin and a competing fork to Bitcoin. The rules clearly stated that no Alt coin pumping, will be tolerated. In some XT supporters view XT was not correctly labelled and should not be seen as a Alt coin.

They then got angry and called it censorship and went out to create /Btc and another forum to create a platform, where they feel, nothing is censored. Nobody can stop them from doing that and people have the choice to join or to leave.

/Bitcoin still has the biggest Subscriber base and things continued like normal. So leave them to discuss what they want and let the people decide where they want to discuss in /Bitcoin. The division is not good for Bitcoin, but unfortunately things like this happens and we will just have to accept it and go on.   

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Steve_Tou on April 06, 2016, 06:23:00 AM
I read a bit of it on reddit, within secs I closed my reddit browser tab and read other shts instead.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 06, 2016, 08:30:16 AM

/Bitcoin still has the biggest Subscriber base and things continued like normal. So leave them to discuss what they want and let the people decide where they want to discuss in /Bitcoin. The division is not good for Bitcoin, but unfortunately things like this happens and we will just have to accept it and go on.   

But they are spreading bullshit, and are sabotaging bitcoin.

We need to expose them so that newbies dont get sucked into their cult.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: franky1 on April 06, 2016, 09:08:57 AM
Initially it was promoted as Bitcoin Core with a 2 MB block size limit patch, and now they've started implementing some strange features (SPV mining). Obviously the advertising was misleading ad best.

segwit AKA core AKA blockstream AKA PwC AKA corporations and banks initially was promoted as a malleability fix.
they added RBF.. at the same time as promoting segwit, thus fixing malleability (to make zero confirms trustworthy again) is again a futile thing to do again
meaning people can still mess with transactions before confirmation and no one should trust zero confirms even after segwit.

then they tweaked it to bloat up the transaction while not delivering more capacity, then they realised that the tweak could allow more capacity as a sideeffect,
but.. then they want to bloat up the transaction with payment codes rendering nodes unable to act as a transparent ledger that can account for funds because the funds are hidden.
then reinvent the node as being a lite no witness pruned edition so that there is even less chance of being a full node..

core is as bad as classic.. do not blindly trust any corporate controlled dev team. and trust me that $55mill of blockstreams is not just being used by a couple people who have no control of the code.. atleast think logically,

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on April 06, 2016, 09:13:01 AM

/Bitcoin still has the biggest Subscriber base and things continued like normal. So leave them to discuss what they want and let the people decide where they want to discuss in /Bitcoin. The division is not good for Bitcoin, but unfortunately things like this happens and we will just have to accept it and go on.  
But they are spreading bullshit, and are sabotaging bitcoin.

We need to expose them so that newbies dont get sucked into their cult.
Basically the person said that we should ignore bad habits (e.g. ad hominem) and do nothing about it. This isn't the right mindset. We should try to encourage people to stop with such time-wasting actions. People should be having technical discussions and spreading positive news (or negative if there are any) as they used to.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: franky1 on April 06, 2016, 09:22:15 AM
Basically the person said that we should ignore bad habits (e.g. ad hominem) and do nothing about it. This isn't the right mindset. We should try to encourage people to stop with such time-wasting actions. People should be having technical discussions and spreading positive news as they used to.

says the main guy that causes the ad-hominem..

also this should be the correct thing:
We should try to encourage people to stop with such time-wasting actions. People should be having technical discussions and spreading positive factual, unbiased and honest news as they used to.

false promises, and positive spin on bait and switch is what greedy mo-fo's want so they can sell half assed crap for millions to VC's

bitcoin should never be playing into the VC game of corporations. bitcoin should just work. and if there are issues the issues need to be highlighted not hidden under wishy washy propoganda

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: eternalgloom on April 06, 2016, 10:15:59 AM
It's pretty funny they say that this forum is heavily censored, this is one of the least censored forums that I know of.
Either way, I haven't been much of a fan of Reddit lately, it's gotten pretty toxic in general, though there are some good subreddits left, /r/btc is not one of them.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: CiaraB on April 06, 2016, 12:04:53 PM
Usually, anyone who disagrees with their view will get bashed.

I have to say this point sounds very familiar.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: rienelber on April 06, 2016, 12:13:47 PM
All this FUD is currently making me laugh!!  :D

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: CiaraB on April 06, 2016, 12:35:46 PM
All this FUD is currently making me laugh!!  :D

What is FUD? I assume it's something to do with fighting between ourselves?

I find it ironic all the posts about 'divide and conquer' yet here we are whining about other bitcoin users. We're always right and they're always wrong though so that's cool.  :P

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: alani123 on April 06, 2016, 12:50:17 PM
All this FUD is currently making me laugh!!  :D

What is FUD? I assume it's something to do with fighting between ourselves?

I find it ironic all the posts about 'divide and conquer' yet here we are whining about other bitcoin users. We're always right and they're always wrong though so that's cool.  :P

Fear, Uncertainty, Dubt. Mostly used to describe misinformation in an attempt to cause panic. As of divide and conquer, Classic supporters are a minority by all means, those not choosing to engage in the debate are supporting the official development channels.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on April 06, 2016, 03:59:47 PM
It's pretty funny they say that this forum is heavily censored, this is one of the least censored forums that I know of.
Well, usually those complaints are baseless. Those posts get caused by various reasons, but I've yet to see 1 case of censorship that this happen. Just because one doesn't agree with the moderation policy, that doesn't mean that they're being censored (if it applies to them in a case).

Either way, I haven't been much of a fan of Reddit lately, it's gotten pretty toxic in general, though there are some good subreddits left, /r/btc is not one of them.
Indeed, very toxic.

I have to say this point sounds very familiar.
It's quite unfortunate that it does.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: gmaxwell on April 06, 2016, 07:33:24 PM
Since when has malleability had _anything_ to do with the (in)security of accepting unconfirmed payments? 0_o

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 06, 2016, 11:40:39 PM
First a totalitarian communist.

Now a nazi:

These guys over the /btc are insane, and should be sent to a mental hospital.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 06, 2016, 11:48:54 PM
The only thing that should be ereased is probably /btc because it's fully of communists and nazis and other mentally ill people.

Their moderators either encourage it, or doesnt give a damn about it.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: exstasie on April 06, 2016, 11:56:14 PM
The only thing that should be ereased is probably /btc because it's fully of communists and nazis and other mentally ill people.

Their moderators either encourage it, or doesnt give a damn about it.

Their moderators actively encourage it. They take part.

Let 'em keep it. The Classic shills have basically been shut down in every venue outside of r/btc, which basically resembles an insane asylum now. Their groupthink resulted in the transformation from "Segwit and Lightning Network sound okay, but we want a block size increase" to "Borgstream is the spawn of the devil, Adam Back is Satan himself, Segwit is an evil hack being forced on the community and LN is absolutely not Bitcoin."

Now they constantly speak of blocking Segwit activation. How ironic--supposedly "BorgstreamCore" is blocking any solution to transaction throughput increase. And here is r/btc trying to block Segwit.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 07, 2016, 12:00:36 AM
The only thing that should be ereased is probably /btc because it's fully of communists and nazis and other mentally ill people.

Their moderators either encourage it, or doesnt give a damn about it.

Their moderators actively encourage it. They take part.

Let 'em keep it. The Classic shills have basically been shut down in every venue outside of r/btc, which basically resembles an insane asylum now. Their groupthink resulted in the transformation from "Segwit and Lightning Network sound okay, but we want a block size increase" to "Borgstream is the spawn of the devil, Adam Back is Satan himself, Segwit is an evil hack being forced on the community and LN is absolutely not Bitcoin."

Now they constantly speak of blocking Segwit activation. How ironic--supposedly "BorgstreamCore" is blocking any solution to transaction throughput increase. And here is r/btc trying to block Segwit.

Definitely, the last thing bitcoin needs is communists and nazis.

What will the media think about bitcoin then? Bunch of crazy communists and nazis are trying to sabotage bitcoin's reputation.

We cannot let this happen.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bargainbin on April 07, 2016, 12:08:39 AM
No. No winners here, gentlemen.
Fields scorched & salted, poisoned wells, piles of corpses piled up & putrefying in selfsame shattered dreams.
No lime, no wind, just standing stench...

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Yakamoto on April 07, 2016, 12:13:40 AM
The only thing that should be ereased is probably /btc because it's fully of communists and nazis and other mentally ill people.

Their moderators either encourage it, or doesnt give a damn about it.

Their moderators actively encourage it. They take part.

Let 'em keep it. The Classic shills have basically been shut down in every venue outside of r/btc, which basically resembles an insane asylum now. Their groupthink resulted in the transformation from "Segwit and Lightning Network sound okay, but we want a block size increase" to "Borgstream is the spawn of the devil, Adam Back is Satan himself, Segwit is an evil hack being forced on the community and LN is absolutely not Bitcoin."

Now they constantly speak of blocking Segwit activation. How ironic--supposedly "BorgstreamCore" is blocking any solution to transaction throughput increase. And here is r/btc trying to block Segwit.

Definitely, the last thing bitcoin needs is communists and nazis.

What will the media think about bitcoin then? Bunch of crazy communists and nazis are trying to sabotage bitcoin's reputation.

We cannot let this happen.
If people cannot get their way, they will try to fuck shit up. I'll say it as it is. Considering they can use anything they want to say as potential ammunition for the media, we'll have to prepare for more storms like it in the future.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: rizzlarolla on April 07, 2016, 12:16:58 AM
The only thing that should be ereased is probably /btc because it's fully of communists and nazis and other mentally ill people.

Their moderators either encourage it, or doesnt give a damn about it.

Their moderators actively encourage it. They take part.

Let 'em keep it. The Classic shills have basically been shut down in every venue outside of r/btc, which basically resembles an insane asylum now. Their groupthink resulted in the transformation from "Segwit and Lightning Network sound okay, but we want a block size increase" to "Borgstream is the spawn of the devil, Adam Back is Satan himself, Segwit is an evil hack being forced on the community and LN is absolutely not Bitcoin."

Now they constantly speak of blocking Segwit activation. How ironic--supposedly "BorgstreamCore" is blocking any solution to transaction throughput increase. And here is r/btc trying to block Segwit.

Definitely, the last thing bitcoin needs is communists and nazis.

What will the media think about bitcoin then? Bunch of crazy communists and nazis are trying to sabotage bitcoin's reputation.

We cannot let this happen.

I don't bother with r/btc, much.
On the other hand, have you read the REKT thread here on bct?

The loudest often go unheard.
Actions/outcomes will speak loudest of all,
and probably have very little to do with any partisan talk.

Is this thread helping? Is this thread really any better?

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 07, 2016, 12:19:40 AM

I don't bother with r/btc, much.
On the other hand, have you read the REKT thread here on bct?

The loudest often go unheard.
Actions/outcomes will speak loudest of all,
and probably have very little to do with any partisan talk.

Is this thread helping? Is this any better?

That thread talks about bitcoin classic as a whole, mostly from tech perspective.

I`m talking here about /btc subbreddit and i`m trying to expose their crazy cult.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: rizzlarolla on April 07, 2016, 12:23:26 AM

I don't bother with r/btc, much.
On the other hand, have you read the REKT thread here on bct?

The loudest often go unheard.
Actions/outcomes will speak loudest of all,
and probably have very little to do with any partisan talk.

Is this thread helping? Is this any better?

That thread talks about bitcoin classic as a whole, mostly from tech perspective.

I`m talking here about /btc subbreddit and i`m trying to expose their crazy cult.


These guys over the /btc are insane, and should be sent to a mental hospital.

We cannot let this happen.

Is this thread helping? Is this thread really any better?

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bargainbin on April 07, 2016, 12:27:47 AM
I`m talking here about /btc subbreddit and i`m trying to expose their crazy cult.

Nothing to salvage, nothing to fight for, nothing left to save.
Owell, we had a good run, RealBitcoin :'(

Title: Re: /btc is full of Hypocrites and Shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 07, 2016, 12:31:45 AM
If people cannot get their way, they will try to fuck shit up. I'll say it as it is. Considering they can use anything they want to say as potential ammunition for the media, we'll have to prepare for more storms like it in the future.

Yes they will say that they represent bitcoin, and drag down reputable people with it.

They are just crazy monkeys from our perspective.

Nothing to salvage, nothing to fight for, nothing left to save.
Owell, we had a good run, RealBitcoin :'(

What do you mean?

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: bargainbin on April 07, 2016, 12:47:04 AM
I mean who cares who wins this thing?
We had us a Mechanical Turk, magical unicorn money that was 100% outside of human caprice asshattery, algorithmically assured of success because ruled by maths and sciences, not corruptible meat.
Whelp, turns out our Mechanical Turk is just as reliant on h00mans as that filthy fiat, only instead of refined gentlemen in fancy suits, our Turk got an aspy midget inside.
See what I mean?

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Kakmakr on April 07, 2016, 06:14:43 AM

/Bitcoin still has the biggest Subscriber base and things continued like normal. So leave them to discuss what they want and let the people decide where they want to discuss in /Bitcoin. The division is not good for Bitcoin, but unfortunately things like this happens and we will just have to accept it and go on.   

But they are spreading bullshit, and are sabotaging bitcoin.

We need to expose them so that newbies dont get sucked into their cult.

I learned something from my kids when they were young. If you give more attention when they are naughty, it just feeds this bad behavior and when you ignore them they stop doing it. If everyone simply ignored Mike Hearn when he threw the temper tantrum things would have been different. Instead of this, everyone < including the shill media > jumped on this and it got too much attention.

The price suffered, because the CEO of Bitcoin left. < Well according to the misinformed media >

We are giving people with bad behavior too much attention, and they thrive on that and troll away on forums to no end. Let's rather focus on building and promoting unity than wasting time on trolls and kids with bad behavior.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: UngratefulTony on April 07, 2016, 06:20:02 AM

/Bitcoin still has the biggest Subscriber base and things continued like normal. So leave them to discuss what they want and let the people decide where they want to discuss in /Bitcoin. The division is not good for Bitcoin, but unfortunately things like this happens and we will just have to accept it and go on.   

But they are spreading bullshit, and are sabotaging bitcoin.

We need to expose them so that newbies dont get sucked into their cult.

I learned something from my kids when they were young. If you give more attention when they are naughty, it just feeds this bad behavior and when you ignore them they stop doing it. If everyone simply ignored Mike Hearn when he threw the temper tantrum things would have been different. Instead of this, everyone < including the shill media > jumped on this and it got too much attention.

The price suffered, because the CEO of Bitcoin left. < Well according to the misinformed media >

We are giving people with bad behavior too much attention, and they thrive on that and troll away on forums to no end. Let's rather focus on building and promoting unity than wasting time on trolls and kids with bad behavior.

Perhaps, if we whine long enough, and use enough hyperbolic memespeak like rekting and shills... it will all magically get better, and the price will raise to.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 07, 2016, 09:05:40 AM

I learned something from my kids when they were young. If you give more attention when they are naughty, it just feeds this bad behavior and when you ignore them they stop doing it. If everyone simply ignored Mike Hearn when he threw the temper tantrum things would have been different. Instead of this, everyone < including the shill media > jumped on this and it got too much attention.

The price suffered, because the CEO of Bitcoin left. < Well according to the misinformed media >

We are giving people with bad behavior too much attention, and they thrive on that and troll away on forums to no end. Let's rather focus on building and promoting unity than wasting time on trolls and kids with bad behavior.

I get it, but their madness still needs to be exposed.

Not everyone can think for himself, and those who cant, might get sucked into /btc

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: eternalgloom on April 07, 2016, 09:46:06 AM
It's pretty funny they say that this forum is heavily censored, this is one of the least censored forums that I know of.
Well, usually those complaints are baseless. Those posts get caused by various reasons, but I've yet to see 1 case of censorship that this happen. Just because one doesn't agree with the moderation policy, that doesn't mean that they're being censored (if it applies to them in a case).
I can imagine that mistakes may happen, especially when you're moderating such a huge number of posts each day. But in general, I haven't seen much genuine complains of censorship in the Meta section of the forum.
And the rules of this forum perfectly reflect the 'level of openness', I think.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on April 07, 2016, 11:46:25 AM
I can imagine that mistakes may happen, especially when you're moderating such a huge number of posts each day.
Yes. I would say that on the bitcoin sub-reddit errors have a higher tendency to happen as due to the nature of reddit. As far as mistakes are concerned, I don't think that moderators make many of them and even if they did, those tend to be miss-clicks (usually get fixed by an admin).

But in general, I haven't seen much genuine complains of censorship in the Meta section of the forum.
Usually they are either rambling, or "I'm right because I'm right" type of threads.

And the rules of this forum perfectly reflect the 'level of openness', I think.

I get it, but their madness still needs to be exposed. Not everyone can think for himself, and those who cant, might get sucked into /btc

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 08, 2016, 03:27:59 AM

I`m just shocked, it is just twilight zone.

Nazis and communists supporting Bitcoin Classic?? It's just pure maddness, I can't even believe my eyes.

Bitcoin Classic can definitely dig it's grave now, nobody with half a brain will support it anymore.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: Lauda on April 08, 2016, 05:45:28 AM
I`m just shocked, it is just twilight zone.

Nazis and communists supporting Bitcoin Classic?? It's just pure maddness, I can't even believe my eyes.
Even though I wouldn't go as far as calling them nazis and communists, this is pretty insane. Basically what this does is damage only, it helps nobody nor does it help with their goal. Those that support such proposals have seriously become deluded.

Bitcoin Classic can definitely dig it's grave now, nobody with half a brain will support it anymore.
Unfortunately, there are still some people who support it. I have no idea why.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 09, 2016, 03:42:00 PM

Even though I wouldn't go as far as calling them nazis and communists, this is pretty insane. Basically what this does is damage only, it helps nobody nor does it help with their goal. Those that support such proposals have seriously become deluded.

Division is bad in this sense, because it can be used as divide and conquer.

But it's not us who come up with silly ideas backed by no evidence.

And then we cannot endorse bullshit, so in this sense either classic supporters return or they will fail, they will be conquered by reason and evidence.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: franky1 on April 09, 2016, 03:45:06 PM
If people cannot get their way, they will try to fuck shit up. I'll say it as it is. Considering they can use anything they want to say as potential ammunition for the media, we'll have to prepare for more storms like it in the future.

Yes they will say that they represent bitcoin, and drag down reputable people with it.

They are just crazy monkeys from our perspective.

statement above applies to both the classic fanboy and the blockstream fanboys

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 09, 2016, 03:47:58 PM
If people cannot get their way, they will try to fuck shit up. I'll say it as it is. Considering they can use anything they want to say as potential ammunition for the media, we'll have to prepare for more storms like it in the future.

Yes they will say that they represent bitcoin, and drag down reputable people with it.

They are just crazy monkeys from our perspective.

statement above applies to both the classic fanboy and the blockstream fanboys

The engineers and PhD's side with Core, so there are no monkeys there .

However in Classic...:D

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: thejaytiesto on April 09, 2016, 04:17:35 PM

/Bitcoin still has the biggest Subscriber base and things continued like normal. So leave them to discuss what they want and let the people decide where they want to discuss in /Bitcoin. The division is not good for Bitcoin, but unfortunately things like this happens and we will just have to accept it and go on.   

But they are spreading bullshit, and are sabotaging bitcoin.

We need to expose them so that newbies dont get sucked into their cult.

I learned something from my kids when they were young. If you give more attention when they are naughty, it just feeds this bad behavior and when you ignore them they stop doing it. If everyone simply ignored Mike Hearn when he threw the temper tantrum things would have been different. Instead of this, everyone < including the shill media > jumped on this and it got too much attention.

The price suffered, because the CEO of Bitcoin left. < Well according to the misinformed media >

We are giving people with bad behavior too much attention, and they thrive on that and troll away on forums to no end. Let's rather focus on building and promoting unity than wasting time on trolls and kids with bad behavior.

The problem is that mainstream media specially, don't give a damn about Bitcoin's well being, they just want to make clickbait articles that will bring more traffic to their website, therefore get more ad revenue, that's all they care about, and they knew Mike Hearn saying "Bitcoin is dead" would make tons of traffic. Those people just don't care. Then we have the website that are shills of Bitcoin Foundation and Classic like and others, that try to FUD Core. Sad to see, but even all that FUD is not working.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 09, 2016, 08:12:37 PM

The problem is that mainstream media specially, don't give a damn about Bitcoin's well being, they just want to make clickbait articles that will bring more traffic to their website, therefore get more ad revenue, that's all they care about, and they knew Mike Hearn saying "Bitcoin is dead" would make tons of traffic. Those people just don't care. Then we have the website that are shills of Bitcoin Foundation and Classic like and others, that try to FUD Core. Sad to see, but even all that FUD is not working.

It's those mentally ill people that read it, that is the real problem.

Most of them probably have an iq of a mosquito.

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills (Bitcoin Classic)
Post by: RealBitcoin on April 23, 2016, 10:12:21 AM
Looks like after many coup attempts, bitcoin classic is finally dying.

No more shady backroom meetings, no more destabilizing hardforks... Bitcoin will be healthy once again:

Looks like their paid & centralized amazon hosting nodes dont really work out for them:

Title: Re: /btc is full of hypocrites or shills (Bitcoin Classic)
Post by: Lauda on April 23, 2016, 12:46:12 PM
Looks like after many coup attempts, bitcoin classic is finally dying.

No more shady backroom meetings, no more destabilizing hardforks... Bitcoin will be healthy once again:

Looks like their paid & centralized amazon hosting nodes dont really work out for them:
You need not revive these threads, as I'm certain that they will find a reason to justify the current situation. It was quite clear that these nodes are not going to last long, and have mostly been a waste of time and money. Classic will suffer the same fate as XT did, nothing surprising about that.