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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: BitcoinBasics on February 21, 2013, 08:32:27 PM

Title: I think I've become addicted
Post by: BitcoinBasics on February 21, 2013, 08:32:27 PM
  I taught myself HTML and CSS. I've been messing around coding different things and through trial and error get to see what each code i writes result is.

  I decided to change the CSS of a wordpress site I've been working on and I cannot get enough.  There is always one more thing I want to try or do.

 I know im barely scratching the surface but it is so much fun right now. Its like a puzzle trying to align divs and add CSS styles and such.

 My bedtime keeps getting later and later. When I stop to go to sleep my brain will keep thinking of ideas and different things to try.

  When everything starts coming together and you can recognize what each thing does and its purpose feels really good.

  I've toyed with PHP and so far it seems pretty easy to understand (although it can get a little confusing with all the variables and such)....but I am intimidated by javascript. From just briefly browsing the language it seems that the next stages of learning are going to be a little more difficult and challenging.

  So I welcome this new addiction and look forward to the sleepless nights.

Title: Re: I think I've become addicted
Post by: cedivad on February 21, 2013, 08:54:40 PM
As you said, you are only scratching the surface, there is much much more you will enjoy ;)
I remember of myself when I first configured Wordpress in 2007... Than Drupal, than created my custom cms (for internal usage, so don't blame me).

Enjoy! :)

Title: Re: I think I've become addicted
Post by: BitcoinBasics on February 21, 2013, 09:01:38 PM
 its a good feeling to see everything come together visually but I am really excited about the server side behind the scenes stuff.

  I dont want to move ahead just yet until I really have a firm grasp on the basics but I think I might lose my girlfriend when I start dating PHP.

Title: Re: I think I've become addicted
Post by: BitcoinBasics on February 21, 2013, 09:08:09 PM
 I also just started school for web development. I dont even touch a code until next year. I feel like I will be soo far ahead by the time my bachelors program starts that it is almost a waste of money.  I will still follow through and get a degree anyway but everything you need to know is available online for free.  If that little piece of paper means I will get paid more than I guess its worth it.

Title: Re: I think I've become addicted
Post by: cedivad on February 21, 2013, 09:20:17 PM
If that little piece of paper means I will get paid more than I guess its worth it.
A great portfolio of works already done, a github account with some open source packages you did, that is what i would value when hiring, not the piece of paper.

Title: Re: I think I've become addicted
Post by: BitcoinBasics on February 22, 2013, 02:28:59 AM
well things were going smooth.  I was pretty happy with how the site was looking.  I tried to put a border around the header and everything went to shit.
I erased the border code thinking it would fix itself  but it seems to have lost its structure somehow.  Any other time i add code if I do not like the result I erase it and it goes back to normal.

   ahh well

Title: Re: I think I've become addicted
Post by: Lethn on February 22, 2013, 02:42:50 AM
You may have deleted a bit of extra code or something you needed by accident, if you can undo it and try it another way >_< coding is a pain, I think I prefer simpler stuff like HTML if you think this is bad look at C++ :D

Title: Re: I think I've become addicted
Post by: 01BTC10 on February 22, 2013, 02:45:33 AM
Indeed it's addictive. This is why I'm back to school.  :D