Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Mucki on May 02, 2016, 08:11:42 PM

Title: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mucki on May 02, 2016, 08:11:42 PM
Hi guys,

I am a student from Austria and currently writing my masters thesis about Bitcoin.
I am still looking for Bitcoin users to fill out my survey. It only takes 5 - 7 minutes and in the and there is a lottery where you can win 3 x 25 € in BTC.

If you have any questions you can message me here or via mail (the adress is on the main page of the survey).

Thanks in advance.


Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: h3rlihy on May 02, 2016, 08:39:53 PM
Ran through yer survey buddy. Didn't take too long :)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Bitinity on May 02, 2016, 08:50:20 PM
Done the survey and hope it help you in writing your thesis. Regarding the lottery, when will you draw the winners or when you stop this survey?

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mucki on May 02, 2016, 09:40:37 PM
Thanks guys!

Once I have about 100 or more answers that I can use (or the certainty that I'll never get them) I will stop the survey and draw the winners from the pool of email-adresses. I hope that will be end of may.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: RealBitcoin on May 03, 2016, 12:03:34 AM
Done, good luck with it, we need more researchers/surveys in the bitcoin to help science progress forward.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: machinek20 on May 03, 2016, 02:45:03 AM
done but seem you use many question not like correct ::)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Jet Cash on May 03, 2016, 04:02:42 AM
I filled in your survey, but you left out a number of important questions. You didn't include Chrome in the list of operating systems. Chromebooks are an important category for students and people on the move.
You didn't ask about running nodes, and the type of node if one is being run.
You didn't ask if people used core wallets, or on-line wallets.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mucki on May 03, 2016, 01:36:22 PM
Hi Jet Cash,

you are right. I did leave a lot of things out. For different reasons. Chromebooks aren't a big thing in Austria and I didn't know them until some days ago. Leaving out the nodes is of course my fault. However, as I am researching a very particular effect it should not be a huge problem. Too few participants are though  ;)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: 7788bitcoin on May 03, 2016, 02:02:16 PM
Just completed the survey... Well written and thought-through... Good luck!

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: italianobitcoin on May 03, 2016, 02:12:33 PM
Hi guys,

I am a student from Austria and currently writing my masters thesis about Bitcoin.
I am still looking for Bitcoin users to fill out my survey. It only takes 5 - 7 minutes and in the and there is a lottery where you can win 3 x 25 € in BTC.

If you have any questions you can message me here or via mail (the adress is on the main page of the survey).

Thanks in advance.


Nice form never knew there was a study about learning things of the bitcoin.
Is it difficult to know al of the bitcoin or is it just another habbit that you must have with the rael gold.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mucki on May 03, 2016, 02:33:04 PM
There aren't university studies about Bitcoin, at least as far as I know. I am doing a masters degree in business and just chose that topic.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: shorena on May 04, 2016, 11:06:47 AM
Hi Jet Cash,

you are right. I did leave a lot of things out. For different reasons. Chromebooks aren't a big thing in Austria and I didn't know them until some days ago. Leaving out the nodes is of course my fault. However, as I am researching a very particular effect it should not be a huge problem. Too few participants are though  ;)

Didnt finish it, you ask too many personal informations. Im pretty sure with some digging the answers can be used to identify at least some forum members that have answered your survey honestly.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: eternalgloom on May 04, 2016, 11:29:28 AM
This was actually pretty fun to do, I like the way you've set up this questionaire, usually these take a lot longer to complete :)
For anyone reading this, please complete the survey and help the guy out, takes only 5 minutes.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: n0ne on May 04, 2016, 11:55:44 AM
Hi guys,

I am a student from Austria and currently writing my masters thesis about Bitcoin.
I am still looking for Bitcoin users to fill out my survey. It only takes 5 - 7 minutes and in the and there is a lottery where you can win 3 x 25 € in BTC.

If you have any questions you can message me here or via mail (the adress is on the main page of the survey).

Thanks in advance.


Congrats on the effort you have made in the process of learning. Surely you will be in the higher authority of bitcoin in the future. Try spreading of bitcoin through educational source too.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: praprata on May 04, 2016, 02:32:43 PM
Is there really any way to study about Bitcoin. Bitcointalk is a great way to learn about Bitcoin and getting information. There are many people here that will answer your question.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Boosterious on May 04, 2016, 02:38:09 PM
Hi guys,

I am a student from Austria and currently writing my masters thesis about Bitcoin.
I am still looking for Bitcoin users to fill out my survey. It only takes 5 - 7 minutes and in the and there is a lottery where you can win 3 x 25 € in BTC.

If you have any questions you can message me here or via mail (the adress is on the main page of the survey).

Thanks in advance.


great thesis,not many people care and create thesis about bitcoin,and i'm sure many people want to help you to fill the survey,and sure i'm also with my pleasure want to do that,and great thing you put lotterey on there,make more people interest.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: ~Bitcoin~ on May 04, 2016, 02:45:50 PM
I will be filling your thesis survey, its nice to see you will be making clear about the doubts your friend may have about bitcoin through your thesis. Good luck.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: raphma on May 05, 2016, 07:17:31 PM
Nice survey! just finished it and im curious about the results.
Unfortunately still didn't received the parcial results, is there a problem?

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: KenR on May 05, 2016, 07:24:25 PM
Took the survey.Too much of personal information was needed as if you're trying to figure out weather I'm capable of being hackable.Just kidding.Would be curious to know the lottery results.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Jasad on May 05, 2016, 11:16:09 PM
Hi guys,

I am a student from Austria and currently writing my masters thesis about Bitcoin.
I am still looking for Bitcoin users to fill out my survey. It only takes 5 - 7 minutes and in the and there is a lottery where you can win 3 x 25 € in BTC.

If you have any questions you can message me here or via mail (the adress is on the main page of the survey).

Thanks in advance.


Are you first people on your country who take bitcoin as thesis theme?its would be great because bitcoin start popular and i'm sure youre lecturer would be suprising,but i can't open your survey lik,maybe you can fix that link.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Bitinity on May 05, 2016, 11:28:09 PM
Hi guys,

I am a student from Austria and currently writing my masters thesis about Bitcoin.
I am still looking for Bitcoin users to fill out my survey. It only takes 5 - 7 minutes and in the and there is a lottery where you can win 3 x 25 € in BTC.

If you have any questions you can message me here or via mail (the adress is on the main page of the survey).

Thanks in advance.


Are you first people on your country who take bitcoin as thesis theme?its would be great because bitcoin start popular and i'm sure youre lecturer would be suprising,but i can't open your survey lik,maybe you can fix that link.

The link is working fine here, so it must be ola problem at your end. Anyway, what you see when you open the link?

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: GamingBro on May 05, 2016, 11:58:12 PM
Done, really thanks for opportunity to answer this questions. Good luck and best wishes to you dude! ;)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: tobacco123 on May 06, 2016, 12:50:08 AM
Just completed the survey. Good one and well designed. Good luck and hope to hear the result soon.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: newcoins1978 on May 12, 2016, 03:16:31 PM
There are allot of websites which give out information about Bitcoin and how it works, these sites can teache you the basic with in not time at all. This forum is also a good way to earn information about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: OrangeII on May 12, 2016, 04:09:31 PM
it may be a very suitable place for people who are just learning bitcoin or people who want to deepen their knowledge about bitcoin. and it was very nice if it was free

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Kprawn on May 12, 2016, 05:43:57 PM
I will be honest... I bailed out when it got too personal. You did not go into much detail of which section of Bitcoin your thesis is about. You could just have created this survey to identify possible

targets for scamming people or to hack them. You should learn out of this experience.... if you create a survey for people... leave the personal information... not everyone feels comfortable to leave

personal information, in a scene riddled with scammers. Good luck.. with whatever you doing.  ::)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mucki on May 20, 2016, 08:09:58 AM
Thanks to everybody who filled out the survey so far!
For the ones concerned about their data: When it comes to the questions about the person there are no (or almost no) cumpolsory questions. So you should be able to leave them out and still finish the survey. Sorry if it bothered some of you.

As far as I know there are only few studies about the intention to use and the actual use. In my research I found some other people that are researching in the same field as I. And they always face the same problem, that it is very difficult to get a lot of people to participate. But as there is no central institution ( yesssss  ;) ) you won't get the data any other way.

The survey is only open for a few more days but I'd be glad if some more of you found the time to fill it out.
Thank you in advance!

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: neochiny on June 01, 2016, 05:43:36 PM
hi im finished doing the survey, your site and question is very well done.

anyway, i put some question on the last page of the survey its just out
of my curiosity. it doesnt matter if you answer it but i will appreciate if
you did.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Kprawn on June 01, 2016, 06:01:45 PM
It's been a month since he posted this, and we have seen no sharing of his findings or statistics ....Stuff like this makes people think twice in participating in surveys in future. Do your research, but give

something back to the people, who participated in your project... just post some information on your findings, so we can see what the end result looked like. A lot of the questions were very personal, so

you might just leave out those parts.  ::)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Slark on June 01, 2016, 06:15:05 PM
It's been a month since he posted this, and we have seen no sharing of his findings or statistics ....Stuff like this makes people think twice in participating in surveys in future. Do your research, but give

something back to the people, who participated in your project... just post some information on your findings, so we can see what the end result looked like. A lot of the questions were very personal, so

you might just leave out those parts.  ::)
Well, he posted some of his thoughts and answers to people's concerns 10 days, ago it is not exactly 'fire and forget' type of of case.
Also they promised raffle where participants can win 3x €25 in BTC. SO I hope he will post the update regarding  winners of that raffle here.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Dr.Osh on June 01, 2016, 06:27:55 PM
I guess this time bitcoin is already up on students' research.
at my college, so many people who learn about bitcoin, especially those who are really curious about bitcoin. I think this is a very good development, because when they realized the importance of bitcoin on the internet, it may be very many people who accept bitcoin

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: quentincole32 on June 01, 2016, 06:42:34 PM
I will be honest... I bailed out when it got too personal. You did not go into much detail of which section of Bitcoin your thesis is about. You could just have created this survey to identify possible

targets for scamming people or to hack them. You should learn out of this experience.... if you create a survey for people... leave the personal information... not everyone feels comfortable to leave

personal information, in a scene riddled with scammers. Good luck.. with whatever you doing.  ::)
yeah,always any possibility to do that,people do many way to get any informations from other people,and we dont know what will excatly OP do with this survey,and because OP dont give us any describe of his thesis,its might not good purpose.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mucki on June 05, 2016, 01:02:07 PM
Hi everybody,

sorry if I am slow with my answers, I only come here from time to time.
I am in the middle of writing my thesis and also started with the analysis of the results.

Sorry about the personal questions. As I said they were not compulsive to end the survey or the attend the lottery. The latter is not yet finished but the winners will be contacted via email.

I can tell you now that the thesis is about the feeling of belonging to the btc community and the perceived usefulness of the technology. And there will be some correlations between demographic characteristics and usage.
The thesis is written in german but I will probably add a data sheet in english for those who were interested in the results.

Thank you all for your help and your interest!

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: crairezx20 on June 05, 2016, 02:01:34 PM
Done answering the survey and i hope i can get the lottery pot.. when do you announce who will win?
And i hope i can get the winning pot..

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mucki on June 05, 2016, 02:10:29 PM

I don't know for sure. I hope i can hand in my thesis in June. Then I would also pick the winners in about that time.
I can write a post if the winners are certain, so that you don't have to wait any longer.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Labumi on June 05, 2016, 02:15:12 PM
There are allot of websites which give out information about Bitcoin and how it works, these sites can teache you the basic with in not time at all. This forum is also a good way to earn information about Bitcoin.

It is true, that in order to get information and learn about the bitcoin can be done with Google or ask for help in this forum is also very good. But I suggest you can learn about the full and true bitcoin only in this forum.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Kprawn on June 05, 2016, 02:24:44 PM
Hi everybody,

sorry if I am slow with my answers, I only come here from time to time.
I am in the middle of writing my thesis and also started with the analysis of the results.

Sorry about the personal questions. As I said they were not compulsive to end the survey or the attend the lottery. The latter is not yet finished but the winners will be contacted via email.

I can tell you now that the thesis is about the feeling of belonging to the btc community and the perceived usefulness of the technology. And there will be some correlations between demographic characteristics and usage.
The thesis is written in german but I will probably add a data sheet in english for those who were interested in the results.

Thank you all for your help and your interest!

Why "the perceived usefulness" and not just the usefulness? It's as if you are in doubt that it's really useful? There is NO doubt in my mind that it is useful, because it already made a huge impact on

my life. I took this journey as a hunt for a alternative payment method for online e-commerce and it ended up as a life changing experience. Bitcoin is much more than a technology or a currency... it's

a eye opener to a whole new financial future.  ;D Good luck... we are waiting for that thesis.  ::)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: n691309 on June 05, 2016, 03:28:44 PM
 Thank You for taking my survey!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Just filled the survey and there are pretty good questions which i felt good answering (except the question "how many bitcoin do you have?" :P). I subscribed to get the results and see how other survey participant see/use/think about bitcoin, good luck with your master thesis. I hope to win one of the prize.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: socks435 on June 05, 2016, 03:43:38 PM
Done answering the survey and  i hope it helps... thanks

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Cryptonitex on June 05, 2016, 04:44:14 PM
You probably got a lot of survey responses, I took it too.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mucki on June 08, 2016, 01:44:47 PM

Why "the perceived usefulness" and not just the usefulness? It's as if you are in doubt that it's really useful? There is NO doubt in my mind that it is useful, because it already made a huge impact on

my life. I took this journey as a hunt for a alternative payment method for online e-commerce and it ended up as a life changing experience. Bitcoin is much more than a technology or a currency... it's

a eye opener to a whole new financial future.  ;D Good luck... we are waiting for that thesis.  ::)

I chose a specific Model for my thesis that uses the items perceived usefulness and perceived ease of us.
There is no measurable usefulness, just the perceived usefulness of each user.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Galiatram on June 08, 2016, 02:11:16 PM
i dont think there is a study for bitcoin because there is allot to teach someone who never know anything about the bitcoin at all so i dont think you can have a study just only for the bitcoin.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Oralmat on June 08, 2016, 02:48:22 PM
Best of luck, but in this work a lot of duty on you, a lot of questions will be miss in this way,personally i don't think that you can do it properly, also very difficulties are here.
But the main thing is that your determination, so best of luck and we will see our work.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: KaliLinux on June 08, 2016, 05:27:01 PM
Best of luck, but in this work a lot of duty on you, a lot of questions will be miss in this way,personally i don't think that you can do it properly, also very difficulties are here.
But the main thing is that your determination, so best of luck and we will see our work.
Hey Dude, This really a good initiative as educational topic and this topic would be the unique from your surroundings. Before taking on your way just look over the whole details in this forum and know about the BTC biz like faucets, Mining, Sig campaign and their benefits.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: jhenfelipe on June 09, 2016, 12:13:41 PM
Simple and user friendly site. And also Great survey Mucky! I participated on it and I hope my answers can help you too. I'm grateful to know that someone uses bitcoin as topic for thesis, this may help others to be introduced in using bitcoin. However, I think there are some more question that you can include into it, but since as a topic Bitcoin is really broad, I think that your survey is good enough. I'm hoping for your success with this! Thank you for a good survey :)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: wintermeasures on June 09, 2016, 02:18:46 PM
Hi guys,

I am a student from Austria and currently writing my masters thesis about Bitcoin.
I am still looking for Bitcoin users to fill out my survey. It only takes 5 - 7 minutes and in the and there is a lottery where you can win 3 x 25 € in BTC.

If you have any questions you can message me here or via mail (the adress is on the main page of the survey).

Thanks in advance.


Done friends, I hope the above survey to help you to complete the task. and I hope with people like you bitcoin will become better known and more users. Thank you

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: drwtsn32 on June 10, 2016, 10:27:48 AM
Currently going through your survey. Good luck on your thesis and on your journey ahead my friend!  :)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: graphicalx on June 10, 2016, 10:42:48 AM

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Sir_lagsalot on June 10, 2016, 10:53:15 AM
Completed the survey! For every question that I thought was too personal, I replaced with a censored version or a message. Hope you don't mind! Hope you also get top of the class! :D

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: bob123 on June 10, 2016, 11:26:12 AM
Going to take part in this survey when I'm at home (PC)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: benjidaimio on June 10, 2016, 05:02:27 PM
I think you chose a really interesting topic for your thesis. Good luck to you! ;)

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mucki on June 10, 2016, 07:46:37 PM
I thought that my chances of getting more answers were gone, but I am glad I didn't close the survey.

Thanks a lot for your help guys. It is really helping me a lot.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: drwtsn32 on June 13, 2016, 03:49:27 AM
Currently going through your survey. Good luck on your thesis and on your journey ahead my friend!  :)

Hi, I unfortunately did not finished your survey and I cannot load it. Can I start another one if that's okay?

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: groll on June 13, 2016, 04:11:35 AM
Studies on bitcoin has been made a long time ago. But it was not made on the academe or universities but by big time companies that deals with future digital electronic currencies. But I am hoping that the government will make studies also so that bitcoin can be used to purchase our daily needs.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Altcoinsupporter on June 13, 2016, 02:24:31 PM

Why "the perceived usefulness" and not just the usefulness? It's as if you are in doubt that it's really useful? There is NO doubt in my mind that it is useful, because it already made a huge impact on

my life. I took this journey as a hunt for a alternative payment method for online e-commerce and it ended up as a life changing experience. Bitcoin is much more than a technology or a currency... it's

a eye opener to a whole new financial future.  ;D Good luck... we are waiting for that thesis.  ::)

I chose a specific Model for my thesis that uses the items perceived usefulness and perceived ease of us.
There is no measurable usefulness, just the perceived usefulness of each user.
You can see now that Bitcoin is getting be more worth and that is nice but of course you can also see now that Bitcoin is becoming more worth and that is nice.
But not everyone will know that Bitcoin is becoming more popular and that is the risky thing.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: sempak on June 13, 2016, 02:28:37 PM
study is to understand bitcoin bitcoin. by doing a deep understanding autodidact it will make us more quickly understand bitcoin. bitcoin can not just be learned. bitcoin also need to be applied.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: romero121 on June 13, 2016, 03:06:07 PM
All the very best for the way you considered bitcoin. Probably this could eventually make you one among the developer in the bitcoin development team.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Supercrypt on June 13, 2016, 05:05:10 PM
Hi guys,

I am a student from Austria and currently writing my masters thesis about Bitcoin.
I am still looking for Bitcoin users to fill out my survey. It only takes 5 - 7 minutes and in the and there is a lottery where you can win 3 x 25 € in BTC.

If you have any questions you can message me here or via mail (the adress is on the main page of the survey).

Thanks in advance.

I'm curious what you guys are going to do with this study after you present your thesis about bitcoins.

I mean, do you plan to, you know, maybe help in the blockchain tech?
By the way, goodluck with your thesis and we all here hope for your success!

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mucki on June 17, 2016, 06:37:00 PM
Hi Supercrypt.

Well, it's just me, one student, and to be honest I am not very well versed in Bitcoin development.
However, my results will be publicly available and if they can help changing something for the better I would be really happy.
For now I am just a business student interested in bitcoin (and everyday looking if my mini investment in BTC has increased :D )

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: drwtsn32 on December 23, 2016, 02:56:37 AM
Hi Christoph!

I've been hoping that I can still receive your offer. I was one of the lucky 3 winners.  ;D
Thank you.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: shamzblueworld on December 23, 2016, 05:26:17 AM
There aren't university studies about Bitcoin, at least as far as I know. I am doing a masters degree in business and just chose that topic.
Good luck with that, I hope you do well. Do share some of the info from your thesis whenever you can. I'm sure some of the data there could be quite useful for introducing bitcoin to others or just to know about.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: lOvE mE forEvEr on December 23, 2016, 09:06:23 AM
Oops, I has not been lucky, It looks like the survey is finished. Bitcoin's getting crowded in the thorough, this seems like a very nice made the development of our world future financial to replace fiat money currency.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Yutikas_11920 on December 23, 2016, 02:40:39 PM
Oops, I has not been lucky, It looks like the survey is finished. Bitcoin's getting crowded in the thorough, this seems like a very nice made the development of our world future financial to replace fiat money currency.

ahhaa, nothing is impossible in the bitcoin friends. All the things we know in the bitcoin is something that is very profitable for us and could be into something bad thing we, as indeed the bitcoin is a digital currency that can not know with certainty until when can we see and get an advantage inside. Just following something such as long as it can still be profitable, compared to our silent and only regret toward something that's been missing

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: akasma on December 23, 2016, 02:44:21 PM
I have just finished your survey. Hope this fact makes you understand this .
Good luck to you.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: eternalgloom on December 23, 2016, 04:14:41 PM
Hi Christoph!

I've been hoping that I can still receive your offer. I was one of the lucky 3 winners.  ;D
Thank you.
Did you get an e-mail or something like that? I've not heard anything back regarding the results of the study.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: n0ne on December 23, 2016, 04:35:23 PM
When I try to participate in the survey gets an error message indicating to contact support provider for assistance. Is this due to issues from my side or due to other factors.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: Mometaskers on December 23, 2016, 04:43:06 PM
Well, that's odd. I got an error message when I tried to access the site. Is OP already done with his survey?

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: n691309 on December 23, 2016, 06:31:11 PM
Well, that's odd. I got an error message when I tried to access the site. Is OP already done with his survey?

The OP wasn't online for many months so I doubt that this survey is still running but I think that it has been ended for a long time ago so don't expect this to work in the near future until the OP gets back and says something about this.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: kidoseagle0312 on December 24, 2016, 05:31:02 AM
Hi guys,

I am a student from Austria and currently writing my masters thesis about Bitcoin.
I am still looking for Bitcoin users to fill out my survey. It only takes 5 - 7 minutes and in the and there is a lottery where you can win 3 x 25 € in BTC.

If you have any questions you can message me here or via mail (the adress is on the main page of the survey).

Thanks in advance.


I think for so many veterans bitcoin enthusiast here in the forum, surely in the long run you will become one of the wealthy people in bitcoin currencies. I had no doubt in it 100%. So good luck to your thesis.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: traderethereum on December 24, 2016, 06:15:50 AM
Hi guys,

I am a student from Austria and currently writing my masters thesis about Bitcoin.
I am still looking for Bitcoin users to fill out my survey. It only takes 5 - 7 minutes and in the and there is a lottery where you can win 3 x 25 € in BTC.

If you have any questions you can message me here or via mail (the adress is on the main page of the survey).

Thanks in advance.


I think for so many veterans bitcoin enthusiast here in the forum, surely in the long run you will become one of the wealthy people in bitcoin currencies. I had no doubt in it 100%. So good luck to your thesis.

i am sure that not just veterans of bitcoin that will be the wealthy people, but every one here and outside of this forum will be wealthy people if we are focus in what we doing and i want to be the wealthy people too like the veterans.

Title: Re: Study about Bitcoin
Post by: kaixinfaa on December 24, 2016, 06:59:09 AM
 I unfortunately did not finished your survey and I cannot load it. 
There aren't university studies about Bitcoin, at least as far as I know.You're great.