Bitcoin Forum

Other => MultiBit => Topic started by: semajjames on May 14, 2016, 06:01:35 PM

Title: How to move multibit from one pc to another?
Post by: semajjames on May 14, 2016, 06:01:35 PM
I tried to move my wallet from one pc to another like this :-

1/ copied the whole of "multibit folder (inside roaming)" to roaming on new pc
2/ copied the multibt folder containing multibit.exe from program files to program files on new pc

That's it

But when i click the multibit.exe the client loads up a brand new wallet ,,,

is there something I missing here ??


Edit  the wallet I am trying to move contains subwallets built in to multibit ,, and the version i am using is quite old

Title: Re: How to move multibit from one pc to another?
Post by: ranochigo on May 15, 2016, 03:01:10 AM
I would assume that you are using Multibit Classic if you're using a very old version.

To load the wallet, you need to go to file>open wallet, navigate to the directory which the wallets are in and select the .wallet file to load it. I would rather install a newer version of MultiBit classic separately first before loading it up. I recommend keeping a backup of the entire directory before doing anything with it.

If you're using Multibit HD, you can move it using the seeds.