Bitcoin Forum

Local => Italiano (Italian) => Topic started by: kelpy on February 21, 2013, 12:16:40 PM

Title: NVC
Post by: kelpy on February 21, 2013, 12:16:40 PM
Buongiorno a tutti,
stavo 'bazzicando' su bitcointalk quando mi imbatto in questa discussione riguardante i Novacoin. (

Su ( ( hanno avuto un incremento di valore pari al 200% in meno di 3 giorni.

IMHO sembra una bolla allucinante.
Voi cosa ne pensate?

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: HostFat on February 21, 2013, 12:28:53 PM
Non conosco la loro storia, magari c'è qualche servizio speciale per cui può essere utile, oppure pochi stanno cercando di farne alzare il valore per attirare l'attenzione :D

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: GIANNAT on February 21, 2013, 12:48:40 PM
Esiste da ottobre 2012 (guarda nel subforum russo) e sono stati preminati centinaia di migliaia di blocchi da Balthazar, il suo creatore, il quale ne ha regalati parecchi a btc-e e si sono messi in combutta a pompare il prezzo verso l'alto (4500BTC in buy order in pochi giorni? Impossibile).
Nota inoltra la maggioranza di utenti che apprezza questa nuova moneta qui
e i molteplici attacchi di ddos che si sono verificati da quando l'hanno introdotta (a indicare quanto fastidio che da)

Vedi scammer [accusation btc-e or balthazar]
e questa foto

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: kelpy on February 21, 2013, 01:03:34 PM
Ecco, mi suonava strano tutto questo affiatamento verso i Novacoin.
MA possibile che accetti valute "a caso" soprattutto se c'è un pericolo di scam?

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: GIANNAT on February 21, 2013, 01:08:00 PM
Infatti li hanno comprati con 110k NVC

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: cedivad on February 21, 2013, 01:15:59 PM
Ecco, mi suonava strano tutto questo affiatamento verso i Novacoin.
MA possibile che accetti valute "a caso" soprattutto se c'è un pericolo di scam?
Sono quelli di btc-e stessi i responsabili dello scam ;)

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: kelpy on February 21, 2013, 01:32:28 PM
Infatti li hanno comprati con 110k NVC
Ma non li hanno pubblicamente "distrutti"?

Sono quelli di btc-e stessi i responsabili dello scam ;)

Spero di no, a meno che non vogliano fare l'ultimo scam in grande stile! 8)

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: Balthazar on March 03, 2013, 09:10:17 PM
Esiste da ottobre 2012 (guarda nel subforum russo) e sono stati preminati centinaia di migliaia di blocchi da Balthazar, il suo creatore, il quale ne ha regalati parecchi a btc-e e si sono messi in combutta a pompare il prezzo verso l'alto (4500BTC in buy order in pochi giorni? Impossibile).
Nota inoltra la maggioranza di utenti che apprezza questa nuova moneta qui
e i molteplici attacchi di ddos che si sono verificati da quando l'hanno introdotta (a indicare quanto fastidio che da)

Vedi scammer [accusation btc-e or balthazar]
e questa foto

You need to know something about author of this picture. He is russian, but posted this picture into btc-e english chat very frequently. He presents himself as the English-speaking, because it allows him ingratiate himself with the community and perform some brainwash operations. But he was quickly unmasked and been warned by the moderator about the inadmissibility of brainwashing.

I think that there is something to think about. Maybe reason is the large LTC stash? Why not... :D

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: GIANNAT on March 03, 2013, 09:27:37 PM
You come here talking about brainwash when you are trying to impose a new coin buying your friends at btc-e and when the only reason you are doing this is to rebuy the underpriced LTC you sold at 0.0015..

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: cedivad on March 03, 2013, 09:32:34 PM
Deso parlo en dialeto così no el capise un casso col so disionario e podemo fotterlo alla grande.

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: GIANNAT on March 03, 2013, 09:40:04 PM
Ahahah le ze un russo cossa vien chi a fare non eo capisso mica  ;D

Title: Re: NVC
Post by: Balthazar on March 03, 2013, 11:29:26 PM
You come here talking about brainwash when you are trying to impose a new coin buying your friends at btc-e and when the only reason you are doing this is to rebuy the underpriced LTC you sold at 0.0015..
Abstractum pro concreto. (с) I thought that it's information thread, not trolling one. There is already enough sectarian garbage, isn't it? :D

Let's take a closer look at the facts. You didn't try to investigate who made this picture and why he did it. I think it's pretty funny, are you agree? I'll try to explain this using simpler words... You allowed someone to manipulate by your own opinion. Blessed are those who believe, as we say.

The biggest difference between us is that you waste your time, because you prefer the conspiracy theories, ignoring the basic principles of "reasonable sufficiency".

There are many more simple ways to do what you said. And as any other reasonable man, I'm able to choose the optimal way. Without new cryptocurrency/bribes/martian's invasion/whatever.

Maybe you can't understand this, but why should I care about it?  :) And tip for the future... Overestimate is the sign of getting fucked up. You need to be more realistic in your decisions and statements. Do not judge people by your own thoughts, because this can expose your true self.


Title: Re: NVC
Post by: cedivad on March 03, 2013, 11:34:33 PM
You come here talking about brainwash when you are trying to impose a new coin buying your friends at btc-e and when the only reason you are doing this is to rebuy the underpriced LTC you sold at 0.0015..
Abstractum pro concreto. (с) I thought that it's information thread, not trolling one. There is already enough sectarian garbage, isn't it? :D

Let's take a closer look at the facts. You didn't try to investigate who made this picture and why he did it. I think it's pretty funny, are you agree? I'll try to explain this using simpler words... You allowed someone to manipulate by your own opinion. Blessed are those who believe, as we say.

The biggest difference between us is that you waste your time, because you prefer the conspiracy theories, ignoring the basic principles of "reasonable sufficiency".

There are many more simple ways to do what you said. And as any other reasonable man, I'm able to choose the optimal way. Without new cryptocurrency/bribes/martian's invasion/whatever.

Maybe you can't understand this, but why should I care about it?  :) And tip for the future... Overestimate is the sign of getting fucked up. You need to be more realistic in your decisions and statements. Do not judge people by your own thoughts, because this can expose your true self.


You scam, we dontspeakyourlanguagehere.

</thread lang=en>