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Local => Crittografia e decentralizzazione => Topic started by: HostFat on February 16, 2013, 02:21:55 PM

Title: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on February 16, 2013, 02:21:55 PM

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Vi segnato questo nuovo programma che credo possa essere molto utile!
E' un sistema decentralizzato per invio/ricezione di messaggi.
I messaggi viaggiano sui nodi connessi al network (su un database condiviso fra tutti loro, un pò come il blockchain di Bitcoin), ma sono naturalmente criptati, e sono leggibili solo dai proprietari delle varie chiavi private. (che risiedono localmente)
Questo vuol dire che è un ottima alternativa all'email e non si è dipendenti da nessun servizio terzo.
Non è quindi nemmeno richiesto che 2 persone siano per forza connesse contemporaneamente per poter scambiarsi messaggi, possono inviare e ricevere ad orari/giorni diversi.

Il sistema funziona anche bene facendolo passare attraverso sistemi di proxy come Tor. (impostate come ip:

Servizio per poter ricevere/inviare messaggi sul client via email:
Secure, Anonymous "Twitter" w. Bitmessage
Bitmessage PHP class

Lista Indirizzi Bitmessage:
HostFat - BM-NByGrE7Vs9dZUvS6GibdhafVfjr175ys
diego1000 - BM-oqEkfpH9HA4vNYMdNmfyjR5zSMJ7pnU3Y
ziomik - BM-2cUEWhrhCpLToDwkoyRWrrRATK5bNsW5KM
Quinta ( - BM-2DC6u7NoBoBwSEzX7C8iPjJNrAmZT5s3ms
jimmy3dita - BM-GtdTe9gtoQwQb4cprzjGYNP24HAt7RYp
Carola Frediani ( - BM-2cUQK6Rj4NpFMfRNmx8pSvC3cUinCjSxwH
bitcoinplaza - BM-2cUYrMd7XZNrHdyF6Macdh7mgQxHgUgtZW
FaSan - BM-GtYZsfbPne2PtUn7G11LduPo4G51EFo1
FerraCoin - BM-2cUsstzy6G2MCJjPU3StsiksjoZVi9xDKD
gdassori - BM-2cT5sSt3nSDaXDeQRnG6UHQK2pppud4WTV

"bitcoin-italia" - BM-2D9FouM9dAWHURqLdkspkr8Yiv4SyFRfy1

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: ercolinux on February 17, 2013, 02:27:22 PM
Molto interessante: e pare pure immune dallo spam (o almeno abbastanza immune) visto che sfrutta delle proof-of-work simili a quelle di bitcoin per i messaggi
Lo provo subito  :D

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: Jpeer on February 18, 2013, 11:47:59 AM
Molto interessante! lo provo...

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on February 18, 2013, 09:34:16 PM
Se volete provarlo potete inviarmi minacce (già ricevute :o) o messaggi d'amore a questo indirizzo:

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: Jpeer on February 19, 2013, 02:37:40 PM
download for MAC and Linux? nisba?

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: ziomik on February 19, 2013, 03:16:39 PM
ci sono i sorgenti... giù di compilazione, via...  :P

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: peoples_money on February 19, 2013, 05:41:36 PM
download for MAC and Linux? nisba?
io lo sto utilizzando sotto linux tramite wine, utilizzo la distribuzione linux mint 11 (quindi un pò datata), wine era già preinstallato :-)

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: crypto on February 19, 2013, 06:19:29 PM
ma si possono scambiare messaggi solo fra persone con lo stesso client oppure anche inviare email ad esempio a tormail?

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on February 19, 2013, 06:20:57 PM
E' una rete alternativa, fuori dal sistema email.
Il vantaggio di questo sistema, è che puoi accederci sempre, non devi collegarti ad un server in particolare.
Ti colleghi al network e ricevi/invii i messaggi.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on February 21, 2013, 06:08:49 PM
Aggiornamento a 0.2.5 :)
Bugfix-only release: Program improperly handles other nodes claiming to be in stream 0 (issue appeared when implementing IPv6). UI Freezes.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on February 22, 2013, 09:40:27 PM
Se volete provarlo potete inviarmi minacce (già ricevute :o) o messaggi d'amore a questo indirizzo:

Ho cercato ma non trovo info, sarà che c'ho anche sonno: si potranno creare indirizzi umanamente leggibili?
Comunque altra bellissima novità, da provare appena possibile. Prima viene la salute.
Avevo cercato in passato se esistevano progetti di email decentralizzata, ho trovato questo ha qualcosa in comune?

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on February 23, 2013, 01:20:42 AM
Ho cercato ma non trovo info, sarà che c'ho anche sonno: si potranno creare indirizzi umanamente leggibili?
Per ora no, ma si sta pensando a qualche soluzione, non è detto però che arriverà nel prossimo futuro.

Avevo cercato in passato se esistevano progetti di email decentralizzata, ho trovato questo ha qualcosa in comune?
No, è un alternativa all'email. E' un sistema di messaggistica a se stante. Protocollo diverso.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on February 27, 2013, 05:40:34 PM
New Feature: Pseudo-mailing-lists (available by right-clicking one of your addresses)
New Feature: Portable Mode (available in the settings)
Added missing context menu on the blacklist tab

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on March 26, 2013, 01:11:11 PM
Added API. See API Reference (
Added error handling for the case where the client tries to send a message from an address for which the human has deleted the keys.
Improved GUI messages when doing work (or pending work) for broadcast messages.
Added error handling for the case where the proof of work takes no measurable time (caused a divide by zero error).

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on March 26, 2013, 02:19:14 PM
I'm in  8)

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: diego1000 on March 26, 2013, 06:00:04 PM
inizio con le domande stupide:

1. tutto quello che bisogna backuppare è solo la keys.dat ?
2. c'è un modo per cambiare il percorso della keys.dat ?


PS: scrivetemi: BM-oqEkfpH9HA4vNYMdNmfyjR5zSMJ7pnU3Y

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on March 26, 2013, 06:23:09 PM
1. tutto quello che bisogna backuppare è solo la keys.dat ?
Si, ma farlo anche di messages.dat sarebbe una cosa in più (per salvarsi magari anche la lista dei propri che si è già letti)

2. c'è un modo per cambiare il percorso della keys.dat ?
Per ora mi pare di no, ma se attivi l'opzione "portable", i dati li prenderà dai file presenti nella stessa cartella dell'eseguibile.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: diego1000 on March 26, 2013, 06:30:18 PM
ho selezionato portable e mi ha tirato fuori keys.dat e knownnodes.dat. poi ha rifatto message.dat ma ho perso il messaggio ti minaccia che ho inviato ad hostfat.

se non ti backuppi message.dat perdi tutti i messaggi?

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on March 26, 2013, 06:32:41 PM
inizio con le domande stupide:

1. tutto quello che bisogna backuppare è solo la keys.dat ?
2. c'è un modo per cambiare il percorso della keys.dat ?


PS: scrivetemi: BM-oqEkfpH9HA4vNYMdNmfyjR5zSMJ7pnU3Y

Ti saprà sicuramente spiegare meglio Hostfat, ma:
1.Personalmente sto studiando la cosa solo da questo pomeriggio (e mi sono pure appisolato), per ora ho deciso di fare il backup della cartella .PyBitmessage con tutto il contenuto, tanto è poca roba. A quanto ho capito dalle istruzioni sul sito, sì, sarebbe sufficiente solo keys.dat che dovrebbe contenere sia le chiavi che le eventuali etichette.
Se crei solo indirizzi deterministici, invece, basterebbe ricordarsi unicamente la passphrase più un paio di numeri, senza alcun bisogno di backup "fisico". settings c'è l'opzione "run in portable mode" con sotto anche la spiegazione di come funziona. Non ho ancora provato perchè sto cercando una chiavetta o schedina SD su cui installarlo.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on March 26, 2013, 06:33:25 PM
ho selezionato portable e mi ha tirato fuori keys.dat e knownnodes.dat. poi ha rifatto message.dat ma ho perso il messaggio ti minaccia che ho inviato ad hostfat.

se non ti backuppi message.dat perdi tutti i messaggi?
Si, sul database nel network (presente sui vari nodi, come il blockchain di Bitcoin) sono già indicati come ricevuti, e quindi probabilmente gli altri nodi lo cancellano dal loro database locale.
Dovresti ancora avere message.dat nella vecchia cartella dati, quindi se gli ripassi quelli dovresti recuperare tutto.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on March 26, 2013, 06:36:39 PM
Battuto sul tempo, sono troppo lento...  ::)

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: diego1000 on March 26, 2013, 06:40:02 PM
ho selezionato portable e mi ha tirato fuori keys.dat e knownnodes.dat. poi ha rifatto message.dat ma ho perso il messaggio ti minaccia che ho inviato ad hostfat.

se non ti backuppi message.dat perdi tutti i messaggi?
Si, sul database nel network (presente sui vari nodi, come il blockchain di Bitcoin) sono già indicati come ricevuti, e quindi probabilmente gli altri nodi lo cancellano dal loro database locale.
Dovresti ancora avere message.dat nella vecchia cartella dati, quindi se gli ripassi quelli dovresti recuperare tutto.

recuperato il vecchio message.dat con il messaggio che ti ho inviato (lo hai ricevuto?)

era meglio se i messaggi rimanevano nel network.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on March 26, 2013, 06:42:37 PM
recuperato il vecchio message.dat con il messaggio che ti ho inviato (lo hai ricevuto?)
"Ti ammazzo: e ti rubo il wallet" ?

Se è un altro, devo ancora finire di scaricare i messaggi, appena avviato ...

era meglio se i messaggi rimanevano nel network.
Può essere che il dev dia possibilità di cambiare questa cosa in futuro.

Ma può anche essere che sia una scelta di sicurezza.
Una volta letto il messaggio, forse è meglio che nessun'altro sia in grado. (es: entrando in possesso delle tue chiavi)

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: diego1000 on March 26, 2013, 06:53:55 PM
recuperato il vecchio message.dat con il messaggio che ti ho inviato (lo hai ricevuto?)
"Ti ammazzo: e ti rubo il wallet" ?

Se è un altro, devo ancora finire di scaricare i messaggi, appena avviato ...

è un altro, dovrebbe esserti arrivato ora, mandamene uno, mi sento solo BM-oqEkfpH9HA4vNYMdNmfyjR5zSMJ7pnU3Y

Ma può anche essere che sia una scelta di sicurezza.
Una volta letto il messaggio, forse è meglio che nessun'altro sia in grado. (es: entrando in possesso delle tue chiavi)

humm... pro e contro, se uso la stessa chiave su 2 pc non posso "fondere" i message.dat

PS se non salvate message.dat perdete anche la rubrica.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on March 26, 2013, 07:17:48 PM
recuperato il vecchio message.dat con il messaggio che ti ho inviato (lo hai ricevuto?)
"Ti ammazzo: e ti rubo il wallet" ?

Nun sugnu stato manco io.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: diego1000 on March 26, 2013, 07:36:00 PM
altro domandone:

1. ho creato un identità senza specificare una label all'atto della creazione, come e dove posso inserirla successivamente?

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: ziomik on March 26, 2013, 08:35:10 PM
inizio con le domande stupide:

1. tutto quello che bisogna backuppare è solo la keys.dat ?
2. c'è un modo per cambiare il percorso della keys.dat ?


PS: scrivetemi: BM-oqEkfpH9HA4vNYMdNmfyjR5zSMJ7pnU3Y

Mi hai fatto scrivere ad Host e non a te ... l'indirizzo è il suo...   ;D

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: diego1000 on March 26, 2013, 09:00:01 PM
inizio con le domande stupide:

1. tutto quello che bisogna backuppare è solo la keys.dat ?
2. c'è un modo per cambiare il percorso della keys.dat ?


PS: scrivetemi: BM-oqEkfpH9HA4vNYMdNmfyjR5zSMJ7pnU3Y

Mi hai fatto scrivere ad Host e non a te ... l'indirizzo è il suo...   ;D

no no è il mio, messaggio ricevuto. non compare nessuna notifica sull icona nella tray se non apri il prog non ti accorgi dei messaggi. c'è molto da lavorare ma le premesse sono buone, affanculole email eaffanculo davide sovrano (sempre).

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: ziomik on March 26, 2013, 09:11:39 PM
Poi ti ho riscritto... :-) Quello che hai in firma è il tuo ma questo è quello di Host !

PS: scrivetemi: BM-oqEkfpH9HA4vNYMdNmfyjR5zSMJ7pnU3Y

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: diego1000 on March 26, 2013, 11:11:05 PM
Poi ti ho riscritto... :-) Quello che hai in firma è il tuo ma questo è quello di Host !

PS: scrivetemi: BM-oqEkfpH9HA4vNYMdNmfyjR5zSMJ7pnU3Y

ecco perchè non mi scriveva nessuno!

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on March 26, 2013, 11:11:31 PM
Ecco perchè scrivevano a me ste porcate!

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on March 29, 2013, 11:49:07 AM
L'interfaccia lascia ancora un po' a desiderare, ho cliccato col tasto destro su un messaggio, scappato il dito... sparito il messaggio, si era autoselezionata la voce "move to trash". E non mi pare ci sia modo di recuperarlo, giusto?

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on March 29, 2013, 12:28:55 PM
Dovrebbe stare dentro messages.dat

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on March 29, 2013, 02:59:06 PM
Dovrebbe stare dentro messages.dat

Sì, aprendolo con un hex editor sono riuscito a trovarlo (è tutto in chiaro), speravo solo ci fosse un modo di rimetterlo dov'era. Sotto al testo c'è scritto "trash" :'(

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on March 29, 2013, 03:21:07 PM
Il progetto è nato da poco e attualmente c'è praticamente solo un dev ;)

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on April 01, 2013, 08:34:16 AM
Va bè, per ora penso di dover rinunciarci, peccato.
Funziona solo al primo avvio (ho anche inviato/ricevuto un paio di messaggi) ma al secondo non c'è più attività, nonostante abbia 8 connessioni. Se lo reinstallo da zero, cancellando anche tutto il contenuto di .PyBitmessage funziona per quella sessione e poi basta. Sob! :'(

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on April 01, 2013, 12:43:35 PM
Fa questo problema anche a me, con la precedente versione andava tutto bene ...

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on April 01, 2013, 02:03:51 PM
Fa questo problema anche a me, con la precedente versione andava tutto bene ...

Ora lo dici?  ;D
Quindi non rimane che aspettare o installare la versione precedente... se si trova.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on April 01, 2013, 02:09:27 PM
Me ne sono accorto ora, secondo me è un bug che che non è avvenuto subito.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on April 01, 2013, 02:40:16 PM
Me ne sono accorto ora, secondo me è un bug che che non è avvenuto subito.

Saranno 4/5 giorni che l'ho installato (Linux) e ho notato subito questa cosa, già i primi messaggi non me li aveva inviati "completamente", uno pure a te.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: ziomik on April 01, 2013, 04:45:15 PM
@(A)social Ti ho scritto, qualche giorno fa anche io.
Nemmeno una risposta. Maleducato !  :'(

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on April 01, 2013, 05:11:07 PM
@(A)social Ti ho scritto, qualche giorno fa anche io.
Nemmeno una risposta. Maleducato !  :'(

 ;D ;D ;D

Ho risposto, e mi risultava messaggio ricevuto, tsè. Se vuoi ti mando lo screenshot.  ;D
Nel dubbio avevo mandato anche un PM qui.

In ogni caso non funziona, pare non basti reinstallare PyBitmessage da capo, bisogna cancellare completamente la cartella .PyBitmessage. Anche lasciare uno solo dei file creati durante la prima sessione (keys.dat o messages.dat) pare bloccarne il funzionamento.
Boh, Chi ci capisce qualcosa? Possibile non capiti al developer?

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: rriky92 on April 02, 2013, 05:11:16 PM
download for MAC and Linux? nisba?

Io sto provando con questa guida sperando funzioni per MAC OS X,1451.0.html

EDIT: a me da strani errori..
EDIT2: In qualche modo sono riuscito (spero di aver fatto tutto giusto)


Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on April 09, 2013, 05:34:00 PM
Nuova versione :)

- Fixed Ubuntu & OS X issue: Bitmessage wouldn't receive any objects from peers after restart.
- Inventory flush to disk when exiting program now vastly faster.
- Fixed address generation bug (kept Bitmessage from restarting).
- Improve deserialization of messages before processing.
- Change to help Macs find OpenSSL the way Unix systems find it.
- Do not share or accept IPs which are in the private IP ranges.
- Added time-fuzzing to the embedded time in pubkey and getpubkey messages.
- Added a knownNodes lock to prevent an exception from sometimes occurring when saving the data-structure to disk.
- Show unread messages in bold and do not display new messages automatically; let user click it.
- Support selecting multiple items in the inbox, sent box, and address book.
- Use delete key to trash Inbox or Sent messages.
- Display richtext(HTML) messages from senders in address book or subscriptions (although not pseudo-mailing-lists; use new right-click option).
- Trim spaces from the beginning and end of addresses when adding to address book, subscriptions, and blacklist.
- Improved the display of the time for foreign language users.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on April 09, 2013, 07:35:14 PM
Pare funzionare ora. Vediamo se ricevo una rispota da un certo marrano... ;D
E anche da un certo zio...

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on May 06, 2013, 06:12:45 AM
Bitmessage v0.3.0 is available. It is an important release with a new change relevant to everyone.
The most significant change is the move from version 2 to version 3 addresses.
With version 3 addresses, users may set the minimum-Proof-of-Work-difficulty that they require of others in order to receive a message. The network-minimum difficulty is 1 but you may, for example, demand that people who send you messages accomplish a proof of work with a difficulty of 1.5.
Before making new addresses, see the 'Demanded difficulty' tab in the settings menu.
The next new feature is encrypted broadcasts. Broadcasts sent from v3 addresses will now all be encrypted. Broadcasts sent from v2 addresses will remain in clear-text until 2013-05-28 at 10:00 UTC at which time all upgraded clients will automatically switch to using encrypted broadcasts for all addresses.
Note that broadcasts are only encrypted with the address of the person sending them.
Anyone who has the address may read the broadcast. Some people may try to decrypt all broadcasts with all addresses ever seen on the network; this is expected.
The purpose of this feature is to encrypt the data sufficiently well such that unencrypted data will not flow through your Internet connection that you are not actually interested in.
Going forward, all new addresses will be v3 addresses thus it would be wise to upgrade soon so that you may receive messages from new Bitmessage users. v2 and v3 addresses will remain mutually-compatible indefinitely.
The next new feature is Daemon mode which allows Bitmessage to run without a graphical user interface.
You may report issues to the Github issue tracker or by replying to this bitmessage.
Users who downloaded the source code with git may use 'git pull origin master' to upgrade.
All the best, Atheros
Nuova versione.
- Broadcast criptati
- Modalità demone (prevedo l'arrivo dei primi keylogger che lo sfruttino ;D)
- POF per ricevere impostabile

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on May 25, 2013, 11:14:48 PM
Nuova versione :)

Added new API commands: getDeterministicAddress, addSubscription, deleteSubscription
TCP Connection timeout for non-fully-established connections now 20 seconds
Don't update the time we last communicated with a node unless the connection is fully established. This will allow us to forget about active but non-Bitmessage nodes which have made it into our knownNodes file.
Prevent incoming connection flooding from crashing singleListener thread. Client will now only accept one connection per remote node IP
Bugfix: Worker thread crashed when doing a POW to send out a v2 pubkey (bug introduced in 0.3.0)
Wrap all sock.shutdown functions in error handlers
Put all 'commit' commands within SQLLocks
Bugfix: If address book label is blank, Bitmessage wouldn't show message (bug introduced in 0.3.0)
Messaging menu item selects the oldest unread message
Standardize on 'Quit' rather than 'Exit'
[OSX] Try to seek homebrew installation of OpenSSL
Prevent multiple instances of the application from running
Show 'Connected' or 'Connection Lost' indicators
Use only 9 half-open connections on Windows but 32 for everyone else
Added appIndicator (a more functional tray icon) and Ubuntu Messaging Menu integration
Changed Debian install directory and run script name based on Github issue #135

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on June 03, 2013, 05:36:45 PM
Nuovo update ;D

Bugfix: Remove remaining references to the old myapp.trayIcon
Refactored message status-related code. API function getStatus now returns one of these strings: notfound, msgqueued, broadcastqueued, broadcastsent, doingpubkeypow, awaitingpubkey, doingmsgpow, msgsent, or ackreceived
Moved proof of work to low-priority multi-threaded child processes
Added menu option to delete all trashed messages
Added inv flooding attack mitigation
On Linux, when selecting Show Bitmessage, do not maximize automatically
Store tray icons in

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on June 07, 2013, 11:25:10 PM

Remove inbox item from GUI when using API command trashMessage
Add missing trailing semicolons to pybitmessage.desktop
Ensure $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin exists
Update Makefile to correct sandbox violations when built via Portage (Gentoo)
Fix message authentication bug

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on June 28, 2013, 01:09:16 PM
E' uscita la 0.3.4, anche se non è ancora presente il changelog.

Si sono aggiunti tanti altri sviluppatori, ed è probabile che fra non molto avremo un light client android (, che si connetterà a server remoti (magari quello installato a casa o altrove...) per eseguire il PoW, e poter poi inviare il messaggio al network :)

Al che si avrà un sistema di messaggistica, completamente decentralizzato, sicuro e a portata di mano ovunque!

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: armory on June 29, 2013, 07:22:28 PM
ma posso inviare email ad un provider tipo gmail ?

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on June 30, 2013, 01:06:19 AM
E' un alternativa all'email, ma non ha niente a che fare con le infrastrutture che gesticono/muovono l'email.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on July 02, 2013, 06:15:24 AM
Questo servizio permette di usare il network di Bitmessage senza installare niente, direttamente da browser.
Attualmente il PoW viene eseguito serverside, ma è probabile che venga presto portato su javascript.
Naturalmente c'è un calo di sicurezza facendo uso di un servizio simile ;),2557.0.html

Ecco anche il changelog della v0.3.4
Linux: Store config files in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
Added a new global variable user option: doTimingAttackMitigation
Moved a variety of classes and functions out of and to their own modules
New API command: getSentMessageByAckData
Modified the getAllSentMessages and getSentMessageById commands to return ackData
API commands to get messages now return actual encoding type
Bugfix: Unicode chars in localtime prevented the gui from starting
Added 'Save message as...' option in Inbox
Added OS X Build scripts
Added option to subscribe to an address in your address book
Added getInboxMessageById API command
Updated icons to have sRGB profile to prevent warnings
Added French translation
Switched addr, msg, broadcast, and getpubkey message types to 8 byte time. Last remaining type is pubkey.
Added tooltips to show the full subject of messages
Added Maximum Acceptable Difficulty fields in the settings
Send out pubkey immediately after generating deterministic addresses rather than waiting for a request

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on July 16, 2013, 10:08:33 PM
Altra fork con grosso potenziale in arrivo :)

Da seguire poi anche questo:

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on July 20, 2013, 11:11:00 AM
Integrazione fra Bitmessage e Namecoin in arrivo ;),2563.msg4855.html#msg4855

E' forse ora di acquisti? ;D

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on July 25, 2013, 06:12:26 AM
Build per OSX v0.34,2761.0.html

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on July 30, 2013, 05:54:57 AM
Nuova versione :)
Added right-click option to mark a message as unread
Prompt user to connect at first startup
Install into /usr/local by default
Add a missing `rm -f` to the uninstall task.
Use system text color for enabled addresses instead of black
Added support for Chans
Start storing msgid in sent table
Optionally play sounds on connection/disconnection or when messages arrive
Adding configuration option to listen for connections when using SOCKS
Added packaging for multiple distros (Arch, Puppy, Slack, etc.)
Added Russian translation
Added search support in the UI
Added 'make uninstall'
To improve OSX support, use PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1 if PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC is unavailable
Added better warnings for OSX users who are using old versions of Python
Repaired debian packaging
Altered Makefile to avoid needing to chase changes
Added logger module
Added bgWorker class for background tasks
Added use of gevent module
On not-Windows: Fix insecure keyfile permissions
Fix 100% CPU usage issue

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on September 06, 2013, 11:13:07 PM
Uno sviluppatore si sta preparando a creare già un alternativa a Bitmessage! Partendo da zero.

Bitmask: A Perfectly Anonymous, Naturally Scalable Peer-to-Peer Messaging System

Tommy Anderson

v0.1.0 - September 6, 2013

Abstract. We propose a trustless peer-to-peer messaging system that allows peers to securely send and receive anonymous, plausibly deniable messages, without exposing one’s true identity. Through the combined defensive efforts of a minimum spanning tree of non- malicious peers, the system is shown to be resilient to attempts made by malicious peers to disrupt both the activity and anonymity of the system. Additionally, peers are responsible for self-regulating and maintaining the health of the system, in a way that is both scalable and fair to all peers.

1 Introduction
Peer-to-peer (P2P) messaging as it currently exists lacks a proper trustless solution that is both anonymous and scalable. A system known as Bitmessage attempts to be such a solution, however its approach to anonymizing the identity and activities of peers prevents the system from achieving the scalability needed for mainstream adoption. This section will analyze the shortcomings of Bitmessage, as well as introduce a new solution titled Bitmask.

1.1 Bitmessage
The private information retrieval (PIR) approach that Bitmessage takes to anonymize the activities of peers is to have each peer download and forward every message within the system’s network. This is done to obfuscate both the addresses that belong to the peer and those that the peer is in communication with. Bandwidth limitations render such a system impractical for use on a mobile device. More generally speaking, usage is limited strictly to those who are willing to store and transfer large amounts of data over a given period of time.

Bitmessage attempts to scale by allowing peers to split up into separate bandwidth partitions of the network known as streams. Streams however limit a peer’s anonymity to a function of how many peers are in a specific stream, rather than the entire network.

Additionally, it has been shown that various timing attacks exist that can be used to break anonymity. These timing attacks result from the exploitation of Bitmessage network protocol packets known as acknowledgment messages. Lack of link layer encryption also makes it possible for anonymity to be broken by internet service providers (ISPs).

1.2 Bitmask
To remedy these shortcomings and provide a system that is both scalable and anonymous, a new system titled Bitmask is proposed with the following features. These feature descriptions give a high level overview of the system, and will be explained in greater detail within the sections to follow.

Note: symmetric-key encryption, the usage of public and private keys to sign and encrypt messages, is used in a manner similar to Bitmessage, including the concept of addresses to shorten public keys.

1.2.1 Perfect Forward Secrecy
Instead of always sending encrypted messages to the same address for a particular contact, a peer will generate a new public/private key pair before sending a new message, and include the new public key at the end of the message. The one-time address associated with this public key is known as an ephemeral address; an address to be used more than once is known as non-ephemeral. When the recipient reads this message, it will know which new ephemeral address the sender is listening on for a reply, and send a reply accordingly. If the most recent private key for one of the two peers communicating is ever compromised, all previous messages in the conversation are safe as long as the previous private keys were discarded, thus achieving perfect forward secrecy.

1.2.2 Plausible Deniability
By including one’s ephemeral private key at the end of every encrypted message and then discarding that private key, one can deny having written a message if accused outside of the network by the recipient. This is because the recipient had the means to forge the message by possessing the private key at the end. Because all peers never use the same address twice, there is no need for identity-theft concern when releasing the private key, as there is no identity to protect.

1.2.3 Link Layer Encryption
By using transport layer security (TLS) to communicate with and send packets over the network to peers, link layer encryption will be provided, and ISPs will be unable to read the contents of packets.

1.2.4 Advertisement Packets
To preserve the anonymity that comes with Bitmessage’s PIR scheme of everyone gets every- thing without actually forwarding and receiving every message, advertisement (ad) packets are used. All messages are advertised to the network as a special ad packet before ever being transferred between peers. This ad packet contains the recipient address of the message being advertised, as well as the time of expiration for how long the peer passing along this ad is willing to respond to requests from other peers to send them the message.

1.2.5 Randomized Caching
Instead of using streams and Bitmessage’s PIR scheme of everyone gets everything, Bitmask uses a concept called random caching. After learning from ad packets what messages are available to download from peers, a peer will randomly and regularly ask to download cer- tain messages from certain peers. The peer will then cache these messages for an agreed upon amount of time, and transfer them to other peers if requested. The peer’s activity is obfuscated by the fact that no peer can tell which messages are of interest to the peer, and the fact that messages sent by the peer are introduced into the network as an ad whose origin of broadcast is undetermined.

1.2.6 Bandwidth for Anti-Flood
Bandwidth metrics are used for protecting the network against flood attacks, instead of Bitmessage’s CPU based proof of work (POW). Natural bounds on system growth are de- fined by self-verifiable and trustless rules between peers, such as bandwidth agreements and statistically allowable thresholds for message transfer and dropping. Malicious peers must follow these rules or risk being dropped by the non-malicious peers who have set them. As a result, malicious peers can only flood in proportion to how much network traffic they are facilitating, which in effect helps the network by adding additional noise.

1.2.7 Permission Packets
In order to prevent spam, all ad packets for messages contain the recipient address instead of the public key. Thus, special permission packets are needed to obtain a public key for non-ephemeral addresses shared outside of the network, in order to initiate a conversation and start sharing ephemeral public keys. Such a permission packet includes the recipient’s address as well as an ephemeral public key for the sender. The recipient can then reply to that public key with its own ephemeral address as an encrypted message (signed by the address requested in the permission packet in order to prevent false/spammed replys), thus allowing the permission requester to then send its first message.

1.2.8 Trustless Identity
In order to prevent attempts to spam permission packets by altering an original packet and rebroadcasting it with a new ephemeral public key, the first message that gets sent after permission has been granted must be a special identity profile message. The peer who is responding to the request can then read and subsequently decide whether or not to initiate a conversation with whoever the sender claims to be (ie: take an accept or reject type of action).

Note: this identity is a claim, it doesn’t guarantee the peer is who he says he is

1.2.9 Low-Bandwidth Accessibility
Peers such as those on mobile phones can request to only receive ad packets that advertise the availability of messages being sent to a specified range of addresses. As long as these peers provide some constant amount of bandwidth to frequently send and receive messages, anonymity is preserved.

2 P2P Systems
P2P based systems like Bitmask and Bitmessage are made up of a decentralized and dis- tributed network of peers. Such peers take on both the role of consumer and producer, each providing some portion of individual resources to the network. Bitmask is designed to be a trustless P2P system, in which network protocol never dictates the trusting of peers to achieve proper functionality. For example, making the assumption that peers are caching all messages transferred to them without some form of verification or accountability would fail to result in a network that is trustless.

2.1 Minimum Spanning Tree of Trust
The only assumption that Bitmask makes with regards to the trusting of peers, is the as- sumption that a minimum spanning tree of non-malicious peers is present within the network. In other words, each peer must be connected to at least one non-malicious peer. If a peer sends messages out over time and never receives a response, he is only connected to mali- cious peers and the assumption is broken. As such, we can philosophically guarantee the validity of this assumption in the sense that the system is only useful if peers can use it to communicate with each other. Thus, as long as peers find Bitmask to be useful, the trustless nature of the system is preserved.

This assumption in combination with various methods of verification will be used to detect the presence of malicious peers within the network, as described in the sections to follow. Non-malicious peers will work together to set mutually-beneficial terms, but at the same time constantly verify the actions of each other in a trustless manner, in order to maintain the functionality of the network.

3 System Components
Central to the use of Bitmask is the usage of addresses for initiating and carrying out communication, in addition to two types of network packets; global packets for broadcasting to every peer within the network, and local packets for cooperating with specific peers.

3.1 Addresses
All addresses are of a form similar to the base 58 encoded addresses used by Bitmessage and the crypto-currency Bitcoin, in order to compress a peer’s public key and make it more user- friendly with regards to copying and pasting. Additionally, addresses help prevent spam by hashing the associated public key and preventing network observers from being able to scrape an ad packet and send an encrypted spam message to that public key. The checksum length is chosen to be the same as for Bitmessage. As a side-note, the shorter this checksum is, the greater the probability that collisions are possible when getting a response to a permission packet (ie: getting two responses back that are signed by different public keys that hash to the same address, which can be interpreted as two public keys claiming responsibility for the same permission packet).

3.2 Global Packets
The following types of packets are relayed from peer to peer until they’ve traversed the entire network.

3.2.1 Permission Request
This packet is needed for getting the public key of a non-ephemeral address and for subse- quently starting a conversation, as previously described.

3.2.2 Advertisement
This packet is needed to introduce the availability of a message within the network. When relaying this packet to another peer, both peers must agree on a time of expiration for how long the receiving peer is willing to answer requests from other peers to transfer the message being advertised. Determination of this time will be discussed in the section to come on network behavior.

3.2.3 Message
This packet contains encrypted content, such as an acknowledgment for receiving a previous message, a trustless identity profile message following a successful permission request, or a plain text message. It is sent when a peer requests it from another peer, sometime between the moment the receiving peer learns of the message’s presence from an advertisement packet, and the time of expiration for that advertisement.

3.3 Local Packets
The following types of packets are used for communication between two peers.

3.3.1 Bandwidth Agreement
Upon establishing a connection, two peers use this packet to enter into an agreement to provide an amount of message storage space for each other. The peer that offers the lower of the two amounts determines the amount agreed to.

3.3.2 Message Request
A vector of messages are requested in each packet of this type, based on which messages are available for request from the peer in question. Included in this request is the proposed time of storage for each message that a peer is requesting, so that the peer sending the files knows the duration of time that he has to spend verifying that the peer is caching the messages as promised. The sending peer will then begin to transfer the requested messages, either immediately if it currently has a message cached, or with a delay if the peer needs to request a message from one of its peers.

To determine how much time a peer will offer to store a message from another peer, a function with an input of the current amount of unused bandwidth minus the size of the file in question will be used (ie: how much space will remain after caching this message). This function will be exponential, where the smaller the amount of currently available space there is, the shorter a peer will be willing to hold on to messages. This curve will be adjusted depending on network activity, for example making it steeper in the presence of high traffic.

3.3.3 Checkup
Upon establishing a connection, two peers use this packet to enter into an agreement to checkup on each other over a regular interval of time, in order to verify that both peers are holding messages for as long as they promised to. In order to prove that caching is occurring, a random nonce is sent by one peer to the other. The receiving peer then computes and returns a checksum for each file plus this nonce, to prove that each file is currently stored.

Failure to respond within an adequate amount of time or to provide the correct answer results in the blacklisting of that peer. Each checkup packet will contain a list of files that in combination have a large total file size, to guarantee that the peer isn’t simply re-downloading the files from other peers.

3.3.4 Message Query
This packet is used to check if a peer is currently storing any messages for specific addresses, and if so, to transfer them. It sacrifices anonymity, but is useful for querying peers that are serving as storage services by keeping messages cached after their ads expires, for an addi- tional amount of time. Anonymity can be preserved by querying a large range of addresses. This packet should only be used by peers who have been offline and are reconnecting to the network.

4 Network Behavior
The following is an overview of interactions between peers.

4.1 Reciprocal Bandwidth
Because of the minimum spanning tree assumption, a peer must continually relay all ad packets within the network or risk being classified as a malicious peer, because all ads will eventually make their way through the minimum spanning tree to the recipient peer. So if a peer receives an ad for a message that it’s the recipient of but never receives the same ad from peers attempting to drop ad packets, those malicious peers can be detected and blacklisted.

Therefore peers must use their bandwidth for the good of the network, in addition to any “junk” (ie: messages to addresses not owned by any peer) they might want to introduce. The more bandwidth that a peer agrees to, the greater the chance that other peers will randomly cache files that the peer is attempting to send, because these peers will be requesting messages faster. Additionally, the more that peers cache messages, the quicker those messages will get to the intended recipient; it’s to every peer’s benefit to create a strong network pipeline.

If a peer is offline when a message is sent, that peer must attempt to query the message from a storage peer. Otherwise, the only other way to retrieve the message is to wait for the sender to either to resend the message, or to send a new permission packet to restart the conversation on a new ephemeral address.

4.2 Reciprocal Advertising
Peers must agree every so often on a constant time to advertise each others ads, because any messages a peer would try to send will then be reciprocally advertised for an equal amount of time. When a peer advertises a message to another peer, the recieving peer agrees to an expiration time no greater than the time of expiration the advertising peer previously agreed to for the same ad, and no more than the constant time they’re currently in agreement on. Thus, the longer a peer is willing to advertise messages, the longer its messages can be advertised within the network.

If a peer frequently fails to obtain and/or send a message after having been requested to do so, that peer can be blacklisted. The fact that a peer may no longer have access to a file due to advertisement expirations or disconnects in its path to obtain the file will be taken into account when determining such a threshold for blacklisting.

5 Anonymity
The following are various thoughts regarding the anonymity of Bitmask.

• Random caching based PIR and ephemeral addresses keeps interests masked; peers appear to simply be facilitating traffic
• By waiting a random amount of time before responding to permission requests, peers will be unable to detect if a non-ephemeral address belongs to a certain peer
• Unless completely connected to malicious peers (which would violate the minimum spanning tree assumption), no peer can prove the origin of an ad
• Because every message has a mutually agreed upon time of expiration based on ads, messages that are cached will be deleted upon expiration so that peers can’t abuse query requests to see if another peer is holding messages longer than they should be, thus giving away that the peer has interest in it (either sent or read it); deletion can be turned off if serving as a storage peer
• Link layer encryption protects against ISP’s from figuring out which ads originate from certain peers
• Message size increments and padding are not needed due to regular bandwidth fre- quency (ie: constantly pushing and pulling a set amount of data)

6 Spam
Public keys are never directly broadcasted within the network, so no peer can encrypt and send spam messages. The only possibility for spam is with regards to permission packets. Having a trustless identity profile message be the first message after permission has been granted gives a peer the means to accept or reject starting a conversation with the requesting peer. The more fields this profile has, the harder it will be for spam peers to generate a meaningful profile that a Bitmask client can choose to mark as spam, and flat out reject the conversation. A client can also allow users to whitelist certain addresses, and ignore permission requests signed by any other addresses.

7 Flooding
Because of the minimum spanning tree assumption, malicious peers must facilitate all normal traffic or risk being caught dropping messages, and blacklisted as a result. Thus a malicious node must support the current network, in addition to any packets it wishes to introduce. As a result of all peers establishing bandwidth requirements amongst themselves, they naturally limit how much data a malicious peer can push into the network, which in the end will only help peers gain more anonymity from each other. Additionally, peers will agree amongst themselves to have bandwidth caps for ad and permission packets to protect against network flood.

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on September 17, 2013, 07:00:23 AM
Uno sviluppatore si sta preparando a creare già un alternativa a Bitmessage! Partendo da zero.

Bitmask: A Perfectly Anonymous, Naturally Scalable Peer-to-Peer Messaging System

Tommy Anderson

Sito inesistente.
Ad occhio credo ora sia questo

Title: Re: [OT] Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: SiNaPsE on September 18, 2013, 01:46:11 PM
non so se conoscete.. ma incollo lo stesso... (

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on September 23, 2013, 08:41:44 AM
Nuova versione v0.4.0 :)
Raised default demanded difficulty from 1 to 2 for new addresses
Added v4 addresses: pubkeys are now encrypted and tagged in the inventory
Use locks when accessing dictionary inventory
Refactored the way inv and addr messages are shared
Give user feedback when disk is full
Added chan true/false to listAddresses results
When replying using chan address, send to whole chan not just sender
Refactored of the way PyBitmessage looks for interesting new objects in large inv messages from peers
Show inventory lookup rate on Network Status tab
Added SqlBulkExecute class so we can update inventory with only one commit
Updated Russian translations
Move duplicated SQL code into helper
Allow specification of alternate settings dir via BITMESSAGE_HOME environment variable
Removed use of gevent. Removed
Added Sip and PyQt to includes in
Show number of each message type processed in the API command clientStatus
Use fast PoW unless we're explicitly a frozen (binary) version of the code
Enable user-set localization in settings
Fix Archlinux package creation
Fallback to language only localization when region doesn't match
Fixed brew install instructions
Added German translation
Made inbox and sent messages table panels read-only
Allow inbox and sent preview panels to resize
Count RE: as a reply header, just like Re: so we don't chain Re: RE:
Fix for traceback on OSX
Added backend ability to understand shorter addresses
Convert 'API Error' to raise APIError()
Added option in settings to allow sending to a mobile device (app not yet done)
Added ability to start daemon mode when using Bitmessage as a module
Improved the way client detects locale
Added API commands: getInboxMessageIds, getSentMessageIds, listAddressBookEntries, trashSentMessageByAckData, addAddressBookEntry, deleteAddressBookEntry, listAddresses2, listSubscriptions
Set a maximum frequency for playing sounds
Show Invalid Method error in same format as other API errors
Update status of separate broadcasts separately even if the sent data is identical
Added Namecoin integration
Internally distinguish peers by IP and port
Inbox message retrieval API functions now also returns read status

C'è un utente che continua a scrivermi (che si firma "me"), e io a rispondergli, ma sembra che non riceva le mie risposte.
O sbaglia qualcosa lui, o c'era qualche bug nella versione precedente, spero che sia stato risolto in questa.

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on October 11, 2013, 12:55:32 AM
Fixed whitelist bug
Fixed chan bug
Added addressversion field to pubkeys table
Sending messages to a chan no longer uses anything in the pubkeys table
Sending messages to yourself is now fully supported
Change _verifyAddress function to support v4 addresses

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on October 27, 2013, 06:04:01 PM
Aggiunta "Lista Indirizzi Bitmessage" e "Servizio per poter ricevere messaggi sul client via email"

Per chi volesse pubblicare un suo indirizzo (e/o chiedere di cancellare), lo dica che verrà messo nella lista :)

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on October 27, 2013, 08:00:15 PM
Sta nascendo un interessante progetto legato a Bitmessage :)


Sembrerebbe una versione più povera del progetto (che è attualmente praticamente abbandonato)

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on November 03, 2013, 11:29:52 PM
Aggiunto Quinta ( alla lista :)

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: jimmy3dita on November 04, 2013, 09:29:32 AM
Ragazzi che ne dite di organizzare la prima mailing list basata su Bitmessage? Argomento: decentralizzazione e "antispioni" :)

Il mio indirizzo:


Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on November 04, 2013, 09:34:47 AM
Aggiunto in lista :)

Avevo già creato un chan mi pare, ma forse era in qualche precedente versione, mi chiedo se funzioni ancora:
"bitcoin-italia" : BM-2D9FouM9dAWHURqLdkspkr8Yiv4SyFRfy1

Comunque se ne può creare anche un altro.

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on November 12, 2013, 08:52:41 AM
Aggiunta nella lista indirizzi:
Carola Frediani ( - BM-2cUQK6Rj4NpFMfRNmx8pSvC3cUinCjSxwH

E il servizio:
Secure, Anonymous "Twitter" w. Bitmessage

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on November 12, 2013, 01:05:17 PM
Aggiunto anche:
bitcoinplaza - BM-2cUYrMd7XZNrHdyF6Macdh7mgQxHgUgtZW

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: ziomik on November 13, 2013, 12:41:22 PM
Domandina tecnica.
Formattato il mio pc e prima di farlo ho copiato la cartella C:\Users\miouser\AppData\Roaming\PyBitmessage
Ora ho reinstallato Bitmessage e sostituito i file della cartella con i vecchi. E' la soluzione corretta per ripristinare il mio indirizzo "vecchio".
Dico questo perchè ora il debug mi dice:
2013-11-13 13:38:36,736 - CRITICAL - Major error occurred when trying to execute a SQL statement within the sqlThread. Please tell Atheros about this error message or post it in the forum! Error occurred while trying to execute statement: "DELETE FROM inventory WHERE (receivedtime<? AND objecttype<>'pubkey') OR (receivedtime<?  AND objecttype='pubkey') "  Here are the parameters; you might want to censor this data with asterisks (***) as it can contain private information: (1384108716, 1381927116). Here is the actual error message thrown by the sqlThread: database disk image is malformed
2013-11-13 13:38:36,736 - CRITICAL - This program shall now abruptly exit!

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on November 13, 2013, 01:24:39 PM
Erano la stessa versione?

FaSan - BM-GtYZsfbPne2PtUn7G11LduPo4G51EFo1

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: ziomik on November 13, 2013, 01:34:44 PM
Bella domanda... credo di no... stasera provo a scaricare le versioni precedenti.  :-\.

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: FaSan on November 13, 2013, 01:36:43 PM
Cancella la cartella, rilancia bitmessage, aspetta qualche secondo poi richiudi.
Entri nella cartella che è stata ri-creata e sostituisci solo il file messages.dat

Dovrebbe andare ;-)

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on January 24, 2014, 09:22:28 AM
Nuova versione
Added Norwegian, Chinese, and Arabic translations
sock.sendall function isn't atomic. Let sendDataThread be the only thread which sends data.
Moved API code to
Populate comboBoxSendFrom when replying
Added option to show recent broadcasts when subscribing
Fixed issue: If Windows username contained an international character, Bitmessage wouldn't start
Added some code for FreeBSD compatibility
Moved responsibility for processing network objects to the new ObjectProcessorThread
Refactored main QT module
Moved popup menus initialization to separate methods
Simplified inbox loading
Moved magic strings to the model scope constants so they won't be created every time.
Updated list of defaultKnownNodes
Fixed issue: [Linux] When too many messages arrive too quickly, exception occurs: "Exceeded maximum number of notifications"
Fixed issue: creating then deleting an Address in short time crashes
Refactored code which displays messages to improve code readability
load "Sent To" label from subscriptions if available
Removed code to add chans to our address book as it is no longer necessary
Added identicons
Modified addresses.decodeAddress so that API command decodeAddress works properly
Added API commands createChan, joinChan, leaveChan, deleteAddress
In pyelliptic, check the return value of RAND_bytes to make sure enough random data was generated
Don't store messages in UI table (and thus in memory), pull from SQL inventory as needed
Fix typos in API commands addSubscription and getInboxMessagesByAddress
Add feature in settings menu to give up resending a message after a specified period of time

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: FerraCoin on January 27, 2014, 08:12:54 PM
Progetto molto interessante, proviamo un po'

mio BitM: BM-2cUsstzy6G2MCJjPU3StsiksjoZVi9xDKD

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: gdassori on January 28, 2014, 01:22:42 PM
Mio nuovo indirizzo BitM: BM-2cT5sSt3nSDaXDeQRnG6UHQK2pppud4WTV

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: airenzo on February 09, 2014, 11:19:37 PM
Avevo già creato un chan mi pare, ma forse era in qualche precedente versione, mi chiedo se funzioni ancora:
"bitcoin-italia" : BM-2D9FouM9dAWHURqLdkspkr8Yiv4SyFRfy1

Comunque se ne può creare anche un altro.

No, non sembra funzionare.
Perchè non ne crei un'altra così riesco pure a capire che roba é :)

Una specie di mailing-list?

mio address: BM-2cXDjwLMXb18rvvHd9wVNrT7rJaheospeN

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: Tommy76 on February 25, 2014, 08:10:42 PM
Domanda: qualcuno di voi ha letto / seguito questo thread ?

Inoltre... sto provando in questi giorni ad inviare messaggi, ma con risultati abbastanza "scadenti"... i tempi di invio sono infiniti... o sbaglio ?

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: inaltoasinistra on April 16, 2014, 07:38:32 AM
Non se se se ne è già parlato in questo thread:
esiste un servizio di blogging anonimo basato su bitmessage.

Basta inviare un messaggio a BM-2cTUZmrFaypXnAR4DAXLbAb6KrFPRhGyEe ed esso diventerà un post del blog all'indirizzo:<indirizzo-mittente>

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: Gianluca95 on April 16, 2014, 09:08:09 PM
Interessante, ho scritto un post su Bitcoin Italia (Gruppo su Facebook) chiedendo lumi al riguardo, e Franco (HostFat) mi ha mostrato questo topic.

Bene, dopo aver letto, mi sorgono due domande spontanee da fare:

A meno che uno faccia attività poco lecite, perché dovrei usare un sistema del genere? Cioè, come potrebbe/potremo favorire l'utilizzo di questo sistema su larga scala?

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: Gianluca95 on June 08, 2014, 09:29:40 AM

Sbaglio o google vuole ispirarsi a bit message?

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on July 12, 2014, 04:12:30 PM
Discussione interessante riguardo allo sviluppo di un client per Android:

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on August 06, 2014, 09:58:42 PM
Nuova versione di Bitmessage!

Sembra comunque che entro poco uscirà una nuova versione che avrà aggiornamenti importanti sul protocollo ;D

Support pyelliptic's updated HMAC algorithm. We'll remove support for the old method after an upgrade period.
Improved version check
Refactored decodeBase58 function
Ignore duplicate messages
Added bytes received/sent counts and rate on the network information tab
Fix unicode handling in 'View HTML code as formatted text'
Refactor handling of packet headers
Use pointMult function instead of arithmetic.privtopub since it is faster
Fixed issue where client wasn't waiting for a verack before continuing on with the conversation
Fixed CPU hogging by implementing tab-based refresh improvements
Added curses interface
Added support for IPv6
Added a 'trustedpeer' option to keys.dat
Limit maximum object size to 20 MB
Support email-like > quote characters and reply-below-quote
Added Japanese and Dutch language files; updated Norwegian and Russian languages files

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on September 29, 2014, 05:02:48 PM
E' in arrivo anche il un ottimo client per Android :D

I'm pleased to announce that the beta code of Bitseal, an Android client for Bitmessage, is now available.



Working features:
   - Sending messages
   - Receiving messages
   - QR codes for addresses
   - Address Book
   - Import addresses
   - Export addresses
   - Choose which servers to use (including your own)

Roadmap for development (subject to change):
   - Update for Bitmessage Protocol Version 3
   - Lite client message retrieval using prefix filters (credit to Peter Todd for suggesting this)
   - Local encryption of the database, using SQLCipher
   - SSL for connections between clients and servers
   - POW implemented in C or C++ via the Android NDK
   - Support for broadcasts
   - Refresh the UI


- Bitseal is not ready for widespread use yet. A full release is planned once lite client message retrieval is implemented. The app will be available on the Google Play store once this is done.

- Bitseal is free, open source software, released under the Gnu General Public License Version 3.

- Some parts of Bitseal include, are based on, or are reliant upon software written by others, including Jonathan Warren, Sebastian Schmidt, Tim Roes, Roberto Tyley, the bitcoinj developers, and the Bouncy Castle developers. This is noted in the source code where applicable.

- I have set up a few default servers which can be used for testing purposes. Anyone is free to set up and use their own. The server application is simply a slightly modified copy of PyBitmessage.

- The development of Bitseal has been a large project, taking many months of work. I'm doing it on a purely non-profit basis. Bitcoin donations are very gratefully received: 1L7amdWrPv4R4f1vLdanr2xU71TPs3wUEC

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on October 18, 2014, 01:34:41 AM
Uscita nuova versione, l'aggiornamento è obbligatorio!

Added ability to limit network transfer rate
Updated to Protocol Version 3 (
Removed use of memoryview so that we can support python 2.7.3
Make use of l10n for localizations

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: armory on October 24, 2014, 07:17:27 AM
E' in arrivo anche il un ottimo client per Android :D


bello, ma perchè utilizza dei server? non dovrebeb essere p2p?

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on December 06, 2014, 01:53:02 PM
bello, ma perchè utilizza dei server? non dovrebeb essere p2p?
Perchè un client completo consumerebbe troppa banda e risorse per gli attuali smartphone.
Si possono usare i server forniti da loro, o metterne su uno personale, e usare solo quello.
Attualmente è sempre il client a fare la proof-of-work, ma anche questo si potrà spostare direttamente sul proprio server.

Prosegue lo sviluppo del client per Android :)

I'm pleased to announce that Bitseal 0.5 is available for testing! The main points of this release are:

      - Implemented local encryption of Bitseal's database, using SQLCipher. When the app is locked this protects all sensitive data, including keys and messages.

      - Finished updating the code for protocol version 3. This includes some changes that weren't available in the previous release.

      - Made numerous bug fixes and stability improvements.

As before, please note that this is Beta software, and should not be considered secure at this point. Please use it for testing purposes only! With that said, the app is currently available as follows:

1) You can download an APK file to install directly via this link:

2) You can join a beta testing group through Google+, which then links to the Google Play store. This will allow you to automatically receive future updates. To opt in, simply join the Bitseal beta testing Google+ 'community' using the same Google account that you use for the Play Store. Once you have joined, use the Play Store testing link listed on the community page to become a beta tester:

3) You can also compile the source code from the Github repositories:

If you'd like to support the continued development of Bitseal, Bitcoin donations are very gratefully received: 1ALTrxJ3Yn3Rc85Uf467u3ZcpHCzx4jDAT (

Please note that I've changed the donations address to a new one, as I've been doing some re-organization of my wallets recently. All donations to the old address have been sent to the new address.

Many thanks for everyone's support so far! Your feedback is very welcome.

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: bit3000 on August 10, 2015, 05:24:45 PM
Ma questo progetto è ancora attivo?
Mi sembra molto interessante come cosa, anche se a quanto pare non ha avuto molto successo.
In effetti quello che mi lascia perplesso è il limite di 2 giorni oltre il quale i messaggi vengono dimenticati, anche se ciò ha il vantaggio di non dover portarsi dietro alcuna blockchain. Però boh, in effetti quello dei 2 giorni è un grosso limite.

A meno che uno faccia attività poco lecite, perché dovrei usare un sistema del genere? Cioè, come potrebbe/potremo favorire l'utilizzo di questo sistema su larga scala?
Su larga scala in effetti è un po' difficile che venga utilizzato. D'altra parte anche il bitcoin non è usato su larga scala.
Diciamo che oltre al vantaggio della crittografia (che comunque si può usare anche con le normali mail, e non è detto che la si usi per forza per fare cose "poco lecite"), la cosa che mi piace molto è il fatto di poter generare un indirizzo in 2 secondi, senza dover fare la lunga procedura di aprire un indirizzo e-mail. D'altra parte una delle cose che apprezzo molto del bitcoin stesso è proprio il fatto di poter generare in pochi secondi un indirizzo. Pensiamo invece a quante carte dobbiamo compilare e quanti dati dobbiamo fornire anche solo per fare una banale carta prepagata.

Comunque vorrei fare qualche test per vedere se questo programma funziona bene, c'è qualche volontario che ha voglia di mandarmi un messaggio a questo indirizzo? BM-2cU1nVA4rmfX1PufFTqkfL4ae7awGA8guS

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on October 03, 2015, 08:50:36 PM
Fork con diversi fix e aggiormento interfaccia :),4803.0.html (

I created a new fork of PyBitmessage, and this is the first release. There were two reasons behind it.

The first one is that the user interface of PyBitmessage is bare bones and often annoying. So I integrated the changes felidosz made, and been waiting for half a year to be merged:

Felidosz' updates were great, but not complete, there were things missing/buggy, and some annoyances were still present. So I fixed some stuff, added other stuff and improved even more.

I also tested how a normal user (my wife) is able to use the official PyBitmessage for an email gateway. She failed to even register, even though I was sitting beside her and I asked her to read the instructions on mailchuck website. She couldn't understand it. So I also spent some time on having the UI react better to an email gateway, which is the second reason for this version. Now you can register/unregister through a context menu (right clicking on an account), and the user interface adapts automatically when using the gateway, so it looks like a normal email client.

I'm still working on it, but I think it's at a stage when others can look at it and try it out. The data and config are compatible with PyBitmessage, you can switch back and forth between the two and it will continue working. There are no changes to the sqlite database, and the keys.dat config file has some new options which the regular PyBitmessage ignores. All the code is on github, I built a windows binary, and the code has been tested on linux and windows (I have no Mac).

Email gateway :)


Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on October 10, 2015, 06:27:52 PM

This release, apart from minor fixes, has channels and subscriptions working in the new interface. There are still some minor bugs, and subscription folders/addresses do not show the number of new messages.
The "Messages" tab now is resizable (folder list vs the right side and message list vs the message contents.

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on October 16, 2015, 03:20:01 PM
Peter Šurda to become PyBitmessage Github collaborator with write access,4812.0.html

Chi ha sviluppato il fork precedente ora ha avuto accesso al git originale di Bitmessage.
Questo dovrebbe portare sicuramente a vivacizzare di più lo sviluppo del client :)

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on October 25, 2015, 11:53:33 AM
Nuova release!

- many bugfixes and minor UI improvements. For a full list, you can look at the commit log:
- PyBitmessage will now notify you if it notices a node with a newer version. With this, you won't have to check yourself if a new version is available. Currently it will not do anything, but after 0.5.1 is released and you run 0.5.0, you will be notified if you connect to a node with 0.5.1 (or a 0.5.1 node connects to you). It only notifies once and then will keep quiet, until you restart PyBitmessage.
- PyBitmessage now again has OS X (Apple) releases. I bought an Apple just so that I can test and build for OSX. You can still run it directly by installing python yourself. My build is a done on OS X 10.11 El Capitan, let me know if it does not work on your system.

In the background, a lot of work has been done on organising the product development lifecycle. I joined the official PyBitmessage project:,4812.0.html

The plan:,4813.0.html is that the changes from my 0.5.x of my fork will slowly become part of the official PyBitmessage 0.6, after which there won't be separate releases anymore.
This way you won't be confused about which version to run, you will have a choice between a stable and unstable release of official PyBitmessage. I expect 0.6 to become available by the end of this year (2015).

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on November 15, 2015, 02:09:51 AM
Sta migliorando sempre di più :D

Altra release.

v0.5.3 (November 15th 2015):
Opportunistic TLS encryption among compatible nodes
SQLite zeroes deleted blocks
Bundled Windows / OSX executables include a working PoW library and translations
Assorted UI fixes
Blacklisting senders is easier
Network tab show sync status

v0.5.2 (November 8th 2015):
The sizes of components like account lists and addressbooks are now resizable, and PyBitmessage remembers the sizes across restarts. No more "Recieved" column stretching across half the screen! Also the saving of these attributes now works correctly on linux.
PyBitmessage now includes a library for faster PoW. You have to compile it yourself, on a Unix-like system that should be very easy. Unfortunately, I was unable find out how to include it in the binary (Windows/OSX) releases correctly yet. Precompiled Windows libraries (both 32bit and 64bit) are avalable for download for those who run PyBitmessage from python.

v0.5.1 (November 1st 2015):
There is nothing major, just plenty of small bugfixes that will make your user experience smoother.

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on December 21, 2015, 04:48:50 PM



portable mode on Windows now detects correctly where the binary is located. On OSX it has been improved but still not fully correct
infinite maximum acceptable difficulty was replaced with a huge but realistic setting
when running from python, button names and such are correctly localised
starting a new instance now pops up the window of the old instance (does not always work on linux though)
large messages load contents on demand as you scroll, do not freeze the interface anymore
large folders load about 6 times faster
bundled Python (for Windows/OSX executables) upgraded to 2.7.11
bundled OpenSSL (for Windows/OSX executables) upgraded to 1.0.2e. This version fixed some security bugs. I don't think that any of them affect PyBitmessage but an upgrade won't harm
and some smaller fixes
New features and enhancements

addresses and message subjects can be copied to clipboard
when replying to a channel message, you can choose to reply to channel or sender
HTML is automatically detected and such message can be switched to and from HTML mode by a single click
links in HTML can be opened, but it shows a warning (links can deanonymise you or result in you downloading malicious software)
hidden option that can prevent addresses from sending ACKs (not fully smooth yet)
users can contact support (me) directly from the interface (Help -> Contact support). It will fill out basic info about the system, like PyBitmessage version, platform, etc, so that I don't have to do guesswork.
Windows executable is packed with UPX and has smaller size
Windows executable is tested and built on Windows XP and should run on all more recent Windows versions too
OSX executable is tested and built on OSX 10.7.5 Lion, and should run on all more recent OSX versions too
More work was done on non-programming side, like creating VMs, etc.

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on January 24, 2016, 10:23:19 PM
Nuova release 0.5.7 :)

This release has an overall smoother experience. Tons of bug fixes and things that have been cleaned up.

- Message subjects can now be copied to clipboard again and work correctly when replying to gatewayed messages
- Portable mode should now work correctly on OSX
- Windows/OSX binaries have all the system elements (like Ok buttons) correctly localised.
- external UPnP port is now remembered across restarts
- Improved unicode handling, including invalid characters
- Search text will remain after searching is finished
- Minor spelling fixes (thanks to itsexe)
- Daemon mode fix when Qt is not available. Running PyBitmessage on headless machines now works again without problems.
- Improved search method for OpenSSL libraries. For 0.5.6, some Windows users were unable to launch Bitmessage because they had an incompatible OpenSSL library somewhere on their system. This won't be a problem anymore.
- PyBitmessage shuts down correctly if you quit immediately after launching it
- Message composing will not allow rich text anymore (it just screwed up pasting, and it was ignored once you sent the message anyway)
- Sent folder shows new sent messages correctly
- Consequent spaces in message content displayed correctly
- Message quoting fixed for messages containing HTML tags
- Messages from subscriptions have the correct colour
- Addressbook editing now changes existing entries in the message list
- Labels of subscriptions and chans can now be edited also through the addressbook and update the rest of the interface automatically
- Enabling/disabling addresses updates the addressbook automatically
- Adding new entries to blacklist didn't update the list immediately
- Number of unread messages displayed more correctly
- The Windows binary now really uses OpenSSL 1.0.2e. The previous release was announced as using OpenSSL 1.0.2e but didn't, and it also sometimes included a different OpenSSL version from the system path.

New features and enhancements:
- Message contents when viewing and composing can be zoomed (Ctrl + MouseWhell, like in a browser)
- When replying, the cursor is positioned inside the message body
- Contact support form includes python and OpenSSL version
- Messages are downloaded faster from the network peers

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on January 25, 2016, 01:13:09 AM
Mi sono anche creato una nuova identità, l'altra per ora è in pausa e/o persa ;D

HostFat - BM-NByGrE7Vs9dZUvS6GibdhafVfjr175ys

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on March 24, 2016, 03:17:41 PM
Per chi vuole partecipare, è ora possibile fare la traduzione in italiano di Bitmessage:

Uscita anche nuova versione! v0.5.8

Since there hasn't been a new release for a while, I am making a new one. Since there isn't much work left to do before the 0.6.0 milestone, this will likely be the last 0.5.x release. If you want to make sure that 0.6 works smoothly, please try out this release and report back issues that you're having. Also, I would appreciate if people helped with the translations, I set it up on an online service Transifex so that you can do that very easily from your browser:

This release includes bugfixes, security improvements and some refactoring (thanks to @mirrorwish). In particular due to the security improvements I recommend that 0.4.4 users update too, as some denonymisation attacks have been addressed.

This is the list of changes:

newly arrived messages were sometimes missing or were not displayed correctly
IPv6 thread names can be correctly parsed by some logging tools
private IP range checks improved
lock file is cleaned up on exit
blacklist/whitelist labels can now be edited
don't unnecessarily send ACKs (this could have been misused for deanonymisation attacks)
don't allow getdata spamming (mitigates deanonymisation attacks)
search has been improved, now it can search without having to press return, and applies to newly selected folders and newly arrived messages
email gateway status query and settings change can be done from a menu
email gateway registration rejection messages now popup a request for changing the email address
always try all decryption keys (mitigates timing attacks)
translation system changes, fixes and updates to some translations
nodes with port 0 are rejected
HTML parser has security and rendering fixes
links for http(s) and bitcoin URIs allow an external handler in text mode also (subject to manual confirmation)
email links are handled internally (by clicking an email link, it will start composing a message to that address)
close to tray is now available
simple keybindings for quick navigation (N)ext, (P)revious, (R)eply, (C)ompose, (F)ind.
copying unicode to clipboard fixed
"Sent" folder in chans now displays both messages you sent to the channel as well as messages you sent from that channel address
multiple unicode fixes
"All identities" now has a "sent" and "trash" folder too
improvements in Tor support (reduced number of parallel connections, and PyBitmessage can now connect to hidden service nodes, but still cannot fully host a hidden service itself)
UPnP fixes
some UI refactoring (thanks @mirrorwish)
build scripts for OSX and Windows updated (I have been using them just haven't published the updates until now)

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on August 21, 2016, 10:18:06 AM
Nuova versione di Bitmessage

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on March 02, 2017, 04:19:41 PM
Nuova release :)

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: erre1965 on February 12, 2018, 09:58:53 AM
Grande progetto, mi piace molto questa idea e da provare

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: picchio on February 13, 2018, 11:23:38 PM
A RCE vulnerability was found in Bitmessage. Shut down any BM software immediately. You're fine if you don't use BM.
Compare nelle news di questo forum.

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: (A)social on February 14, 2018, 08:58:20 AM
A RCE vulnerability was found in Bitmessage. Shut down any BM software immediately. You're fine if you don't use BM.
Compare nelle news di questo forum.


"A remote code execution vulnerability has been spotted in use against some users running PyBitmessage v0.6.2. The cause was identified and a fix has been added and released as If you run PyBitmessage via code, we highly recommend that you upgrade to Alternatively you may downgrade to 0.6.1 which is unaffected. We will release binary files for Windows and macOS tomorrow (2018-02-14). In the mean time, users who use binaries should downgrade to 0.6.1 using the links below.

Bitmessage developer Peter Šurda's Bitmessage addresses are to be considered compromised.

We greatly apologize for the issue and we hope to release more information as it becomes available. "

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: cinziamonforte66 on February 19, 2018, 11:10:24 AM
spero che la vulnerabilita venga fixata, peccato era un progetto davvero utile ed interessante

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: blockaudit on April 03, 2018, 06:38:19 PM
(Apologies for the EN)

-        classBase = eval(data[""] + "." + data[""].title())
-    except NameError:
-        logger.error("Don't know how to handle message type: \"%s\"", data[""])
+        m = import_module("messagetypes." + data[""])
+        classBase = getattr(m, data[""].title())
+    except (NameError, ImportError):
+        logger.error("Don't know how to handle message type: \"%s\"", data[""], exc_info=True)

Yes, eval() is quite dangerous to use in almost any context other than on static, internal data. Definitely not safe to use on anything tainted by user input.

Looking at their security tagged issues, Firejail looks like a good step in the direction in general for sandboxing interactions:

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: domenico.56 on April 27, 2018, 01:17:19 PM
è ancora valido come sistema?Leggevo di un bug di sicurezza sapete se è stato fixato?

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on April 28, 2018, 03:07:40 AM
Si, è stato sistemato.
Assicurati di usare l'ultima versione.

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: domenico.56 on April 28, 2018, 01:15:57 PM
Grazie x l'informazione buono a sapersi...Utilizzerò l'ultima versione!

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: klgeroghei on July 26, 2018, 07:37:42 AM
Sento che Bitmessage è bello perché usa le prove di lavoro di tipo bitcoin per i messaggi, ma piuttosto ha sostituito le gerarchie di posta elettronica.
Very cool!  :D

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: on July 26, 2018, 02:35:38 PM
Qualcuno ha il link della ultima release?

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on July 26, 2018, 05:24:17 PM
Qualcuno ha il link della ultima release?

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: on July 26, 2018, 09:23:26 PM
Qualcuno ha il link della ultima release?


Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on February 18, 2019, 04:12:48 AM
Qua si possono trovare release non ancora ufficialmente rilasciate

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: bitcoin-shark on May 10, 2019, 07:38:33 PM
quindi il sistema e ancora valido? il bug e stato risolto? lo voglio provare,link per scaricare versione android?...

Title: Re: Bitmessage - Alternativa decentralizzata all'email
Post by: HostFat on May 11, 2019, 03:56:26 AM
Bug sono stati risolti, ma la versione android non credo che funzioni e/o sia mantenuta.