Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: moe7865 on April 24, 2016, 06:45:27 PM

Title: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: moe7865 on April 24, 2016, 06:45:27 PM
Hi guys

I am relatively new to this forum and i am from south africa.

After doing some research on the internet i noticed that all the big bitcoin mining companies are using 16nm chips and yet the rest of the community , if using an ant miner s7 , are suck with at best a 28nm by bitmaintech.

The massive companies out there also do not have there chips for sale to the public and if they do usually charge ridiculous prices and only allow purchases in quantity.
I would like to start producing this chip in south africa and make it publicly available to each and every bitcoin miner out there so that these big companies will not have the advantage over the community.

Below is just a simple form to see if anyone would be interested in this idea and maybe if we get enough sign ups i can begin production of the chip.
I do not expect the community to immediately trust me since there are many scams out there like this so before i collect any money from anyone (depending how the questionnaire goes if we even get near to this stage ) i will send a sample chip to a trusted member on the forum such as @kano or @ck.

For now all i ask is for you guys to fill in this simple questionnaire so i can see if there would be an interest for such a thing and if so how many people are interested. The more sign ups the better the chances of this actually happening

Link :

Both links the same just a matter of which one works for you

Please help get as many sign ups as possible  ;D if anyone has any additional questions feel free to pm me on the forum  ::)

Note: those that are sceptical since I'm a newbie member to the forum can use their forum name in place of the real name by contact details


Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: Erumara on April 24, 2016, 07:04:57 PM
As of today, there are still ZERO confirmed manufacturers using 16nm technology, and no publicly available miners at this time.

What background and resources do you possess that you claim to be able to bring a home-miner to market? While this is a project I would support 100%, you seem to have skipped over roughly 99.9% of the process of being able to actually achieve such a lofty goal.

Sidehack is working diligently on acquiring 16nm chips and doing precisely what you describe, why would anyone believe you could deliver something that trusted and experienced community manufacturers are currently unable to do?

What manufacturing plant exists in S. Africa that could manufacture cutting edge custom microchips at a reliable usable yield? (I was not able to find evidence of such a facility, though I am no expert) TSMC is regarding as being unable to achieve high-yield wafers w/ 16nm, how do you plan to beat their yields and possibly compete?

In my books you are a scammer until proven otherwise, I didn't bother clicking your link because as a newbie you hold ZERO reputation in this community and there is ZERO reason to believe this is anything less than phishing.

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: moe7865 on April 24, 2016, 07:20:45 PM
As of today, there are still ZERO confirmed manufacturers using 16nm technology, and no publicly available miners at this time.

What background and resources do you possess that you claim to be able to bring a home-miner to market? While this is a project I would support 100%, you seem to have skipped over roughly 99.9% of the process of being able to actually achieve such a lofty goal.

Sidehack is working diligently on acquiring 16nm chips and doing precisely what you describe, why would anyone believe you could deliver something that trusted and experienced community manufacturers are currently unable to do?

What manufacturing plant exists in S. Africa that could manufacture cutting edge custom microchips at a reliable usable yield? (I was not able to find evidence of such a facility, though I am no expert) TSMC is regarding as being unable to achieve high-yield wafers w/ 16nm, how do you plan to beat their yields and possibly compete?

In my books you are a scammer until proven otherwise, I didn't bother clicking your link because as a newbie you hold ZERO reputation in this community and there is ZERO reason to believe this is anything less than phishing.

Firstly there is no private information required within the form other than a name and email to show to the engineers that will be producing it for me provided I get enough sign ups.

Secondly it IS possible to manafacture here in South Africa and I have contacted many people I know and after months of research I found someone that can however he charges a ridculous amount to manafacture it (20 million dollars ). After speaking to the guys at this engineering company they said if I can get enough sign ups they will consider it .

I do not require any trust from this community since I am new all I am asking is for you guys to show your interest in it so I can get this up and running. I confirm it is possible and have heard it from the engineers themselves however the cost is very high.

I do not appreciate the mistrust as I am just trying to get a questionnaire filled out and nothing more. I haven't asked anyone for a single cent.

Also how can I prove that I am legit and not a scammer? I don't think I've done anything to deserve being labeled as that

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: Gunthar on April 25, 2016, 06:31:19 PM
Give us some numbers bro: define "enough signups", try to show your researches and/or your business plan, costs, eventual projects, ETA etc etc.
You are basically trying to crowfunding so, besides the great idea (which anyone on this forum would support if seriously handled), give away some candies and let's start talking seriuosly...if you are serious. ;)

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: Erumara on April 25, 2016, 07:11:55 PM
I was waiting to respond to see if anyone else wanted to weigh in on this, and Gunthar pretty much nailed my thoughts.

If you are serious about manufacturing 16nm chips and manufacturing miners on a scale that can compete with the big companies, you literally have the support of this entire community. Not to mention to pull that off would make you very rich.

I have trouble understanding why you would need to enlist a petition to determine whether or not people are interested. If the miners are competitive, EVERYONE will be interested, no input necessary, they will mob you and stuff money in your pockets, me included.

If you are looking for pre-orders or crowdfunding: My original thoughts on you being a scammer stand until proven otherwise.

If you are looking for serious investors, you need infinitely more information available to convince anyone this is a serious business proposition.

IE. You have still not answered my questions regarding what facility is available to manufacture these chips, who is designing them and what their experience/background is, and the proposed efficiency and size (hashpower) per chip.

In fact, if you are at the idea stage, and don't actually have a chip designed and the manufacturing process lined up, I am incredibly skeptical that you could hope to get them to market before the 2nd and 3rd gen 14/16nm wind up on the market in a couple years and leave your (hypothetical? designed? prototyped?) ASICS in their dust.

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: PassThePopcorn on April 25, 2016, 08:38:56 PM
I was waiting to respond to see if anyone else wanted to weigh in on this, and Gunthar pretty much nailed my thoughts.

If you are serious about manufacturing 16nm chips and manufacturing miners on a scale that can compete with the big companies, you literally have the support of this entire community. Not to mention to pull that off would make you very rich.

I have trouble understanding why you would need to enlist a petition to determine whether or not people are interested. If the miners are competitive, EVERYONE will be interested, no input necessary, they will mob you and stuff money in your pockets, me included.

If you are looking for pre-orders or crowdfunding: My original thoughts on you being a scammer stand until proven otherwise.

If you are looking for serious investors, you need infinitely more information available to convince anyone this is a serious business proposition.

IE. You have still not answered my questions regarding what facility is available to manufacture these chips, who is designing them and what their experience/background is, and the proposed efficiency and size (hashpower) per chip.

In fact, if you are at the idea stage, and don't actually have a chip designed and the manufacturing process lined up, I am incredibly skeptical that you could hope to get them to market before the 2nd and 3rd gen 14/16nm wind up on the market in a couple years and leave your (hypothetical? designed? prototyped?) ASICS in their dust.
Data-mining easy, now he gets names and emails from people who decide to provide valid details

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: Erumara on April 25, 2016, 09:53:39 PM
Data-mining easy, now he gets names and emails from people who decide to provide valid details

That of course is the other possibility, I can't stop anyone from doing so, but hopefully they will think twice.

In my books you are a scammer until proven otherwise, I didn't bother clicking your link because as a newbie you hold ZERO reputation in this community and there is ZERO reason to believe this is anything more than phishing.

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: BitFomo on April 26, 2016, 09:29:30 PM
Samsung and TSMC have just last year mastered 16nm. I highly doubt asic manufacturers have the same R&D capacity.

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: birr on April 26, 2016, 09:35:14 PM

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: Gunthar on April 26, 2016, 10:16:53 PM
Samsung and TSMC have just last year mastered 16nm. I highly doubt asic manufacturers have the same R&D capacity.
Bitfury claims they did

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: moe7865 on April 28, 2016, 10:05:54 AM
Give us some numbers bro: define "enough signups", try to show your researches and/or your business plan, costs, eventual projects, ETA etc etc.
You are basically trying to crowfunding so, besides the great idea (which anyone on this forum would support if seriously handled), give away some candies and let's start talking seriuosly...if you are serious. ;)

Hi gunthar

enough sign ups is when the amount people are willing to spend collectively is close to $5 000 000. No money will be needed to be collected as all i will have to do is show the engineers the interest and they will begin production.

On the specs you looking for the chips are going to be 16nm but we are trying to get it even more smaller if that is even possible.
The chips will be sold individually or in sets of 50 depending on the cost per a chip after production.

If enough sign ups are gained and production can then begin the first 100 people who signed up will receive 5 free chips each before any public sales open so that they can confirm the validity of the product.

Along with that the moderator of the forum will receive one too to review it.
Production will slowly begin when $1 000 000 of pledged sign ups is received.
I will not ask any community member for a single cent until i can show proof of product as well as send out samples for proof.
The engineers are private engineers that work for my uncle but however since this is a large scale project a larger team is needed and thus it is more expensive.

I really hope the community can help support me in this.
if there is anyway i can help prove my validity please feel free to pm me


Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: QuestionQuest on April 28, 2016, 05:29:06 PM
Hi guys

I am relatively new to this forum and i am from south africa.

After doing some research on the internet i noticed that all the big bitcoin mining companies are using 16nm chips and yet the rest of the community , if using an ant miner s7 , are suck with at best a 28nm by bitmaintech.

The massive companies out there also do not have there chips for sale to the public and if they do usually charge ridiculous prices and only allow purchases in quantity.
I would like to start producing this chip in south africa and make it publicly available to each and every bitcoin miner out there so that these big companies will not have the advantage over the community.

Below is just a simple form to see if anyone would be interested in this idea and maybe if we get enough sign ups i can begin production of the chip.
I do not expect the community to immediately trust me since there are many scams out there like this so before i collect any money from anyone (depending how the questionnaire goes if we even get near to this stage ) i will send a sample chip to a trusted member on the forum such as @kano or @ck.

For now all i ask is for you guys to fill in this simple questionnaire so i can see if there would be an interest for such a thing and if so how many people are interested. The more sign ups the better the chances of this actually happening

Link :

Both links the same just a matter of which one works for you

Please help get as many sign ups as possible  ;D if anyone has any additional questions feel free to pm me on the forum  ::)

Bitfury (USA) is done with it 16nm chip. (sending to retailers)
Another one is almost done with 14nm chip.

And Bitmain (China) will do nothing on the S7 (28nm chip) before it is necessary. Why they should flood it with any new chip?
Keep it in the shelf. See what others do. Sell it as S8 and thats it ;)

Anyways, bitmain is the most know chip manufacturer - because they did the step to private costumers.
There are some more boxes on the ASIC-market - you can buy, but as company only.
Another example is Genesis-Mining - they dont use Bitmain and have another partnership.

If you want to overtake the market then do it 10nm which are almost released --  (or 7nm as soon as possible - 2017 announceed - will be 2018 in my opinion)
10nm is very expensive, because the succesrate is under 1/10 - that means a lot of bad chips.
But good enough for IBM to go ahead with the mass production (soon or already)

If you wanna invest big - invest here ->

Wish you luck.

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: moe7865 on April 28, 2016, 05:40:25 PM
Hi guys

I am relatively new to this forum and i am from south africa.

After doing some research on the internet i noticed that all the big bitcoin mining companies are using 16nm chips and yet the rest of the community , if using an ant miner s7 , are suck with at best a 28nm by bitmaintech.

The massive companies out there also do not have there chips for sale to the public and if they do usually charge ridiculous prices and only allow purchases in quantity.
I would like to start producing this chip in south africa and make it publicly available to each and every bitcoin miner out there so that these big companies will not have the advantage over the community.

Below is just a simple form to see if anyone would be interested in this idea and maybe if we get enough sign ups i can begin production of the chip.
I do not expect the community to immediately trust me since there are many scams out there like this so before i collect any money from anyone (depending how the questionnaire goes if we even get near to this stage ) i will send a sample chip to a trusted member on the forum such as @kano or @ck.

For now all i ask is for you guys to fill in this simple questionnaire so i can see if there would be an interest for such a thing and if so how many people are interested. The more sign ups the better the chances of this actually happening

Link :

Both links the same just a matter of which one works for you

Please help get as many sign ups as possible  ;D if anyone has any additional questions feel free to pm me on the forum  ::)

Bitfury (USA) is done with it 16nm chip. (sending to retailers)
Another one is almost done with 14nm chip.

And Bitmain (China) will do nothing on the S7 (28nm chip) before it is necessary. Why they should flood it with any new chip?
Keep it in the shelf. See what others do. Sell it as S8 and thats it ;)

Anyways, bitmain is the most know chip manufacturer - because they did the step to private costumers.
There are some more boxes on the ASIC-market - you can buy, but as company only.
Another example is Genesis-Mining - they dont use Bitmain and have another partnership.

If you want to overtake the market then do it 10nm which are almost released --  (or 7nm as soon as possible - 2017 announceed - will be 2018 in my opinion)
10nm is very expensive, because the succesrate is under 1/10 - that means a lot of bad chips.
But good enough for IBM to go ahead with the mass production (soon or already)

If you wanna invest big - invest here ->

Wish you luck.

Bitfury asks for $1 million dollars before show of product or even a delivery date. I have access to that amount but no use investing in something that I can't see.
Anyways our goal is to make the MOST EFFICIENTLY chip that we can. This Google form is just to see what the interest is like and to show the engineers. All people that fill in the form is highly appreciated.

Those that are sceptical can include forum name if they don't want to use their real name

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: birr on April 28, 2016, 08:22:07 PM
The aspect of this discussion that interests me, and which hasn't been mentioned thus far:
Who designs the chip?

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: QuestionQuest on April 28, 2016, 08:48:39 PM
The aspect of this discussion that interests me, and which hasn't been mentioned thus far:
Who designs the chip?

An engineer is not the answer you need?
With Arduino you wont get the hit, but I can try it :P (basic arduino is all I know about chips, boards and hot solder)
You need a team - not only one person - to handle all aspects of such a development.

If you really have the money for it - go to bitfury.
Better to start with a team @50% - support them and grow 2gether - and dont start @Zero (in this case).

Anyways - unwatched - good luck.

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: Sierra8561 on April 28, 2016, 10:24:01 PM
I believe BW is releasing one in June.

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: moe7865 on April 28, 2016, 10:34:28 PM
The aspect of this discussion that interests me, and which hasn't been mentioned thus far:
Who designs the chip?

An engineer is not the answer you need?
With Arduino you wont get the hit, but I can try it :P (basic arduino is all I know about chips, boards and hot solder)
You need a team - not only one person - to handle all aspects of such a development.

If you really have the money for it - go to bitfury.
Better to start with a team @50% - support them and grow 2gether - and dont start @Zero (in this case).

Anyways - unwatched - good luck.

Lol obviously it is not one guy it's a team.
It will get done provided enough interest is shown. And I can assure you I will be cheaper than all those big Bitcoin mining companies out there. All o need is some support from the community

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: birr on April 28, 2016, 11:19:46 PM
Then "We don't know yet" is the correct answer.

Title: Re: Manufacturing 16nm ASIC Chips (Bitcoin)
Post by: QuestionQuest on April 29, 2016, 01:38:28 PM
Then "We don't know yet" is the correct answer.

Thumbs up  8)