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Economy => Marketplace => Topic started by: lolwut on February 23, 2013, 08:21:22 PM

Title: Accepting items/donations for American troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: lolwut on February 23, 2013, 08:21:22 PM
Please save your negative comments and criticism for another time. I'm not here to argue about the war, if you are not interested please just browse on to something else.

Hello All,

I thought the forum would be a great place to post this, so let me share:

My brother is a Combat Engineer Squad Leader on his second tour, responsible for a 10 man squad conducting route clearance and counter-ied operations in Afghanistan. This group of soldiers are responsible for finding and destroying IEDs and their trigger men. My brother is Sapper qualified, having graduated from the Army's Sapper Leadership course. Here is a link to a Discovery Channel special on Sappers (Surviving the Cut). (

Below is a list of some items they need. Anything you can contribute is greatly appreciated. If you want to donate a non-perishable item that is not on the list, thats fine too. I send weekly packages, so it can always include your item in my next shipment. If you would like to ship directly to their forward operating base, please contact me for shipping details.

- Adhesive-backed Velcro strips (2" or 4")
- Swiffer
- Dry Erase Board (Any size, Large preferred).
- Assorted wood nails (for hanging things, making repairs, etc)
- Hammer (for use with nails)
- Storage bins (plastic or equivalent, any size)
- Copenhagen Long cut
- Snack Bars
- Trail Mix
- Jerky
- M4 Butt Stocks (aftermarket)
- Stabilizing Binoculars
- Harris or MBITR radio compatible CABLE antenna
- Cordless Drill
- Marine Gladiator Chest Rig (Link (
- Coffee
- Energy Drinks
- Magazines/Subscriptions (GQ, Esquire, Time, Adult magazines, Etc....)

I assure you these items are going to men fighting on the front lines, in a remote base, living in Afghani-made plywood buildings. I will post pictures of your items and the happy soldiers who received them. I have also setup a wallet for bitcoin donations, which I will use to buy items they need. If you have an item you'd like to donate but can't afford the shipping, please contact me and I will see about covering your shipping costs.

Donation Wallet: 1EDAK8ENKtR8Yx9ebD8TD6DHFr2wuyaf3K

(If someone with mining power would like to generate a vanity wallet for me, that would be AWESOME.)

Thank you for stopping by and your donations are appreciated! GO USA!

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: lassdas on February 23, 2013, 08:38:45 PM
So, your government sends troops to Afghanistan but can't even afford some items they need? Like hammers (to use with nails) and jerky?
Das funny.  :D

Go USA (and never come back)!

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: lucif on February 23, 2013, 08:41:50 PM
You all gonna die there. My father was there during war with USSR. Muslims are from different planet. Special approach to life, special approach to death.

Get the fuck out of there. Even nuclear attack will not help as they are in mountains. Afganistan was never surrended to anyone in history.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: on February 23, 2013, 08:50:50 PM
With all that hopium under their feets they can't afford a frigging hammer with nails?! FAIL

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: Anon136 on February 23, 2013, 08:51:15 PM
If forced to chose i would probably be more inclined to give a donations to the people your brother is trying to kill then your brother (not that i would willingly donate to either)

Please remove your negativity from this thread. It is not a political debate.

As you wish.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: lolwut on February 23, 2013, 08:55:28 PM
So, your government sends troops to Afghanistan but can't even afford some items they need? Like hammers (to use with nails) and jerky?
Das funny.  :D

Go USA (and never come back)!

Unfortunately, the government is not perfect. There are many normal everyday items that become hard to get when you are overseas. It's not just the USA over there guys, theres plenty of other countries working together. Who knows, some of these donations may end up with soldiers from your homeland!

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: alir on February 23, 2013, 09:02:19 PM
You all gonna die there. My father was there during war with USSR. Muslims are from different planet. Special approach to life, special approach to death.

Get the fuck out of there. Even nuclear attack will not help as they are in mountains. Afganistan was never surrended to anyone in history.
Afghanistan is far too barren for any kind of real government intervention that would make a difference for either side. Unlike other countries that spent the last 60 years becoming smaller (more cities, more people, less wilderness) Afghanistan has been in constant war and as such remains mostly primitive.

I wouldn't go as far as saying muslims are from a different planet, but those who are willing to die for their beliefs outnumber those being paid to kill.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: BitcoinINV on February 23, 2013, 09:10:22 PM
I have a problem with this, I served in the USMC 04-09 MOS 6541 . We never had to have some of this stuff shipped to us it was supplied.
The things with a XXXX beside it is stuff they are supplied

Adhesive-backed Velcro strips (2" or 4")
- Swiffer
- Dry Erase Board (Any size, Large preferred).
- Assorted wood nails (for hanging things, making repairs, etc)  XXXXX
- Hammer (for use with nails) XXXXXX
- Storage bins (plastic or equivalent, any size)
- Copenhagen Long cut
- Snack Bars
- Trail Mix
- Jerky
- M4 Butt Stocks (aftermarket)   XXXXXXX   They issue you every part of the rifle you need.
- Stabilizing Binoculars <----- XXXXXX Lol really
- Harris or MBITR radio compatible CABLE antenna   <----- another lol
- Cordless Drill    XXXXXXX
- Marine Gladiator Chest Rig (Link)  <--- They are issued one of these in the army. Its know as 782 gear in the Marines.
- Coffee
- Energy Drinks
- Magazines/Subscriptions (GQ, Esquire, Time, Adult magazines, Etc....)

Some of these request are suspect. Can you explain further why his unit is not being met basic equipment?
Edit: what unit is it?

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: str4wm4n on February 23, 2013, 09:10:39 PM
donated for swiffer pads, those things are awesome

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: lolwut on February 23, 2013, 09:15:38 PM
I have a problem with this, I served in the USMC 04-09 MOS 6541 . We never had to have some of this stuff shipped to us it was supplied.
The things with a XXXX beside it is stuff they are supplied

Adhesive-backed Velcro strips (2" or 4")
- Swiffer
- Dry Erase Board (Any size, Large preferred).
- Assorted wood nails (for hanging things, making repairs, etc)  XXXXX
- Hammer (for use with nails) XXXXXX
- Storage bins (plastic or equivalent, any size)
- Copenhagen Long cut
- Snack Bars
- Trail Mix
- Jerky
- M4 Butt Stocks (aftermarket)   XXXXXXX   They issue you every part of the rifle you need.
- Stabilizing Binoculars <----- XXXXXX Lol really
- Harris or MBITR radio compatible CABLE antenna   <----- another lol
- Cordless Drill    XXXXXXX
- Marine Gladiator Chest Rig (Link)  <--- They are issued one of these in the army. Its know as 782 gear in the Marines.
- Coffee
- Energy Drinks
- Magazines/Subscriptions (GQ, Esquire, Time, Adult magazines, Etc....)

Some of these request are suspect. Can you explain further why his unit is not being met basic equipment?
Edit: what unit is it?

I am simply passing on a list of items. I know that if they were supplied or readily available, he would not be asking for them. I'm sure the folks on the large bases like Bagram have everything they need. They probably even have a McDonalds. Not the case here.

ALSO, For some of the items listed, the government does supply. I assume the reason for those requests is because of the quality or functionality of that specific item. I know that having a butt stock wtih storage and a large cheak rest is certainly better than the mil-spec stock.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: lolwut on February 23, 2013, 09:18:51 PM
donated for swiffer pads, those things are awesome

Thank you, Much appreciated.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: BitcoinINV on February 23, 2013, 09:23:56 PM
I understand that, but a a helicopter comes in once every 2 days after a FOB is established if condition permits. They do "beans bullets and beer" runs, even though they no longer do beer lol. The CO sends a list back with the flight crew back every week with a requisition order. Most of the time very thing they ask for is sent. I seen buildings, humvee's, sat dishes, deep freezers, generators, and aircraft engines sent out into the mountains of afgan, so some of this stuff just sounds off.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: lolwut on February 23, 2013, 09:35:02 PM
I understand that, but a a helicopter comes in once every 2 days after a FOB is established if condition permits. They do "beans bullets and beer" runs, even though they no longer do beer lol. The CO sends a list back with the flight crew back every week with a requisition order. Most of the time very thing they ask for is sent. I seen buildings, humvee's, sat dishes, deep freezers, generators, and aircraft engines sent out into the mountains of afgan, so some of this stuff just sounds off.

You're probably right. I'm sure the military can request supplies as needed. But I doubt they regularly supply the fobs with snacks and other comforts of home. If I can spend a small amount of money to give a soldier something they need, I will. If that item is an improvement on what is supplied by the army, even better. I'm sure some of those items fall in to that category. What the army may consider "standard issue" may not always be what the troops need to get their job done effectively or provide them comfort in their current conditions.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: BitcoinINV on February 23, 2013, 09:37:51 PM
Yea snacks are great and so is chef boy r dee lol. Hand sanatizer, wet naps, AA batteries those are the other things are used a lot.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: lolwut on February 23, 2013, 09:42:00 PM
Yea snacks are great and so is chef boy r dee lol. Hand sanatizer, wet naps, AA batteries those are the other things are used a lot.

Baby wipes are clutch, i forgot to add those to the list.

I sent off a couple cases of baby wipes last week.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: johnniewalker on February 23, 2013, 10:26:12 PM
Bottomline, even though we spend so much money on Defense doesn't mean our soldiers are 100% taken care of. I can personally attest to that. Stuff like the energy drinks and trail mix makes sense. I'd donate for that. And did everyone who posted something critical not see the huge font at the beginning of the OP?

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for our troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: niko on February 24, 2013, 01:48:58 AM
You might want to specify what "our" means in the thread title ("American", not "our"). There are people from all over the world in this forum.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for American troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: lolwut on February 24, 2013, 02:01:53 AM
You might want to specify what "our" means in the thread title ("American", not "our"). There are people from all over the world in this forum.

Good call. Updated the title.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for American troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: fwho on February 24, 2013, 05:44:04 AM
I have a problem with this, I served in the USMC 04-09 MOS 6541 . We never had to have some of this stuff shipped to us it was supplied.

I was never a jarhead so I didnt know what this MOS was. After applying Google-FU it seems you were a fobbit that would be stationed on a fairly large base. Combat Engineers have the wonderful option of being stationed in a small outpost. Not only is supply a joke most of the time, but if you only go to a large fob once a month, it becomes pretty hard to get shit.

Title: Re: Accepting items/donations for American troops in Afghanistan.
Post by: lolwut on February 24, 2013, 05:11:08 PM
I have a problem with this, I served in the USMC 04-09 MOS 6541 . We never had to have some of this stuff shipped to us it was supplied.

I was never a jarhead so I didnt know what this MOS was. After applying Google-FU it seems you were a fobbit that would be stationed on a fairly large base. Combat Engineers have the wonderful option of being stationed in a small outpost. Not only is supply a joke most of the time, but if you only go to a large fob once a month, it becomes pretty hard to get shit.

Couldn't have said it any better myself. Thank you.