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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Maxxx on June 10, 2011, 07:22:06 AM

Title: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: Maxxx on June 10, 2011, 07:22:06 AM
I can't keep my eyes open through the day, yet, come night, I am wide awake. What it do, body?

Title: Re: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: anthony_ on June 10, 2011, 07:27:24 AM
I can't keep my eyes open through the day, yet, come night, I am wide awake. What it do, body?

Night owls unite!

Title: Re: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: skull88 on June 10, 2011, 09:41:21 AM
I have the same, slept 2houres this night so will be another zombieday at work. And I know when I come home and when every normal person his eyes would fall down when it's evening I get more and more awake.

Something that can help changing that is discipline, get every night at the same time to bed and out of your bed, try not to use your computer, console or tv 1 hour before you go to bed and read a good book or get outside, do something relaxing not behind a screen. Helps for me but I never have the discipline to do this for a long period  ;D

Title: Re: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: Nesetalis on June 10, 2011, 09:43:02 AM
I'm the same way, if i see the sun, i just want to close my eyes.... this may also be due to the fact that the sun is burning my retnas..b ut hey!

Title: Re: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: smellyBobby on June 10, 2011, 10:34:51 AM
Its got to do with your circadian rhythm. Some people function cognitively better in the morning others at night. If you want to change it, you need blue light therapy. Basically a blue light( it has to be of a specific wavelength) comes on before the sun rises, thereby distorting your bodies perception of time. I built one and it works, I used it to stay alert later into the night, it was weird at 9pm it felt like early afternoon, but my eyes kept wanting to close...... Ahh the wonders of the body.

Title: Re: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: TheRandomGuy on June 10, 2011, 05:58:39 PM
Wow. This is super super true.

Title: Re: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: Maxxx on June 11, 2011, 05:27:12 AM
I have the same, slept 2houres this night so will be another zombieday at work. And I know when I come home and when every normal person his eyes would fall down when it's evening I get more and more awake.

Something that can help changing that is discipline, get every night at the same time to bed and out of your bed, try not to use your computer, console or tv 1 hour before you go to bed and read a good book or get outside, do something relaxing not behind a screen. Helps for me but I never have the discipline to do this for a long period  ;D

Yeah I have a treasure hunting vacation planned sometime later into the fall and will be where there is no access to any network cept maybe GPS for miles and miles. I'm looking forward to that even though I have a bit of anxiety from leaving my online habits off for a week or so. It's my work, and it's addicting.

As for computer habits, I sometimes fall asleep at my keyboard coding and wake up in the morning and crawl to bed. It just ain't healthy lol I don't support the cable networks or anything so any media I get is through online resources only and not cable TV, so no probs with the TV. It's just stepping away from the computer I suppose that I have a problem with. I wouldn't say I'm addicted to "the computer", just what I do with it.

Its got to do with your circadian rhythm. Some people function cognitively better in the morning others at night. If you want to change it, you need blue light therapy. Basically a blue light( it has to be of a specific wavelength) comes on before the sun rises, thereby distorting your bodies perception of time. I built one and it works, I used it to stay alert later into the night, it was weird at 9pm it felt like early afternoon, but my eyes kept wanting to close...... Ahh the wonders of the body.

That sounds pretty awesome tbh. Although I don't want to change it, but maybe I would if I experienced being awake during the day as I do at night. I think I like the cool air and it being easy to conceal oneself. I used to sneak out at night and do all sorts of crazy shit as a kid.

Title: Re: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: bitjet on June 11, 2011, 05:48:32 AM
Im the same way. I do my best work at night it seems.

Title: Re: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: RonnieP on June 15, 2011, 03:01:26 AM
Screw you guys. I operate best if I shock awake (via loud alarm clock) at 4 or 5 am and get sleepy around 11pm or so no matter how hard I try to stay awake. Hell I could be completely stimmed out and fall asleep at 2am.....totally jealous:(

Title: Re: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: MoonShadow on June 15, 2011, 03:30:55 AM
I can't keep my eyes open through the day, yet, come night, I am wide awake. What it do, body?

Night owls unite!

Myself, my wife and three of our kids are night owls.  The last kid is a morning person, screws us all up.

All my kids are homeschooled by my wife, and I'm a late shift working man.  Try sleeping to 10 am before breakfast and then starting school in your PJ's at 11 am.  They don't know what it's like riding a school bus, much less waiting for one before dark in the snow.  They still complain anyway, so sometimes I threaten to give them weggies and stuff them into their lockers, just so they will better know what the alternative is.

Title: Re: Does anyone else drag through the day and then come alive at night?
Post by: MoonShadow on June 15, 2011, 03:32:11 AM
Screw you guys. I operate best if I shock awake (via loud alarm clock) at 4 or 5 am and get sleepy around 11pm or so no matter how hard I try to stay awake. Hell I could be completely stimmed out and fall asleep at 2am.....totally jealous:(

I don't go to sleep until 3am normally.  I've seen the sunrise before bed on more than one abnormal night.