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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: magnific61 on March 30, 2016, 01:25:15 PM

Title: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: magnific61 on March 30, 2016, 01:25:15 PM
Mujahideen attacked Russian Army convoy in Dagestan, Makhachkala on 29th march. Many died and injured. (

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Fortify on March 30, 2016, 07:19:56 PM
It is a pointless war and an absolute shame that soldiers die in these circumstances. The sooner the religious extremists can be squashed so others can live in peace, the better.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 30, 2016, 07:38:09 PM
1. Mujahideen attacked
2. Russian Army convoy in Dagestan, Makhachkala on 29th march.
3. Many died and injured.

What a perfect example of mind control distorsion of reality, a terroristic ideology.

Paдикaльнaя идeoлoгия, пpизывaющaя к aгpeccивнoмy пpoтивocтoянию, фopмиpyющaя измeнeнныe cocтoяния coзнaния oтдeльнoгo чeлoвeкa, пoзвoляeт иx нocитeлям нe тoлькo oпpaвдывaть coвepшaeмыe пpecтyплeния, нo плaниpoвaть и, в пocлeдyющeм, ocyщecтвлять дивepcиoннo-тeppopиcтичecкиe и вoeнныe aкции, кoтopыe пoзициoниpyютcя кaк eдинcтвeннo эффeктивныe в cклaдывaющиxcя oбcтoятeльcтвax.

Radical ideology, calling for aggressive opposition that forms altered states of individual consciousness, allowing their bearers not only to justify the crimes committed, but the plan and, subsequently, to carry out sabotage and terrorist and military action, which are positioned as the only effective in the prevailing circumstances.

Site of State Police of Daghestan Republic of Russian Federation
Such ideology call to justify crimes and involve in future terroristic acts.

1. ISIS is taken resposability in killing Policemens of Daghestan Republic.
Who is in riot with a Legitimate Rappresentant of State is acting against Quran.

2. 1 Policeman killed and 2 injured. Daghestan State Police is not "Russian Army".

3. A usual lie of anti Quran salafits.

Anyone can seen, how much lie put out the salafi PR.

Killing Daghestan policemans and call them "Russian Army" - what a disgusting lie, to showing how big are the criminals, they are in grade to detonate a side road bomb to kill local policemans.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: eddie13 on March 30, 2016, 07:40:18 PM
Hope Russia blows em all to bits..

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Slowturtleinc on March 30, 2016, 09:06:10 PM
Mujahideen attacked Russian Army convoy in Dagestan, Makhachkala on 29th march. Many died and injured.

Are you happy or sad? I have a had time sometimes figuring out your stance on things and just would like some clarification so I can respond correctly and not off topic.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 30, 2016, 09:08:11 PM
Sospected member of group, who attacked Dagestan ( Police convoy is under arrest. (in Russian)

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: magnific61 on March 30, 2016, 09:10:06 PM
Mujahideen attacked Russian Army convoy in Dagestan, Makhachkala on 29th march. Many died and injured.

Are you happy or sad? I have a had time sometimes figuring out your stance on things and just would like some clarification so I can respond correctly and not off topic.
I am sad for humanity. If only wars, conflicts won't be lived but unfortunately that is natural result of unright invasions

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 30, 2016, 09:12:16 PM
Are you happy or sad?

Calling criminals, who kill local police convoy in Daghestan as "Mujahideen" is a sign of appartenence to mind control sect "salafi", with jihadist terroristic ideology point of view.
This mister still dreaming about Caucasian Emirate (branch of Al Qaeda).

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: magnific61 on March 30, 2016, 09:21:08 PM
Are you happy or sad?

Calling criminals, who kill local police convoy in Daghestan as "Mujahideen" is a sign of appartenence to mind control sect "salafi", with jihadist terroristic ideology point of view.
This mister still dreaming about Caucasian Emirate (branch of Al Qaeda).
You claim that they are member of Al Qaeda. But they call themselves Freedom fighters who fight for independence of land. Do you see double standart vika? You called PKK members as freedom fighters and you see that another one calls your enemy freedom fighters or mujahideen as well... What you reap you sow it

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 30, 2016, 09:29:01 PM

1. You claim that they are member of Al Qaeda.

2. But they call themselves Freedom fighters who fight for independence of land.

3.  Do you see double standart vika?

4. You called PKK members as freedom fighters and you see that another one calls your enemy freedom fighters or mujahideen as well... What you reap you sow it

1. I call You a salafi jihadist PR.

This explosion on Dagestan Police convoy  is resposability of ISIS (

2. Explain better how are calling themselves the ISIS gunmens.

"Caucasus emirate" is a branch of Al Qaeda (, and have nothing to due with "Freedome".

3. Explain about double standarts, please.

4. Show me, where i used this Al Qaeda termin "freedom fighters" to  Kurdish military army in Syria.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: magnific61 on March 30, 2016, 09:41:00 PM

1. You claim that they are member of Al Qaeda.

2. But they call themselves Freedom fighters who fight for independence of land.

3.  Do you see double standart vika?

4. You called PKK members as freedom fighters and you see that another one calls your enemy freedom fighters or mujahideen as well... What you reap you sow it

1. I call You a salafi jihadist PR.

This explosion on Dagestan Police convoy  is resposability of ISIS (

2. Explain better how are calling themselves the ISIS gunmens.

"Caucasus emirate" is a branch of Al Qaeda (, and have nothing to due with "Freedome".

3. Explain about double standarts, please.

4. Show me, where i used this Al Qaeda termin "freedom fighters" to  Kurdish military army in Syria.
Double standart is that i several times said you that PYD is branch of PKK terrorist organisation but you claimed contrary. On your words i noticed you not to be in double standard issue and eventualy i used "mujahideen" word for them for taking your attention and i see that i succeed

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Zeke2345 on March 30, 2016, 09:49:57 PM
Mujahideen attacked Russian Army convoy in Dagestan, Makhachkala on 29th march. Many died and injured.

Are you happy or sad? I have a had time sometimes figuring out your stance on things and just would like some clarification so I can respond correctly and not off topic.
I am sad for humanity. If only wars, conflicts won't be lived but unfortunately that is natural result of unright invasions

Thank you was a little unsure on what side of the discussion you where falling on and that does help for future reference.
Will leave you and Vika to embrace each other as old friends. ;)

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: magnific61 on March 30, 2016, 09:54:51 PM
Mujahideen attacked Russian Army convoy in Dagestan, Makhachkala on 29th march. Many died and injured.

Are you happy or sad? I have a had time sometimes figuring out your stance on things and just would like some clarification so I can respond correctly and not off topic.
I am sad for humanity. If only wars, conflicts won't be lived but unfortunately that is natural result of unright invasions

Thank you was a little unsure on what side of the discussion you where falling on and that does help for future reference.
Will leave you and Vika to embrace each other as old friends. ;)
Sure we understand each other if we would make that discussion face to face. Vika is a Russian female name and i expect that i'll meet with a beautiful Russian lady for discussion :)

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 30, 2016, 10:25:55 PM
1. i several times said you that PYD is branch of PKK terrorist organisation but you claimed contrary.

2. On your words i noticed you not to be in double standard issue and eventualy i used "mujahideen" word for them for taking your attention and i see that i succeed

1. I used talking about Syrian Kurdish Anti - Isis Army.
If Your point, that they are terrorists - show me, where they are listed as terrorists, by USA terrorists list or UN terrorist groups list.
There is no such listing for this kurdish formation.

2. You used Al Qaida language and salafi-jihadist ( recruiters rhetoric.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 30, 2016, 10:27:38 PM

Will leave you and Vika to embrace each other as old friends. ;)

Are You ready to embrace such Al Qaida recruiter?

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: magnific61 on March 30, 2016, 11:03:30 PM
1. i several times said you that PYD is branch of PKK terrorist organisation but you claimed contrary.

2. On your words i noticed you not to be in double standard issue and eventualy i used "mujahideen" word for them for taking your attention and i see that i succeed

1. I used talking about Syrian Kurdish Anti - Isis Army.
If Your point, that they are terrorists - show me, where they are listed as terrorists, by USA terrorists list or UN terrorist groups list.
There is no such listing for this kurdish formation.

2. You used Al Qaida language and salafi-jihadist ( recruiters rhetoric.
Doesn't it make them terrorists if their members also fight against Turkey in PKK front amd make bomb attack in Ankara and kill 37 civilians? Or to fight against ISIS retrieves them being terrorists?Just they fight each other for their mutual profit

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 31, 2016, 09:00:39 AM

Doesn't it make them terrorists if their members also fight against Turkey in PKK front amd make bomb attack in Ankara and kill 37 civilians?

 Or to fight against ISIS retrieves them being terrorists?Just they fight each other for their mutual profit

1. Put here ( all independent proofs about Syrian Kurdish Anti ISIS forces, that show the convolgement in terroristic activity.

Your "what about" cheap tricks ( are working not.
Al Qaeda and ISIS in Northern Caucasus are well known as Anti Quran activity against legitimate governative structures.

Painting this mind controlled salafi sectants jihadi terrorists as "Muslims" or "Mujahideen"
 make them muslims not, in the simply fact of partetipation in anti governative riots.


aн-Hиca, 59

«Caxиx» aль-Бyxapи, № 6718 и «Caxиx» Mycлимa, №1835

«Caxиx» aль-Бyxapи, № 6724 и «Caxиx» Mycлимa, №1849

«Caxиx» aль-Бyxapи, № 6723 и «Caxиx» Mycлимa

2. Do not change the argument, stay on topic.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Balthazar on March 31, 2016, 10:15:01 AM
Muahaha, this little Al-Quaeda's thug seems quite active nowadays. Do you have any idea what has triggered his flip switch?

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: CryptoDatabase on March 31, 2016, 10:22:22 AM
Sospected member of group, who attacked Dagestan ( Police convoy is under arrest. (in Russian)

They beat the holy shit out of that dude, the ones who haven't been caught yet have something to look forward to.

He looks like the kid from The Outsiders movie, the one who died saving people from a fire.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Balthazar on March 31, 2016, 10:45:10 AM
He murdered two police officers, no wonder that their colleagues are not going to act like peace-loving and tolerant pussies while dealing with him.

In fact, I think it will be fine if they would shoot him twice in the back and then will finalize it by writing a report on his attempt to run away.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 31, 2016, 11:02:07 AM
1. He murdered two police officers, no wonder that their colleagues are not going to act like peace-loving and tolerant pussies while dealing with him.

In fact, I think it will be fine if they would
2. shoot him twice in the back and then will finalize it by writing a report on his attempt to run away.

1. This is a sospected passenger, there is no Tribunal charge.
In Dagestan prisons he will have the good protection as Police investigators informer.

2. The extra juridical methods of punishment goes to affect innocent people.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: magnific61 on March 31, 2016, 05:35:32 PM

Doesn't it make them terrorists if their members also fight against Turkey in PKK front amd make bomb attack in Ankara and kill 37 civilians?

 Or to fight against ISIS retrieves them being terrorists?Just they fight each other for their mutual profit

1. Put here ( all independent proofs about Syrian Kurdish Anti ISIS forces, that show the convolgement in terroristic activity.

Your "what about" cheap tricks ( are working not.
Al Qaeda and ISIS in Northern Caucasus are well known as Anti Quran activity against legitimate governative structures.

Painting this mind controlled salafi sectants jihadi terrorists as "Muslims" or "Mujahideen"
 make them muslims not, in the simply fact of partetipation in anti governative riots.


aн-Hиca, 59

«Caxиx» aль-Бyxapи, № 6718 и «Caxиx» Mycлимa, №1835

«Caxиx» aль-Бyxapи, № 6724 и «Caxиx» Mycлимa, №1849

«Caxиx» aль-Бyxapи, № 6723 и «Caxиx» Mycлимa

2. Do not change the argument, stay on topic.
There's only 2 kurdish groups in Syria. One is PYD and other is YPG. There's no difference beyween those 2 groups. PYD wants to found a new state in Turkish border of Syria.
Many of PYD members were captured in Turkey while preparing terrorist activity. Who made  second Ankara suicide bombing attack was a member of PYD. All those evidences make PYD a terrorist organisation.
Why PYD fights ISIS? Because ISIS wants to get their occupied regions.
I may accept that Isis is a part of Al Qaeda because they have many known relations but i don't know whether they have any relation with Northern Caucasus. I don't defend Isis or Al Qaeda because i know that they are very dangerous terrorist organisations and they have no real connection with Islam. They don't represent my belief.
Look! I have many Russian friends and i love them. I feel suffer if they feel.. Governments policies don't interest people...
But, when one nation defends its homeland, i respect and support... Like Chechens, like Georgia, like Iraq or like Afghanistan...But to defend homeland doesn't give anybody right to make a Beslan attack. This is terrorism.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 31, 2016, 06:05:10 PM
1. I may accept that Isis is a part of Al Qaeda because they have many known relations
2. but i don't know whether they have any relation with Northern Caucasus.

3. I don't defend Isis or Al Qaeda because i know that they are very dangerous terrorist organisations and they have no real connection with Islam. They don't represent my belief.

4. Look! I have many Russian friends and i love them. I feel suffer if they feel..
Governments policies don't interest people...

5. But, when one nation defends its homeland, i respect and support...
 Like Chechens,
like Georgia,
like Iraq or
like Afghanistan...
But to defend homeland doesn't give anybody right to make a Beslan attack.
This is terrorism.

I will write about this something Later.

Do You in grade listen in Russian?

Emirate of Caucasus is recognised as branch of Al Qaeda by United Nations (i will provide the link).

ISIS Declares Governorate in Russia’s North Caucasus Region
 - See more at:

1400 16th Street NW, Suite 515 Washington, DC 20036
ph (202) 293-5550
©2007 – 2016 THE INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR - See more at:

Do You understand English enough?

Explain to people, who is a invasor in this Region?

5. You are supporting what, explain better, please!
The salafi jihadist Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (

Again, the "Beslan hostage keeping" was action of international group under Al Qaeda comand, not "chechenians".
There was even un sadistic Ukraine born  ( salafi sectant.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: magnific61 on March 31, 2016, 07:06:40 PM
1. I may accept that Isis is a part of Al Qaeda because they have many known relations
2. but i don't know whether they have any relation with Northern Caucasus.

3. I don't defend Isis or Al Qaeda because i know that they are very dangerous terrorist organisations and they have no real connection with Islam. They don't represent my belief.

4. Look! I have many Russian friends and i love them. I feel suffer if they feel..
Governments policies don't interest people...

5. But, when one nation defends its homeland, i respect and support...
 Like Chechens,
like Georgia,
like Iraq or
like Afghanistan...
But to defend homeland doesn't give anybody right to make a Beslan attack.
This is terrorism.

I will write about this something Later.

Do You in grade listen in Russian?

Emirate of Caucasus is recognised as branch of Al Qaeda by United Nations (i will provide the link).

ISIS Declares Governorate in Russia’s North Caucasus Region
 - See more at:

1400 16th Street NW, Suite 515 Washington, DC 20036
ph (202) 293-5550
©2007 – 2016 THE INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR - See more at:

Do You understand English enough?

Explain to people, who is a invasor in this Region?

5. You are supporting what, explain better, please!
The salafi jihadist Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (

Once again i repeat that i am not a supporter of any terrorist organisation you mentioned! I told you. If one nation defends its homeland against to enemy, i support their right. If they don't do any terrorist action on civilians. They can bomb your military vehicles and kill your soldiers. Possible. Because you're their enemy and you try invade their homeland. Russia invade Afghanistan and they killed many Russian soldiers and in my opinion, they were right. Russia invaded Chechenia and chechens killed many Russian soldiers. Thet were right again. But when they occupied school in Beslan (if it wasn't false flag) and so many chidren were killed in actionby them or by Spetnaz, i can't support this. I am not a terrorism supporter. Soldiers can be killed but civilians shouldn't be killed in any of action for whichever purpose done.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Balthazar on March 31, 2016, 07:25:19 PM
Look! I have many Russian friends and i love them.
Typical salafi hypocrite.

But, when one nation defends its homeland, i respect and support...
It's better to learn the subject before declaring your support for another bloody murderer. Otherwise, you will be treated like one of them.

Like Chechens
Did you mean "freedom fighters" like Basaev, Dudaev, Maskhadov and other salafi pigs? Oh, you don't remember? In case if you have no idea, they're those who have overthrown the local government and establisled their own mini chalifate in the 1990s. Shortly after that they even got official recognition of their "statehood", and nobody touched this pile of shit until they tried to invade Dagestan. Of course, after failed invasion of Dagestan they've got their dirty asses kicked out of Caucasus. Yeah, these loosers are your brothers indeed.

like Georgia
Did you mean the attempted invasion of former province, staged by Saakashvili? You know, the one which was started by killing the members of UN-appointed peacekeeping mission, and resulted with indistriminate shelling of capital city? Did I miss something, or that was a "homeland protection" which you were respecting so much?

Just in case if you don't know, there is a set of publicly available OSCE reports,  everybody is able to read them and make his own conclusions. You also need to know that georgian government put him (Saakashvili) into list of internetionally wanted persons. Enough food for thought to those who still have brains.

like Afghanistan...

I've said enough.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 31, 2016, 07:33:14 PM

1. Once again i repeat that i am not a supporter of any terrorist organisation you mentioned!
I told you.

2. If one nation defends its homeland against to enemy, i support their right.
If they don't do any terrorist action on civilians.

3. They can bomb your military vehicles and kill your soldiers. Possible. Because you're their enemy and you try invade their homeland.

4. Russia invade Afghanistan and they killed many Russian soldiers and in my opinion, they were right.

5. Russia invaded Chechenia and chechens killed many Russian soldiers. Thet were right again.

6.  But when they occupied school in Beslan (if it wasn't false flag) and so many chidren were killed in actionby them or by Spetnaz, i can't support this.

7. I am not a terrorism supporter.

8. Soldiers can be killed but civilians shouldn't be killed in any of action for whichever purpose done.

1. You are not a supporter of Al Qaida, You are a recruiter and PR of them, right?

2. What a OK person!
Do You supporting the Russian Federation war against Al Qaida invasors?

The War of Dagestan, began, when
the Chechnya-based Islamic International Brigade (IIB),
 an Islamist group, led by warlords Shamil Basayev and Ibn al-Khattab,
invaded the neighboring Russian republic of Dagestan, on 7 August 1999

3. See the number 2

4. Russia invade Afganistan not. There was a jew communist regime of Soviet Union.

5. See number 2.

6. Beslan hostage keeping was an action of Al Qaida international salafi jihadist group, not by "chechenians.

7. The explosion, where was killed 1 Dagestan Policeman and 2 injured is the responsability of ISIS, and You callin them in this thread as "freedome fighters" (, and "mujaheedin" (
You stl call the local Dagestan Police convoy as "invasors".
This is a 100% Al Qaida recruiter PR rethoric.

8. Oh, what a clown.
 Do You will see the Al Qaida awarness for the people in Northern Caucasus to not stay near Policemans and Statal buildings?
And if they goes killed in explosion or by shooting, it is their problem?

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: magnific61 on March 31, 2016, 07:50:36 PM
Look! I have many Russian friends and i love them.
Typical salafi hypocrite.

But, when one nation defends its homeland, i respect and support...
It's better to learn the subject before declaring your support for another bloody murderer. Otherwise, you will be treated like one of them.

Like Chechens
Did you mean "freedom fighters" like Basaev, Dudaev, Maskhadov and other salafi pigs? Oh, you don't remember? In case if you have no idea, they're those who have overthrown the local government and establisled their own mini chalifate in the 1990s. Shortly after that they even got official recognition of their "statehood", and nobody touched this pile of shit until they tried to invade Dagestan. Of course, after failed invasion of Dagestan they've got their dirty asses kicked out of Caucasus. Yeah, these loosers are your brothers indeed.

like Georgia
Did you mean the attempted invasion of former province, staged by Saakashvili? You know, the one which was started by killing the members of UN-appointed peacekeeping mission, and resulted with indistriminate shelling of capital city? Did I miss something, or that was a "homeland protection" which you were respecting so much?

Just in case if you don't know, there is a set of publicly available OSCE reports,  everybody is able to read them and make his own conclusions. You also need to know that georgian government put him (Saakashvili) into list of internetionally wanted persons. Enough food for thought to those who still have brains.

like Afghanistan...

I've said enough.
Oh! You mean Russia tried bringing there modern life huh? Therefore killed more than 250.000 people there? What a stupid excuse!

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Vika NSFW on March 31, 2016, 08:00:48 PM

1. Oh! You mean Russia tried bringing there modern life huh?

2.  Therefore killed more than 250.000 people there? What a stupid excuse!

1. Russian Federation have nothing to doe with Soviet Union comunist decision making system.
What was planning to execute there the Soviet Union - for me this is a great mystery of Jew Comunist Strategy.

2. Oh, please, put here the font of Your Number.
I will put it in the Wikipedia.
 It will make me great fun.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: magnific61 on March 31, 2016, 09:03:52 PM

1. Oh! You mean Russia tried bringing there modern life huh?

2.  Therefore killed more than 250.000 people there? What a stupid excuse!

1. Russian Federation have nothing to doe with Soviet Union comunist decision making system.
What was planning to execute there the Soviet Union - for me this is a great mystery of Jew Comunist Strategy.

2. Oh, please, put here the font of Your Number.
I will put it in the Wikipedia.
 It will make me great fun.
This is the leader of Kurdish Anti-Isis Army.  He and his men were fighting for Asad regime.
Watch videos

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 02, 2016, 06:45:03 PM
4. Russia invade Afganistan not. There was a jew communist regime of Soviet Union.

If this brain dead Turk continues to blame Russia for all the Soviet atrocities, then I have a very simple solution for him. Turkey should be blamed for all the massacres and genocides perpetrated by the Mongol Horde and the Ottoman Empire, in Eastern Europe. I am sure that the number of people killed were much higher than those died as a result of the Soviet invasion.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Balthazar on April 03, 2016, 03:35:30 AM
"Turc" in french is an euphemism for stupidity. Typical use example is "Mais tu es turc, quoi?!" which can be translated as "Are you stupid or what?!".

"Turok" or "turk" in russian is also an euphemism for hopeless stupidity and/or unfounded arrogance. Typical use examples are "Hy ты и тypoк!" or "Peвнивый мyж пoдoбeн тypкy", translated as "What a fool you are!" and "Jealous husband is like a turk", respectively.

"Türk" in german is associated with lies, hypocrisy, false pretenses, etc. Typical example is "getürkte Autounfälle" aka "phony car accidents".

"Cabeza de turco" aka "Head of turk" in spanish usually means somebody, who can be blamed for virtually everything.

Oh, we shouldn't forget about english, of course.

One of meanings of "young turk" in the english language is an idiom, describes a young person with a rebellious disposition.

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: yenxz on April 04, 2016, 04:09:39 PM
Mujahideen attacked Russian Army convoy in Dagestan, Makhachkala on 29th march. Many died and injured. (
tell me about complete news..
honestly i dont know what really happen there,and i dont know how can russia also fall into this war,can someone tell me when exactly this is happen to russia?and what russia reaction so far?

Title: Re: Attack on Russian Military Convoy
Post by: Balthazar on April 04, 2016, 04:16:13 PM
tell me about complete news..
honestly i dont know what really happen there,
He won't tell you anything, because he's a deliberate liar and it wasn't a military convoy in the first place.

i dont know how can russia also fall into this war,

Is there any war in France or Brussels?

,can someone tell me when exactly this is happen to russia?and what russia reaction so far?
Few scums attacked the police vehicle and killed two local police officers. What kind of reaction would you expect? :) Of course, they're going to be arrested and prosecuted on terrorism charges.

One of them is already captured: