Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Auctions => Topic started by: theymos on February 23, 2013, 06:16:55 PM

Title: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: theymos on February 23, 2013, 06:16:55 PM
In order to collect more money for the creation of good forum software, the forum is selling ad space in the area beneath the first post of every topic page.

Ads are allowed to contain any non-annoying HTML/CSS style. No images, JavaScript, or animation (no marquee or blinking). Ads must appear 3 or fewer lines tall in my browser. Ads will be prefixed with "Advertisement:". Ad text may not contain lies, misrepresentation, or inappropriate language. Ads may not link directly to any NSFW page. Ads may be rejected for other reasons.

There are 10 total ad slots which are randomly rotated. So one ad slot has a one in ten chance of appearing. Seven of the slots are for sale here. Ads appear only on topic pages with more than one post, and only for people using the default theme.

The ad lasts 7 days starting from when I put it up.


Exact historical impression counts per slot:

Info about the current ad slots:

Auction rules

Post your bids in this thread. Prices must be stated in BTC per slot. You must state the max number of slots you want. When the auction ends, the highest bidders will have their slots filled until all eight slots are filled.

So if someone bids for 8 slots @ 5 BTC and this is the highest bid, then he'll get all 8 slots. If the two highest bids are 8 slots @ 4 BTC and 1 slot @ 5 BTC, then the first person will get 7 slots and the second person will get 1 slot.

The notation "2 @ 5" means 2 slots for 5 BTC each. Not 2 slots for 5 BTC total.

- When you post a bid, the bids in your previous posts are considered to be automatically canceled. You can put multiple bids in one post, however.
- All bid prices must be evenly divisible by 0.25.
- The bidding starts at 0.5.
- I will end the auction at an arbitrary time no more than 12 days from now. (I will probably end the auction 1-3 days before the ads are scheduled to go up.)
- If two people bid at the same price, the person who bid first will have his slots filled first.
- Bids are considered invalid and will be ignored if they do not specify both a price and a max quantity, or if they could not possibly win any slots

If these rules are confusing, look at some of the past forum ad auctions to see how it's done. I also post periodic status updates which should help make things clear.

You must pay for your slots within 24 hours of receiving the payment address. Otherwise your slots may be sold to someone else.

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: theymos on February 23, 2013, 06:19:23 PM
Only seven slots are being sold from now on. The extra slot is going to Private Internet Access for hosting the forum.

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: velacreations on February 23, 2013, 10:42:44 PM
2 @ .5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Inaba on February 23, 2013, 10:45:03 PM
7 @ 4

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Oldsport on February 27, 2013, 08:23:17 AM
2 @ 4.25

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: qxzn on February 28, 2013, 10:42:01 PM
1 @ 5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Inaba on February 28, 2013, 10:58:59 PM
6 @ 4.5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: bit365 on March 01, 2013, 07:54:17 AM
1 @ 5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Oldsport on March 01, 2013, 07:59:46 AM
2 @ 5.25

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: on March 01, 2013, 10:58:40 AM
1 @ 5.5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Oldsport on March 01, 2013, 02:22:59 PM
1 @ 5.25

1 @ 5.75

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: on March 01, 2013, 03:20:21 PM
4 @ 5.5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: on March 01, 2013, 04:12:19 PM
2 @ 6

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Inaba on March 01, 2013, 04:25:03 PM
7 @ 6.25

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: on March 01, 2013, 04:28:23 PM
2 @ 6.5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Oldsport on March 01, 2013, 06:25:27 PM
2@ 6.5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: on March 01, 2013, 06:33:16 PM
4 @ 6.5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Oldsport on March 01, 2013, 08:06:29 PM
1 @ 6.5

1@ 6.75

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: on March 01, 2013, 08:11:55 PM
2 @ 7

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: theymos on March 01, 2013, 08:24:27 PM
Slots BTC/Slot Person
2 7
1 6.75 Oldsport
1 6.5 Oldsport
3 6.5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: theymos on March 01, 2013, 08:25:37 PM
Slots BTC/Slot Person
2 7
1 6.75 Oldsport
1 6.5 Oldsport
3 6.5

Is this correct? Several complicated bids this week.

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: bit365 on March 01, 2013, 08:32:25 PM
1 @ 6.75

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: 2weiX on March 01, 2013, 08:36:39 PM
ppl bidding > 200$ for a slot now?
color me impressed.

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Inaba on March 01, 2013, 08:44:39 PM
7 @ 7.25

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Oldsport on March 01, 2013, 09:12:27 PM
2 @ 7.5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Oldsport on March 01, 2013, 09:13:02 PM
Slots BTC/Slot Person
2 7
1 6.75 Oldsport
1 6.5 Oldsport
3 6.5

Is this correct? Several complicated bids this week.

Mine were correct. But my bids have been updated.

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Inaba on March 01, 2013, 10:23:49 PM
Last time I tried to bid two different prices on slots, I was told you can't do that... your bids have to be the same for every slot you're bidding on.  Not that I care either way, just want to be consistent so I know how to bid going forward.

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: theymos on March 02, 2013, 01:21:30 AM
Last time I tried to bid two different prices on slots, I was told you can't do that... your bids have to be the same for every slot you're bidding on.  Not that I care either way, just want to be consistent so I know how to bid going forward.

You can have bids at two different prices, but to avoid confusion they both need to be in the same post. New posts cancel the bids in all of your previous posts.

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: on March 02, 2013, 05:00:05 AM
Are these results final?
2 7
1 6.75 Oldsport
1 6.5 Oldsport
3 6.5

If the auction has not finished yet, please accept this bid:
2 @ 7.5

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: bbit on March 02, 2013, 05:02:57 AM
The forum should figure out a better way to hold these auctions sometimes its confusing!

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Inaba on March 02, 2013, 05:07:14 AM
Auction isn't over, so your bid was good.

7 @ 7.75

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Oldsport on March 02, 2013, 05:30:52 AM
2 @ 8

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: on March 02, 2013, 05:34:08 AM
2 @ 8

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: FlipPro on March 02, 2013, 07:10:21 AM
2 @ 8

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: Oldsport on March 02, 2013, 05:41:06 PM
Changing my previous bid to just 1 @ 8

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: theymos on March 03, 2013, 04:58:30 PM
Slots BTC/Slot Person
2 8
2 8 FlipPro
1 8 Oldsport
3 7.75 Inaba

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: theymos on March 04, 2013, 12:18:05 AM
Auction ended.

Title: Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 72
Post by: theymos on March 04, 2013, 12:22:09 AM
Slots BTC/Slot Person
2 8
2 8 FlipPro
1 8 Oldsport
3 7.75 Inaba

I made an error here, though. Only 7 slots are available, so Inaba only gets 2 slots.