Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Searing on April 22, 2016, 04:51:04 AM

Title: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: Searing on April 22, 2016, 04:51:04 AM

 Well as the guy who got scammed 110 LTC from Carnth whose account was hacked. (one of the 4 top administrator accounts on for a Titan cube that was vaporware. Well when that came to light, they obviously had to pull th site in that account has GOD powers plus.

So it has been like 2 months almost I think or more since the account was hacked, a bit less since the site was taken down.

So is it coming back up or not? (See poll)

I don't mind the fact I lost 110 LTC I mean really.....if you can't trust the top most account on litecointalk one of 4 only  admin accounts well it is the frigging 'apocalypse' on the site in question. Live an learn I guess..but I mean I just put it down to 'fluke' bad luck and moving on.

But I'm kinda beginning to wonder IF it will come back up. Most of the top 4 admins are were not very active before the crash (thus my problem with Carnth's account ....he'd been a 'no show' for quite a while I found out after the fact) They seem to be all LTC and BTC whales of some note. So I kinda just wonder if they just said 'screw it' and walked away from the hassle of the re-build.

Anyway anyone with more current info the a month ago or a link on this revival being discussed and I just missed it here.

Perhaps some administrator on the site will step forward and keep us in the loop. (or not) :(

below is the current link still down (

Be sure to take the poll on what you give for odds it is coming back up or not.

and of course post any current info you may have on this thread as well

Damn. Would hate to not have the site back I used it quite a bit.

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: r0ach on April 22, 2016, 06:26:22 AM
I guess there was nothing left to talk about.

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: sluppy on April 23, 2016, 01:32:06 PM
Ye its been a really long time already I cant imagine them taking this long if they where going to bring it back ..
I would miss it as well the year long Ltcgear trolling threads where pretty entertaining.
I managed to buy some stuff a few days before the hack I got everything as advertised I guess I was lucky.

I hope it comes back people where friendlier then here on BCT.

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: klarki on April 23, 2016, 04:35:06 PM
And what sense they resume work site?
While any movement is not noticeable, and there is no need for website.

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: BitcoinNational on April 23, 2016, 05:57:51 PM
well fuck me.
no need for a top #5 coin to actually fund a forum!
this is maybe coin #2
and no forum
................................................FFFffffffffffffffffffhhhhhhhhhh hhh!

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: losh11 on April 23, 2016, 06:30:41 PM
well fuck me.
no need for a top #5 coin to actually fund a forum!
this is maybe coin #2
and no forum
................................................FFFffffffffffffffffffhhhhhhhhhh hhh!

I think its funny how ETH also killed their forum, but for monetary reasons. Apparently $300 a month for a forum is too much.
The main reason we weren't able to revive the forum was because the admin team having less time to manage the forum.
So for that reason, we have to find a trustworthy sysadmin who was well known. I believe they have found someone.

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: evergrow on April 23, 2016, 06:35:45 PM
Does it even matter whether it is coming back or gone for good? Doesn't really seem to make much of a difference.

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: losh11 on April 23, 2016, 06:41:51 PM
Does it even matter whether it is coming back or gone for good? Doesn't really seem to make much of a difference.

Why are you constantly making negative comments in posts related to Litecoin. Obvious troll.
Why are you even wasting your time doing this, it profits you absolutely nothing at all.

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: aizzaku on April 23, 2016, 06:42:37 PM
Ya well they are obviously hacked right. Why would any good dev whose coin still has enormous potential pack up and leave un announced.

maybe some rival alt coin guys or just random hackers.. but why specifically litecoin forums then?

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: TreasureSeeker on April 23, 2016, 08:04:10 PM
I asked a few days ago in the main Litecoin ANN thread.  Apparently it should be back up in a couple of weeks.

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: shyliar on April 23, 2016, 08:18:27 PM
Does anyone know when was hacked how long it was down?

Title: Re: Is STILL Down. Is it coming back or gone for good? (poll)
Post by: Searing on April 24, 2016, 04:58:43 AM
Does it even matter whether it is coming back or gone for good? Doesn't really seem to make much of a difference.

Well I WAS with my somewhat 'dubious' status on the litecointalk site ABLE to find scypt equipment. Can't find sh*t on bitcointalk.

So it was a more specific type and smaller community to LTC thus able to get more info on tech stuff and sales etc. From people I at least had interacted with outside of sales of stuff.

Then again the admin account (the top account you can have on the site) one of 4 of such ..Carnth was hacked and I was duped by such

(hey I mean really the #2 guy's account is hacked on can't even beat myself up on the 110 ltc loss..its like the asic gods conspired to screw me!)

So hell ..litecointalk was run by LTC/BTC whales maybe it is just not worth the effort to revive it anymore. They never seemed to be on for months at a time anyway.

so anyway ...probably not worth the time for the original folk (now that are ltc and btc whales) to bother is my guess

that and the fact imho the hacker ..having god powers over EVERYTHING when found out ..probably flushed the site ....

thus what to bring back up...with such security issues...what to use for forum software etc ...a big pain in the ass...

so anyway my bet is its likely down for good at this point in time....simply because we hear nothing from anyone that it IS being worked on...thus imho they don't care

enough to post problems with the 'revival' there is probably not gonna be one :(