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Bitcoin => Mining support => Topic started by: phillip1993 on April 17, 2016, 07:00:43 PM

Title: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: phillip1993 on April 17, 2016, 07:00:43 PM
my hash rate fluctuate a lot with the new cgminer is this normal

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: toptek on April 17, 2016, 07:57:57 PM
we need more info like what hardware , what are your setting etc etc .

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: phillip1993 on April 17, 2016, 08:04:37 PM
ok it iv got 3 antminer s3 all runing on 225frq at 39.5c and all on a stable 12v power pack thay where all runing at 460gh with the old cgminer now thay jump all over the place i would show you a pic but dont no how to put 1 up

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: gt_addict on April 17, 2016, 08:08:52 PM
How did you update the cgminer aspect of the S3 as it forms part of the gui. Have you updated to kanos firmware yet? Its highly recommended to do so. Gives a smoother operation and as far as I could tell when I updated mine, more specific stats.

Also how long have the S3s been running since you did the cgminer update? It takes an hour or so for the Ghs figures to stabilise.

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: phillip1993 on April 17, 2016, 08:14:20 PM
yes thats wot i did i updated to kanos and that compared to my previous setup is very jumpy

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: gt_addict on April 17, 2016, 08:16:11 PM
Ok so how long since you updated to kanos firmware? i.e. how long have they been running/hashing?

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: phillip1993 on April 17, 2016, 08:22:16 PM
over 24 hours

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: gt_addict on April 17, 2016, 08:38:02 PM
You need to elaborate on what the exact problem is. Doing basic answers and not really giving anyone much to go on doesn't help you and it doesn't make anyone want to take the time to help you.

So lets try and get this sorted in as few replies as possible:-

When did you do kanos update?
Did you update the cgminer version before or after kanos update?
What version of cgminer was it running before?
What figures are you looking at? avg ghs, 5m ghs, 15m ghs etc?
Does the pool hashrate match what you are seeing on the gui?
What PSU are you running it on (make, power rating etc)?
How many cables have you got attached (per board)?
What temps is the machine running at?
Do the fans spool up and down in relation to the temps increasing/decreasing?

That's all of the questions I could possible think to ask at the minute. So answer all of those and hopefully someone can track down whats gone on.

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: phillip1993 on April 17, 2016, 08:51:04 PM
sorry not to good at this

When did you do kanos update?  yesterday at about this time
Did you update the cgminer version before or after kanos update?  before
What version of cgminer was it running before? that i dont no
What figures are you looking at? avg ghs, 5m ghs, 15m ghs etc?

5s      658.307
5m     484.738
15m   404.581
avg    481.771

Does the pool hashrate match what you are seeing on the gui?   no about 100 less
What PSU are you running it on (make, power rating etc)?      thay r dell server power packs 500w
How many cables have you got attached (per board)?      2
What temps is the machine running at?      about 40c
Do the fans spool up and down in relation to the temps increasing/decreasing?    yes

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: phillip1993 on April 17, 2016, 09:00:12 PM
hear is a pic

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: phillip1993 on April 17, 2016, 10:37:21 PM
just removed kanos update and now getting faster speeds

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: gt_addict on April 18, 2016, 05:53:31 AM
You need to pretty much ignore all the figures for hashing except the Avg one. With kanos update it is infact more accurate, hence why you see fluctuations in the hashrate. The pool side evens out over time and will never read exactly what you've got.

If you want a decent comparison between the two versions make a note of the Hardware Error percentage on the standard version and kanos version. There's no point having more speed of the errors are higher ;)

Title: Re: having problems with cgminer 4.9.2
Post by: phillip1993 on April 18, 2016, 07:41:41 AM
Thanks that's very helpful I will try that