Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: kingcolex on May 12, 2016, 06:42:18 PM

Title: Deleted
Post by: kingcolex on May 12, 2016, 06:42:18 PM

Title: Re: The perfect coin waiting to come around? (mix of ether, lisk and bitcoin?)
Post by: TrueAnon on May 12, 2016, 06:43:41 PM
All you need right here:

Title: Re: The perfect coin waiting to come around? (mix of ether, lisk and bitcoin?)
Post by: aizzaku on May 12, 2016, 06:53:49 PM
well u have a point but thats the thing. Its a community and everyone is with different goal and motivation for their own coin.
even if like u say, take the best part of both of those coins and make one what will it change. what will its purpose. thr are hundreds out there.
why dont just fixed things make bitcoins v2 then with all those new algos and stuff.
there will still be something missing. its better thr are different coins for different purpose. and bitcoin is like the one connecting all the dots right.

Title: Re: The perfect coin waiting to come around? (mix of ether, lisk and bitcoin?)
Post by: Sark on May 12, 2016, 07:56:35 PM
What you are looking for will likely come with Ethereum in the Serenity release. Its fair to be skeptical of what that will entail though until it is actually rolled out to the network.

Honestly though, I think the "unlimited" supply narrative that the Bitcoin maximalists use to discredit other coins is a bit overblown. A small amount of inflation is not the end of the world (and many economists would argue that it is a positive thing). IMO the most important thing is that the amount of inflation is fully known, the way the subsidy is distributed is fair, and it can be planned and contracted around. If you know there will be 3% inflation every year and it is providing network security, its not that hard to adjust for it.

Title: Re: The perfect coin waiting to come around? (mix of ether, lisk and bitcoin?)
Post by: ttookk on May 12, 2016, 08:12:17 PM
I am sure all those coins were developed with the incentive to create the best coin for the tasks they were looking to solve. With that in mind, you obviously have a different view and are welcome to act upon it. Lisk and Ethereum both already have copies, why not go ahead, take the source code of one of them and strap PoS on it?

Title: Re: The perfect coin waiting to come around? (mix of ether, lisk and bitcoin?)
Post by: sockpuppet1 on May 12, 2016, 09:02:16 PM
Re: The perfect coin waiting to come around? (mix of ether, lisk and bitcoin?)

How is it possible to create a perfect coin out of nonsense coins that have no use case and have fundamentally flawed Nash Equilibrium.

Stop with the smart contracts already. They are nonsense.

Or much better just ignore me, and I'll return the favor.

Title: Re: The perfect coin waiting to come around? (mix of ether, lisk and bitcoin?)
Post by: yelllowsin on May 13, 2016, 12:49:50 AM
Lisk has only 101 spots to stake and pay a lot to do it (becoming a delegate), delegates can be voted out so corruption and bribery can push the coin in one person's way.

I don't think this is fixed. 101 delegates is just to start the Network as i understand. I have been watching the Lisk comunity and i have heard somewhere Max saying they would extend it in the near future to 1001 delegates and probably more if needed. The rest of the delegates are in stand by in case of one of these fails.