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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: magnific61 on March 26, 2016, 11:18:23 PM

Title: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: magnific61 on March 26, 2016, 11:18:23 PM
Isis attacked Turkish military base by katyusha missile today in Northern Iraq, Turkish Gedu Base region and 1 died 1 injured. After attack, Turkish Army bombed Isis target by airstrikes, Storm Artillery and tanks.

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 26, 2016, 11:55:15 PM
Read that Turkish police are on edge during the easter holidays and are expecting more attacks.
If Turkey falls into trouble like Syria and Iraq we are really going to have some problems.

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: magnific61 on March 27, 2016, 08:54:05 AM
After "arabian spring" in known several countries, Turkey was the next stop of the power who's  behind of all those chaos. First Gezi Park protests and second 17 december operations. And today riots in Southeastern Turkey, as third.
Gezi Park protests began for an environmental precision but been spreaded by effect of exsternal secret forces. They began for environment but burnt everything and destructed. Their aim was to spread it whole country and get government fallen. Bbc and Cnn made live broadcasting from Istanbul 24 hours and distorted all the situation as "Turkish spring". There was maybe the biggest disenformation in turkish history. But they couldn't be success. In 17 december 2013, the biggest judgement impact was edited for getting government fallen. 3 ministers' sons, some businessmen were arrested with accusation of bribe, lawnessness,  money laundering. Prime minister also was suspected by being inside of events. Prosecutors collected fake evidences, illegal call tapes, video captures photos. They used photoshop professionaly. It was a perceptual operation. Turkish people didn't believe and court did not accept evidences because of they were provided illegaly. They were false once again.
Today, they want to go on by terror. Anyway Turkey has a big terror trouble since 1984 and that terrorist organisation killed more than 50000 people in Turkey and Turkey lost billions dollars source and time. Terrorist groups was attacking police and military stations and killing officiers, then run away mountains. Today they are in cities. They occupy some regions in cities and fighting against police and military forces. They use civilians as human shields. They are treacherous and they don't have respect even lokal people for whom they claimed fighting.
Eventualy, that geography is like a chessboard and there are many players and pawns. Big players want to win more or sustain their profit and that game means independent war for small players. I think a spark fallen there from hell and that spark will burn all world.

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: designerusa on March 27, 2016, 10:23:27 AM
Isis attacked Turkish military base by katyusha missile today in Northern Iraq, Turkish Gedu Base region and 1 died 1 injured. After attack, Turkish Army bombed Isis target by airstrikes, Storm Artillery and tanks.

turkish government must take some serious actions over isis because isis wants to start a brutal war agaist turkish republic.. Turkey must stay strong to its attacks..

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: Fortify on March 27, 2016, 10:52:24 AM
As far as I know, Turkey were never invited by Iraq to be on their sovereign land which tips the sympathy scale right down. Their presence only seems to make the situation worse, as they want to keep the Kurds divided over any other objective.

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: coinzat on March 27, 2016, 10:56:01 AM
Turkey has a lot of enemies nowadays and this may cause more trouble for civilians as we may see more suicide attacks like what happen last week in Ankara and Istanbul. my prayer for those innocent people

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: vero on March 27, 2016, 11:57:50 AM
The Turks have been too busy bombing the Kurds and It's time for the Turks to make peace with the Kurds for allow them to have their own country. the question why are turkish troops in iraq, are they fighting isis or kurds ?

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: dodadoo on March 27, 2016, 06:18:40 PM
I find it pathetic that these kind of people in the year that we are these things continue to happen

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 27, 2016, 08:31:47 PM
The Turks have been too busy bombing the Kurds and It's time for the Turks to make peace with the Kurds for allow them to have their own country. the question why are turkish troops in iraq, are they fighting isis or kurds ?

Pretty clear they are fighting Kurds,first week into the fight against ISIS they bombed only Kurdish strongholds.
Recall a year ago when Turkey took heat for sitting back and watching ISIS attack the Kurds and not help them out.

The Kurdish Country will never happen and Turkey will see to this one way or another.

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: magnific61 on March 27, 2016, 08:55:03 PM
In Syria, Turkey is not beside of Asad regime nor PYD kurdish group. But Turkey is only beside of Syrian innocent civilians.
And Turkey knows that peace will not come to Syria unless Asad regime is eliminated.

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: xht on March 28, 2016, 12:02:13 PM
If ISIS was truly a threat to Turkey we would have seen at least one of the hundreds of dams in Turkey targeted.

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: magnific61 on March 28, 2016, 01:14:30 PM
If ISIS was truly a threat to Turkey we would have seen at least one of the hundreds of dams in Turkey targeted.
They  killed 2 polices and 1 soldiers in Turkey
They tried several bombing attack but prevented before action.
They attacked several times to turkish patrols from out of border and injured soldiers. Several ISIS militants were killed while reactions
ISIS attacked to Turkish base in Northern Iraq several times and attacks were  pushed back
ISIS attacked turkish base and killed 1 soldier and injured 1
How many attack of ISIS can you count against Americans or Russians?

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: Lituation on March 28, 2016, 01:40:27 PM
Why don't they fight and try to finish them? I know Turkish government supported ISIS sending them weapons with MIT trucks.

Title: Re: Isis attacked Turkish military base
Post by: magnific61 on March 28, 2016, 08:04:19 PM
Why don't they fight and try to finish them? I know Turkish government supported ISIS sending them weapons with MIT trucks.

What a stupid claim! Isis doesn't need Turkish weapon support  because US and Russia support it enough by weapons. Look at Isis. Which mark of weapons uses? American and Russian.
MIT trucks were taking support to Turkmens and FSA and Turkey never declined its supportion them