Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: slaveforanunnak1 on May 09, 2016, 08:34:40 PM

Title: you'll love this moron
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on May 09, 2016, 08:34:40 PM

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: BlueTemplar on May 09, 2016, 09:10:30 PM
I love watching silly people like him.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: AgentofCoin on May 09, 2016, 09:31:23 PM

He seems angry about bitcoin. Like really butthurt. Lol.
He has the most basic, if not very below average, understanding of Bitcoin/bitcoin.
I don't think he did any research at all, before giving his uninformed opinion.

Someone should archive this video for the future.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: interbtc on May 09, 2016, 09:35:18 PM

At first i thought it was a pun of some kind, but this guy is for real. He has no idea how bitcoin and blockchain actually work and
yet that doesnt stop him from talking sh*t about it. Imho, this is a pathetic attempt of a tech-talk wannabie.
Someone should do a parody on this video, turning the tables around, now thats something i would die to see. Karma in action.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: valkir on May 09, 2016, 09:37:50 PM
ahahahah love it

A rage kid that do not understand Bitcoin and rage about it. Archive this for future.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: actmyname on May 09, 2016, 09:38:21 PM
He seems to have avoided the subject of everything that made bitcoin good and focused purely on the volatility. (And of course talks about the dollar as a comparison to bitcoins).

Either he wants to bearishly spread dialogue about bitcoin, or does little to none research (that is in the most basic level)

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: interbtc on May 09, 2016, 09:46:23 PM
He seems to have avoided the subject of everything that made bitcoin good and focused purely on the volatility. (And of course talks about the dollar as a comparison to bitcoins).

Either he wants to bearishly spread dialogue about bitcoin, or does little to none research (that is in the most basic level)

Most kids these days are alike, they hear about something, read an article in some trash papers and such, and act as if they understand everything.
Whole damn clip he mentioned how that possible volatility is something that cant be avoided by merchants, while not even knowing that there are services like bitpay
that remove it,but hey, they say all press is a good press..

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: Evildrum on May 09, 2016, 10:00:31 PM
He wants to stomp his feet and show what he knows about economics well coming off like a complete douche bag.
Made it to 1:13 and had to turn him off,it was to much and I scrolled down to see him arguing with people.
These platforms allow little arrogant pukes to spout off and then argue with people till the cows come home and never grasping anything from the opposing view.
Glad I do not have to live a life where I am unable to see the other side of a issue and stay transfixed like a moron.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: Rubberduckie on May 10, 2016, 02:47:35 AM
gotta love morons who put more time into being ignorant than
educating themselves on something before making a statement.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: SFR10 on May 10, 2016, 06:00:49 AM
The thing with nowadays kids is, those that not the least are the ones who talk the most (clearly the case with this boy). The facts that he kept saying BTCitcoin is anonymous, shows clear indication of lack of knowledge (it's so simple yet he clearly doesn't have any idea). The only other things that he sited was the decentralized nature and it's loss of value in few days but that's not what BTCitcoin is only about and clearly there are a lot of other things that makes BTCitcoin unique. IMO he just needed a little bit of attention and he clearly got it this way.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: nanonymousx on May 10, 2016, 06:43:47 AM
Hi raises a valid point, being a currency,Bitcoin is too volatile. I kind of agree.
Oh well, many people are holding coins for the rise.
The true headache of using Bitcoin is the tax, book keeping.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: Cyaren on May 10, 2016, 06:46:33 AM
Alright. He doesn't know a shit about bitcoin. He doesn't why people are still using it even though the price is fluctuating.

Next bear please ;D

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: Digital_Lord on May 10, 2016, 06:58:06 AM
hahaha. he's a dumber saying bitcoin is dumb. he don't know what bitcoin really is. bitcoin lover won't get hurt of these type of kid's thought and opinion about bitcoin. anyway the  video is interested because of this guy's sense of humor. Thumbs UP.  ;D ;D

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: ObscureBean on May 10, 2016, 07:04:30 AM
This is just something Bitcoiners are gonna have to put up with for the time being while Bitcoin is still evolving. It's a trial by fire type situation, the anti-Bitcoin crowd is entitled to take its best shots at Bitcoin. If vids like these could bring Bitcoin down then it would've have been a pointless struggle from the beginning.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: Enotche on May 10, 2016, 07:48:35 AM
Well, he is entitled to his point of view, but let it remain with him. He is not qualified in matters of Bitcoins, and distributes its opinion others who also knows nothing about Bitcoin, thus misleading them, it is very bad. You need to have critical thinking about things, and be able to understand the view of the interlocutor. The same character, in my opinion, simply does not understand the subject, and did not even studied, but he had to make a video for earnings from watches (loot at checkmark verification) .

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: Denker on May 10, 2016, 09:05:49 AM
It's obvious that this guy hasn't really studied what Bitcoin is or how it works.
Just another denier who desperately needs to shout out his irrelevant opinion.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: freshman777 on May 10, 2016, 09:11:30 AM
He is right but for wrong reasons.
The correct reasons are here. (

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: bitkilo on May 10, 2016, 09:19:46 AM
When was this video created?
He says no real company will ever except bitcoin as a payment method, so just to name a couple I guess Dell and Microsoft are just little companies and not worth mentioning because they wont last either.

He really proved he doesn't know what bitcoin is all about when he said the current cash is backed by billion dollar governments so why would we not want to use that  :P

He could be a smart kid but he got to do his research before opening his mouth.

Title: Re: you'll love this moron
Post by: Supercrypt on May 10, 2016, 12:12:20 PM
Clearly this guy doesn't have any idea what he's talking about. He's not about being sarcastic and all if you look at the way he speaks and the way he replies to the comments in the video. He's misleading his audience with this video. Unfortunately, the top comments saved us the time to tell him he's ignorant. I just hope his audience reads the comment section as well.