Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Daily Anarchist on March 01, 2013, 04:37:43 AM

Title: Bretton Woods 3? For Bitcoin?
Post by: Daily Anarchist on March 01, 2013, 04:37:43 AM
Check out this thread I just posted in the facebook group Free State Bitcoin Consortium.

Christopher Lawless was one of, if not the, main even organizer for Liberty Forum. He knows how to throw a kickass event. He seems to like the idea. This could become a reality. Who here likes the idea?

Title: Re: Bretton Woods 3? For Bitcoin?
Post by: odolvlobo on March 01, 2013, 04:47:35 AM
no access -- closed group

Title: Re: Bretton Woods 3? For Bitcoin?
Post by: Daily Anarchist on March 01, 2013, 04:58:32 AM
Damn, this is what I wrote.

"Who here thinks it would be awesome if the best and brightest Bitcoiners hosted a large event at Bretton Woods, NH whereby the world's most renowned economists(particularly austrian) were invited to help wrap their heads around Bitcoin???"

Followed by these comments:

Seth King Wouldn't that be a gigantic FU to the central bankers of the world??

Christopher Lawless Let's do it.

Seth King I can't throw a party to save my life, but the people behind Liberty Forum can! Those guys are amazing!

Seth King We get the core developer team there, we get everybody from the Bitcoin Foundation, we get those from Bitcoin Magazine, we get Roger Ver and Erik Voorhees and so on. Then we invite Lew Rockwell, Joe Solerno, Doug French, Peter Schiff and on and on. WOW that would be stellar!!

Christopher Lawless Seth.... I would consider 'running' the event. in the fall?

Seth King When did the Bretton Woods take place in 1944? Was it in the fall?

Seth King Hmm, according to wikipedia, it took place during July. That's not to say we couldn't do ours in the Fall.

Seth King Chris, if you can do Liberty Forum, you can do Bretton Woods 2, or is it 3? Anywho, how do we get this ball rolling? This would be amazing!

Christopher Lawless I warn you know Bretton Woods ain't cheap... but it is doable. I will call them tomorrow.

I know most people here weren't at Liberty Forum, but I can tell you the people behind it did an amazing job. They could pull this off and get some serious world press out of this, among other things. To be continued...

Title: Re: Bretton Woods 3? For Bitcoin?
Post by: Snowfire on March 01, 2013, 11:02:51 PM
I don't think the Mount Washington Hotel takes Bitcoin.... ;)

Title: Re: Bretton Woods 3? For Bitcoin?
Post by: tvbcof on March 01, 2013, 11:27:51 PM

...renowned economists(particularly austrian)...

I think both of them are dead.