Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: justusranvier on February 14, 2013, 12:01:17 PM

Title: Segmentation fault
Post by: justusranvier on February 14, 2013, 12:01:17 PM
Since the last time I upgraded (0.87.2) I've noticed that Armory only runs for a few days before crashing. I finally ran it from the console so that I could get the error message. This most recent time I started up at block 220285 and it ran fine until this:

New Block:  220990
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220991
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220992
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220993
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220994
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220995
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220996
New block file split! /home/justus/.bitcoin/blocks/blk00042.dat
Segmentation fault

Title: Re: Segmentation fault
Post by: etotheipi on February 14, 2013, 12:25:26 PM
Since the last time I upgraded (0.87.2) I've noticed that Armory only runs for a few days before crashing. I finally ran it from the console so that I could get the error message. This most recent time I started up at block 220285 and it ran fine until this:

New Block:  220990
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220991
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220992
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220993
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220994
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220995
Added new blocks to memory pool: 1
New Block:  220996
New block file split! /home/justus/.bitcoin/blocks/blk00042.dat
Segmentation fault

Yeah, the funny thing about that is I just completed a pretty exhaustive set of unit-tests using the 0.87.2-beta code base, to make sure that shouldn't happen.  I set up the test with complicated blockfile splits and it runs flawlessly.  But on the real network, it still segfaults... Unfortunately, I noticed it the night before I went out of town for two weeks so there was nothing I could do.  If you've seen some of my other threads about Armory managing its own blockchain, that is in my immediate plans and will make this problem go away entirely -- in fact a lot of problems will go away, since most are related to colliding with bitcoind/-qt file management.

I am going to start the new blockchain management stuff (using leveldb), and get a feel for how long it's going to take.  If it's going to be smooth, I might just skip fixing this, since it's strictly an artifact of "the old way."  Or maybe I'll do both ... I'll run Armory in the debugger while writing the new code and see if I can catch the segfault and put out a temporary fix.

Title: Re: Segmentation fault
Post by: hackjealousy on April 05, 2013, 02:10:42 AM

I get these crashes as well.  Is there a branch, different from master, that I should try?

Title: Re: Segmentation fault
Post by: etotheipi on April 05, 2013, 02:29:24 AM

I get these crashes as well.  Is there a branch, different from master, that I should try?

Nope, this is a bug that I've tried to fix a couple times, and I have some pretty brutal unit-tests to try to squeeze it out (which pass, by the way), but it still fails on the actual network.

I would spend more time to fix it, but it's actually going to become irrelevant in a couple weeks.  When I get the persistent blockchain utilities implemented, I won't even be reading block files any more and this won't be a problem (I will use it for full scans, but not for each block update).

This is also why I haven't spent much time on armoryd... because it's not very useful as a server if it's just going to crash like that every few days :-\