Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: niagwai on March 25, 2016, 09:52:14 PM

Title: hypercrypto drama jon fitch mma endorsement video
Post by: niagwai on March 25, 2016, 09:52:14 PM
Did anyone check out this altcoin hyper crypto? It looks cool as a gaming based crypto with actual games you can play to earn it. There's a video with the mixed martial arts fighter Jon Fitch promoting it they put out with some good insights. I have to admit the youtube comment fights are too funny though (i'll paste it below). What are you thoughts on hyper? Personally as a gamer I'm buying some!

the hyper alt coin video: (

the youtube fighting  :o :


Ronald Mcdonald
Ronald Mcdonald1 week ago
Huge Jon Fitch fan here, and I hope he wins his fight! He is a great fighter, and I will always remember his bouts with BJ Penn and GSP in the UFC. Rock on Jon, true warrior.

It is great he found a sponsorship, but I did some research on this hyper coin sponsor, and I am worried about him being associated with this group.

Fair warning: hypercrypto is a cryptocurrency that was premined, do not invest in this coin. Devs will pump up the value and dump their hyper coins leaving you hanging. The creators of hyper are anonymous and there is no accountability or credibility. If you look at the hypercrypto thread on bitcointalk forum they have been promising to create a space mmo for the last 2 years and have produced nothing. If you look at the forum it is just spam. There is no real community, there is only people holding hyper waiting to prey upon investors. It is billed as a gaming coin, but the people promoting it are admittedly not interested in gaming--they are interested in making a quick profit off investors. So be careful, these people are shady af
Pablo ThreeToFive
Pablo ThreeToFive1 week ago (edited)
Clearly, considering your knowledge of the cryptocurrency space, knowledge of BitcoinTalk, and knowledge of what a 'pre-mine' is, you have a vested interest in smashing Hyper, probably because you have invested your time and money into another coin.
The premine was not malicious or unfair.  It was clearly listed and documented, prior to the launch of the coin.  The specific, intended use of the pre-mined coins is also recorded.

Do not necessarily trust people who put down (or up) a cryptocurrency, usually they have a vested interest in doing so.  Do your own research.   People have polar opposite opinions in the cryptocurrency space - mostly based on selfish, financial interests.
Ronald Mcdonald
Ronald Mcdonald1 week ago
+Pablo ThreeToFive This does not explain the false promises developers have made about creating a space MMO. Where is it? It does not exist. It has been over two years, and there is no MMO being developed.

The talk about there being a gaming community around the coin is also misleading. There is a small and almost non-existent gaming community. Game developers  are not interested enough to care about hyper. Why? Hyper copied another coin's infrastructure and has no distinct advantage over any other coins. It would be better to just make a bitcoin game, or create your own currency.

Videos like his promoting the coin are by people who aren't even interested in gaming (JTNichol and Fitch admit they don't even play games in the video). So what are they interested in? Making a profit by trading this hyper coin when fools invest raising the price.

People like this invest in a low valued coin. Then they create videos and press releases to hype up a coin. The goal is to attract gullible investors, and then sell their crypto coins as the price goes up. It's called a pump and dump, google it.

The bottom line is can you trust hyper? No. The hyper developer is anonymous and has no credibility. This is a warning sign: what does the developer have to hide? The premined coins for hyper are supposedly to develop gaming projects. Where are the projects? Hyper repeatedly promises a space MMO, and a gaming community. Where is the community? Look at the official forum... there is no community only spam messages.

Please look into it yourself instead of attacking me; all the information is open and available in the bitcointalk hypercrypto thread.
Pablo ThreeToFive
Pablo ThreeToFive1 week ago
I did not attack you.  Sorry you feel this way
Bit Bit
Bit Bit5 days ago (edited)
+Ronald Mcdonald You can see game servers and statistics at there are lots of players, also the MMO that HYPER helped sponsor development of (Dragon Knight 2) has over 1000 players online at any one time. The high number of players is also due to HYPER promoting the game in PR. HYPER also has the world's first crypto twitch bot that anyone can use: and also its own twitch TV stream that streams direct from the HYPER servers at HYPER has a ton of game servers and if you read the whole thread from  start to finish you would see that the premine has been used exactly as intended. In regards to the community HYPER had an awesome forum at but the site was hacked last year and the old forum erased and the webhost did not have a backup. So now the community is on bitcointalk and seems pretty active to me. Good things take time and considering HYPERfuture is still here after almost 2 years (and if you do read the whole thread you will see the coin has been through a lot), seems to show that HYPER is the opposite of a pump and dump to me.
Crypto Database
Crypto Database5 days ago
+Ronald Mcdonald I am one of the people promoting HYPER and I do in fact have online games, notably which HYPER has been a big supporter of. There are many games out there that use HYPER and many ways you can play games to earn it.

Their space game is being worked on, I know this because I was presented with the game's source code to do some work on it but I didn't have the time to do so.

You should do some more research before going somewhere and talking about things that you clearly know nothing about.

Ronald Mcdonald
Ronald Mcdonald4 days ago
+Bit Bit:
Dragon Knight 2 does not have "1000 players on at any time". This is a strange claim to be making. Look at their official forum on and you will see only "1216 Posts in 282 Topics by 107 Members". If they had 1000 players there would be much more activity by many more members. This seems to be a gross overestimation of the player base.

Cashncarry does have a ton of game servers, but is there "lots of players"? Their forum has almost no activity and only a few people posting. Where are the players? If you look at the server information almost all of the servers are empty with bots. There are monthly competitions awarding hyper but the records show that they are not all being awarded and most of the winning spots are to unregistered players (who probably joined randomly not even knowing or caring what hyper is). It seems many times people join the server for a minute never to return again. From the stats page it seems there are less than 30 regular players who use hyper, and more players who join briefly and don't know about or use hyper at all.

I have checked the twitch stream you listed  multiple times over the last 2 weeks and there has been no streams, or any recorded broadcasts, so I have to assume it is not functional, or not maintained.

The official forum was hacked last year, and the hypercrypto managers have still not cleaned it up? What does this say about the hyper community managers? They don't care about cleaning up their own website which has been full of spam text for the last year. A crypto site that can't handle its own website security is kind of ironic. How can a user trust them with their name, password, and personal details? How can someone trust the actual coin itself? It shows hyper is not maintained, and either doesn't have a community or doesn't care about it.

What is the purpose of hyper, and why should you use hyper over any other crypto currency? This question is never addressed. All that is said is it's a currency for gamers. It does not appear to bring anything new to the table, and there is hype and lies about a space mmo that is not being created, and a community that appears to not exist. The second the coin gains value the developers, or other investors in the coin, will dump the coins to profit. What else could the coin be for other than to make a quick profit off gullible gamer investors? What new things does it offer over other coins? Why hyper? Why are the developers anonymous? Sorry, but if you trust an anonymous entity you are just waiting to be scammed.
Bit Bit
Bit Bit4 days ago (edited)
+Ronald Mcdonald So many of your claims are wrong and also paranoid! Why would Dragon Knight lie about the number of players it is on their site for anyone to see? The numbers fluctuate when the number of players fluctuates. In regards to the MMO space game Crypto Galaxies is being worked on you can see it on bitcointalk and as Crypto Database said he has seen the source code of the game you are saying is not being worked on! In regards to the forum after the hack, the original website, forum and EVERYTHING was lost and they developed the new site at within a week after the hack when the old forum and everything was lost. This was a huge blow to the community (the old site was really awesome) but I doubt you would have any idea of the work that has gone into HYPER so far and the things the project has been through. Most of the HYPER community is on bitcointalk and I would rather the developers work on their games and projects than worry about the small forum on You are biased, and paranoid. The currency has many merchants that accept it and places it can be used and won for gaming.
Ronald Mcdonald
Ronald Mcdonald3 days ago
+Bit Bit :
You are being very misleading. If there are 1000 ACTIVE players in Dragon Knight why are there only 107 forum members for DK? Why is there almost no one posting, no where near 1000 people, on their official thread on bitcointalk ? If I go to the DK game site right now it says "server1--1392 Players--Online!". Then if I actually log into the game the stats show only "12 players online and 0 guests." Where are the other 1380 players? This is a blatant lie that there are "over 1000 players online at any time". The site itself disproves it. Have you ever checked the official Dragon Knight player statistics page? It shows that only a maximum of 230 players have ever been online at once EVER.

You are conveniently ignoring the facts over and over. Why don't you address these important questions:

Why is the developer of hypercrypto anonymous? What's to hide?

Why should anyone trust a cryptocurrency who can't secure their own website? Security is not important clearly.

Why should anyone invest in a premined crypto like hyper is? The developer can dump the coins at any time. You say they are using the pre mined coins to help projects, but they aren't using all of the coins by far they premined. Also hyper is 5% proof of stake monthly, so their amount of coins owned have grown astronomically. History has shown over and over again that premined coins are scams, and the developers are going to dump the coins when the value goes up enough.

Forgetting the above, what value does hyper add as a cryptocurrency that another can't? What is original about hyper? It's just a copy. Why shouldn't a game integrate a proven and more valuable coin with more active developers, or instead develop their own coin to use in game? There is no inherent value hyper brings except false promises.

Where have the space mmo hyper funds gone? Supposedly the mmo was being developed for the LAST TWO YEARS? AND THERE IS NO PLAYABLE GAME? The game you provided, Crypto Galaxies is not playable. Look at the bitcointalk forum and you see just ideas of what might be in the game , and the official website has no playable alpha or anything, you can't sign up, it is just some basic text . Where did the premined funds towards developing the space MMO go for the last two years? Where? The sole screenshot of gameplay shows a simple browser game styled similar to that Dragon Knights game, something that could be made in less than a day. There is only one developer on the game currently, who is also anonymous? Oh give me a break!

Don't you see all of this just keeps adding up? You have anonymous developers who copied a coin, renamed it, premined the coin, promise to develop a space mmo for years without actually producing anything. You have alt coin investors investing in this coin hoping to make a quick profit when it goes up a percentage, and then dump the coin. What will make the coin go up in profit? Hype about what projects are coming in the future. Get people excited and then sell your coins for a quick profit. It doesn't help that people promoting hyper are straight up lying about existing games integrating hyper having "an astounding number of active users over 1000". The people promoting the coin don't even play the games, they invested in the coin to hopefully return a profit and will sell once the price goes up. Promise new project developments, find people interested in gaming, and sell when fools invest. The more I look at it it's embarrassing for Jon Fitch to be attached to this ponzi.
Crypto Database
Crypto Database3 days ago
+Ronald Mcdonald Your unsubstantiated claims are really amusing. If you knew anything at all about online gaming you wouldn't even make the comments you have stated.

As for my forums I'll go ahead and fill you in on a common known fact about gaming. Only a small amount of players actually take part in social activities such as forums.

Don't believe me? Let me give you some actual facts. At the time of this posting Runescape has over 100,000,000 accounts and only 43 players viewing their forums. Look it up for yourself if you think I am lying or stretching what I say to fit my purposes.

He may have gotten the statistics wrong for my game but there are over 1,380 players who have signed up and 530 of those have been active in the last month. The game just reached it's 1 year anniversary so what does that tell you? That's 1,380 players just for my game alone, this isn't including the ones who play the other games where you can earn HYPER at. Just because someone wasn't on at the exact time you were doesn't mean nobody uses it. The day is broad and believe it or not but not everyone has your daily cycle and logs in at the exact times you do.
Ronald Mcdonald
Ronald Mcdonald3 days ago
+Crypto Database This makes no sense at all. What does Runescape's number of accounts, or number of players viewing Runescape's forum have to do with anything? Runescape has nothing to do with hyper or Dragon Knight. Runescape is a successful mmorpg with a huge following and its own currency coins.

Runescape's forum and whole community is way more active than Dragon Knight's by far. There are under 530 people active on Dragon Knight as you say... why would people want to play this game over other mmorpgs like Wow, Guild Wars 2, or Final Fantasy where there is an actual community?

This game Dragon Knight is just a shell game set up to create the illusion that there are actual game devs and gamers around hyper. It's all an illusion! There isn't a large hyper gaming community, it's a small handful of people barely playing. Hyper isn't innovative at all, and it only exists to pay off the developers and traders when someone new invests in it.

It is not true that only a small number of gamers are social and take part in forums and chat. Are you living under a rock? The players at Dragon Knight don't communicate because they don't care about the game or their community. It's more like a faucet giving them free coins than a real game. They would stop playing the game if they were not being payed cents to play. It's a complete racket.

This is why it's a shame Jon Fitch is involved in this because he does simply not know any better, and doesn't even play games as he said. It's really a terrible thing you're trying to pull and I will not stand for this coin soiling Jon Fitch's name, it is not right, and someone has to stand up to this. God forbid some Jon Fitch MMA fan invests in hyper and gets scammed.

Over and over again you see the people creating these games like Dragon Knight, and the currency hyper are all anonymous entities because when push comes to shove and they scam everyone out of their money they can disappear. Don't fall for it.
Jeremiah Nichol
Jeremiah Nichol3 days ago
+Ronald Mcdonald We've been here for 2 years. If this was a scam then the dev would have dropped off the earth in Dec. 2015 when it crashed. Well...he's here and we've built a team. Besides Jon Fitch has been into HYPER since it began really.  He's BEEN a part of the community for a long time dude.  It is small but growing and we have fun tossin' ideas around and helping gamers game on indie platforms. Just chill.  You don't have to be so negative.  The pump and dump as you are describing would have been done and over with in a matter of a month or two after it launched 2 years ago. didn't go away.  So leave it and us alone if you don't like it.
Crypto Database
Crypto Database2 days ago
+Ronald Mcdonald DKV was created before I even knew about HYPER and has more than just that currency in the game so your suggestion that it is just a shell game is ridiculous. You stated that nobody played it based off of the forum stats and when I proved you wrong you decide to make up even more ridiculous accusations.

Show me one other game like mine that has been created for HYPER or any other currency, the last time I checked DKV is the only game like this where you can earn Crypto for playing.

Of course it is a faucet, why else do you think I created it as a game that pays you to play? You need to use your head and think for once instead of just repeating yourself. You can't even keep up with your own nonsense.

You even thinking you know more about my game than I do is pretty amusing, you can keep thinking that but I'm pretty sure I know more about it than you do.

Bottom line is you have no idea what you are talking about and are alone in your thinking. If you don't like the coin then that's fine, feel free to check out one of the other thousands of coins out there and make your pick.
Ronald Mcdonald
Ronald Mcdonald18 hours ago
+Crypto Database Stop lying and twisting the facts. I did not say "nobody plays [DKV] based off of the forum stats". I was responding to user +Bit Bit who said: "the MMO that HYPER helped sponsor development of (Dragon Knight 2) has over 1000 players online at any one time".

This is wrong. There has never been over 1000 players online at one time on DKV according to the official DKV player stats page . What I am saying is if you join DKV you will find there is a very small community of players, and it is misleading to make it sound like there are thousands of active players when in reality there are only hundreds.

It is dishonest to promote your game in this way. When you call it an MMORPG you must mean moderately manned open role playing game because it's surely not a massively multiplayer experience.

+Crypto Database "Show me one other game like mine integrating hyper..." There are plenty of other rpg and fantasy games available to earn hyper. You make it sound like you're the only one. From the official bitcointalk forum thread

1.World of Warcraft [fantasy MMORPG]

2.EVE Online [space based MMORPG]

3.Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II [free fantasy action game with rpg elements]

+Crypto Database "Why do you think I created it as a game that pays you to play?" The only reason you created it is to profit off of getting payed to run it, and then I'm guessing you're waiting to sell off your hyper when it increases in price as well. It's not like you're running this as a charity.

If you were interested in developing a real mmorpg you wouldn't cut corners with what is a seriously bare bones design even for a mud type game. You don't need fancy graphics to make a great rpg, but you do need devs who care. Look at a game like dwarf fortress you should aspire to something like that instead of being so inactive as a developer.

The player base isn't there for DKV because the game is lacking in content and creativity. You are more concerned with running the game as a bitcoin faucet style site for profit than creating an immersive and attractive world. You get paid in hyper to run the site, right, and give out little percentages of that to players. When the price goes up you will decide to sell your hyper holdings, and move onto whatever next trendy altcoin there is to make a financial gain.

So how exactly does hyper add value to the gaming community? What can hyper do that bitcoin, or another altcoin can't? Why do we need this coin integrated in our games? Why is the hyper developer anonymous? Can you trust an anonymous entity? Why is hyper continually promising to develop a space mmo with premined funds that over two years has seen no progress, not even a playable alpha available? Did the premined hyper coins just disappear during the "development" of the space mmo, where are they? Why are you still avoiding these questions? +Crypto Database I'm not "alone in my thinking", and gamers want answers now.
Pablo ThreeToFive
Pablo ThreeToFive16 hours ago (edited)
+Ronald Mcdonald First you argue that hyper has no users, and no games that use it...  Now, you are arguing with a hyper user, and providing a list of games that use hyper.  You have contradicted yourself.  In your comments you have come of as ignorant and pompous.  You also do not speak for all gamers.  Are you just trolling for fun?
Ronald Mcdonald
Ronald Mcdonald2 hours ago
+Pablo ThreeToFive  Please stop twisting and oversimplifying my words. You are simply wrong. I did not say "hyper has no users, and no games".

I called you out for exaggerating the user base numbers, and the quality of some of the games implementing hyper. I questioned why hyper was a premined currency, and where the preminded funds went. Supposedly much of the premined funds went to develop a space mmo for over two years, yet  the space mmo does not appear to even exist. To this day there is no playable game that the funds supposedly went to developing for two years.

The illusion you are trying to create is that many gamers are behind this coin. You are painting the picture that many gamers are using this coin now, and many developers are creating new games integrating hyper. The truth is there are few gamers and games using hyper, and there are very few developers interested in using hyper. What are people interested in?

It appears people are more interested in hyper being a short term high risk investment vehicle than a useful gaming cryptocurrency. The problem still exists that hyper does not add anything another coin or virtual currency can't.

Now there are poorly created faucet games like Dragon Knights of Valeria, and implementations upon existing games, but still no sign of the space mmo that much of the premined coins went towards developing. Again, where are those coins now Pablo? The hyper developers are anonymous, and you cannot truly know their intentions. How can you trust an anonymous entity Pablo? They are possibly waiting for the price to go up a significant amount to slowly sell off their premined coins.

The truth is Instead of addressing these questions you are calling me "pompous and ignorant". You are not able to discuss or bring any new facts to the table, and are resorting to name calling... calling me a troll? I'm not quoting obscure resources, wikipedia, or academic articles here... I'm literally looking at the hyper bitcointalk thread, the DKV website, and the official hypercrypto website.

You don't see ANY issues with how hyper is being promoted, or hyper the gaming currency itself? There are tons of red flags:

There are not thousands of active players on DKV using hyper, this is a GROSS EXAGERATION.

There are promises of development, and currency going towards PROJECTS THAT ARE NOT BEING MADE OVER THE COURSE OF YEARS.

Where is the transparency? There is no transparency in hyper with the developers being ANONYMOUS. Who is behind this currency? We don't know. What are their intentions? We don't know. What system is there to keep them in place from doing something destructive, or manipulative? Nothing.

The icing on the cake is there really isn't much novel or useful in hyper as a cryptocurrency itself. What's the difference between hyper and any other crypto or virtual currency? The only thing hyper is useful for is as a high risk investment vehicle. You know, invest in hyper, hope other idiots invest driving the price up, and then sell off your hyper at a profit. That's a dangerous game to be playing Pablo, if that's what you're into...
Jeremiah Nichol
Jeremiah Nichol47 minutes ago
+Ronald Mcdonald Do you even Bitcoin?  Where's Satoshi's coins?  We realize the same truth together. HYPER is a niche market with a niche market cap.  It's our corner of the crypto world and we're working on making it better.  There is one dev. He's annonymous all right.  But if this was a scam he would have left a year ago.  Are you done with your FUD now?  Please stop.