Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: From Above on May 02, 2016, 10:49:45 PM

Title: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: From Above on May 02, 2016, 10:49:45 PM
What a bunch of gullible, opinionated, nonsense spreading, emotional, whiners you all are.

I'm not sure when this forum became over-run by people that can't seem to think logically, but I'm thinking that this forum has probably lost it's worth. I'm not even sure why I bother checking this forum anymore. Probably just habit.

I cant agree. Stupid people r everywhere not just here

This forum is very fine.


Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: dogie on May 03, 2016, 05:22:18 AM
Eh, how did this post end up here?

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: ACCTseller on May 03, 2016, 06:07:17 AM
Eh, how did this post end up here?
The OP clicked on this (;board=24.0) link, pasted the quote from Danny, typed his commentary in the OP and then clicked "post"

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: Lauda on May 03, 2016, 09:49:20 AM
It seems like has has overreacted a bit, but I understand where he's coming from. Do these people not realize how annoying their spam is? There have been dozens of threads (i.e. all are duplicates) on the subject and hundreds of really useless replies. I've posted in some of those thread (usually with evidence that disproves some claims) and reported a few of those as well. It is quite annoying as to what it has come down to:

What a bunch of gullible, opinionated, nonsense spreading, emotional, whiners most of you are.

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on May 03, 2016, 11:24:47 AM
I don't mind the retardedness so much as the poor English said retardedness is conveyed through.  It's like listening to AM radio whilst driving through Harlem at night. 

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: Slow death on May 03, 2016, 01:51:52 PM
Reading the post, gave to understand who is gullible ;D

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on May 03, 2016, 05:25:31 PM
Reading the post, gave to understand who is gullible ;D
^^^^Thank you, this is exactly what I'm talking about.   


Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: Jet Cash on May 04, 2016, 06:01:50 AM
There seem to be a lot of members who see Bitcoin as a method of adding a bit of cash to their income, and signature spamming is one way to achieve this. This leads to a lot of repetitive posts, and a lot of posting of received opinions without any understanding, and sometimes without even reading the posts in a thread. Once you learn to ignore these, then there is a lot of valuable information here, and some very knowledgeable and helpful members. One of my guidelines is to ignore any thread with more than about 50 replies, unless it has some technical merit of course.

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: Lauda on May 04, 2016, 06:15:05 AM
There seem to be a lot of members who see Bitcoin as a method of adding a bit of cash to their income, and signature spamming is one way to achieve this. This leads to a lot of repetitive posts, and a lot of posting of received opinions without any understanding, and sometimes without even reading the posts in a thread. Once you learn to ignore these, then there is a lot of valuable information here, and some very knowledgeable and helpful members. One of my guidelines is to ignore any thread with more than about 50 replies, unless it has some technical merit of course.
What's troubling is that nothing is being done (or has been done). Basically, suggestions are rejected because a 'perfect solution' is required (which obviously does not exist). It becomes quite difficult and annoying as the spam tends to increase drastically during certain events (e.g. this one with CW). It comes down to what the administration thinks of the problem though. Signature spam has become worse over time; I would always pick quality over quantity.

It's like listening to AM radio whilst driving through Harlem at night.  
The radio does not rephrase the same sentences, does it?

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: enhu on May 04, 2016, 06:20:54 AM
What a bunch of gullible, opinionated, nonsense spreading, emotional, whiners you all are.

I'm not sure when this forum became over-run by people that can't seem to think logically, but I'm thinking that this forum has probably lost it's worth. I'm not even sure why I bother checking this forum anymore. Probably just habit.

I cant agree. Stupid people r everywhere not just here

This forum is very fine.


were your post deleted?

This forum sucks yeah I think we already knew that.
I've read DannyHamilton's thread and when i was about to post my reply, i notice its a self moderated thread and so I just close the tab and move somewhere else. Most self moderating thread is something I may not respond anymore and i think the rest of us knew that as well.

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: Enotche on May 04, 2016, 04:59:46 PM
I totally agree! Apparently, this character has been offended and wrote on emotions.
This forum is an excellent platform for dialogue on cryptocurrency. I would even say it is the largest forum on cryptocurrency. Its value - its popularity. Many traders, miners, and so on, and can communicate with each. Here it is possible to obtain new knowledge about cryptocurrency and technology, then you can earn through subscription campaigns, then you can get tips for trading.
Forum is excellent!

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on May 05, 2016, 04:02:34 AM
There seem to be a lot of members who see Bitcoin as a method of adding a bit of cash to their income, and signature spamming is one way to achieve this. This leads to a lot of repetitive posts, and a lot of posting of received opinions without any understanding, and sometimes without even reading the posts in a thread. Once you learn to ignore these, then there is a lot of valuable information here, and some very knowledgeable and helpful members. One of my guidelines is to ignore any thread with more than about 50 replies, unless it has some technical merit of course.
What's troubling is that nothing is being done (or has been done). Basically, suggestions are rejected because a 'perfect solution' is required (which obviously does not exist). It becomes quite difficult and annoying as the spam tends to increase drastically during certain events (e.g. this one with CW). It comes down to what the administration thinks of the problem though. Signature spam has become worse over time; I would always pick quality over quantity.

It's like listening to AM radio whilst driving through Harlem at night.  
The radio does not rephrase the same sentences, does it?
The radio does not, of course.  I meant that it's like not even being able to understand what the sentences are.

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: CjMapope on May 05, 2016, 08:31:08 PM
I was just gonna make a meta post about this kinda stuff
i really think it just comes down to no new users even being FAMILIAR with the rules

i admit i am no pro, but it gets SUPER ANNOYING to check watchlist and relies to your posts just to see
"following"  "interesting project"  "i like this"   sig spammers over and over for 4 pages
then lord knows you may miss the one actual important thing in the 10 pages of "following" comments
and then maybe miss something actually important
i could SWEAR a rule was  "no unconstructive posts" i.e "following"
i report the odd user, but it feels hopeless after a while...

the quality of this forum has gone kaput ;\

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: Dahhi on May 05, 2016, 09:40:20 PM
The guy probably made the post because he is into sig campaigns and is trying to complete his quota :-*

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: From Above on May 08, 2016, 10:18:28 AM
the quality of this forum has gone kaput ;\

I personally strongly believe one tends to see what one is.  If you see the forum kaput : chances r  - u r kaput.
There is a lot of shite but also a lot of nifty diamonds to be found in between.  It's u who all of this goes through.  Decide!

The forum is fine


Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: Evildrum on May 08, 2016, 07:38:51 PM
Forum sucks because people either are to busy bitching about it and not addressing the issue by improving their own posts thinking its just the sig spammers.
There is a underlying issue of them vs. us and even the mods are caught up in supporting one aspect in how they view signatures.
The problem for me is I look around and realize I came to bitcoin for a philosophy and the forum is more driven by profit. You have sig spam, scammers and arrogant posters because people are gravitating to the aspect of making money.
A community that helps and encourages each other will not be found here due ti this aspect.
Clean up the forum you will see and then you click on their posts and see its trust building or a business being pushed. Otherwise they woul be leading by example and posting amazing reads.

End of the day what I want for bitcoin is to be free of control and thought a forum should reflect that but I hit a wall addressing this as the meta threads pile in wanting to eliminate more and more aspects.

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: somacoin on May 08, 2016, 08:40:25 PM
I just use the ignore function if I don't like something but I do think I have to use it much more often than I'd like to, but what the hell, yeah, the forum is messed up and fine at the same time so whatever baby, right?

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: criptix on May 08, 2016, 10:56:25 PM
Forum sucks because people either are to busy bitching about it and not addressing the issue by improving their own posts thinking its just the sig spammers.
There is a underlying issue of them vs. us and even the mods are caught up in supporting one aspect in how they view signatures.
The problem for me is I look around and realize I came to bitcoin for a philosophy and the forum is more driven by profit. You have sig spam, scammers and arrogant posters because people are gravitating to the aspect of making money.
A community that helps and encourages each other will not be found here due ti this aspect.
Clean up the forum you will see and then you click on their posts and see its trust building or a business being pushed. Otherwise they woul be leading by example and posting amazing reads.

End of the day what I want for bitcoin is to be free of control and thought a forum should reflect that but I hit a wall addressing this as the meta threads pile in wanting to eliminate more and more aspects.

there are a ton of other (private) forums you can join.
nobody is forcing you to participate here. people are free to voice their opinion - doesnt matter if good or bad.
thats how this forum works since inception but lately i feel too that spammers are getting overboard in a lot of different subs.

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: Evildrum on May 09, 2016, 01:03:37 AM
Forum sucks because people either are to busy bitching about it and not addressing the issue by improving their own posts thinking its just the sig spammers.
There is a underlying issue of them vs. us and even the mods are caught up in supporting one aspect in how they view signatures.
The problem for me is I look around and realize I came to bitcoin for a philosophy and the forum is more driven by profit. You have sig spam, scammers and arrogant posters because people are gravitating to the aspect of making money.
A community that helps and encourages each other will not be found here due ti this aspect.
Clean up the forum you will see and then you click on their posts and see its trust building or a business being pushed. Otherwise they woul be leading by example and posting amazing reads.

End of the day what I want for bitcoin is to be free of control and thought a forum should reflect that but I hit a wall addressing this as the meta threads pile in wanting to eliminate more and more aspects.

there are a ton of other (private) forums you can join.
nobody is forcing you to participate here. people are free to voice their opinion - doesnt matter if good or bad.
thats how this forum works since inception but lately i feel too that spammers are getting overboard in a lot of different subs.

I will move along if I do not like what I see, thanks for reminding me that I have this option. :D
No offence but you just treated me like I am retarded but continue down the road of every one being allowed to voice a opinion.


You may not pick up on it but this subtle move along if you do not like it can also apply to the same people going on and on about sig spam. Just because mods agree its like any one that disagrees is a punching bag for every one to pile in on. Go read any thread on signatures, ponzis or investor based forums and you will see that the threads operate in a gang fashion. Come from the wrong aspect and you will meet the same faces in rapid fire over running the one or two people that disagree.
You ask me we need mods that do not all come at issues with the same view points. More balance might help take the bite out of responses that come off like you are dealing with a robot or a person that just wants you to go away.
Forum looks like its polluted when it comes to trust.
It obviously means to much to some people.

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: criptix on May 09, 2016, 04:58:36 PM
Forum sucks because people either are to busy bitching about it and not addressing the issue by improving their own posts thinking its just the sig spammers.
There is a underlying issue of them vs. us and even the mods are caught up in supporting one aspect in how they view signatures.
The problem for me is I look around and realize I came to bitcoin for a philosophy and the forum is more driven by profit. You have sig spam, scammers and arrogant posters because people are gravitating to the aspect of making money.
A community that helps and encourages each other will not be found here due ti this aspect.
Clean up the forum you will see and then you click on their posts and see its trust building or a business being pushed. Otherwise they woul be leading by example and posting amazing reads.

End of the day what I want for bitcoin is to be free of control and thought a forum should reflect that but I hit a wall addressing this as the meta threads pile in wanting to eliminate more and more aspects.

there are a ton of other (private) forums you can join.
nobody is forcing you to participate here. people are free to voice their opinion - doesnt matter if good or bad.
thats how this forum works since inception but lately i feel too that spammers are getting overboard in a lot of different subs.

I will move along if I do not like what I see, thanks for reminding me that I have this option. :D
No offence but you just treated me like I am retarded but continue down the road of every one being allowed to voice a opinion.


You may not pick up on it but this subtle move along if you do not like it can also apply to the same people going on and on about sig spam. Just because mods agree its like any one that disagrees is a punching bag for every one to pile in on. Go read any thread on signatures, ponzis or investor based forums and you will see that the threads operate in a gang fashion. Come from the wrong aspect and you will meet the same faces in rapid fire over running the one or two people that disagree.
You ask me we need mods that do not all come at issues with the same view points. More balance might help take the bite out of responses that come off like you are dealing with a robot or a person that just wants you to go away.
Forum looks like its polluted when it comes to trust.
It obviously means to much to some people.

95% of the people who do not agree are in a sig campaign.
The rest of the 5% are their other accounts.
Please since qhen is a newbie account starting with a yobit sig... go away sig spammer.

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: Evildrum on May 09, 2016, 05:15:45 PM
Forum sucks because people either are to busy bitching about it and not addressing the issue by improving their own posts thinking its just the sig spammers.
There is a underlying issue of them vs. us and even the mods are caught up in supporting one aspect in how they view signatures.
The problem for me is I look around and realize I came to bitcoin for a philosophy and the forum is more driven by profit. You have sig spam, scammers and arrogant posters because people are gravitating to the aspect of making money.
A community that helps and encourages each other will not be found here due ti this aspect.
Clean up the forum you will see and then you click on their posts and see its trust building or a business being pushed. Otherwise they woul be leading by example and posting amazing reads.

End of the day what I want for bitcoin is to be free of control and thought a forum should reflect that but I hit a wall addressing this as the meta threads pile in wanting to eliminate more and more aspects.

there are a ton of other (private) forums you can join.
nobody is forcing you to participate here. people are free to voice their opinion - doesnt matter if good or bad.
thats how this forum works since inception but lately i feel too that spammers are getting overboard in a lot of different subs.

I will move along if I do not like what I see, thanks for reminding me that I have this option. :D
No offence but you just treated me like I am retarded but continue down the road of every one being allowed to voice a opinion.


You may not pick up on it but this subtle move along if you do not like it can also apply to the same people going on and on about sig spam. Just because mods agree its like any one that disagrees is a punching bag for every one to pile in on. Go read any thread on signatures, ponzis or investor based forums and you will see that the threads operate in a gang fashion. Come from the wrong aspect and you will meet the same faces in rapid fire over running the one or two people that disagree.
You ask me we need mods that do not all come at issues with the same view points. More balance might help take the bite out of responses that come off like you are dealing with a robot or a person that just wants you to go away.
Forum looks like its polluted when it comes to trust.
It obviously means to much to some people.

95% of the people who do not agree are in a sig campaign.
The rest of the 5% are their other accounts.
Please since qhen is a newbie account starting with a yobit sig... go away sig spammer.

To stay current on the signature issue,newbie accounts are no longer allowed in the yobit signature so you are talking past tense and therefore should not be a talking point with the current situation. The rest of the post is throwing lines at a wall hoping that they stick to take away any merit from the discussion.
I must say you threw this accusation at me in your Racial and IQ thread and then proceeded to get into a pissing war with another member,derailing your own thread. Does it not seem like a bias to dismiss anyone in a signature as a spammer? I also read those links you provided but decided not to say anything when I came back to two heads butting against each other for who was the smartest. Was a tad ironic being the subject line.
You have your opinion and thats fair but do not label me unjustly if you really feel I am a sig spammer you can always lay it out in a reputation thread where you and I can discuss the issue,seems only fair.

Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: criptix on May 09, 2016, 06:04:50 PM
Forum sucks because people either are to busy bitching about it and not addressing the issue by improving their own posts thinking its just the sig spammers.
There is a underlying issue of them vs. us and even the mods are caught up in supporting one aspect in how they view signatures.
The problem for me is I look around and realize I came to bitcoin for a philosophy and the forum is more driven by profit. You have sig spam, scammers and arrogant posters because people are gravitating to the aspect of making money.
A community that helps and encourages each other will not be found here due ti this aspect.
Clean up the forum you will see and then you click on their posts and see its trust building or a business being pushed. Otherwise they woul be leading by example and posting amazing reads.

End of the day what I want for bitcoin is to be free of control and thought a forum should reflect that but I hit a wall addressing this as the meta threads pile in wanting to eliminate more and more aspects.

there are a ton of other (private) forums you can join.
nobody is forcing you to participate here. people are free to voice their opinion - doesnt matter if good or bad.
thats how this forum works since inception but lately i feel too that spammers are getting overboard in a lot of different subs.

I will move along if I do not like what I see, thanks for reminding me that I have this option. :D
No offence but you just treated me like I am retarded but continue down the road of every one being allowed to voice a opinion.


You may not pick up on it but this subtle move along if you do not like it can also apply to the same people going on and on about sig spam. Just because mods agree its like any one that disagrees is a punching bag for every one to pile in on. Go read any thread on signatures, ponzis or investor based forums and you will see that the threads operate in a gang fashion. Come from the wrong aspect and you will meet the same faces in rapid fire over running the one or two people that disagree.
You ask me we need mods that do not all come at issues with the same view points. More balance might help take the bite out of responses that come off like you are dealing with a robot or a person that just wants you to go away.
Forum looks like its polluted when it comes to trust.
It obviously means to much to some people.

95% of the people who do not agree are in a sig campaign.
The rest of the 5% are their other accounts.
Please since qhen is a newbie account starting with a yobit sig... go away sig spammer.

To stay current on the signature issue,newbie accounts are no longer allowed in the yobit signature so you are talking past tense and therefore should not be a talking point with the current situation. The rest of the post is throwing lines at a wall hoping that they stick to take away any merit from the discussion.
I must say you threw this accusation at me in your Racial and IQ thread and then proceeded to get into a pissing war with another member,derailing your own thread. Does it not seem like a bias to dismiss anyone in a signature as a spammer? I also read those links you provided but decided not to say anything when I came back to two heads butting against each other for who was the smartest. Was a tad ironic being the subject line.
You have your opinion and thats fair but do not label me unjustly if you really feel I am a sig spammer you can always lay it out in a reputation thread where you and I can discuss the issue,seems only fair.

Junior member is such a high hurdle lmao.

Chances are very high you have multiple accounts because genuine new members usually dont start instantly with a sig campaign.

"The rest of the post is throwing lines at a wall hoping that they stick to take away any merit from the discussion."


Title: Re: Some folks say the forum sucks
Post by: Evildrum on May 09, 2016, 06:16:22 PM
Forum sucks because people either are to busy bitching about it and not addressing the issue by improving their own posts thinking its just the sig spammers.
There is a underlying issue of them vs. us and even the mods are caught up in supporting one aspect in how they view signatures.
The problem for me is I look around and realize I came to bitcoin for a philosophy and the forum is more driven by profit. You have sig spam, scammers and arrogant posters because people are gravitating to the aspect of making money.
A community that helps and encourages each other will not be found here due ti this aspect.
Clean up the forum you will see and then you click on their posts and see its trust building or a business being pushed. Otherwise they woul be leading by example and posting amazing reads.

End of the day what I want for bitcoin is to be free of control and thought a forum should reflect that but I hit a wall addressing this as the meta threads pile in wanting to eliminate more and more aspects.

there are a ton of other (private) forums you can join.
nobody is forcing you to participate here. people are free to voice their opinion - doesnt matter if good or bad.
thats how this forum works since inception but lately i feel too that spammers are getting overboard in a lot of different subs.

I will move along if I do not like what I see, thanks for reminding me that I have this option. :D
No offence but you just treated me like I am retarded but continue down the road of every one being allowed to voice a opinion.


You may not pick up on it but this subtle move along if you do not like it can also apply to the same people going on and on about sig spam. Just because mods agree its like any one that disagrees is a punching bag for every one to pile in on. Go read any thread on signatures, ponzis or investor based forums and you will see that the threads operate in a gang fashion. Come from the wrong aspect and you will meet the same faces in rapid fire over running the one or two people that disagree.
You ask me we need mods that do not all come at issues with the same view points. More balance might help take the bite out of responses that come off like you are dealing with a robot or a person that just wants you to go away.
Forum looks like its polluted when it comes to trust.
It obviously means to much to some people.

95% of the people who do not agree are in a sig campaign.
The rest of the 5% are their other accounts.
Please since qhen is a newbie account starting with a yobit sig... go away sig spammer.

To stay current on the signature issue,newbie accounts are no longer allowed in the yobit signature so you are talking past tense and therefore should not be a talking point with the current situation. The rest of the post is throwing lines at a wall hoping that they stick to take away any merit from the discussion.
I must say you threw this accusation at me in your Racial and IQ thread and then proceeded to get into a pissing war with another member,derailing your own thread. Does it not seem like a bias to dismiss anyone in a signature as a spammer? I also read those links you provided but decided not to say anything when I came back to two heads butting against each other for who was the smartest. Was a tad ironic being the subject line.
You have your opinion and thats fair but do not label me unjustly if you really feel I am a sig spammer you can always lay it out in a reputation thread where you and I can discuss the issue,seems only fair.

Junior member is such a high hurdle lmao.

Chances are very high you have multiple accounts because genuine new members usually dont start instantly with a sig campaign.

"The rest of the post is throwing lines at a wall hoping that they stick to take away any merit from the discussion."


You are clearly trolling me now as I have addressed something you are still pointing as the issue.
Till you figure that aspect out, we are done trading barbs as I do not see anything positive coming from it.