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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: corsaronero1969 on May 23, 2016, 12:42:54 PM

Title: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: corsaronero1969 on May 23, 2016, 12:42:54 PM
I have always said so, and I will keep on saying it: as long as Islam remains stuck in the middle ages (where it has been for the last 1000 years), the only way will be to force Islamists to give up terrorism, and to accept that they are NOT a superior race (or religion), and that they must be tolerant of others and accept the other's beliefs.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: Lethn on May 23, 2016, 02:29:54 PM
So long as people in the west in particular actively try to censor and intimidate anyone who tries to criticise Islam it will mean genuine terrorists will always find a way to work their way into civilisation because people are too afraid to counter their bullshit.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: Moloch on May 23, 2016, 03:03:41 PM
So long as people in the west in particular actively try to censor and intimidate anyone who tries to criticise Islam it will mean genuine terrorists will always find a way to work their way into civilisation because people are too afraid to counter their bullshit.

I don't think the west is censoring criticism of Islam... Islam is doing that...

In most Islam controlled countries, apostasy is a crime punishable by death... and they do exactly that...

When you legally murder atheists... yeah, that's censorship

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: corsaronero1969 on May 23, 2016, 03:27:47 PM
The sad truth is that, in some Western countries, the Press has totally bowed down to Islamic bullyism. And let's not forget the U.N. which has become a tool for Islamo-fascist bullies to impose their will on the free world, with the help of today's "useful idiots"..
So long as people in the west in particular actively try to censor and intimidate anyone who tries to criticise Islam it will mean genuine terrorists will always find a way to work their way into civilisation because people are too afraid to counter their bullshit.

I don't think the west is censoring criticism of Islam... Islam is doing that...

In most Islam controlled countries, apostasy is a crime punishable by death... and they do exactly that...

When you legally murder atheists... yeah, that's censorship

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: xht on May 23, 2016, 07:37:39 PM
There is no problem with islam, and for that matter any other religion. the big problem is terrorist the people using the name of islam.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: Spendulus on May 23, 2016, 08:08:46 PM
There is no problem with islam, and for that matter any other religion. the big problem is terrorist the people using the name of islam.

what exact difference is there between "watch out for Islamic terrorists" and "watch out for terrorist who look act and talk Islamic?"

Sounds like a defense of the indefensible, made by politically correct pansie-waisted metrosexuals of San Francisco, and repeated mindlessly by people who want to say things that sound smart.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: Lethn on May 23, 2016, 08:23:58 PM
There is no problem with islam, and for that matter any other religion. the big problem is terrorist the people using the name of islam.

Every time people like you say that, it seems like there are several Jihadists lining up to prove you wrong.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: Moloch on May 23, 2016, 08:25:02 PM
There is no problem with islam, and for that matter any other religion. the big problem is terrorist the people using the name of islam.

On the contrary...

There is a problem with every religion, including Islam...

The problem comes when you have a book claiming to be the infallible word of God... yet it says things which we know are immoral

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: BADecker on May 24, 2016, 10:19:26 AM
There is no problem with islam, and for that matter any other religion. the big problem is terrorist the people using the name of islam.

On the contrary...

There is a problem with every religion, including Islam...

The problem comes when you have a book claiming to be the infallible word of God... yet it says things which we know are immoral

Or atheists trying to set themselves up higher than the infallible God.


Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: Pierre 2 on May 24, 2016, 02:29:08 PM
Christianity had reform but Islam didn't.
Why it is still in this position. Muslims never understood till new generations.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: saddampbuh on May 24, 2016, 05:45:59 PM
I don't think the west is censoring criticism of Islam
Belfast Pastor Faces Prison for "Grossly Offending" Islam

Scottish Politician Charged With Hate Crime For Criticizing Islam

Canada: Nine Months in Jail for Blasphemy Against Islam

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: BTC_ISTANBUL on May 24, 2016, 08:01:19 PM
Lack of education reasons radical personalities.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: haseeb ahmed on May 26, 2016, 09:33:21 AM
Islam is not the problem,those who are saying this dont know about Islam.they have not seen real islam and that is why they are giving such statements.they just want to blame muslims because of few bad people.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 30, 2016, 02:39:06 AM
Lack of education reasons radical personalities.

As if the educated Muslims are any better.

Most of the Wahhabi and Salafist radicals who have gone to fight with the ISIS in Syria from the European Union are highly qualified individuals. Some of them were doctors with decades of experience. Some others were engineers and scientists. Education makes no difference to these people. It is the ideology that matters.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: romero121 on May 30, 2016, 06:26:11 AM
There is no problem with islam, and for that matter any other religion. the big problem is terrorist the people using the name of islam.

Well said, its the reality why people see Islam with different mind-set. As most terrorists use the identity of Islam people have got fixed to it.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: Daniel91 on May 30, 2016, 07:34:35 AM
I have always said so, and I will keep on saying it: as long as Islam remains stuck in the middle ages (where it has been for the last 1000 years), the only way will be to force Islamists to give up terrorism, and to accept that they are NOT a superior race (or religion), and that they must be tolerant of others and accept the other's beliefs.

You can't generalize here and say that all Muslims are the same and have the same thinking.
For example, Muslims in Balkan, Turkey, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania, Croatia are very different than Muslims in Saudi Arabia.
Muslims in Balkan live peacefully and without any problem with their Christian neighbors for centuries.
So, it's the fact that Muslims and Christian can live together without any problem.
Unfortunately, Muslims in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. are brainwashed by their radical religious leaders and believe that they are superior religion and that they should fight Christianity and they see Christian people as enemy.
So, Islam is not problem here but interpretation of Islam by some Islam radicals.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 30, 2016, 08:43:31 AM
For example, Muslims in Balkan, Turkey, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania, Croatia are very different than Muslims in Saudi Arabia.

There is not much difference between Muslims in Turkey and those in Saudi Arabia. And regarding those in European regions such as Albania and Bosnia, they used to be either secular or moderate two decades ago. However, intense brainwashing by the Salafists sponsored by Saudi Arabia and Qatar has changed that situation. More than 1,000 Balkan Muslims have traveled to Syria, in order to join the ISIS.

Title: Re: Son of Hamas: Islam is the problem
Post by: Spendulus on May 30, 2016, 02:00:24 PM
I have always said so, and I will keep on saying it: as long as Islam remains stuck in the middle ages (where it has been for the last 1000 years), the only way will be to force Islamists to give up terrorism, and to accept that they are NOT a superior race (or religion), and that they must be tolerant of others and accept the other's beliefs.

You can't generalize here and say that all Muslims are the same and have the same thinking.
For example, Muslims in Balkan, Turkey, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania, Croatia are very different than Muslims in Saudi Arabia.
Muslims in Balkan live peacefully and without any problem with their Christian neighbors for centuries.
So, it's the fact that Muslims and Christian can live together without any problem.
Unfortunately, Muslims in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. are brainwashed by their radical religious leaders and believe that they are superior religion and that they should fight Christianity and they see Christian people as enemy.
So, Islam is not problem here but interpretation of Islam by some Islam radicals.

So Islam becomes wholeheartedly this when the number believing it passes 51%?

I'm not buying that point of view.  That's rather like saying for the population of some island inhabited by cannibals, 51% must engage in the practice before you can call the Island an island of cannibals.