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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: The Fool on February 07, 2013, 09:23:19 PM

Title: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: The Fool on February 07, 2013, 09:23:19 PM

Basically the gunman got fired from the PD for reporting officers that were wrongfully beating up and aggressing against individuals among other abuses. Now he has declared war against the department and intends to utilize guerilla warfare against officers -- as he has done already.

The death count so far is 3. One being an officer. He intends to target families of certain officers along with the officers themselves.

He has served in the armed forces and is assumed to be in possession of multiple weapons.

The rampage began with a double homicide in Orange County on Sunday, in which two people were found dead in their car. One of the victims was the daughter of a former Los Angeles police captain Mr. Dorner had named in his manifesto. The police believe that then, very early Thursday morning, Mr. Dorner shot and wounded one of the police officers guarding one of his intended victims. And later Thursday morning, the police said, Mr. Dorner ambushed two police officers waiting at a traffic light in Riverside, killing one and severely wounding the other.

“The Riverside officers were cowardly ambushed,” Chief Beck said. “They had no opportunity to fight back, no pre-warning.”

A quote from his manifesto:

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants-TJ. This quote is not directed toward the US government which I fully support 100%. This is toward the LAPD who can not monitor itself. The consent decree should not have been lifted, ever.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Lethn on February 07, 2013, 11:21:22 PM
Why can't Americans even get retribution right? There's nothing worse for me than pricks who claim they're on the side of good or justice then go around shooting up the children of the people they claim to be fighting against. If I ever needed to explain why I veer more towards Anarchism, I'd say this is it, justice is bullshit, most people who claim to follow it are worse than the people who they fight against :(

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: dotcom on February 08, 2013, 02:32:27 AM
Why can't Americans even get retribution right? There's nothing worse for me than pricks who claim they're on the side of good or justice then go around shooting up the children of the people they claim to be fighting against. If I ever needed to explain why I veer more towards Anarchism, I'd say this is it, justice is bullshit, most people who claim to follow it are worse than the people who they fight against :(

him and the police that are chasing him have turned this into an ol' fashion civilian casualty-fest.

Dorner: 4
Police: 3

oo, it's a close game!

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: TECSHARE on February 08, 2013, 03:48:21 AM
This reeks of psyop on so many levels. Watch this unfold, it is already beginning. Note the mans commentary supporting gun control and him wanting to donate his brain for research playing the whole "we can trust returning veterans with guns" card pitting police against armed forces and citizens against police.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: benjamindees on February 08, 2013, 03:58:46 AM
Note the mans commentary

There are supposedly two different versions floating around, one with a bit more political fluff than the other.  It is likely that one is a product of a third party seeking to manipulate the situation for political purposes, as we have seen before in instances like the Romney tax return extortion.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: tiberiandusk on February 08, 2013, 04:05:34 AM
LAPD cops have been ramming and emptying their clips into random people's pickup trucks that don't even match the description. Fuck the police.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: iCEBREAKER on February 08, 2013, 04:36:05 AM
LAPD cops have been ramming and emptying their clips into random people's pickup trucks that don't even match the description. Fuck the police.

"Live by the sword, die by the sword."

-Jesus, circa 30 A.D.
-Ron Paul, 2013 A.D.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: moni3z on February 08, 2013, 04:52:33 AM
Finally a maniac with a gun who isn't shooting up a school and instead targeting cops

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: TECSHARE on February 08, 2013, 05:08:27 AM
LAPD cops have been ramming and emptying their clips into random people's pickup trucks that don't even match the description. Fuck the police.
Did the LAPD just get trolled?

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: iCEBREAKER on February 08, 2013, 05:27:52 AM
Finally a maniac with a gun who isn't shooting up a school and instead targeting cops

Wait, this guy is black but the Marxist Media Complex told me that only white guys can be angry, mass murdering psychopaths.   ???

Because the 2nd Amendment is racist, don'tcha know:

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: b!z on February 08, 2013, 07:52:47 AM
He's just another madman.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Monster Tent on February 08, 2013, 08:36:18 AM
Yet more propaganda will come out about "lone wolf" terrorists and that they need to add anti depressants to the water supply because "mental illness"

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Rothgar on February 08, 2013, 03:11:12 PM
Why can't Americans even get retribution right? There's nothing worse for me than pricks who claim they're on the side of good or justice then go around shooting up the children of the people they claim to be fighting against. If I ever needed to explain why I veer more towards Anarchism, I'd say this is it, justice is bullshit, most people who claim to follow it are worse than the people who they fight against :(

This is an example of how the WRONG ideas of the state lead to the WRONG actions of state actors against the state.  We teach people that this is the way problems are solved (by sending them to war.)  Then they try to solve problems the same way. 

Statist gonna state.  Even the ones that recognize the blatant abuses of the state. 

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: jwzguy on February 08, 2013, 05:31:59 PM
They shot up ANOTHER truck with no connection to this guy...more "tragic mistaken identity":

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: RodeoX on February 08, 2013, 05:59:43 PM
If you were planning to send this guy a birthday card, you better do it now. This guy will be dead soon. He knows what he's doing and is not going to give up.
To bad no one in California has the right to defend themselves against a nut like him. In Cali. you must rely on the police for protection. ::)

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: jwzguy on February 08, 2013, 06:04:28 PM
If you were planning to send this guy a birthday card, you better do it now. This guy will be dead soon. He knows what he's doing and is not going to give up.
To bad no one in California has the right to defend themselves against a nut like him. In Cali. you must rely on the police for protection. ::)
The most hilarious thing is that he's arguing for stricter gun control at the same time he's railing about how corrupt the LAPD is. He may be a crazy murderous sonofabitch, but the LAPD is making themselves look just as bad by declaring war on pickup trucks. No one to root for here.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: The Fool on February 08, 2013, 06:14:55 PM
They shot up ANOTHER truck with no connection to this guy...more "tragic mistaken identity":

Dorner doesn't even have to do anything to accomplish his goal. The police will destroy themselves all on their own.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: iCEBREAKER on February 08, 2013, 06:28:34 PM
First, LAPD called the lone(?) vigilante a "coward" for not allowing targeted officers the opportunity to call for backup (IE unlimited overwhelming force).

Now, LAPD is panicking and attacking anything that moves.   :D

I think we can all see who the real cowards are.

If all you care about is "going home at the end of the day" don't become a cop.  Find a different job more suitable for giant quivering pussies.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Raoul Duke on February 08, 2013, 06:48:41 PM
If all you care about is "going home at the end of the day" don't become a cop.  Find a different job more suitable for giant quivering pussies.

This, this, this!

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Departmen
Post by: moni3z on February 08, 2013, 08:37:43 PM
If you were planning to send this guy a birthday card, you better do it now. This guy will be dead soon. He knows what he's doing and is not going to give up.
To bad no one in California has the right to defend themselves against a nut like him. In Cali. you must rely on the police for protection. ::)
The most hilarious thing is that he's arguing for stricter gun control at the same time he's railing about how corrupt the LAPD is. He may be a crazy murderous sonofabitch, but the LAPD is making themselves look just as bad by declaring war on pickup trucks. No one to root for here.

No the original madman manifesto made no mention of gun control, bill cosby or lamenting missing 'shark week' on TV. Somebody added some bullshit and then put it up on pastebin claiming its the 'uncensored version' and of course all retard media ran with it.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Departmen
Post by: jwzguy on February 08, 2013, 08:46:29 PM
If you were planning to send this guy a birthday card, you better do it now. This guy will be dead soon. He knows what he's doing and is not going to give up.
To bad no one in California has the right to defend themselves against a nut like him. In Cali. you must rely on the police for protection. ::)
The most hilarious thing is that he's arguing for stricter gun control at the same time he's railing about how corrupt the LAPD is. He may be a crazy murderous sonofabitch, but the LAPD is making themselves look just as bad by declaring war on pickup trucks. No one to root for here.

No the original madman manifesto made no mention of gun control, bill cosby or lamenting missing 'shark week' on TV. Somebody added some bullshit and then put it up on pastebin claiming its the 'uncensored version' and of course all retard media ran with it.
Do you have a source for the original? I completely believe you, just curious to see what WAS in it.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Departmen
Post by: moni3z on February 08, 2013, 10:10:13 PM
Im using a shitty cell so will dig around when I get back from wandering the streets looking for cheap and suspicious noodle houses for lunch.

Cnn has the orig up somewhere m pretty sure. If there's nothing about actors, praising democratic politicians, the walking dead or gun control its the real one. Its also full of military jargon and clearly he's using psyops he learned in the military to evade capture. He left his ID by the airport, he tried to steal a boat and claimed he was going to mexico, he left his truck near the mountains burned so they would find it then another one parked outside a cop station miles away... wild goose chase in all directions.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Departmen
Post by: benjamindees on February 09, 2013, 12:49:51 AM
bill cosby

Gee, I wonder who could have added that...

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: vokain on February 09, 2013, 04:26:43 PM
Definitely one of the more interesting stories I've come across. Is this -the- Operation Last Resort?

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Mike Christ on February 10, 2013, 09:45:34 PM
Can't say I saw this one coming, but, considering the LAPD's shenanigans are almost common knowledge (I knew about it being a Texas resident my entire life), it's amazing something like this was off-put till now.

Though I must admit, it's extremely fishy.  With all the school shootings in just the first month and a half of this year, and then this.  Looks like the unconnected random mishaps involving firearms are going to continue as scheduled until everyone's on their knees begging for the gov to confiscate every weapon in the country.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: iCEBREAKER on February 11, 2013, 02:03:40 AM
Looks like the unconnected random mishaps involving firearms are going to continue as scheduled until everyone's on their knees begging for the gov to confiscate every weapon in the country.

Feh.  They have drones and tanks.  We have guns and memes.  Game on, piglets!

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Merralea on February 11, 2013, 02:55:59 AM
As far as I'm concerned, it's a very convenient setup for: (
While killing the families is just mean, and the whole venture is useless anyway, I can't say I'll mourn the loss of a few pigs  :P.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: theymos on February 11, 2013, 03:02:18 AM
I condemn his tactics, but he has been very effective at exposing the LAPD's corruption and incompetence. He's better than the average madman at least.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: iCEBREAKER on February 11, 2013, 03:39:54 AM
I condemn his tactics, but he has been very effective at exposing the LAPD's corruption and incompetence. He's better than the average madman at least.

Where are all the 2nd Amendment hating, anti-RKBA people who usually say crap like "But But But what can ONE MAN do against the police and army?"

Sniveling under a rock would be my guess.   :D

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: sega01 on February 11, 2013, 06:04:11 AM
Found a copy of the original. Comparing it to the one on LA Times with gun control and Bill Cosby bits, I really think it's the one he actually wrote. The one with all of the other bits seems like a joke someone added, to me.

Here's the PDF:

I read through it all. It makes a lot of sense. Not saying he's justified, but his actions make sense for where he is. I hope the LAPD confesses the truth that he talks about.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Mike Christ on February 11, 2013, 06:58:04 AM
I was actually wondering about this with a friend; would they send a drone for this guy?  I want him to go on for as long as possible, but at the same time, if someone on US soil gets blown away by one of those things, it's pretty much every man for himself.  If the drones weren't big before, they would be at that point.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: stochastic on February 11, 2013, 07:48:31 AM
It is really fucked up he would shoot the daughter of his appointed attorney.  No matter how stupid or corrupt the LAPD is, this guy is killing people because they would not let him join their club.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: RodeoX on February 11, 2013, 07:23:23 PM
It is really fucked up he would shoot the daughter of his appointed attorney.  No matter how stupid or corrupt the LAPD is, this guy is killing people because they would not let him join their club.
That's what I'm thinking. If a crazy person kills Hitler, it does not make him sane. This is a disturbed and dangerous guy. His "war" on the LAPD are the rantings of a delusional mind. He's not Batman, he's not your hero. If you got in his way, he would put you in a grave.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Monster Tent on February 12, 2013, 07:16:40 AM
As far as I'm concerned, it's a very convenient setup for: (
While killing the families is just mean, and the whole venture is useless anyway, I can't say I'll mourn the loss of a few pigs  :P.

I wonder how long it is till he gets people joining his cause and slaughtering more cops.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Monster Tent on February 12, 2013, 07:25:53 AM
I was actually wondering about this with a friend; would they send a drone for this guy?  I want him to go on for as long as possible, but at the same time, if someone on US soil gets blown away by one of those things, it's pretty much every man for himself.  If the drones weren't big before, they would be at that point.

If they kill any innocent citizens it will be "game on"

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: usagi on February 12, 2013, 11:21:31 AM
I was actually wondering about this with a friend; would they send a drone for this guy?  I want him to go on for as long as possible, but at the same time, if someone on US soil gets blown away by one of those things, it's pretty much every man for himself.  If the drones weren't big before, they would be at that point.

If they kill any innocent citizens it will be "game on"

Ever play half-life 2?

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Merralea on February 12, 2013, 10:41:04 PM
As far as I'm concerned, it's a very convenient setup for: (
While killing the families is just mean, and the whole venture is useless anyway, I can't say I'll mourn the loss of a few pigs  :P.

I wonder how long it is till he gets people joining his cause and slaughtering more cops.
Now that would be interesting.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: iCEBREAKER on February 12, 2013, 11:17:30 PM
Fugitive ex-cop Dorner holed up in cabin, exchanging gunfire with police
Fox News    - ‎6 minutes ago

Better to die on your feet than live on your knees!

It's da hoodlums
I'm pullin' my gat out on all you bums
So bring it on when you wanna come fight this
Outlaw, I'll kick ya like Billy Ray Cypress Hill
Kill, I'll bust that grill
Grab my gat, and load up the steel
And if you wanna get drastic
I'll pull out my blasted glock, automatic,
Synthetic material, bury your blocks-n-mortar
Headed down to da Mexican border
Smokin' that smellie, Northern Cali,
Gonna put a slug in Captain O'Malley
Ho, hum-Hear the gat come
Let me see what you'll do when you're sent to kill a man
But I'll be damned if I don't take a stand

We ain't goin' out like that
We ain't goin' out like that
"We ain't goin' out!"

I'm high strung
Click I'm sprung
'Cause I don't live on the hum-drum
Where I'm from the gats'll be smokin'
I'll be damned if ya think I'm jokin'
Know that I come with the static, erratic, .45 automatic
Screamin' at ya-the red lights beamin' at ya
No need to haf'ta run after the punk-ass who'd run up to my crew
Dig the grave for the one who got played
Now he's under
Don't make stevie wonder why 'cause you'll testify
We ain't goin' out like that

I got to thinkin' "What the fuck is this?"
Lettin' you know I take care of business
Can I get a witness?
To verify when I DEPICT THIS!
That makes you ecstatic
Tragic, when I get a poof of the magic buddha
When I roll with my crew
I betcha one time can't find my hooda!
IN MY VE-HICLE with the belt unbuckled (I don't know this line)
Pig rollin' up but he ain't that subtle
Pulled to da curb
So we exchange a few words
But he got me stirred up
"Ought not to grab the handcuffs.
I'll huff-n-puff-n-blow ya head up!"
We ain't goin' out like that

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Mike Christ on February 12, 2013, 11:18:56 PM
I was actually wondering about this with a friend; would they send a drone for this guy?  I want him to go on for as long as possible, but at the same time, if someone on US soil gets blown away by one of those things, it's pretty much every man for himself.  If the drones weren't big before, they would be at that point.

If they kill any innocent citizens it will be "game on"

Ever play half-life 2?

Are you implying Gabe can foresee the future?

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: vokain on February 13, 2013, 01:38:31 AM
Anybody else wondering why Christopher Dorner is a "domestic terrorist" & not simply another American with "mental health issues"?

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: creativex on February 13, 2013, 01:48:05 AM
Anybody else wondering why Christopher Dorner is a "domestic terrorist" & not simply another American with "mental health issues"?

Nope. This is being done more and more frequently, presumably to increase the perception that the so called "war on terror" is global in scope and includes US soil and not just Americans murdered in the name of the war on terror on foreign soil(Alwaki, Kahn). Now if they kill him with a drone it'll just be another terrorist killed. Sure is a good thing police forces are being militarized...makes you feel safe right?

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Luno on February 13, 2013, 01:53:44 AM
Anybody else wondering why Christopher Dorner is a "domestic terrorist" & not simply another American with "mental health issues"?

Remember First Blood where Sly was accused of killing cops, national guards and being crazy. In reality his was trying to expose a currupt police chief?

Bad taste on my behalf, to compare a real life situation like this to an old movie, but Rambo would be a domestic terrorist if the movie was made today.

Using the Terrorist label on a guy who has been in military service and a cop can backfire, the carzy label would have been better.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: vokain on February 13, 2013, 10:36:14 AM
It's over. RIP Dorner

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: ColdHardMetal on February 13, 2013, 05:24:23 PM
It's over. RIP Dorner

Or is it?

"After authorities interviewed the boat captain early Thursday, they found Dorner's wallet and identification cards "at the San Ysidro Point of Entry" near the U.S.-Mexico border."

"Investigators were picking through the rubble of a burned-out cabin in California's San Bernardino Mountains on Wednesday...A wallet with a California driver's license bearing the name Christopher Dorner also was found"

Seems a little fishy.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: TECSHARE on February 13, 2013, 06:26:34 PM
LAPD Intentionally Burn man Alive "POLICE SCANNER"

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: hashman on February 14, 2013, 05:26:35 PM
How could we be surprised? 

Almost 20 years now since they burned alive 21 kids under 16 years old in Waco.

They received promotions for it.   

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: sounds on February 14, 2013, 05:38:49 PM
If Dorner was doing any sort of inside job, they can't leave loose ends, can they?

Even just because he shot an LAPD officer: they never would have let him live to see a trial.

I am glad the killing has stopped. Now let's see if Obama starts legislating against guns... already is! :)

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: RodeoX on February 14, 2013, 08:05:00 PM
... Now let's see if Obama starts legislating against guns... already is! :)
Yes, because we don't need guns. The police will keep us safe.  :-\

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: creativex on February 14, 2013, 08:48:32 PM
... Now let's see if Obama starts legislating against guns... already is! :)
Yes, because we don't need guns. The police will keep us safe.  :-\

They can have my guns. They'll have to be pried from my cold dead fingers though.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: tiberiandusk on February 15, 2013, 04:08:00 AM
If Dorner was doing any sort of inside job, they can't leave loose ends, can they?

Even just because he shot an LAPD officer: they never would have let him live to see a trial.

I am glad the killing has stopped. Now let's see if Obama starts legislating against guns... already is! :)

You need to go back on your meds.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: iCEBREAKER on February 15, 2013, 04:58:32 AM
If Dorner was doing any sort of inside job, they can't leave loose ends, can they?

Even just because he shot an LAPD officer: they never would have let him live to see a trial.

Dorner wasn't doing an inside job.  He was a whistleblower exposing LAPD's routine prisoner abuse and culture of jackbooted thuggery.

After exhausting legal remedies available inside the system, he merely served LAPD some of the same 'street justice' they wantonly dish out.

Of course that wasn't acceptable to the thug pigs and they threw a giant tantrum, shooting completely dissimilar citizens in the effort to protect the named-and-shamed dirty cops targeted by Dorner for payback.

They finally burned him alive, assuring he'd never have a chance to write a tell-all book or otherwise pursue exposure of their corruption.

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: hashman on February 16, 2013, 12:03:20 AM

Los Angeles On High Alert As LAPD Back On Regular Duty,31306/

Title: Re: There is a man who has declared war against the Los Angeles Police Department...
Post by: Lethn on March 06, 2013, 10:09:38 PM
He's just another madman.
Either that or he's more sane than the rest of us. If fascism is so out of hand in the LAPD and this guys willing to lay down his life to combat that then he's doing a lot more to protect and serve than the force that kicked him out.

I understand why he's doing it, I even agree to an extent. But no matter the crime an individual has committed, it doesn't justify murdering innocents. If the LAPD is truly that corrupt, then more power to him, I guess. But killing the families of officers is going too far.

I agree, no matter who the enemy is you can't excuse killing bystanders and defenceless people, otherwise you're not better than the people you fight against.