Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: chiajw1 on May 12, 2016, 09:11:35 AM

Title: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: chiajw1 on May 12, 2016, 09:11:35 AM
The news that Craig Steven claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto made it onto the whole bitcoin community. However there is no huge impact on the Bitcoin price. However, in my opinion, what Craig is doing is not influencing the price of bitcoin, rather he is trying to sabotage the bitcoin developers and the whole community. His claim is backed by the maybe confused Gavin Andresen. And every bitcoin developers think that he is a liability to the team and even had his access revoked. I'm not saying that Gavin Andresen is right but slowly but quite obvious someone is trying to tear down the whole Bitcoin community.
This is my speculation but the government is slowly making a problem in the community until one point they are replaced by the government. The pseudonymous bitcoin maybe will not be so secure once it is controlled by bitcoin and maybe even we are not in control of our bitcoin like fiat money.
Looking back, the Mt. Gox problem is also worth to be wary about. The exchange company once marks the highest price in history of bitcoin was hacked. I mean if someone hack a exchange company there will sure be panic and price will decline sharply, even if someone want to sell it they need time to sell it and it disrupts the balance of bitcoin price. Why do hackers do that? Or there is another agenda is going on behind it?

If we see the graph of the price we will notice that there is a steady increase in price when the China opens for bitcoin and EU declares no VAT on bitcoin trades.

This is just my own personal opinion you can condemn me if I am wrong. Please be polite however, and try not to use vulgar words.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: 2c0de on May 12, 2016, 11:47:10 AM
Sure the hackers can take down an exchange, or two. This means that people cannot trade their Bitcoins for bank fiat since the very moment.

This poses a major threat to the Bitcoin price's stability. We all want a stable coin, one that is easily exchanged for other well established currencies.
If well established currencies fail to become digital, and fail to provide a fully integrated solution, no just currency, but also integrated taxes, de-anonymization features that are easy to use to make it simple for a law enforcement officers to solve, confiscate and reclaim coins, or solve the scams or other crime the Bitcoin is plagued by.

If all this were done, and a fully compliant, worldwide-officially recognized, and feature complete "hassle-free" and visa-scale ready blockchain currency existed, only a fool would keep using Bitcoin. Bitcoin simply fills the need for something similar to cash in the digital world. Poorly.

This means there is no "Best digital coin", for this purpose we resort to using Bitcoin Core for time being. If Classic really delivers the fully integrated and extremely effective solution it promises, everyone in the community would simply adopt Classic.

The price rise of 2015 is no mere coincidence. It represents the consensus, that Bitcoin itself, will operate using the Core technology for at least 3 more years after the halving.

Yes, we all know that Bitcoin is heavily hoarded by individuals who don't act in the best interest of the Bitcoin network itself. The black swan event , also known as the major price dump, is imminent.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: traderbit on May 12, 2016, 11:58:03 AM
What is Craig Steven doing as claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto i think is a good advertisement for bitcoin, many people have now learn and are interested to bitcoin which i think the price will be increased in the upcoming months. Exchenges are not 100% safe to store bitcoins so there is always a fear that anytime the exchange will be hacked, it was a hack also last year with bter where 7,000BTC+ were 'stolen'

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: MRKLYE on May 12, 2016, 12:03:48 PM
Anyone claiming to be satoshi is a fucking idiot and is painting a MASSIVE read target on their heads imho.

Craig needs therapy, or attention, something... No fully grown man should carry on in that matter pretending to live in fairytales.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: enhu on May 12, 2016, 12:10:58 PM

If any entity plans to control bitcoin lets say CIA, they could just bust out the whole team force them to have the access, maybe torture Gavin and the rest.
They wouldn't want to waste time with all those bull from Craig claiming to be Satoshi until they control the core.  For all we know, Craig and his cahoots may just want the real satoshi to come out.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: brianlee01 on May 12, 2016, 12:24:18 PM

If any entity plans to control bitcoin lets say CIA, they could just bust out the whole team force them to have the access, maybe torture Gavin and the rest.
They wouldn't want to waste time with all those bull from Craig claiming to be Satoshi until they control the core.  For all we know, Craig and his cahoots may just want the real satoshi to come out.
Maybe with that way satoshi can shows himself as the creator of bitcoin. I don't think what is the impact if he showed himself over the years disappeared. But however Craig Steven didn't give some strong proof that he is satoshi

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Pursuer on May 12, 2016, 12:26:21 PM
i think craig Wright was intending to create panic in the market too. maybe he was planning on pushing the price down so he could load up on bitcoin before the rise. I say this because he said "I will move satoshi coins" just saying this created panic in the community because of the amount of those coins. but the reason that it didn't affect anything noticeable was because of how fake it looked like.

also about Gavin Andresen, I think he has done enough harm and stupid stuff that he deserves to be cut off. I was never against him but mistake after mistake can not go unseen. and it is worth knowing that others have turned down CW's request to verify him as satoshi while gavin accepted!!

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: 2c0de on May 12, 2016, 12:27:04 PM
This is actually true. Similar to how politicians vote according to their best self interest and their lobbyist employess, similar concept should be applied to Bitcoin developers.

The lobbyists who provide funding to the politicians, naturally expect a value or benefit from the counter party.

Similiar how a customer (doesn't matter if a shill or actual customer) orders something, let's say Pizza in a restaurant. The customer would be really really angry to see a cupcake.

Bitcoin Core project is very similar to a restaurant. It's a business like any other. The customers provide the salary to the employees, and naturally expect something in return. It can be more features, it can be sidechains, or a complex service like to create a new currency, or to make existing currency into a digital currency with every feature done much more professionally and perfectly than existing Bitcoin features.

On the other hand, if Core acts in a malicious way, or fails to deliver upon the promises, the customers or people in charge like CEO, lead engineer, etc can fire the employee who failed to deliver the technical solution that had been ordered.

This is not different in any way from how the president's CEO can fire the president of a sovereign nation, and issue another president who is better employee than the previous president.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Laniakea on May 12, 2016, 12:31:24 PM
Yes, as you can clearly see:
cryptocurrency actually runs on drama more than it runs on blockchains

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: PsursV on May 12, 2016, 02:57:37 PM
is there any war between dollar and Euro, is their any war between darham and Saudi rial. is their any war between Pak Rupee and Indian Rupee then how can we say that their is a war between dollar bitcoin and criptocurrency. i dont think so

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Pitchblackroom on May 12, 2016, 03:06:44 PM
This person was a fool for coming out fake or not. There will be people who lost lots of money due to cryptocurrency.

As a previous poster said, he is just becoming a target and he should rescind what he said earlier.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Lauda on May 12, 2016, 03:35:04 PM
So exactly what do you think that you will get from create an additional thread about this issue? The CW situation should be forgotten and ignored (aside from remembering that he's a con artist).

Satoshi wants to be anonymous, so anyone who comes out to public and says that he/she is satoshi is 100% scammer.
He 'came out' stating that he doesn't want the attention. Quite contradictory behavior.

We might as well call it "Bitcoin - Drama of the century" ::)
Seems like people can't let some things go.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Kprawn on May 12, 2016, 05:58:57 PM
There is no conspiracy theory.... the fact is, a lot of people do not want Bitcoin to succeed... that includes Alt coin and private Blockchain based technology companies and also bigger remittance

services. Bitcoin, IF successful, will disrupt a lot of these services and they will lose a lot of profits. These people WILL undermine Bitcoin and try to divide the community or spread FUD all over

forums like this or Reddit. We need to take notice of what is happening and fight fire with fire... If they spread FUD, we counter it with FACTS.. If they try to divide us, we STAND together.. This way

we will succeed.  ;)

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: calkob on May 12, 2016, 06:59:24 PM
What war i havnt seen it to be honest, yes there have been some disagreements over direction but i would hardly call it a war.  ???

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Cantoner on May 12, 2016, 07:16:36 PM
There is already 7 years of bitcoin ,if SATOSHI NAKAMOTO wanna to expose he or her would had done it since the begining,if he shows off several problems will happen,bad people will hunt to get acess to the wallets with 1 million bitcoins,hir or her family will take several risks kindanpping to extorsion once again,several process around its bitcoin not being regulated or has no license to work or being used at some countries.Soo i see no advantage to get expose and this people claiming to be are just trying to get the attention for what i dont know.The core around bitcoin is together working to improve bitcoin even with differente ideas,they are a team.Its about us ,community to choose the best road to bitcoin and to keep supporting or left it .

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Lauda on May 12, 2016, 07:46:31 PM
Bitcoin, IF successful, will disrupt a lot of these services and they will lose a lot of profits. These people WILL undermine Bitcoin and try to divide the community or spread FUD all over
forums like this or Reddit. We need to take notice of what is happening and fight fire with fire... If they spread FUD, we counter it with FACTS.. If they try to divide us, we STAND together.. This way
we will succeed.  ;)
It is already starting to have an effect, else they would not be so actively fighting it with various tactics. I have made a thread about a post a while back "How I would take down Bitcoin" which mentioned some behavior that we've seen.

What war i havnt seen it to be honest, yes there have been some disagreements over direction but i would hardly call it a war.  ???
You clearly haven't been paying attention to all the 'discussions' and events that have unfolded in the past year or so.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: electronicash on May 13, 2016, 04:07:40 AM
If the real Satoshi however shows up because of what Craig Wright is doing, it might just have some impact to bitcoin and to the community as well. Lets say to government will ask the real satoshi for taxes and that Satoshi may have to cashout his btcs, this is possible right?

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Patatas on May 13, 2016, 04:30:20 AM
The news that Craig Steven claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto made it onto the whole bitcoin community. However there is no huge impact on the Bitcoin price. However, in my opinion, what Craig is doing is not influencing the price of bitcoin, rather he is trying to sabotage the bitcoin developers and the whole community.
No, he is just trying to be Satoshi Nakamoto.Why would you even think the bitcoin prices will be affected by an individual drama queen?I don't agree with your second point either,what does developers have to do with this entire thing anyway?

His claim is backed by the maybe confused Gavin Andresen. And every bitcoin developers think that he is a liability to the team and even had his access revoked. I'm not saying that Gavin Andresen is right but slowly but quite obvious someone is trying to tear down the whole Bitcoin community.
The amount of credibility lost for Gavin proves the community simply is not liable to follow the leaders blindly.As said,Gavin is smart maybe he is forced.

This is my speculation but the government is slowly making a problem in the community until one point they are replaced by the government. The pseudonymous bitcoin maybe will not be so secure once it is controlled by bitcoin and maybe even we are not in control of our bitcoin like fiat money.
Where did you dig that one from ? Government has nothing to do with this or ever had at all.Totally two different things,legitimacy of bitcoins and Craig's drama.Don't worry we have years to go before something like that happens.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Kakmakr on May 13, 2016, 06:02:30 AM
The news that Craig Steven claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto made it onto the whole bitcoin community. However there is no huge impact on the Bitcoin price. However, in my opinion, what Craig is doing is not influencing the price of bitcoin, rather he is trying to sabotage the bitcoin developers and the whole community. His claim is backed by the maybe confused Gavin Andresen. And every bitcoin developers think that he is a liability to the team and even had his access revoked. I'm not saying that Gavin Andresen is right but slowly but quite obvious someone is trying to tear down the whole Bitcoin community.
This is my speculation but the government is slowly making a problem in the community until one point they are replaced by the government. The pseudonymous bitcoin maybe will not be so secure once it is controlled by bitcoin and maybe even we are not in control of our bitcoin like fiat money.
Looking back, the Mt. Gox problem is also worth to be wary about. The exchange company once marks the highest price in history of bitcoin was hacked. I mean if someone hack a exchange company there will sure be panic and price will decline sharply, even if someone want to sell it they need time to sell it and it disrupts the balance of bitcoin price. Why do hackers do that? Or there is another agenda is going on behind it?

If we see the graph of the price we will notice that there is a steady increase in price when the China opens for bitcoin and EU declares no VAT on bitcoin trades.

This is just my own personal opinion you can condemn me if I am wrong. Please be polite however, and try not to use vulgar words.

The hackers will exploit weaknesses in centralized services and they are driven for the monetary reward. The exchanges are the best target for these people, because large quantities of coins are stored on this systems. Until today, no hacker has hacked Bitcoin by encrypting the private key, and I doubt if it will ever be done, so they shift their attention to the things that can be hacked. < Exchanges >

Disclaimer : Some hackers < White Hats > will not exploit the vulnerabilities for monetary reward. < Stealing coins >

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Enotche on May 13, 2016, 06:53:53 AM
Some governments are afraid of Bitcoin, or Do not trust him. I think this is due to the fact that they believe that banks will destroy Bitcoin. There is competition between Fiat and cryptocurrency.
I recall a recent statement in the news that the US government has said it will not deal with Bitcoin tough measures, but would discourage all sorts of ways. A Russian government slanders and promises to be arrested for Bitcoins.
I think Craig is a statement something like this, and we see how he merged when asked to prove it in practice.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Wendigo on May 13, 2016, 06:55:13 AM
All the big 'hacks' at the Bitcoin exchanges were inside jobs - Mt.Gox, Cryptsy, and the recent example - ShapeShift. There are probably more but I can name these off the top of my head right now. What's the most common excuse in this case? Oh wait we were hacked sorry for your coins being lost but we aren't liable for what has happened to you lol  ::)

And as for Craig Wright, do you think he could have been paid to discredit the Bitcoin core team for being fools like in particular Gavin Andresen and to create more drama in the Bitcoin community?

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: BitcoinSupremo on May 13, 2016, 06:59:27 AM
All the big 'hacks' at the Bitcoin exchanges were inside jobs - Mt.Gox, Cryptsy, and the recent example - ShapeShift. There are probably more but I can name these off the top of my head right now. What's the most common excuse in this case? Oh wait we were hacked sorry for your coins being lost but we aren't liable for what has happened to you lol  ::)

And as for Craig Wright, do you think he could have been paid to discredit the Bitcoin core team for being fools like in particular Gavin Andresen and to create more drama in the Bitcoin community?

That is quite true, all major hacks were inside jobs, small hacks, persons losing their coins is because of them not protecting themself enough and become victims of malware or even phishing attempt (one guy here who lost 300 Bitcoins and almost 3000 Litecoin from an email supposedly from a friend or some job interview, don't remember).

Craig Wright just created some hype, and made a lot of memes appear in the internet like the best ONE CANNOT SIMPLY FIND WHO SATOSHI IS , it did nothing to bitcoin, not created a war , bitcoin price remained quite stable at just over 450 so for me it was just a bubble.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Monnt on May 13, 2016, 07:20:25 AM
There really isn't any point in admitting you're satoshi, if you're satoshi. Because right now there are so many theories and rumors, that if the real satoshi revealed himself, he would be called a liar and manical and attention seeking instantly.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: DimensionZ on May 13, 2016, 10:03:37 AM
I don't think we will ever know what the real motives behind Craig Wright's actions were unless we ask him directly or some of his close friends who might have been let in on the plan. My theory is that Craig either tried to discredit Bitcoin or tried to gain the favor of the Bitcoin core team devs. Well he ended up being a con artist so this page is now closed I guess.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: btcjoin14 on May 13, 2016, 10:16:42 AM
Craig is just trying to steal attention to himself and it will probably backfire massively. Satoshi even said himself that he doesn't like the attention. Anyone that trys to say that he is satoshi will definitely have to prove it.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: ObscureBean on May 13, 2016, 10:41:06 AM
It is certainly unfortunate that Craig Wright chose to provide cryptographic proof only to Gavin. Gavin is well-respected and seems like a really down to earth guy and personally I believe him when he says he is convinced that Craig is Satoshi but it is clear that the Bitcoin community cannot simply trust his judgment blindly. The whole thing is a bit of a mess but I don't think anyone is trying to tear down the Bitcoin community.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Lauda on May 13, 2016, 04:52:33 PM
All the big 'hacks' at the Bitcoin exchanges were inside jobs - Mt.Gox, Cryptsy, and the recent example - ShapeShift.
It is quite weird that they don't use 2 out of 3 multisig or so in order to move large amounts of coins. It's quite unfortunate that they get "hacked" so easily.

Some governments are afraid of Bitcoin, or Do not trust him.
The second part of the statement, you don't have to "trust" anything in Bitcoin (especially not a "him").

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: voztata on May 13, 2016, 04:54:38 PM
There really isn't any point in admitting you're satoshi, if you're satoshi. Because right now there are so many theories and rumors, that if the real satoshi revealed himself, he would be called a liar and manical and attention seeking instantly.
The problem is that the community keeps on talking about it, that's why the issue is not dying. If people just stop talking about it, then this 'issue' will slowly fade and nobody would start to give attention anymore.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: chiajw1 on May 14, 2016, 04:57:41 AM
There is no conspiracy theory.... the fact is, a lot of people do not want Bitcoin to succeed... that includes Alt coin and private Blockchain based technology companies and also bigger remittance

services. Bitcoin, IF successful, will disrupt a lot of these services and they will lose a lot of profits. These people WILL undermine Bitcoin and try to divide the community or spread FUD all over

forums like this or Reddit. We need to take notice of what is happening and fight fire with fire... If they spread FUD, we counter it with FACTS.. If they try to divide us, we STAND together.. This way

we will succeed.  ;)

I think you are right. A lot of people actually don't want to change their minds and adopt bitcoin because of fear. There are also few individuals who are trying to make a drama and mess up the bitcoin community before it succeed in becoming the world currency. It is up to us to spread the word, fight the freedom of bitcoin and stand together to sustain bitcoin. United we stand. ;D ;D

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Snorek on May 14, 2016, 05:21:28 AM
As for the drama surrounding Dr. Wraight I strongly believe that with his last post on his site we won't be seeing him anymore.
As he gave up to convince people that he indeed is Satoshi. There was no war in bitcoin community - there are only stances.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: yenxz on May 14, 2016, 09:30:51 AM
Anyone claiming to be satoshi is a fucking idiot and is painting a MASSIVE read target on their heads imho.

Craig needs therapy, or attention, something... No fully grown man should carry on in that matter pretending to live in fairytales.
agreed with that,but have you think who are people should claim to be satoshi?i mean who is the best people that deserve to claiming his slef as satoshi nakamoto?
i dont think Craig needs therapy,but he just need atention,and he succesfull to do that,and now i know who he was.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Rizky Aditya on May 14, 2016, 09:38:19 AM
There really isn't any point in admitting you're satoshi, if you're satoshi. Because right now there are so many theories and rumors, that if the real satoshi revealed himself, he would be called a liar and manical and attention seeking instantly.
I think that the the real Satoshi will never reveal who he/she is ever. Seeing as how smart he/she is, they would have realised what has happened to people who admitted they were Satoshi.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Lauda on May 14, 2016, 10:02:16 AM
If people just stop talking about it, then this 'issue' will slowly fade and nobody would start to give attention anymore.
I highly doubt that. While the story about this particular fake Satoshi Nakamoto might fade away, the "war" will certainly not.

i dont think Craig needs therapy,but he just need atention,and he succesfull to do that,and now i know who he was.
After failing to provide any kind of valid evidence, he tried to play the victim with that last blog post. Craig is a classic sociopath.

I think that the the real Satoshi will never reveal who he/she is ever.
MRKLYE made a good point:
Anyone claiming to be satoshi is a fucking idiot and is painting a MASSIVE read target on their heads imho.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: BitcoinEXpress on May 14, 2016, 03:58:54 PM
As someone who was around in the early days but not a member of this forum till 2011

I've always thought that Hal Finney was the real Satoshi Nakamoto.

I think Satoshi died with Hal.


Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Evildrum on May 14, 2016, 04:47:55 PM
The nature of bitcoin as we adjust to having different views on where we all see bitcoin going and jockey for positioning in pushing our views to the masses. I bang my head constantly as I see no need for regulation and many here want that to profit off and make bitcoin more mainstream.
Not against the latter view just do not think bitcoin needs to submit to government pressures and that is where I splinter off from most here.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Cuidler on May 14, 2016, 05:09:36 PM
After failing to provide any kind of valid evidence, he tried to play the victim with that last blog post. Craig is a classic sociopath.

I think the evidence points he is scammer instead. He convinced media he might be Satoshi for a brief moment - thats enought for simple people trusting what media publish to invest money to him thinking Craig Wright really get access to the 1 million Bitcoins later - classic Nigeria princ scam example, but there is always someone stupid enought to get catch to these scams.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Lauda on May 14, 2016, 06:23:57 PM
I think the evidence points he is scammer instead. He convinced media he might be Satoshi for a brief moment - thats enought for simple people trusting what media publish to invest money to him thinking Craig Wright really get access to the 1 million Bitcoins later - classic Nigeria princ scam example, but there is always someone stupid enought to get catch to these scams.
Why would he not be able both? Sociopaths are able to play the role of a victim very well, and I think that is what he tried to do with that last blog post. However, the whole situation seemed like some sort of 'test' that both the market and the community have passed.

The nature of bitcoin as we adjust to having different views on where we all see bitcoin going and jockey for positioning in pushing our views to the masses.
There is a difference between having a discussion with people with opposing views and having a "war". Discussions with people who want to participate in such a "war" are usually futile.

I bang my head constantly as I see no need for regulation and many here want that to profit off and make bitcoin more mainstream. Not against the latter view just do not think bitcoin needs to submit to government pressures and that is where I splinter off from most here.
That's something worth discussing in another thread.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Wendigo on May 14, 2016, 06:54:37 PM
All the big 'hacks' at the Bitcoin exchanges were inside jobs - Mt.Gox, Cryptsy, and the recent example - ShapeShift.
It is quite weird that they don't use 2 out of 3 multisig or so in order to move large amounts of coins. It's quite unfortunate that they get "hacked" so easily.

Some governments are afraid of Bitcoin, or Do not trust him.
The second part of the statement, you don't have to "trust" anything in Bitcoin (especially not a "him").

Yeah and the strange thing is this tends to happen only on Bitcoin exchanges. Correct me if I am wrong but I haven't seen such a breach in online Bitcoin wallets. I think either some greedy people at the exchanges want to profit quickly off the hard-earned money of their customers or someone high-up maybe a CEO deliberately allows outside hackers to siphon out funds and splits a portion with them in exchange for their services. Blaming hackers for the breach in security is just a shoddy way of avoiding liability.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: Lauda on May 14, 2016, 07:40:41 PM
Yeah and the strange thing is this tends to happen only on Bitcoin exchanges. Correct me if I am wrong but I haven't seen such a breach in online Bitcoin wallets. I think either some greedy people at the exchanges want to profit quickly off the hard-earned money of their customers or someone high-up maybe a CEO deliberately allows outside hackers to siphon out funds and splits a portion with them in exchange for their services. Blaming hackers for the breach in security is just a shoddy way of avoiding liability.
While this might be a bit off topic here, I'll gladly respond as you make a point. When I really think about it, it is usually the exchanges that "get hacked". While I know many examples of exchanges that suffered 'hacks', I don't know a single online wallet that suffered a huge hack aside from (which was 3 years ago). In that case, it was also about a big sum of Bitcoin so it is very questionable whether it was a hack or not. Now when it comes to the community, while these hacks have caused losses (I avoided each and every one of those, even if I had an account e.g., Cryptsy and such) it kind-of makes the community more stronger. The general advice is to not store large amounts of money online, not in wallet nor exchanges. If we focus back to the OP, I don't think that this very incident had a negative effect in the community. It seemed like most people were on the same side.

Title: Re: The war in Bitcoin community
Post by: jak1 on May 15, 2016, 03:42:56 AM
As for the drama surrounding Dr. Wraight I strongly believe that with his last post on his site we won't be seeing him anymore.
As he gave up to convince people that he indeed is Satoshi. There was no war in bitcoin community - there are only stances.

If people see Bitcoin as value for money in some case hackers will be involved at some point. Ever since Bitcoin started being noticed as the main net currency; certaintly high security systems need to be implemented. As the value of Bitcoin increases and eventually becomes a global curreny used worldwide, we can be certain that it would have up to date security systems to lower the chances of hackers gaining access to it. Also, White Hat hackers would also be hired to figure any loopholes within the system.