Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: LiteCoinGuy on April 15, 2016, 02:39:15 PM

Title: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on April 15, 2016, 02:39:15 PM
Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - Bitcoin's underlying tech - could disrupt everything."

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: Quartx on April 15, 2016, 02:42:51 PM
Damn... For Goldman Sachs to post that tweet... It must have been a big hoohah to any one else who were sitting on the fence when it came to cryptos

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: Yakamoto on April 15, 2016, 02:51:36 PM
Damn... For Goldman Sachs to post that tweet... It must have been a big hoohah to any one else who were sitting on the fence when it came to cryptos
Well the thing is their tweet makes perfect sense, they aren't sensationalizing anything, just stating the facts. With a technology like the blockchain, there is no need for systems of transfer, and this eliminates all the people that have to be paid to receive and confirm or deny transactions.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: countryfree on April 15, 2016, 03:02:33 PM
If BTC can disrupt Goldman Sachs, that's good. Just another reason to support BTC!
They're not scared yet, but I hope they will be in a few years.
BTC was invented to giver more financial power to the people, the banks will lose.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: poptok1 on April 15, 2016, 03:11:15 PM
If BTC can disrupt Goldman Sachs, that's good. Just another reason to support BTC!
They're not scared yet, but I hope they will be in a few years.
BTC was invented to giver more financial power to the people, the banks will lose.
I hope this prophecy of yours will prove itself.
Its about time to take back what's ours from the banksters.
Their greatest achievement was convincing the world that they are necessary
along with rise of BTC, this is no more.     
Good promotion from those old crooks, who would thought?


Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 15, 2016, 07:36:29 PM
Think you guys are misreading what he is saying,it means more profit for them and less overhead in administration fees.
So eliminate the middle man and the rich get richer. In another way of looking at it they are nibbling at the middle class well fattening their wallets. Endorsing it is fine but how they are perceiving it to be helpful is scary.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: hv_ on April 15, 2016, 09:02:30 PM
In the long term it will fully disrupt GS itself ...

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: Lauda on April 15, 2016, 09:42:01 PM
That depends actually. If they start using centralized 'blockchains', would one consider this incorruptible? I wouldn't. Bitcoin is the 'one' that could disrupt everything for their businesses, and this is why they're focusing on the blockchain right now.

They're not scared yet, but I hope they will be in a few years.
They've been scared for quite some time now and are 'actively' fighting Bitcoin, one way or another.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: dumbfbrankings on April 15, 2016, 09:52:22 PM
Lel, GS pays fines the size of BTC's entire market cap... they're terrified alright.

The technology behind Bitcoin, i.e. not Blockstream's expensive settlement token.

BTCitcoin is "secured" by 4 giant chinese chicken coops, and has been intentionally hobbled by the Corporation that hijacked it... you think these guys are idiots? Corrupt, sure, but they're not idiots.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: Patatas on April 16, 2016, 03:35:37 AM
This is the time you know they're frightened to face the Decentralized revolution.Goldman Sachs knows how weak their economical finances would be if most of the trades are backed by the blockchain. They're trying real hard to stop to revolution but only time will tell if they can hold on to their economical "scams" (white wash collar scams).

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: Lauda on April 16, 2016, 07:00:47 AM
The technology behind Bitcoin, i.e. not Blockstream's expensive settlement token.
Stop with the idiocy.

BTCitcoin is "secured" by 4 giant chinese chicken coops, and has been intentionally hobbled by the Corporation that hijacked it...

This is the time you know they're frightened to face the Decentralized revolution.. Goldman Sachs knows how weak their economical finances would be if most of the trades are backed by the blockchain. They're trying real hard to stop to revolution but only time will tell if they can hold on to their economical "scams" (white wash collar scams).
The only people that fear decentralization are those who stand to lose a lot of power should they succeed. They are afraid of a 'successful' Bitcoin as it would mean the end for them. Initially, they were dismissing it, then fighting it (e.g. stating that Bitcoin is only for criminals and whatnot) and now they've shifted their focus to the blockchain. They aren't even sure what the exact definition of a blockchain is.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: makoto1337 on April 16, 2016, 07:15:25 AM
In the long term it will fully disrupt GS itself ...

Disrupt, not replace.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: KenR on April 16, 2016, 07:20:19 AM
In the long term it will fully disrupt GS itself ...

Disrupt, not replace.

That's just a fancy way of putting it.In the end,it means the same.Why would they be bother about it if won't replace their current trends.GS is an exceptional player in the market,they can probably predict how blockchain  has the potential to take over the current system.They are taking precautions while destroying the opponents in its early phases.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: lanmao on April 16, 2016, 09:52:49 AM
I am skeptical of this claim.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: guoyu78 on April 16, 2016, 09:55:33 AM
Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - Bitcoin's underlying tech - could disrupt everything."

Wow sounds very good!!!!

We are famous!!! BTC Is at top ;)

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: Denker on April 16, 2016, 01:00:19 PM
How about Bitcoin's Blockchain could disrupt everything?!! ;D

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: Bitcoinpro on April 16, 2016, 04:03:01 PM
they are only realizing sht we knew 6 years ago

thats how crak addicts brains work  :D

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: alyssa85 on April 16, 2016, 04:11:20 PM
Damn... For Goldman Sachs to post that tweet... It must have been a big hoohah to any one else who were sitting on the fence when it came to cryptos
Well the thing is their tweet makes perfect sense, they aren't sensationalizing anything, just stating the facts. With a technology like the blockchain, there is no need for systems of transfer, and this eliminates all the people that have to be paid to receive and confirm or deny transactions.

Yup. Suppose a central bank puts their fiat currency on the blockchain - there would be no need for retail banks at all, you'd deal directly with the central bank. Retail banks would have to increase the interest they offer to get people to continue to deposit with them (at the moment the trend is in the opposite direction with no interest paid and charges for operating the account). So yes, this is very disruptive, even if people don't use BTC but instead fiat-on-a-blockchain.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: Bitcoinpro on April 16, 2016, 04:13:48 PM
Damn... For Goldman Sachs to post that tweet... It must have been a big hoohah to any one else who were sitting on the fence when it came to cryptos
Well the thing is their tweet makes perfect sense, they aren't sensationalizing anything, just stating the facts. With a technology like the blockchain, there is no need for systems of transfer, and this eliminates all the people that have to be paid to receive and confirm or deny transactions.

Yup. Suppose a central bank puts their fiat currency on the blockchain - there would be no need for retail banks at all, you'd deal directly with the central bank. Retail banks would have to increase the interest they offer to get people to continue to deposit with them (at the moment the trend is in the opposite direction with no interest paid and charges for operating the account). So yes, this is very disruptive, even if people don't use BTC but instead fiat-on-a-blockchain.

a central banks cash is fiat

are you expecting us too see their fiat notes stapled

onto a clothes line or something

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: maku on April 16, 2016, 04:23:35 PM
The crucial thought of this message is for me: "reduction in the billion of dollars in administrative cost". It could happen blockchain tech can save us a great amount of money.
But then again - do you think these money will be used for something else? I have a feeling it will wasted and stolen by people in charge.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: LandOwner on April 16, 2016, 07:08:27 PM
If BTC can disrupt Goldman Sachs, that's good. Just another reason to support BTC!
They're not scared yet, but I hope they will be in a few years.
BTC was invented to giver more financial power to the people, the banks will lose.

Bitcoin will not disrupt Goldman Sachs. They are smart. They will adopt the bitccoin and earn more money.

Title: Re: Goldman Sachs: "Blockchain - BTC´s underlying tech - could disrupt everything"
Post by: chennan on April 16, 2016, 11:05:59 PM
At first glance of reading this (and no research on my part), it seems that this quote from Goldman Sachs was probably taking out of context... but just for the sake of conversation, let's just say that this story is true and the tweet is real.

Yes, it is true that people in the banking industry will probably lose jobs in the future do to tech and tech alone... how far this will go up the ladder is up for speculation.

Technology is growing so rapidly it is literally mind boggling to try and keep up with the latest tech and the "next big thing" to be on the market.  The thing is, is while this is always good for the consumer, it is not always best for the *economy*.  For the true anarchist, this is a nice scenario to think of because "CHAOS! L0L"... but the reality is is that unemployment is going to increase, which reduces the # of consumers, which starts slowing down the economy.

So to say that Bitcoins "underlying tech" is going to disrupt everything is just the tip of the iceberg, and people (especially government) need to start waking up to this inevitable reality.  The big question that needs to be answered by government is, "how do we ensure the citizens well being once their jobs become inapplicable?"

While I personally hate the big banks (or banks in general) as much as any one on here... I feel empathy for the workers (not the CEO's of big banks) that work for the sake of needing money.  While Bitcoin has the potential to revolutionize the monetary system and free people from the central banks, we (& government) need to figure out how to deal with the aftermath of such a revolution that could disrupt a way the economy works.